Monthly Archives: January 2021

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Association between Blood Pressure Variability and Functional Outcomes after Successful Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke

DOI: 10.31038/JNNC.2020343


Background/objective: Optimal blood pressure parameters for patients that undergo successful mechanical thrombectomy (MT) are not clearly defined. Our study sought to investigate the relationship of blood pressure variability on clinical outcomes after successful revascularization and determine optimal thresholds for BP parameters that correlate with a poor functional outcome.


Mechanical thrombectomy, Stroke, Blood pressure, Variability, Risk score


Intravenous (IV) thrombolysis and endovascular therapy with mechanical thrombectomy (MT) increase functional independence, improve mortality and are standard of care in patients with acute ischemic stroke (AIS) due to large vessel occlusion (LVO) [1-3]. While these advancements have revolutionized stroke care, optimal blood pressure management following successful MT has yet to be definitively determined. Hypertension and impairment of cerebral autoregulation are common after AIS, and procedural management can predispose patients to blood pressure variability, including hypotension [4-6]. If cerebral autoregulation is impaired, small fluctuations in blood pressure may result in excessive changes in cerebral blood flow and contribute to secondary brain injury (SBI) [7].

To date there are no randomized controlled trial data regarding blood pressure management after successful MT, resulting in heterogeneity in post MT management [8]. Most institutions have adopted target values of Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) less than 180, extrapolated from retrospective studies, thrombolysis trials and post-tPA guidelines [1,2,8-10]. Allowance of SBP of up to 180/105 by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association is largely based on the assumption that increasing cerebral perfusion pressure to an ischemic area may curtail further ischemia or infarction. However, these BP recommendations were made based on sustained revascularization rates from tPA of under 40%, and does not take into consideration the effect of higher recanalization rates from MT of 70-80% [11-13]. After successful revascularization, there is a concern of reperfusion-related hemorrhagic transformation (HT), therefore lower BP goals have been suggested, for instance the DAWN trial investigators used SBP<140 for 24 hours post-MT in these patients [14].

Many studies focus on maximum values of BP parameters, even though BP variability may also play an important role in functional outcomes in patients receiving MT [13,15,16]. Recent studies show that blood pressure reductions before and/or during MT [17-19] as well as blood pressure increases and fluctuations following MT [13,16] are associated with worse outcomes [15,16]. These variable conclusions highlight the complexity of BP management after MT and suggest that perhaps blood pressure management should be tailored to patient physiology such as autoregulatory capacity, phase of injury and success of the intervention. We aimed to study if acute blood pressure variability, rather than absolute parameters affected functional outcome after successful revascularization. We hypothesized that a higher BP variability after successful MT would correlate with poor functional outcomes and sought to determine optimal BP cutoffs that correlated with poor outcome. In addition, our goal was to develop an individualized risk score to predict a patient’s functional outcome 90 days after successful revascularization based on their post-MT BP parameters and demographics.


Study Design and Patient Selection

We conducted a retrospective observational study on a consecutive sample of 314 AIS patients between January 2015 and December 2017 at the only tertiary medical center in the state of West Virginia. Of 314 patients that were reviewed, 107 patients underwent MT for LVO. LVO was defined as a proximal middle cerebral artery (M1, M2), terminal intracranial internal carotid artery (ICA) occlusion, or tandem occlusions. Tandem occlusions were defined as simultaneous extracranial cervical ICA critical stenosis or complete occlusion with concomitant large vessel intracranial occlusion. Posterior circulation occlusions were excluded from this analysis. Out of 107 patients, 20 were excluded due to unsuccessful recanalization. Success of recanalization was quantified using the Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (TICI) score, categorized as unsuccessful for TICI 0, 1, 2a and successful for TICI 2b, 2c and 3. Of the 87 patients who had successful MT, 44 received tPA. IV tPA was not given if they met our institutional tPA exclusion criteria, and the most common reason it was withheld in our population was due to being outside of the tPA window. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of West Virginia University and the need for informed consent was waived.

Patients’ baseline characteristics and demographics including age, gender, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) at admission and BP values, were collected and included in our data analysis. SBP, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and Mean arterial Pressure (MAP) values were measured and recorded at least once every hour for the first 24 hours following MT as standard of care. These demographics are displayed in Table 1, which demonstrates baseline demographics of the cohort, stratified by outcome.

Table 1: Baseline Characteristics of Sample Population, displayed by event outcome.


 Poor MRS at 90 days  Death at 90 days



No (n = 45) Yes (n = 33) No (n = 60) Yes (n = 18) No (n = 54) Yes (n = 33)
Age 65.3 (15.9) 74.0 (11.3) 67.5 (15.9) 74.1 (8.0) 70.8 (13.9)

63.3 (17.9)


12.8 (7.9) 18.3 (7.6) 14.4 (8.4) 17.5 (7.1) 15.1 (8.9) 15.6 (7.1)
Female 19 (42.2%) 19 (57.6%) 29 (48.3%) 9 (50.0%) 30 (55.6%)

13 (39.4%)


26 (57.8%) 14 (42.4%) 31 (51.7%) 9 (50.0%) 24 (44.4%) 20 (60.6%)
SBP Mean 122.9 (13.1) 126.1 (11.9) 122.9 (13.0) 128.7 (10.5) 123.4 (13.8)

125.3 (9.3)


13.0 (4.2) 15.6 (4.5) 13.5 (4.3) 16.0 (4.8) 14.2 (4.8) 13.3 (3.6)
SBP Range 55.2 (17.3) 67.6 (20.0) 58.2 (19.1) 68.1 (18.9) 60.8 (21.2)

56.9 (15.2)

DBP Mean

64.4 (10.0) 63.4 (10.1) 63.5 (9.8) 65.7 (10.8) 62.8 (10.6) 67.4 (9.2)
DBP SD 11.0 (4.2) 12.4 (4.3) 11.4 (4.4) 12.3 (3.9) 12.1 (4.5)

10.4 (3.3)

DBP Range

50.2 (21.7) 58.1 (20.0) 51.9 (21.7) 58.8 (19.2) 55.0 (21.5) 49.0 (19.5)
MAP Mean 83.9 (9.1) 84.3 (9.4) 83.3 (9.1) 86.7 (9.2) 83.0 (9.7)

86.7 (7.5)


10.1 (3.1) 11.4 (3.3) 10.4 (3.1) 11.5 (3.4) 11.0 (3.5)  9.8 (2.5)
MAP Range 44.8 (15.6) 52.2 (17.6) 46.5 (16.4) 52.4 (17.6) 49.1 (17.7)

44.1 (14.5)

HT, Hemorrhagic Transformation; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure, Min, Minimum; Max, Maximum; SD, Standard Deviation. Values are reported as mean (sd), n (%). Nine subjects removed from Poor MRS and Death due to missing MRS score.

BP was measured using arterial lines, or if unavailable, non-invasive BP cuffs. Maximum, minimum, ranges and standard deviation (SD) of SBP, DBP and MAP values during this 24-hour period were extracted or calculated. Additional data that was collected for each patient included stroke etiology, stroke risk factors, NIHSS at time of discharge, mRS at 90days, death at 90 days, and presence of any HT. MRS at discharge, death at discharge and symptomatic HT, which we defined as evidence of HT on neuro-imaging in conjunction with NIHSS increase ≥4 were initially recorded but excluded from analysis given the few number of events in our small sample size. Choice of procedural anesthesia as well as a device for MT were chosen by the Neuro-interventionalist.

Outcome Definition

Primary outcomes of this study were to determine if absolute values and variability of SBP, DBP, MAP, when modeled separately and together, were associated with poor functional outcomes. Functional outcomes were measured as poor mRS (MRS 3-6) and mortality rates at 90days. Secondary outcomes of this study included HT during admission.

Statistical Analysis

Logistic regression was used to model the outcomes of interest, which were stratified into binary outcomes. Associations between the predictors and outcome variables were explored using both ULR and MLR analyses. Optimum cutoffs of variables of interest were identified based on known prevalence of these outcomes for poor functional outcomes of interest. We used the same set of predictors in Table 1 for conducting both analyses. Continuous variables were reported using descriptive methods with measures of central tendency (mean, median), and variability (standard deviation) based on the normality of the distribution. Categorical variables were reported using proportions and percentages. We used Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) for selecting which predictors to include in an optimal multivariate model. Predictors without a table entry were not selected by the stepwise AIC algorithm. Demographic variables that were not selected in the stepwise procedure were added to results of the logistic regression model and the logistic regressions were re-run to create a final multivariate regression model. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed for poor functional outcomes of interest to determine the overall highest average area under the curve (AUC) for both analyses. Statistical analysis and graphical representations were performed using R statistical programming environment (Version 4.1.0). We used 95% Confidence Intervals (CI) to express statistical results with a two-sided significance level of 0.05. Study design and all statistical analyses were conducted in consultation with a professional biostatistician.


A total of 87 patients met our inclusion criteria. The baseline characteristics of the sample population are shown in Table 1.

Univariate Association of Blood Pressure Parameters and Poor Functional Neurologic Outcome after MT

Our univariate logistic regression (ULR) analysis, shown in Table 2, demonstrated that of the variables of interest, age, NIHSS, SBP SD, SBP range and DBP mean were found to significantly correlate with poor outcome measures. A higher SD of SBP from the mean (OR=1.150, CI 1.033-1.299) and wider SBP range (OR=1.037, CI 1.011-1.066) in the first 24 hours after MT were associated with poor MRS at 90 days. Specific cutoffs with a high sensitivity and moderate specificity for SD of SBP from mean and SBP range leading to poor MRS at 90 days could be identified, with a SBP SD>12 (sensitivity=83.4%, specificity=42.2%) and SBP range>55mmHg (sensitivity=75.8%, specificity=51.1%), being associated with poor functional outcomes. A SBP SD>12 (sensitivity=86.2%, specificity=36.7%) was also associated with increased mortality at 90 days. A higher DBP mean (OR=1.045, CI 1.002-1.094), at a cutoff of mean DBP>60mmHg (sensitivity=73.9%, specificity=50.0%) was associated with a higher risk of HT. These relationships are displayed in Table 3. A higher age (OR=1.052, CI 1.013-1.100), at a cutoff of >68 (sensitivity=75.8%, specificity=48.9%) and NIHSS (OR=1.096, CI 1.031-1.173), at a cutoff of >14 (sensitivity=81.8%, specificity=62.2%) were associated with a poor MRS at 90 days, however a higher age, at a cutoff of 68 (sensitivity=75.8%, specificity=48.9%) was associated with a lower risk of HT (OR=0.970, CI 0.940-0.997) in our study. MAP parameters again were not correlated with any of the outcomes we measured. The fitted probabilities of univariate analysis of BP parameters for functional outcomes was not robust, with an AUC range of 0.6-0.7, so we followed up our analysis with a comprehensive MLR approach to identify more complex relationships between blood pressure and functional outcomes after MT.

Table 2: Results of univariate logistic regression analysis modeled for 3 functional outcomes.


Poor MRS at 90 days

 Death at 90 days



1.052 (1.013, 1.100)

0.970 (0.940, 0.997)


1.096 (1.031, 1.173)


1.150 (1.033, 1.299)

1.132 (1.005, 1.289)
 SBP Range

1.037 (1.011, 1.066)

 DBP Mean

1.045 (1.002, 1.094)

Results are displayed as Odds Ratios for 95% confidence intervals for 3 functional outcomes: Poor MRS at 90, Hemorrhagic Transformation (HT) and Mortality at 90 days. Sex, SBP mean and MAP variables were not statistically significant and removed for conciseness.

Table 3: Using univariate logistic regression analysis, cut-offs, or points that maximized sensitivity and specificity were identified for significant predictors.



Cutoff Sensitivity Specificity


 Poor MRS at 90 days


68.0 75.8% 48.9%



14.0 81.8% 62.2%



12.0 83.4% 42.2% 1.44
SBP Range 55.0 75.8% 51.1%


 Death at 90 days


12.0 86.2% 36.7%


 Hemorrhagic Transformation


70.0 72.7% 59.3% 1.79
DBP Mean 60.0 73.9% 50.0%


Multivariate Association of Blood Pressure Parameters and Poor Functional Neurologic Outcome after MT and Development of a Risk Score

The results of our final MLR analysis of patients with AIS that underwent successful MT is displayed in Table 4. Due to the nature of the stepwise AIC selection, not all of the predictors selected to be included in the algorithm exhibited a ‘statistically significant’ confidence interval but despite this, we retained and described these variables as the importance or contribution of a predictor in a MLR model should not be judged solely on the grounds of ‘statistical significance’ [20]. Our MLR analysis confirmed findings from our ULR analysis that a higher SBP SD from the mean was associated with a poor MRS at 90 days (OR=1.156, CI 1.020-1.34) and a higher DBP mean was selected as predictive of HT(OR=1.045, CI 0.995-1.10). In addition, MLR analysis found that a higher overall SBP mean was associated with higher death at 90 days (OR=1.055, CI 1.055-1.11) and a higher DBP range was selected as predictive of HT (OR=1.066, CI 0.997, 1.15). MAP parameters again were not correlated with any of the outcomes we measured.

Table 4: Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals of the multivariable logistic regression analysis for variables shown in Table 1, modeled for 3 functional outcomes.


Poor MRS at 90 Days

Death at 90 Days



1.038 (0.998, 1.09)

1.051 (0.998, 1.12)

0.980 (0.947, 1.01)


1.087 (1.019, 1.17)

1.040 (0.973, 1.12)

1.008 (0.951, 1.07)


1.156 (1.020, 1.34)

SBP Range
SBP Mean

1.055 (1.005, 1.11)


0.660 (0.442, 0.94)

DBP Range

1.066 (0.997, 1.15)

DBP Mean

1.045 (0.995, 1.10)

3 functional outcomes are Poor MRS at 90 days, Death at 90 days, Hemorrhagic Transformation. Intervals excluding 1 correspond to p < 0.05. Empty cells denote that the parameter was not selected during the stepwise selection procedure and entire rows with no entries were removed for conciseness.

It also confirmed our ULR findings that a higher age and NIHSS were associated with poor functional outcomes including MRS at 90 days (OR=1.038, CI 0.998-1.09; OR=1.087, CI 1.019-1.17) and death at 90 days (OR=1.051, CI=0.998-1.12, OR=1.040, CI=0.973-1.12) respectively. A higher age was associated with a lower HT (OR=0.980, CI 0.947, 1.01). MAP parameters were removed from the logistic regression model as they were not selected using our stepwise AIC algorithm as they due to lack of contribution to predictive power. This MLR approach reinforced that no single BP parameter by itself was a strong predictor of functional outcome, but our MLR model that included age, NIHSS and BP parameters had a strong predictive value for the outcome MRS at 90 days (AUC=0.80), followed by death at 90 days (AUC=0.75) and HT (AUC=0.73). ROC analysis using the multivariate model to determine a poor functional outcome are displayed in Figure 1. Using age, NIHSS, BP predictor variables, we attempted to develop a risk model equation for developing poor MRS at 90 days, and the predictive performance of this equation was determined by the Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUROC) curve (AUROC=0.80).

fig 1

Figure 1: Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves for each functional outcome, from multivariate logistic regression analysis. Outcomes are Death 90, death at 90 days; HT, Hemorrhagic Transformation during hospitalization; MRS 90, Modified Rankin Scale at 90 days.

Log odds of having a poor MRS at 90 days=-6.245 + (Age)*0.037 + (NIHSS)*0.083 + (SBP SD)*0.145

The AUROC curve for this risk model was 0.80, or in other words, there is a 80% chance that this equation will be able to distinguish between patients who will develop a poor functional outcome at 90 days, and those who won’t develop this outcome based on their demographic and 24 hour blood pressure data.


In patients with successful MT, our results demonstrate that a higher SBP variation from the mean in the first 24 hours was associated with poor MRS at 90 days using both ULR and MLR analyses. This is corroborated by other studies that showed that higher BP parameters after MT such as absolute SBP15,16 and MAP are associated with poor outcomes [15,16]. Goyal et al. stratified patients into three BP groups and found that high maximum SBP following MT was independently associated with increased likelihood of mortality and functional dependence at 3 months. Rather than maximum BP parameters, our study suggests that SBP variation of >12mmHg from the mean was associated with poor functional outcomes and this may be a useful treatment determinant to study prospectively in the future. Some literature suggests that a BP below a cutoff such as 130/70 yields favorable outcomes, but many of these studies did not take into account success of revascularization, which can have a major impact on brain physiology post MT [21]. In addition, studying variation from the mean factors in individual blood pressures rather than relying on an arbitrary cutoff. This is important because individual autoregulatory capacities could vary immensely, and treatment based on a BP cutoff for one patient with adequate collateralization and intact autoregulation may be suboptimal for a patient with different physiology.

According to our findings, a higher DBP mean and range, or maximal fluctuations from the mean were associated with a higher odd of developing HT, complementary to several other studies that had similar findings [13,15,22,23]. Following successful revascularization in AIS in the setting of impaired cerebrovascular autoregulation, systemic blood pressure may be directly transmitted to the cerebral vasculature, leading to hyperemia from reperfusion injury, HT, cerebral edema, further oligemia due to cerebral edema, neuronal death and result in poor functional outcomes. These can be accelerated in the presence of compromised blood brain barrier integrity and HT can be a marker of reperfusion injury in this setting [13,24]. This phenomenon has been well described after carotid revascularization but also likely occurs after AIS. In addition, presence of viable collaterals likely factor into development of HT as well, adding to the complexity of determination of ideal blood pressure management surrounding MT. In the aging population where arterial stiffness and widened pulse pressure are prevalent, small changes in DBP can result in marked changes in cerebral perfusion pressure [25]. If this occurs below the lower limit of autoregulation (LLA), cerebral perfusion becomes passive during systole, and completely arrests in diastole, resulting in periods of interrupted blood flow and worsened ischemia [26]. Conversely when the DBP is higher than limit of autoregulation, it can be associated with hyperemia and amplified in the setting of impaired cerebrovascular autoregulation due to AIS or poor collateral circulation.

Our study found that a higher age was associated with poor functional outcomes except for HT, corroborated by other studies that found an association between age and worse functional outcome and greater length of stay in AIS [27]. As expected, a higher NIHSS score was also associated with poor MRS at 90 days. This probably speaks to stroke burden, degree of cerebral autoregulation impairment and other complications associated with malignant infarction such as cerebral edema, HT, respiratory failure, infections, as well as withdrawal of life supporting measures. We suspect that the association between a higher age with lower odds of HT reflect the strong negative correlation that age had with DBP mean in our study, rather than a true relationship as current literature supports a positive correlation between advancing age and HT in AIS [28,29]. For instance, higher DBP mean was associated with higher HT but also a lower age, which makes sense physiologically, as mean DBP and pulse pressure decrease with ageing due to loss of arterial elastance [25,30]. But since DBP mean was negatively correlated with age, lower age appeared to be associated with higher HT. This highlights the limitations of a retrospective nature of this study that is unable to correct for variables with close associations and limited to identifying associations rather than cause-and-effect relationships.

Even though our results demonstrate important associations between SBP variability, mean DBP and poor functional outcomes, it is important to note that all BP parameters influence one another, and accounting for the BP variables together along with age and NIHSS results in a much better predictive ability than consideration and treatment of a single parameter alone. For instance, BP parameters when modeled together using MLR had a much better AUC (0.73-0.80) or predictive ability for a poor functional outcome, compared to being studied individually using ULR (AUC of 0.60-0.70) for the same functional outcomes. The MLR model accounts for complex inter-relationships between BP parameters, thus increasing the explanatory and predictive power of the model. Moreover, heterogeneity in patient pathophysiology for instance in stroke etiology and variation in autoregulatory capacity may have been accounted for better in the MLR model. This suggests that future prospective studies should consider that BP parameters are inter-dependent, and perhaps they should be considered together, along with patient age and NIHSS when developing treatment targets in future interventional trials. In addition, using this stronger predictive model, we were able to model a risk score for the development of a poor functional outcome in these patients, which can practically be used to predict patient’s functional outcome at 90 days from successful revascularization based on 24 hour post MT BP data.

Our study has several limitations. The retrospective design limits our findings to associations and limits our ability to consider other potentially important variables such as performance of decompressive hemicraniectomy and degree of impaired cerebral autoregulation which may influence functional outcome. The small sample size reduces the power of our study and limited our statistical ability to assess and incorporate potential curvilinear (eg. U-shaped) relationships in the predictor variables. A limitation of using a ULR is that the results may be multifaceted as only one parameter is considered at a time, however our results are exploratory with an intention to reproduce the results with larger prospective study. The single center retrospective design may result in a systematic selection bias and limit generalizability, though the homogenous management strategies including blood pressure, type of anesthesia and choice of neuro-interventional devices may have served as strengths in our study.

A key unresolved issue is whether elevated blood pressures post MT marks the presence of dysregulated cerebrovascular physiology in patients destined for a poor outcome, or whether treatment of these targets, when optimized can modify outcome. Further large, prospective randomized controlled trial studies are needed to assess the impact of BP control after successful MT prior to drawing practice-changing conclusions.


Our study demonstrates that a higher SBP variability within the first 24 hours after successful MT is associated with a higher likelihood of poor 90-day functional outcome, and a higher mean as well as fluctuations of DBP are associated with a higher rate of HT. A SBP variability of >12mmHg was associated with poor 90-day functional outcomes and this may be a useful treatment determinant to study in the future. We developed a risk model with excellent discrimination based on BP parameters and patient demographics to predict poor functional outcome at 90 days after revascularization. Further large prospective randomized control trials considering BP variability and ranges are needed to validate optimal BP targets following successful MT to optimize recovery in these patients.

Competing Interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Funding Information

This was not a sponsored study and therefore, there was no funding involvement.


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A Safety Signal’s Significance with the COVID-19 Coronavirus

DOI: 10.31038/IMROJ.2020544


The global pandemic involving COVID-19 (coronavirus) has produced unprecedented challenges for the medical, healthcare providers and our world community. The World Health Organization (WHO 2020) initially declared COVID-19 a pandemic, pointing to the over numerous cases of the coronavirus illness in over a hundred countries and territories around the world and the sustained risk of further global spread [1,2]. The term pandemic is most often applied to new influenza strains, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) use it to refer to strains of virus that are able to infect people easily and spread from person to person in an efficient and sustained manner. Such a declaration refers to the spread of a disease, rather than the severity of the illness it causes. A pandemic declaration can result in increased levels of stress, anxiety, panic and levels of functional depression for some individuals [3]. Recognized is the realization that these unusual circumstances create significant uncertainty and unease in the professional and personal lives of health care professionals and their patients.

Definition of a Safety Signal

“Safety signals” are learned cues that predict the nonoccurrence of an aversive event. As such, safety signals are potent inhibitors of fear and stress responses. Investigations of safety signal learning have increased over the last few years due in part to the finding that traumatized persons are unable to use safety cues to inhibit fear, making it a clinically relevant phenotype.

The coronavirus has traumatized some which has been recognized as a state of heightened fear or anxiety in environments globally. This symptom has been conceptualized as a generalization of the fear conditioned during the traumatic experience that becomes resistant to extinction. As opposed to danger learning where a cue is paired with aversive stimulation, safety learning involves associating distinct environmental stimuli also known as safety signals that can be used an applied when aversive events occur as in a global pandemic.

During periods of high stress such as during this Covid-19 pandemic, fear often permeates the lives of many because if the unknown nature of this illness. This occurs because of the absence of a learned safety signal. Such safety signals can inhibit fear responses to cues in the environment. As such, safety signals are only learned when the subject expects danger but it does not necessarily occur. More fundamental to the clinical importance of a safety signal is the distinction between safe and dangerous circumstances. Thus, identifying the mechanisms of safety learning represents a significant goal for basic neuroscience that should inform future prevention and treatment of trauma and other anxiety disorders.

With COVID-19 global pandemic, the World Health Organization (2020) continues to ask countries to “take urgent and aggressive action.” World leaders continue holding international teleconferences with health officials to address the most effective way to protect the public and develop public health policy for the coronavirus that has caused multiple illnesses and deaths worldwide.

Transitioning the Pandemic

The urgency has created stressful life experiences for all ages that pose the potential for illness resulting for some in disabling fear, a hallmark of anxiety and stress-related disorders [4]. Researchers at Yale University and Weill Cornell Medicine report on a novel way that could help combat such anxiety experienced at times like these. When life events as the spread of the Corvid 19 triggers excessive fear and the absence of a safety signal. In humans, a symbol or a sound that is never associated with adverse events can relieve anxiety through an entirely different brain network than that activated by fear and worry. Each individual must find their own “safety signal” whether that is a mantra, song, a person, or even an item like a stuffed animal that represents the presence of safety and security.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other reputable agencies have advocated on how to address the coronavirus by washing hands frequently, avoid sharing personal items, and maintaining social distance from others beyond immediate family.

While it’s still unclear exactly how much of the current coronavirus outbreak has been fueled by asymptomatic, mildly symptomatic, or pre-symptomatic individuals, the risk of contagion exists. A yet to be published article in the CDC journal “Emerging Infectious Disease” (CDC 2020) reports that the time between cases in a chain of transmission is less than a week, with more than 10% of patients being infected by someone who has the virus but does not yet have symptoms according to Dr. Luren Meyers, a professor of integrative biology at UT Austin, who was part of a team of scientists from the United States, France, China and Hong Kong examining this viral threat.

Earlier this year, researchers in China published a research letter in the Journal of the American Medical Association, outlining a case of an asymptomatic woman in Wuhan, China who reportedly spread the virus to five family members while traveling to Anyang, China-all of whom developed COVID-19 pneumonia. The sequence of events suggests that the coronavirus may have been transmitted by the asymptomatic carrier,” [5].

Prevention Interventions

Coordinated regional efforts are underway under the direction of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that provides guidelines aimed at prevention intervention. Each individual should make the effort to create one’s own “safety signal” by following the recommendations of the CDC (2020). Know how it spreads and that there is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Critical for prevention is avoided exposing the virus. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Between people who are in close contact with one another. Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.

Disinfecting by washing hands often with soap and water for at least twenty seconds especially after you have been in a public place or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching the eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting immune compromised illness.

Health care calls for “sheltering in place” are effort to provide primary prevention it’s important to stay home to slow the spread of COVID-19, and if you must go out, practice personal quarantine. While we stay home, don’t let fear and anxiety about the COVID-19 pandemic become overwhelming. Managing mental health issues can be aided by taking breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories and social media. It remains important to take the time to connect with others. Networking with friends and loved ones over the phone or via video chat about the thoughts and feelings experienced during this pandemic is very important to maintain mental health daring three times. Employ the use mindful meditation, eating healthy meals, exercising regularly, and getting plenty of sleep.

Take steps to protect yourself and others. Stay sheltered in place especially when you’re sick. Shelter in place means to seek safety within the building one already occupies, rather than to evacuate the area or seek a community emergency shelter. The American Red Cross says the warning is issued when “chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants which would include exposure to the coronavirus.

Efforts must be made to cover one’s mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

It is important to wear a facemask for your own health as well as the health of others. Everyone should wear a facemask when they are around other people (e.g., sharing a room or vehicle) and before entering a healthcare provider’s office. If someone is not able to wear a facemask due to breathing difficulties, then these individuals should cover all coughs and sneezes, and people who are caring for theme should wear a facemask when they enter ones room. Wear a facemask when caring for someone who is showing any signs or symptoms of respiratory infection and fever.

When considering the anxiety and apprehension individuals may experience with the vulnerabilities of the present pandemic and future epidemics of this proportion, patient medical education can provide a buffer against the Prevention interventions that include cleaning and disinfecting objects and surfaces that are touched regularly. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. If surfaces are dirty, clean them: Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection. With first signs of symptoms, take advantage of Virtual Care in an effort to minimize unnecessary visits to an emergency room or health care provider’s office, which can also decrease the spread of illness and/or infection of many conditions, including COVID-19. Finally, each individual is encouraged to establish one’s own “safety signal” by adhering to the multiple precautions that include the guidelines developed and promoted by the World Health organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC 2020).


  1. Centers for Disease Control (2020) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
  2. World Health Organization (2020) Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Situation Report-38.
  3. Miller TW (2015) Problem Epidemics in Recent Times. Health & Wellness. Lexington Kentucky: Rock point Publisher Incorporated.
  4. Miller TW (2010) Handbook of Stressful Transitions across the Life Span. New York: Springer Publishers Incorporated.
  5. Huang C, Wang Y, Li X, et al. (2020) Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Lancet 395: 497-506.
Chart Sarcoidosis

Case Study: Telemedicine for Arrhythmia Care: Early Detection of Co-Existing Conditions

DOI: 10.31038/JCRM.2020344


After two years of dedication to the research study Telemedicine: Enabling Patients in Self-Care Behaviors (TEPSCB) I am continually pleased with the phenomenon of detecting co-existing diseases much earlier than with conventional approaches to patient visits. Identifying co-existing diseases is not an end point of the study but is a benefit which has been observed with several individuals in the Telemedicine group. Historically, the arrhythmia department within our local Midwest tertiary care facility has seen patients on a six month or yearly return visit basis. These appointments have been arranged as an in person visit and have entailed an office visit with labs, electrocardiogram (ECG), and follow up phone calls to answer any post visit questions. Currently, with the TEPSCB study, 30 patients are enrolled in the telemedicine group having telemedicine video visits occurring once monthly for three months. Another 30 patients are enrolled in the conventional six-month in person visit group. With more frequent and readily accessible video visits it has become very easy to diagnose and treat co-morbid conditions which can otherwise exacerbate arrhythmias.

The Telemedicine: Enabling Patients in Self-Care Behaviors study has demonstrated several instances in which diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and other conditions can be identified within a few short months and thus the patient receives care much quicker than with conventional six-month visits. This case study will enlighten the ease with which earlier video visits enable ongoing feedback, symptom reporting, and earlier response from our health care team. To fully understand the case study, please allow some background on the Telemedicine: Enabling Patients in Self-Care Behaviors. The following is the theory behind the study and the inspiration for the study. It becomes important to give the background of the initiation of the Telemedicine: Enabling Patients in Self-Care Behaviors.

The first outcome of the study is to determine if patients enrolled in a telemedicine program for the care of cardiac arrhythmias have any difference in [1] time of arrhythmia recognition, [2] time of arrhythmia diagnosis by a healthcare provider, and [3] time of treatment initiation compared with patients enrolled in standard care for cardiac arrhythmias. In addition, this study examines patient’s self-efficacy related to medication use, functional self-efficacy, and perceived arrhythmia symptoms. The second outcome of the telemedicine arrhythmia pilot study includes a theme noted in the Integrated Theory of Health Behavior Change (ITHBC) which assists the individual in increasing one’s involvement in one’s own healthcare via a process of increased social support, increased self-awareness, and increased self-efficacy (Ryan, P., 2009). This theory relates directly to the arrhythmia population in its focus upon the patient’s self-awareness, increased social support (promoted with the frequent telemedicine visits and teaching for patients and family), and increased self-efficacy and understanding of one’s arrhythmia and management of one’s arrhythmia. The intent of this outcome is to assist, enable, and educate the patient in managing day to day changes in one’s arrhythmia symptoms. This process is aimed at increasing one’s self-efficacy in coping with the arrhythmia and increasing one’s ability to react to arrhythmia changes. The second outcome is measured with the MUSE, FSES and the ASTA surveys which measure participants medication use self-efficacy, functional status self-efficacy, and arrhythmia self-efficacy. The surveys are given to all participants at the beginning and end of the study.

This type of telemedicine program is based upon several studies which have shown improved clinical outcomes with the use of telemedicine. One such telemedicine study includes those with an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD). The TRUST trial compares the use of a telephone video conference to conventional in person follow up visits. The TRUST trial determined the efficacy and safety for monitoring ICDs and the reduction of in person follow up appointments (Dalouk, K. et. al., 2017; Varma, N., 2010). This telemedicine trial was a retrospective trial looking at the time to first appropriate ICD therapy (device shocking in the presence of a dangerous arrhythmia) and the time to first inappropriate ICD therapy (device shocking in the presence of a non-dangerous arrhythmia) (Dalouk, K., 2017). The TRUST trial compared the safety and usefulness of remote monitoring in ICD recipients and conventional in person ICD follow up visits. Endpoints respective to the study included non-inferior outcomes for telemedicine in those who had no care visit available near their homes with in-person visits. There was no difference between home monitoring and those with conventional appointments with adverse event rates of 10.4 for each group. (Dalouk, K., et al., 2017; Varma, N. et. al., 2013).

This telemedicine arrhythmia pilot study has tried to mimic the early detection data of the TRUST trial. An outcome of the telemedicine arrhythmia project is quality improvement to gain a timely recognition, diagnosis, and prompt treatment of abnormal arrhythmias. Through this early detection, treatment may entail a change in the AAD drug, a change in the dose of the drug, or an adjustment to the heart rate parameters and rhythm programing of a device. In addition, recognition of the need for a procedure which may eliminate the source of the arrhythmia via radiofrequency ablation (Lee, H-C., Huang, K., and Shen, W-K., 2011). Needed treatment may be quite simplistic as a minor change in dosing of medication, eliminating the medication, changing to another medication, or making subtle or large changes in the pacemaker or ICD programming, which may eliminate the arrhythmia (Varma, N., 2015).

Utilizing the study to determine if there is any difference in the time of recognition, diagnosing and treatment of any new arrhythmia with individuals in the Telemedicine versus the Standard visit group has already shown an improved time to diagnosis and treatment in the telemedicine group. The final statistics are not determined as this is an ongoing study. All 60 participants have been randomized and over 1/3 of the participants have already completed the study. The initial overall consensus is the telemedicine group simply due to the frequent follow up visits and the use of monitors such as the Kardia, loop recorders, pacemakers and internal cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) has a clear advantage and tendency toward improved time to recognize, diagnose and treat the arrhythmia.

The case study involves a young woman who enrolled in the study and was randomized to the telemedicine group. She is a woman who is 49 years old with a distant history of a premature ventricular contraction (PVC) with a PVC ablation in 2013 and episodes of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. She was feeling well for many years and over the last one year has ongoing palpitations, chest pain and fatigue which became disabling. She had a normal left ventricular ejection fraction (EF) of 60% in 2018, which became worse over the span of two years. Her chief complaint remained strong and painful palpitations, chest pain with activity and fatigue. Over several months her complaints continued to include symptoms of chest pressure, fatigue, and activity intolerance.

Her event monitors continued to show 1-2% PVCs, short episodes of SVT with an SVT burden of 2-3%. She underwent a treadmill stress test and nuclear medicine stress test which were both negative for ischemic heart disease. She had been seen in our office every six months for follow up appointments, prior to enrolling in the TEPSCB. She began to feel much worse and felt her symptoms were completely related to an arrhythmia etiology, despite her relatively negative event monitors. She was very symptomatic and always related her chest pain, fatigue, and palpitations to an arrhythmia. She enrolled in the Telemedicine study and was randomized to the telemedicine group. Once in the study she had a series of monthly appointments via Zoom ™ meetings in which her symptoms, possible work up strategies and options were discussed. Via these frequent and concentrated video visits she underwent updated MRIs and PET scans which led to the question if she had sarcoidosis of the heart.

The following include results of her studies:

Hx of a Biallelic mutation of HFE2 gene which has been seen with hemochromatosis. Further testing showed the mutation however was not consistent with iron overload of the heart.

Gene RX: Hereditary Hemochromatosis

Cardiac MRI March 2020

No late gadolinium enhancement. LV Ejection Fraction (EF) 45%, RV (EF) 30%. Note of RV EF decreased from a prior study showing 48% the year prior.

Cardiac MRI July 2020

Late gadolinium enhancement at the mid ventricular level involving the inferior septum and the inferior wall in a non-ischemic distribution. LV Ejection Fraction (EF) 47% and RV (EF) 46%.

PET Scan: June 2020

Nuclear Medicine PET

LV perfusion is noted as normal. There is increased FDG myocardial uptake most intense in the mid inferolateral wall, but also including at a lower intensity the inferior, inferoseptal and anterolateral segments consistent with myocardial inflammation.

The PET scan showed increased FDG. The Triponin was negative There was no other evidence of inflammation and no evidence of Sarcoidosis.

Chart Sarcoidosis

Zio Patch

8/2020 5 beats of nun-sustained ventricular tachycardia and an 8 beat run of supraventricular tachycardia.


Showing variable decreased LV ejection fraction.

The patient work-up was expeditiously arranged and with her gene mutation, iron deposits within the heart were suspected, but were not present. There was also concern for the possibility of sarcoidosis, but the PET scan, negative troponin and no other inflammation eliminated this possibility. She was evaluated with the genetics department, structural heart disease specialists, and the heart failure group. She was diagnosed with heart failure and her diuretic dosing and angiotensin converting enzyme were increased and she underwent physical therapy to assist in improving symptoms of heart failure. Within 3-4 months her symptoms improved greatly.

This case study is an example of a very expeditious evaluation of symptoms of chest pressure, fatigue, and activity intolerance The TEPSCB assisted in meeting regularly with this young lady and expedited video appointments to update symptoms, discuss ongoing testing, and refer her to a myriad of specialist to evaluate for suspected myocardial inflammation and determine a treatment plan. The diagnosis of sarcoidosis was thankfully negative. The telemedicine study allowed a very timely evaluation, prompt diagnosis of heart failure and improved treatment. This case study shows, although not a main endpoint of the Telemedicine: Enabling Patients in Self-Care Behaviors (TEPSCB) study, that prompt diagnosis of a coexisting condition is greatly expedited with the use of telemedicine and video visits.

There are many concurrent diagnosis’ which can occur with arrhythmias and it often takes months to years to evaluate such concurrent diagnosis, as office visits, work up and chief complaints progress through several changes over time. A telemedicine evaluation can speed the process of the assessment of these items and expedite prompt care. In the case of sarcoidosis key elements of the diagnosis of sarcoidosis are evaluated promptly in this example. In the case of a sarcoidosis work up, key elements of sarcoidosis are either confirmed or eliminated. This example case has failed to show these elements and the required inflammation needed for a sarcoidosis diagnosis and is only positive for a heart failure diagnosis.


Telemedicine, Arrhythmia, Co-existing, Early detection


  1. Dalouk K, Gandhi N, Jessel P, MacMurdy K, Zarraga I, et al. (2017) Outcomes of telemedicine video-conferencing clinic versus in-person clinic follow-up for implantable card`ioverter-defibrillator recipients, Circulation Arrhythmia Electrophysiology
  2. Lee, H-C, Huang K, Shen, W-K (2011) Use of antiarrhythmic drugs in elderly patients, Journal of Geriatric Cardiology 8 (3): 184-194. [crossref]
  3. Ryan P (2009) Integrated theory of health behavior change: Background and intervention development, Clinical Nurse Specialist 23 (3): 161-172. [crossref]
  4. Varma N, Epstein A, Irimpen A, Schweikert R, Love C (2010) Efficacy and safety of automatic remote monitoring for implantable cardioverter-defibrillator follow-up: The Lumos-T safely reduces routine office device follow-up, TRUST trial, Circulation 122: 325-332. [crossref]
  5. Varma N, Ricci, R (2013) Telemedicine and cardiac implants: what is the benefit? European heart journal 34 (25), 1885-1895.
  6. Varma N, Ricci, R (2015) Impact of remote monitoring on clinical outcomes, Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 25, (12).

COVID-19 and Autism – Part 2

DOI: 10.31038/IGOJ.2020332


When severe cases of febrile viral infections occur in pregnant women, there is an increased risk of autism in the offspring a year or two after the birth.It wouldseem that the primary reason for this is increased levels of blood pro-inflammatory cytokines and unenhanced amounts of IL10, an anti-inflammatory interleukin.Most important is the decreased concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1, which slows the myelination of new neurons, causing dysconnectivity of cerebral nerve circuits.


Coronavirus, Cytokine,Dysconnectivity, Inflammatory, Interleukin, Myelination


In the preceding parts of this report [1,2], the apparent relationship between severe maternal inflammatory disease during pregnancy (e.g., COVID-19) and the increased incidence in their children’s autism was discussed. Under these conditions, the need for insulin-like growth factor (IGF1) to promote the myelination of new nerves in the fetus was emphasized.The postpartum persistence of an IGF1 deficiency could lead to the development of brain dysconnectivity and autistic behavior in the neonate at age 1-2 years.Plausible etiologies of this in the baby will be considered here. Central to this phenomenon is the important rise in the biosynthesis of interleukins.They are a part of the immune system and are synthesized by lymphocytes, monocytes, macrophages, and endothelial cells.Cytokines include lymphokines, interferons, tumor necrosis factors, interleukins, and chemokines [3-5].

The involvement of Interleukins(IL) in cellular functions can be divided into two main groups:

Th1 – units that promote cell-mediated immune response and the production of IFNg, IL-2, and TNF-b;

Th2 – units that possess various cytokines including IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-10, and IL-13.An imbalance between these two main groups can possibly lead into the pathogenesis of autism.

It can be noted for the healthy neonate that in the period between birth and the first year or two of extrauterine life, the accumulation of various cytokines continues independently on the course preset by the balance established before and atbirth.This condition apparently involves the equilibrium between IL-10 and the pro inflammatory interleukins primarily.Direct maternal physical influences on the baby’s neural health terminate at birth.The child’s potential neurologic status will be determined by ante- and postpartum genetic and environmental factors, especially the capacity to synthesize enough IGF1 to establish a functional, healthy neurologic milieu autonomously [6].

Autism Initiation – Phase #1 (Prenatal)

It would appear that the generation of autism begins with the intrauterine fetus exposed before birth to elevated maternal temperatures (e.g., caused by COVID-19, influenza, SARS-CoV, H5N1, or MERS-CoV infection) and groups of interleukins due to the disease.On the one hand, myelination of new fetal nerves is primarily dependent on the presence of sufficient IGF1.In the developing baby, ante- and postpartum, rising interleukin levels are matched with falling IGF1.In laboratory animals, a link has been demonstrated between maternal immune activation and autism-like outcomes.In a post-mortem study of human brains, elevated cytokines andinfection states have been observed.Children with inflammatory diseases typically have reduced IGF1 and elevated IL-6 [1,2].Overall, a balance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory functional cytokines is needed for good health. Antepartum maternal infection can promote the release of specific cytokines such as IL6 into the mother’s bloodstream.In a meta-analysis of >40,000 autism cases, maternal infection during pregnancy was correlated with autism in the babies.In contrast, IL-10 is anti-inflammatory.In a study of 69 severe type COVID-19 human patients where IL-6 was used as a monitoring marker, elevated levels of LDH, C-reactive protein, ferritin, and D-dimer were commonly found.In IL10-deficient mice, inflammatory bowel disease is enhanced. Over-secretion of cytokines, especially IL-6, is a sign warning of a possible “cytokine storm”.Typically, the cytokine, IL-10, offsets the increase of IL-6 [7-12]. In a study of 538 autistic children versus 421 typically developing controls, the risk of autism from fever in the gravidas was attenuated among mothers who used antipyretics [13].

Autism Promotion – Phase #2 (Birth To 1-2 Years)

In this covert phase, the classical characteristics of autism have not yet emerged, but quantitative changes in the underlying cytokines are progressing.Bioactive cytokines appear to participate in the resistance to or involvement in the development of autism.For example, the pro-inflammatory group would include IL-1a, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-17, in contradistinction to IL-10.In a situation where the release of IL-6 is gradually enhanced, the production of IGF1 is reduced.A safeguard for this is the counterpart release of IL-10.However, if the baby has already developed autistic tendencies from intrauterine exposure to pathologic febrile conditions (e.g., maternal COVID-19), the production of IL-10 do not increase and the amount of IGF1 would fall.With sufficient decline, developmental phase #2 will be nearing its completion, and phase #3, with overt manifestations of autism, will begin.

In a study with laboratory mice, injection of IGF1 decreased vascular expression of the cytokines IL-6 and TNFa.In other words, circulating IGF1 apparently decreases inciting reactions.This is in combination with the role of IGF1 in promoting essential myelination in new nerves to accelerate the transmission of commands for bodily actions.As a result, the preliminary circuits created in the newborn are fixed in place for longterm function. Without this, nervous pathways, especially in the brain, would be of reduced utility, accuracy, and velocity.Grossly autistic behavior is typically restrained before age 1 year.This would suggest that altered neurogenesis due to IGF1 deficiency is continuing in the growing baby between birth and 1 year without noticeable external factors effecting these changes in most cases. In transgenic mice, it was found that increased serum IL-6 was associated with low serum IGF1 levels and growth delay.A typical precursor of autism in humans is the finding of cytokines TNFa, IL-6, IL-1b in the fetus’s brain or liver, whereby the IGF1 level would be insufficient.In addition to promoting myelination of nerves, IGF1 reduces provocative responses and suppresses oxidative stress, risk of autism, and atherosclerosis progression.

If a developing fetus is exposed continuously to increased levels of IL-6 and reduced IGF1 during gestation, the neonate is at increased risk for affected cognition by 12 months old and altered brain architecture, executive function, behavior, and working memory at 2 years of age [14-17].

Autism Persistence – Phase #3 (Age >2 Years)

In this overt phase in particular, bioactive cytokines seem to participate in theresistance to or participation in the development of autism.As noted above, functional interleukins are typically divided into two opposing groups.For example, the first group would typically include IL-1a, IL-6, IL-8, and IL-17, and the second, IL-10.In a situation where the release of IL-6 is gradually enhanced, the production of IGF1 is reduced, as noted earlier.A safeguard for this in an unaffected child is the analogous release of IL-10.However, if the baby has already developed autistic tendencies from intrauterine exposure to provoking conditions (e.g., fever due to maternal COVID-19), the production of IL-10 would not be increased and the amount of IGF1 would fall. In another study, children aged 3-11 years who were diagnosed as autisticwere tested for cytokine status.Interleukin groups Th1 and Th2 were found to be elevated in the blood of autistic children above unaffected controls, whereas the concentration of IL-10 displayed no compensatory increase between the two groups.In a further observation of children in ages 2-5 years, the levels of interleukins IL-1b and IL-6 in autistic youngsters were twice those of normally developing children. Elevation of IL-6 in humans with autism is a common finding.In a meta-analysis with 743 autistic participants and 592 healthy controls, quantities of IL-1b, IL-6, and IL-8 were significantly higher in affected individuals.No difference was found between the two groups tested for 12 other common cytokines.Also, the cerebrospinal fluid from autistic patients revealed increased IL-6, IL-8, and IFNg.The postmortem examination of autistic human brains typically exposed marked over-production of IL-1b, IL-6, IL-17, and TNFa. Mice with elevated brain IL-6 display alterations in excitatory/inhibitory synaptic transmissions [18-30].


Increasing attention is being given to the employment of IGF1 as a means for attenuating or preventing autism [31,32].For example, in reference #1 in this report, the proposed use of breast feeding to replace deficient IGF1 in babies before symptoms of autism appear is advocated.Recently conveyed data indicate that coronavirus in the mother does not ascend into the breast milk during pregnancy [33].The neonatal goal is to prevent the production of insufficiently myelinated neo-neurons which could result in brain dysconnectivity in the infant.Alternatively, modifications of the IGF1 polypeptide for use in ameliorating autism-like conditions such as Phelan-McDermid and Rett Syndrome have been tested [31,34].

The data presented here clearly demonstrate the participation of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the generation of autism.In many cases this is due to a febrile process in thegravid mother.Fever together with pro-inflammatory interleukins is an apparent factor promoting autism increase in the neonate.It remains to be determined if this is only in some, most, or all cases of autism.

Declaration of Competing Interests

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


The authors wish to thank Roberta Zuckerman for her helpful discussions about the presentation of this communication, as well as Aviva Adler, librarian, for her cooperative assistance in locating relevant literature references.


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Free-Living Wild Birds and Factors Influencing Their Survival in Captivity: A Synopsis

DOI: 10.31038/IJVB.2020433


Free-living wild birds are adapted to the natural unrestricted existence but their roles in the epidemiology of avian diseases and zoonosis have necessitated using them in experimental studies. Some of these free-living wild birds include Laughing doves, Speckled pigeons, Cattle egrets, Village weavers and African silver bills. The use of these birds in experimental studies therefore requires capture and transportation of the birds followed by creation of an artificial environment to mimic their natural habitat. This new created habitat no matter how conducive it seems to be would have impact on the survival of these birds ranging from psychological to physical. The outcome of these impacts on the other hand could be falsely interpreted to result from the experimental study and this could be misleading. Survival of several wild birds in captivity ranged from 4% for captive-bred birds to 41% for captured wild birds over a 2-month period with annual post-release survival of 89%. Also, due to the survival mechanisms developed by wild birds in terms of feeding diversity, reproduction and disease tolerance in the wild, captivity would have effects on these instincts leading to lethal consequences. Hence in this article, some free-living wild birds and the factors affecting their survival in captivity, though not limited to these, are being discussed.


Wild birds, Habitat, Impact, Captivity, Survival


Free-living wild birds are birds with unrestricted migratory potentials and move independently. These birds have over time developed abilities to survive in their natural habitat which involves moving from one location to the other in search for food as well as suitable environment for reproduction. Due to their free-living nature, these wilds tend to play significant roles in the spread of diseases. This can be evident from studies where antigens of and antibodies against disease causing agents have been detected in some free-living wild birds. The mode of infection of these birds could only be speculated from their migration to locations where the infectious agents are present. Some of these infectious agents could cause clinical signs in other domestic animals but not in the free-living wild birds [1]; Fagbohun et al. [2-4]. The significant roles that these wild birds play in the epidemiology of diseases would only be better understood from using them in experimental studies, thus requiring putting them in captivity. Outcome of such experimental studies might be affected by alteration in the natural instincts of the birds and could lead to severe consequences. Hence, this article is focused on some free-living wild birds and factors influencing their survival in captivity.

Some Free-Living Wild Birds

Laughing Dove

The laughing dove (Spilopelia senegalensis) is a slim pigeon belonging to the order Columbiforme and family Columbidae [5]. It is distinguished from other doves by its call which sounds like human laughter [6], and a rufous and black chequered necklace gives it a distinctive pattern [5]. It is a resident breeder in Africa, the Middle East and the Indian Subcontinent [7]. This small long-tailed dove is found in dry scrub and semi-desert habitats [8].

The laughing dove is primarily an inhabitant of woodland and savanna, but is also found around  human habitations, in farmland, villages and towns [5]. It feeds primarily on seeds, but it also eats other vegetable matter, such as fruit, as well as small insects, particularly termites [8,9]. The laughing dove typically occurs individually or in pairs but might also gather in flocks [10] at watering points, roosting spots, or in area of food abundance [11].

Laughing doves are mostly sedentary but some populations may however exhibit migratory potentials [5]. This is evidenced by recovery of the birds, originally ringed in Gujarat 200 km north in Pakistan and landing of exhausted birds on ships in the Arabian Sea [12]. Birds that landed on ships might have been introduced to new regions [5,13].

Speckled Pigeon

The Speckled pigeon (Columba guinea) or (African) rock pigeon is a large pigeon belonging to the order columbiforme and family columbidae [14]. It has rufous on the back and wings with white spots heavily spotted on the wings. It is a resident breeder in most parts of Africa south of the Sahara [15].

The speckled pigeon lives mainly in open country, farmland, savannahs, grasslands, with nearby trees such as palms or baobabs [12]. It is also found in urban areas where it is often seen on roof tops [16]. It feeds mainly on seeds and cultivated grains [16]. It gathers in large numbers where grains or groundnuts are abundant. It is very gregarious and flocks may reach several hundreds of birds, mixed with other pigeon’s species and doves [14]. It walks and runs easily on the ground. It has a strong and fast flight, and flies very high in the sky with regular wing beats [15]. Like laughing doves, the speckled pigeons are sedentary and may exhibit migratory potentials [15].

Cattle Egret

The cattle egret (Bulbucus ibis) is a cosmopolitan species of heron (family Ardeidae) found in the tropics, subtropics and warm temperate zone [17,18]. It is a white bird adorned with buff plumes in the breeding season [19] and is the only member of the monotypic genus Bubulcus [18]. It is originally native to parts of Asia, Africa and Europe [20], but has undergone a rapid expansion in its distribution due to wider human farming [18]. This bird maintains a special relationship with cattle where it removes ticks and flies from cattle and consumes them, thus implicated in the spread of tick-borne animal diseases [21].

The cattle egret feeds on insects, such as grasshoppers, crickets, flies (adults and maggots) [21], and moths, as well as spiders, frogs, and earthworms [22]. They usually nest in colonies and forage in fields with grazing livestock [20]. They are both sedentary and migratory [20], and migration is from cooler areas to warmer areas triggered by rainfall [19]. Due to their migratory potentials, cattle egrets have been implicated in the spread of poultry infections such as infectious bursal disease [3,23], Newcastle disease [24] and chicken infectious anaemia [4].

Village Weaver

Village weaver (Ploceus cucullatus), also known as the spotted backed weaver or black-headed weaver, belongs to the order Passeriforme and family Ploceidae [25]. It is a species of bird widely distributed in the sub-Saharan Africa and occurs in a wide range of open or semi-open habitats, including woodlands and human habitation [26]. It frequently forms large noisy colonies in towns, villages and hotel grounds where it builds a large coarsely woven nest made of grass and leaf strips with a downward facing entrance suspended from a tree branch [27]. It has a strong conical bill, dark reddish eyes and yellow nape and crown [25].

Village weavers feed principally on seeds and grain, can be crop pests, and also readily feed on insects [27]. They have very strong migratory potentials with dearth of information on their role in the spread of diseases (Craig and de Juana 2017).

African Silver Bill

The African silver bill (Euodice cantans) belongs to the order Passeriformes and family Estriididae [28]. It is a common resident breeding bird in dry savanna habitat, south of the Sahara Desert but has also been introduced to other countries such as Portugal, Qatar and United States [29]. It has a long black pointed tail, stubby silver-blue bill, finely vermiculated light-brown upper parts, whitish underparts, black rump and black wings (BirdLife International 2012c). However, both sexes are similar and the immature birds lack the vermiculations. It is an inactive bird that stays in flocks all year round and usually breeds in loose colony [30].

The African silver bill feeds mainly on grass seeds [28] but has been reported to take aphids from water mint [31]. There is paucity of information on the migratory role of this bird in the spread of diseases but their presence around poultry houses is not uncommon [28].

Influencing Factors on Survival of Free-living Wild Birds in Captivity


Stressors in captured wild birds could be in the form of capture, shipping/transportation, acclimatization and/or a new environment for birds already in captivity. These have the potential to reduce immunity, thus making the birds susceptible to new infections or could result in subclinical infections that may become life threatening [32-34]. In breeding and non-breeding house sparrows, trapping has been reported to initiate stress response [35].


The introduction of new wild birds to a facility is posed with the risk of disease transmission [34,36]. Hence, the observation of all newly captured birds for clinical signs of disease, injury, or abnormal behavior must be carried out [33]. These include faecal examinations for intestinal parasites as well as visual examination for external parasites [36].

Social Factors

The studies of social behavior of group-living species may require housing of different bird species in groups in the same enclosure [37]. Due to the diversity of housing needs, mix species housing is unsuitable to avoid disease transmission between species [36]. Also, several species of wild birds may be routinely held in a single facility, provided that inter-species dominance over food or nervous responses of one species to another’s calls does not result in additional stress [38]. However, mixed-species housing has been adopted in certain experimental conditions such as in the study of brood parasitism by viduine finches on estrildids, and a study of interspecific song acquisition [38].


There is greater diversity of feeds in the wild [39], hence, natural diet, including micronutrients, such as carotenoids involved in immune function should be considered for each species [40]. Wild birds in captivity require palatable, uncontaminated, and nutritionally balanced food daily or according to their particular requirements for survival [41]. However, feeding ad libitum could be problematic in species such as psittacines due to development of obesity resulting from the constant feed supply and the relative lack of activity in confinement [42]. Also, the reduction of total nutritional breadth has been associated with the consumption of minimal variety of seeds in seed eaters (Pruitt et al. 2008). Also, the unwillingness to feed on the floor has been reported in vigilant, predator-phobic birds newly placed in a large cage thus, requiring feeding on the floor or other location that enhances flight and increases energetic expenditure to maintain fitness [43].

It has been reported that feeding wild birds with varied diet early in life may enhance them to accept broad healthy diets as adults [44-46].


Since many species of birds see into the ultraviolet range [47,48], their survival in captivity is dependent on the availabity of light [49]. These bird species use ultraviolet cues in various visual behaviors such as mate choice and foraging [50]. Also, full spectrum light has been reported to be beneficial in young birds in diseases such as rickets [51]. Therefore, in captivity, wild birds normally should be maintained on photoperiods natural to the species. Furthermore, behavioral problems such as aggression resulting from increasing hormone levels may also be managed by increasing the duration of the periods of darkness [50].


The maintenance of a temperature range appropriate to the species is essential for their survivals in captivity [52]. However, daily temperature fluctuations should be minimized to avoid repeated large demands on the birds’ metabolic and behavioral processes to compensate for changes in the thermal environment [52]. Extreme temperature changes may be stressful to the immune system or even lethal, and birds should be kept away from areas with appreciable fluctuations in temperature [53]. The time of year, ambient temperature and breeding activities have been reported to alter the optimal diet even within species [54].


The concept of space is important for birds in captivity [55]. This allows for natural behaviors such as exercise, foraging, social interaction, relieves “boredom” and offset the development of abnormal repetitive behaviors [56].


Free-living wild birds are important source of companion to several individuals as well as being used for tourist attraction globally. Their ability to serve these purposes effectively is largely dependent on their welfare and survival in this new environment. These birds should be provided comfortable environment that mimics their natural habitat to ensure maximum survival. Hence, further studies on the optimum requirement for each species of wild bird in captivity should be conducted to promote ethical experimental studies involving them.


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fig 4

New Medical Technology: A Mind Genomics Cartography of How to Present Ideas to Consumers and to Investors

DOI: 10.31038/PSYJ.2021312


Today’s world is awash in technology. The opportunities for making money through technology emerge when the benefits of the technology can be communicated either to users or to investors or both. In the world of startup accelerators, hungry investors, and the public which has learned to accept the blistering pace of innovation as part of today. It has become increasingly important to communicate one’s invention in a way which convinces the listener and excites the potential investor. It should not be surprising then that there are classes on creating the so-called ‘pitch deck,’ the document designed to excite investors. There is a lot less interest in finding out just what information might excite the prospective purchasers, simply because, in the scheme of things, starting up and raising money are more important than initial and then repeat sales. It is no wonder that many companies know what to say to investors about the financial aspects of the product but do not know what to say about the product itself. That is, these start-ups but also many later stage companies are at a loss to describe the mind of their investors and/or the mind of their customers. This means that, when challenged, virtually all startups struggle, having overlooked the relatively minor effort to really understand in a scientific, discipline manner, people’s reactions to what they are offering. With that in mind, the opportunity arose to use Mind Genomics for a new product idea, patented in the U.S. (Patent No. US 10,340,546 B1) on Jul 2, 2019 (Figure 1). Simply put, the device is a biocompatible, self-recharging micro battery, as small as a grain of rice, that can be safely and effectively implanted within the human body to power at least one implanted medical device, using the patient’s own body fluids. This micro-battery can communicate with the physician, giving advance warning of an imminent heart attack or the presence of a serious communicable disease. The idea is new, revolutionary, and is in the pre-seed phase. The question is what kinds of messages about this product will excite people. To reiterate, messages mean the messages about the product, in terms of what it does, and what that means to the world of health. The Mind Genomics process described here required about four hours of investment, from start to end, a minor monetary investment. The paper describes the process, shows what was learned, and underscores the opportunity to use Mind Genomics and allied sciences of the mind to increase the likely success of an early-stage venture. Similar approaches have been over the last decade to create products, to help horticulture, etc. [1,2].

fig 1

Figure 1: The patent for the biofuel cell.

Mind Genomics as an Emerging Science

Mind Genomics traces its history to the marriage of several disciplines, beginning with experimental psychology (especially psychophysics), merging with mathematical psychology (conjoint measurement), statistics, and applied consumer research [2]. The objective was and remains to understand the way people make decisions about topics, these topics being of the everyday [3-5]. Mind Genomics focuses on the specifics of a topic, a focus which forces the researcher to deal with the granular aspects, rather than with the grand vision. In other words, the researcher studies the actual product or service itself and, specifically, the minutiae that might otherwise be overlooked in the grand sweep of the ‘elevator pitch.’ Indeed, the granularity of the information provided by Mind Genomics in effect generates a ‘wiki of the topic,’ or an ‘MRI of the mind’ with respect to the product. The importance of such granularity of knowledge is overlooked again and again in the heat of excitement, the haste to get investors, and the omnipresent motivator in business, FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). The best way to understand the application of Mind Genomics to startups and pitches, the warp and woof of the venture world, may be through a worked case example, where there is little knowledge at the start of the effort. The body of the paper shows how to understand ‘what works,’ at the level of the structure of the messages (contribution of the individual elements and their combinations), and structure of the mind (influence of who the person is, how the person thinks). The result of the effort is a tool, the PVI (personal viewpoint identifier), which provides the inventor(s) or group raising capital the necessary knowledge of what specific aspects of the invention most promise market success.

As the reader follows the steps, it should be kept in mind that the process takes far longer to describe than it does to execute.  Furthermore, the speed of the processes increases with practice and as the person becomes increasingly facile with the method.

Step 1: Choose the Topic. In this Case the Topic is the Patent, and Specifically What it Does

Step 2: Ask Four Questions Which Tell a Story

It is as this point that many people become ‘stuck, for the simple reason that people are not accustomed to think in a structured and creative manner, viz., to think analytically while at time having fun doing so.

Although one’s obsessive nature may demand that there be five, six, or even more questions, a key aspect of Mind Genomics is the requirement to keep the questions to a number that can be managed easily. In the early days, around year 2000, it was possible to do long interviews by web, with interviews lasting 15 minutes. The longer time required evaluating 48 to 60 vignettes is no longer feasible unless the respondents are well recompensed. Furthermore, as a practical issue, the longer studies with more questions and more answers (viz., 6 questions x 6 answers/question, or 36 elements) somehow ‘never seem to get done.’ They implode because everyone feels that she or he must make a ‘contribution’ to feel part of the process. Too many cooks do really spoil this broth. It is better in terms of process to run three smaller studies in one day, each small, but iterative, rather than that one comprehensive study which never seems to reach the execution phase because of yet another revision and the need for the different parties to agree. The smaller number of elements in the 4×4 design,16 elements, removes much time wasting, back and forth discussion, no matter how deeply people feel that they must discuss and ‘get it perfect’ before the effort, which itself will be done much more quickly, about 1-2 hours.

Table 1 shows the four questions and the 16 elements. These elements may or may not be the correct. One need not know. The underlying Mind Genomics process is quick, powerful, inexpensive. There is no need to be right. One needs to do the study. The data will quickly reveal which types of elements perform well. Subsequent iterations, when they occur, are simply built on the winning elements from the iteration before, the losers discarded, and new elements tried.

Table 1: The four question and the four answers (elements) to each question.

Question A: WHAT is the biofuel cell?
A1 WHAT: Cell gets its energy from my own body fluids
A2 WHAT: Cell is size of a grain of rice
A3 WHAT: Cell implanted in a blood vessel in my body
A4 WHAT: It is painless …. can save my life
Question B: HOW does the biofuel cell work?
B1 HOW: Early warning system for infections & heart attacks…programmed to detect viruses to help me and prevent spread
B2 HOW: Uses my body fluids to generate electricity … no need for battery
B3 HOW: Runs my insulin pump and/or pacemaker … no need for battery
B4 HOW: Delivers medication to my body at right time … uses tiny computer chip
Question C: WHY should I want the biofuel cell?
C1 WHY: Peace of mind about having or not having a communicable disease
C2 WHY: Peace of mind about having or not having a heart attack soon
C3 WHY: Automatically contacts doctor via computer chip if it detects problem with me
C4 WHY: Prevents me from infecting others by telling me if I have a disease, even before symptoms appear
Question D: WHO will pay for the biofuel?
D1 PAY: I will pay for it
D2 PAY: My insurance company will pay for it in part
D3 PAY: The government will pay for it in part
D4 PAY: I will work with my insurance company and the government to get it paid

Step 3: Combine the Elements into Vignettes, According to an Underlying Experimental Design

The experimental design specifies exactly 24 combinations, some having two elements, some having three elements, and the remaining having four elements. A vignette can have at most one element or answer from a question, but in many vignettes an answer from one of the four questions is missing. The strategy for this ‘incompleteness’ is that the structure of the combinations, the 24 vignettes, is such that all 16 elements are statistically independent of each other. That means that the absolute contribution of each of the 16 elements can be computed from the regression, making the approach of Mind Genomics exceptionally powerful in the nature of the information that it delivers. Finally, each respondent evaluates a totally unique set of the vignettes, created by permuting or shuffling the elements [6]. The benefit of that permutation approach is that a single study can cover a lot of the different vignettes. The pattern emerges much like the pattern of an MRI in medicine, emerging after combining the different snapshots of the mind, each snapshot from one of the experimental designs. The happy outcome is that the Mind Genomics process needs no basic understanding of the topic. The ease of setting up the Mind Genomics study (minutes), the cost (low), the speed (hours from start to end) make it possible to iterate several times to understand the topic, not by being right at the start, but by iterating to a solution almost painlessly.

Step 4: Select a Rating Question Pertaining to the Topic

Traditional approaches have asked simple, unidimensional questions, either using a rating sale (viz., how interested are you, 1=not interested … 5=interested; how much would you pay? 1=nothing …5= 10$). New methods include selecting an answer from a group of possible answers (viz., 1=sad, 2=happy, 3 = irritated, 4=curious, 5=excited), and so forth.

For this study we explored a two-dimensional answer, dealing with believing the information and buying the product, respectively. The reason was the relevance of these two dimensions both to understand the response to the product/service as marketers and the information to the investors, demonstrating knowledge of the product, and its economic potential.

Here is a new product to help you. It is a small fuel cell for your body!! Read each combination and rate on this scale:

1 = No way

2 = Believe: NO; Buy: NO.

3 = Believe: NO, Buy: YES

4 = Believe: YES; Buy: NO

5 = Believe: YES; Buy: YES

Step 5: Create a Short Classification Questionnaire to Further Understand the Respondent

These small-scale studies are meant to provide quick, deep answers to what interests the respondent, doing so in a study of three minutes or faster. The classification questions, answered at the start of the study, require only information about the respondent (gender, age), as well as an optional third question, with up to four answers. In our Biofuel study, we chose to ask the respondent about her or his medical situation (not relevant, think about situation occasionally, think about situation frequently, or currently monitoring a condition, respectively.)

Step 6: Launch the Product among a Group of Respondents Who are Members of a Large Panel (>10 million) for a 3-minute Experiment in the Form of an Interview

It is a false economy to use one’s own respondents as a panel unless they constitute individual who are otherwise difficult. Both in terms of time and ultimately in terms of money, it is far more practical to use external panels, provided by companies which charge a reasonable, relatively low fee on a per-respondent basis. The panel respondents in this study were provided by, Inc., in the United States. The respondents provided can have any desired geographical, age, and other qualifications. The requirement was to work with respondents 50 years or older. These would be the individuals likely to need the product. The self-reported health concern (question 3) would be able to provide the response by individuals who say that they are actively monitoring conditions. Once the researcher has thought about the problem the mechanics involved in setting up, launching, and receiving data are virtually automatic, programmed, simple, fast, and after one or two experiences error-minimizing. It is not the doing, but the thinking which is difficult. Structured thinking of this type, no matter how seeming obvious it turns out to be, must be a conscious, formal part of the development of a communication program about WHY the new idea, and the economic benefits, here specifically, WHO wants the product. The Mind Genomics process forces the respondent to think deeply about the problem, and think quickly, both being important. There is no excuse in Mind Genomics for delay since the process is simple, templated, fast (hours), cost-effective, all leading to iterations. One need not know anything at the start of the iterations, but by three, four, or five iterations, one will have assembled the powerful insights and precise messages.

Step 7: Prepare the Data for Analysis

Each respondent generates 24 rows of data, one row for each of the 24 vignettes.

For our evaluation of the selling messages for the new biofuel cell, we create three key dependent variables:

Believe/Buy (Rate 5). This variable will be 100 when the rating for a vignette is 5, and 0 otherwise.

Neither Believe nor Buy (Rate 1,2). This variable will be 100 when the rating for a vignette is 1 or 2, and 0 otherwise.

Response time. This is the response time in seconds, to the nearest 10th of a second, for each vignette.

Table 2 shows the data from the study, data ready for the statistical analysis below. The table shows three rows of data from each of two respondents. The table begins with the row number, the panelist number, and the structure of vignette, viz., which questions does the vignette comprise. The middle of Table 2 comprises 16 columns to code the elements, with the value 1 corresponding to the element present in the vignette, and the value 0 corresponding to the element absent from the vignette. After the 16 columns come two columns, Rating from the 5-point scale, and the measured Response Time, respectively. Beyond 16 columns to code the input variables and the two original responses (Rating, Response Time), we find two new data columns. The first new data column corresponds to the most positive response, rating 5 (Do believe, Will buy). When the respondent selected the rating ‘5’ on the scale, this cell for the vignette in column Rate 5 is given the value 100, but when the respondent selected rating 1,2,3, or 4, this cell is given the value 0. The second new data column corresponds to the two most negative responses, rating 1 or 2. When the rating is 1 or 2, the cell for the vignette in this column is give the value 100. When the rating is 3,4, or 5, the cell is given the rating 0. A small random number is added to the values 0 or 100, simply to introduce some small but necessary variability in the binary ratings, in preparation for the analysis.

Table 2: Example of a data matrix showing three rows of data from each of two respondents.


Respondent # Design Structure


A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 B3 B4 C1 C2 C3 C4 D1 D2 D3


Rating Response Time Rate5



1 ABC 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 7.9 0



1 ACD 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 3.1 0



1 ACD 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4.4 0 0
25 2 ABCD 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 9.0 0



2 ABD 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 8.0 0 100
33 2 ABCD 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 3.4 0


Step 8: External Analysis – Do the Groups of Respondents or Vignettes differ from Each Other?

By looking at the structure of the vignette we can learn about how the respondent makes decisions. Recall that each respondent evaluated a unique set of 24 vignettes, and that across the set of 121 respondents and 2904 combinations there are relatively few duplicate combinations. The strategy of covering a wide number of combinations (covering the ‘design space’) avoids repeat combinations in favor of more the combinations to be testing. Thus, it is, as yet, difficult to compare two or more groups on the score of the same test stimuli simply because there are few test stimuli. The objective in the design was to create as many unique vignettes as possible. It is possible and instructive to compare the averages of three key dependent variables across all key groups, if only to get a sense of the average values of the key dependent variables. Table 3 shows the averages for the three variables across all the relevant respondents in the group. Table 3 show two additional pairs. The first is the averages from vignettes 1-12 vs the averages from vignettes 13-24. This information tells us whether there is a change in the criteria as the experiment proceeds, with the respondent evaluating 24 vignettes. The second pair of data comes from the responses to vignettes read quickly (non-engaging, response time operationally defined as less than 2.25 seconds) vs read slow (engaging, response time operationally defined as more than 2.25 seconds).

Table 3: Average of the three dependent variables for all vignettes appropriate for the subgroup.




RT Seconds





First 12 vignettes




Second 12 Vignettes




Slow RT > 2.25 Sec




Fast RT < 2.25 Sec












Age 50-59




Age 60+




Q3 3Often




Q3 4Monitoring




Q3 1No issue




Q3 2Sometimes




Rate5 Mind-Set 1




Rate5 Mind-Set 2




Rate5 Mind-Set 3




The Total panel generates these three averages across all 2904 vignettes.

Rate5 = 22, viz., 22% of the vignettes are assigned a rating of 5, so that 78% of the vignettes are assigned ratings of 1, 2, 3 or 4, respectively.

Rate12 = 21%, viz. 21% of the vignettes are assigned a rating of 1 or 2, so that 79% of the vignettes are assigned ratings of 3, 4 or 5.

RT = 4.5 meaning that on average the respondent rated a vignette 4.5 seconds after seeing the vignette. This suggests that it took the respondent about 108 seconds, or nearly two minutes to evaluate all 24 vignettes. The rest of the time was occupied with self-profiling classification, and so-forth, making the total time of about three minutes quite reasonable.

Table 3 shows the average responses of the three dependent variables, across Total Panel, Gender, Age, Health Concern (question #3 in the classification), and finally three mind-sets which emerged by clustering together respondents showing similar patterns of strong positive responses towards the elements (mind-sets from clustering). The averages are remarkably similar, except for the responses obtained for the first 12 vignettes vs the second 12 vignettes, and the pattern of rejection (Rate12), for those vignettes read quickly (26% of the vignettes rejected) vs those vignettes read slowly (19% rejected).

Step 9: External Analysis – Does the Structure of the Vignette “Drive the Rating”?

Our first external suggested minor differences across groups, except for the order of the vignette in the set of 24, or the rate of reading the vignette. It helps to understand how the structure of the vignette, the types of elements combined, drives the dependent variables, and whether there are any group differences. Knowing the impact of the interaction gives the researcher a sense of which types of combinations will, in general, drive positive or negative responses from the respondent (or customer or investor). In turn, Knowing the nature of the interaction between structure and subgroup with respect to response time tells us the groups who will be paying close attention to the messaging. It is important to reiterate that, at least yet, we have not seen detailed information about the elements. That information will come later. Our goal here is to better understand the types of messages as they are perceived by the respondents and as they engage the respondent in terms of paying attention. It is also important to note that the respondent does not think in terms of the structure of the vignette, since on average the respondent pays about 4.5 seconds attention to each vignette, sufficient time to read and assign an intuitive, ‘gut reaction.’ Longer response times than 4.5 seconds suggest that the vignette structure presents information which arrests the respondents speed through the interview and may represent a structure of information which strongly engages the respondent. Table 4 presents the averages of the three dependent variables (columns) by the 11 different structures used by the 4×4 Mind Genomics design. Table 4 is divided into three sections, Table 4A for the Rate5, Table 4B for the Rate12, and Table 4C for Response Time. The rows in each section of Table 4 are sorted by the Total Panel, allowing us to get a sense of what interests the respondents, what turns them off, and what engages them. In turn, the subgroups give us a sense of any key differences. To make the inspection of Table 4 easier we have darkened the key cells, respectively cells with averages of 30 or higher for the two binary transformed variables (Rate5, Rate12), and cells with response times of 5.0 seconds or longer. The data reveal patterns very quickly, patterns relevant to investors and marketers alike. The most striking is the importance of the combination of What it is and How it will be paid (AD). The least important is How it works and How will it be paid (BD). The ‘magic’ comes from the combinations of the elements, and that certain combinations are simply strong. When it comes to an outright rejection (Rating12, Not Believe, Not Pay), most of the cells are low. There are a few exceptions, especially for those who are monitoring a condition. When the vignette contains an element of ‘What it is’ and ‘Why should I use it,’ those monitoring a condition find this offensive. In fact, they find both ‘What Why’ and ‘How Why’ to be turnoffs, something that should be remembered when talking to a prospective buyer, but also key information to present to the funding group. Finally, respondents take different amounts of time to process the information. The most engaging vignettes are those with two elements, What How, Why Pay, and How Pay, respectively. The longer vignettes, the one with four elements, but a few with three elements, tend to be glossed over, or at least are less engaging. These results suggest that a great deal of information about the proper presentation can be gleaned simply by understanding the pattern of responses for the three key dependent measures, Rate5, Rate12, and Response Time. Despite the fact that we do not yet know the specific messages to put into the vignette, we should have a sense that the optimal vignette will incorporate ‘What it is’, and ‘How it’s paid for.’

Table 4: How the structure of the vignette ‘drives’ the ratings. The table shows the average values for three key dependent variables, by structure of the vignette (row) and by key group (column).

table 4

Step 10: Internal Analysis, to Understand How Elements Drive the Dependent Variables

The original rationale for Mind Genomics was founded on the premise that people could not tell the interviewer what guided their decisions but would likely try to please the interviewer by confabulating one. Such efforts would be especially obvious when the respondent would be asked about the criteria used to guide decision in the routine behaviors, those labelled ‘System 1’ by Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman [7]. According to Kahneman, but clearly observed every day, we make thousands of decisions, perhaps many more, simply during our daily lives, doing so virtually automatically. To create a science of the everyday requires an approach beyond observation (too limited, too expensive), and beyond questionnaires and surveys (subject to judgment biases, memory biases, etc.). First a short recapitulation is in order, in order to lay out the rationale for these next steps in the analysis. Mind Genomics works by presenting the respondent with the different vignettes, created by experimental design, doing so in a rapid pace. We saw that the average time for evaluation was approximately 4.5 seconds, from the time that the vignette appeared, and the judgment was assigned. During these 4-5 seconds, on average, the respondent read, thought (almost automatically), and rated the vignette. When these vignettes are presented rapidly, and when the vignettes are created by experimental design, it becomes difficult to think; one simply responds at an intuitive level. The happy result is judgment untainted by most of the cognitive biases which pervade the everyday research. One cannot change the judgment criterion to accord with the specific nature of an element (viz., price versus feature vs benefit, etc.) In contrast, the conventional, one-at-a-time approach the respondent can switch criteria rapidly, depending upon the nature of the element so as to give the ‘right answer.’ Not so with Mind Genomics, which combines these elements into wholes, gestalts, vignettes, each judged, de facto, by the same criterion. The respondent ends up neither able to nor even wants to be ‘correct’ or ‘consistent.’ The respondent simply wants to finish the task, typically doing so in a state of relative indifference, and thus answering honestly, or at least answering in an intuitive way. The benefit is that attempts to ‘game the system’, to ‘please the interviewer,’ to ‘get it right,’ are simply not possible. Armed with the foregoing, we now look at the deconstruction of the vignettes into the part-worth contributions of the elements, doing so by key groups. Each group was self-defined, except by the mid-sets. The mind-sets were discovered by doing the modeling at the individual respondent level, creating 121 models, and then clustering together individual respondents showing the same pattern of coefficients for their 16 elements as those elements drove ‘Rate5,’ viz Believe/Buy. The reader is referred to the in-depth treatments of the clustering method (k-means) in a variety of published papers [8-10].

The actual deconstruction of the vignettes is done by the statistical method of OLS, ordinary least-squares regression. The regression attempts to relate the presence/absence of the 16 elements to the dependent variable. The equations are written as follows:

Rate5 (Believe/Buy) = k0 + k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4)

Rate12 (Do Not Believe/Will Not Buy = k0 +k1(A1) + k2(A2)… k16(D4)

Response Time = k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4)

The OLS regression uses the entire data set from the relevant respondents to estimate the additive constant (k0) and the 16 element-linked coefficients (k1 … k16).

It is important to keep in mind that there is an additive constant for the regression model for Rate5 (propensity to believe/buy in the absence of elements), and for Rate12 (propensity to not believe / not buy in the absence of elements). For response there is no additive constant because there is no propensity to respond to a test vignette unless there are elements in the vignette.

Finally, one could create equations without additive constants for both Rate5 and Rate12. The conclusions would be the same, but the data would be someone less easy to understand.

Armed with the foregoing approach, we use the standard method of OLS regression to create models for nine defined subgroups. These are the ones that are most meaningful:

  1. The Total Panel… all respondents who participated.
  2. The three mind-sets MS1, MS2, MS3, which emerged from clustering together respondents with similar patterns of coefficients, based upon the models for Rate5 (Believe/Buy). Extensive studies using Mind Genomics suggest that the groupings emerging from this type of clustering generate clear, consistent, and interpretable patterns, pointing to radically different ways of thinking about a topic. These are the so-called mental primaries for a topic, albeit primaries emerging from patterns of response to a granular topic, rather than grand patterns across many topics. Mind Genomics works at the granular level, where the relevant stimuli are likely to be clear, and the relevant behaviors likely to emerge.
  3. Gender, age, health groups, those who have no concerns (answer 1 to question #3 in the classification), and those who are monitoring a condition (answer 4 to question #3 in the classification).

Step 10: Define the Meaning of the Coefficients, and Present Data in an Interpretable Format

The analysis in Mind Genomics generates a great deal of data because each element generates nine coefficients, one coefficient for each subgroup. Thus, the analyses involve three different groupings; three dependent variable (Rate5, Rate12, Response Time), nine key subgroups, and 16 elements. This total 3x9x16 or 432 cells of data to inspect to uncover strong performing elements and discern patterns.

To make the analyses easier we do the following:

  1. Present the subgroups in a new order, with Total and mind-sets first, because it will be with mind-sets that the major group-differences emerge.
  2. Blank out any coefficient which is 0 or lower, because the element with that coefficient is not a driver of Believe/Buy or Not Believe/Not Buy, respectively. A negative coefficient for Rate5 (Believe/Buy) means that the element may either be irrelevant (originally rated 3 or 4) or actively push away (originally rated 1 or 2). In turn, a negative coefficient for Rate12 (Do Not Believe / Would Not Buy) means that the element may be irrelevant (originally rated 3 or 4) or actively push away (originally rated 5)
  3. Shade all cells with coefficients of 6 or higher for Rate5 or Rate 12. Shad all cells with response times for the element of 1.5 seconds or longer.

Armed with this information, we can now look at the strong messages for the Biofuel invention. Table 5 is sorted in descending order for the positive elements of the three mind-sets. Occasionally an element appears twice in a table, scoring strongly in two of the three mind-sets (viz., coefficient of +6 or higher).

The rationale for presenting the data in descending order by mind-set is that only through mind-set do we see sufficient strong performing elements which, in turn, seem to cohere together to tell a meaningful ‘story.’ Keep in mind that the mind-sets are created through purely statistical methods, without any connection to what the mind-sets or clusters really mean. The researcher’s task is to select the minimum number of clusters which make sense and uncover the latent pattern. For our data, the assignment of the respondent mind-sets showed the clearest pattern when the clustering was done using the coefficients for Rate5 (believe/buy), and when three mind-sets were extracted. The three clusters thus become three new, non-overlapping groups. The separate data was used to create models for Rate5 (the original basis of the clustering), as well as models for Rate12, and models for Response Time. The compositions of the three mind-sets are fixed at after the clustering analysis. The compositions of the other groups are fixed at the time of classification, viz., the before the actual experiment. Once we know the respondents in each group, it is straightforward to create a summary model or equation for each group for each of the three dependent variables. The final act is to create the summary tables, doing so based on the three mind-sets, which carry most of the interpretable patterns. The other subgroups are presented as backup data. The actual interpretation of the data is not relevant for this research exercise, but is extremely relevant for the inventor, marketer, and the investor. Through understanding what specific aspects do very well (viz., high coefficients for a mind-set) it becomes straight to identify a lot more of the potential of the invention. One knows what to say, how to say it, and now to whom. The researcher may stop at one iteration or move quickly (or slowly) to the next iteration, simply deleting poorly performing elements and them. Over time guesswork turns into solid knowledge.

Step 11: Finding these Mind-sets in the Population

As Table 5 shows, especially Table 5A, it is in the mind-sets that one discovers the important messages. It is clear in this study as in most Mind Genomics studies. that the mind-sets are far more important than anything else about the respondent . Knowing the mind-set enables one to present the necessary information to engage that mind-set, to convince that mind-set, and to avoid saying the wrong thing, something that might immediately turn a prospect into a rejector. The traditional thinking of market researchers, political pollsters and the like is that ‘birds of a feather’ think the same way. That is, lacking a deeper understanding of how people think about the world of the everyday, those looking to understand why people differ from each other in known ways generally look at WHO the person is, what the person may THINK in general terms about a topic (e.g., attitudes towards health, or how a person BEHAVES (viz., what does a person search for on the Internet when exploring a topic). The effort towards classifying a group of people by WHO, by THINK and by BEHAVE is significant, usually reserved for large-scale problems. Mind-Genomics, dealing as it does with the granular aspects of the world, and often with the very ordinary (not in the case of the Biofuel Cell!) suffers from the paradox of being able to discover important mind-sets in the population in the short space of a few hours, but then grapples with the problem of generalizing this discovery so that it moves beyond simply a scientific fact, to be applied, whether for knowledge building, or action generating or hopefully both. The mind-sets are reasonably clear from Table 5 and could become the basis of three distinct sets of communications, whether to a customer or to an investor. ‘What to say to convince’ becomes a matter of research, not a matter of a dearly held opinion, possibly irrelevant or even worse, possibly counter-productive. Just consult Table 5B to see what ‘doesn’t work.’ On the other hand, what is the marketer to do when the distribution of the three mind-sets in the population is similar for each key subgroup, whether gender, age, or even monitoring a condition (Question #3, answer 4)? Table 6 suggests that it will be almost impossible to find the way to assign a new person to the proper mind-set. That impossibility discourages the wider use of a rapid, inexpensive, iterative, knowledge-developing system.

During the past four years, since 2016, authors Gere and Moskowitz have introduced and applied a new approach to assign a new individual to one of the mind-sets. The approach is known as the PVI, the Personal Viewpoint Identifier. The PVI uses the table of coefficients (Table 5A), summarizing the coefficients for the mind-sets. The underlying thinking is that the small study presented here provides insight into the basic mind-sets of a topic, viz., combinations of ideas which naturally go together, as can be seen with the small population. These can be likened to ‘mental primaries’, albeit primaries for a limited, quite granular topic, empirically uncovered from experiments. The issue is now to discover the distribution of these primaries across the world, and the lability of these primaries as a function perhaps of experience, of life-situation, etc. A secondary set of goals, not discussed here, is to relate these ‘mental primaries’ to relevant behaviors exhibited by people, viz., the expression of these primaries in everyday life. A third set of goals, also not discussed here, is to these ‘mental primaries’ primaries to genes, to uncover links between genetics and the mind, for defined topics where there is a suspicion that one or another gene might be involved in certain behaviors. Our focus here will simply be the presentation of the PVI, as a ready-to-use tool, one based upon the actual elements used to define the mind-sets. The PVI does not need any theoretical bridge between the mind-sets and the PVI composition. The components of the PVI are the same elements used in the study, with perhaps a slight editing to generalize them where needed. The mathematics underlying the PVI first creates noisy data by adding random variability to the original means, doing so many times, according to a Monte Carlo system. The analysis uses a decision tree to determine which elements and what weighting factors best assign the average individual in each mind-set to the correct mind-set. The scheme which works best across the thousands of perturbations is the scheme used for the PVI. The output emerges in the form of a link to the specific PVI designed for the study. That is the granular data are used as inputs to the assignment program. The PVI emerges with six questions taken from the elements of the study, and put into the form of a statement, with one of two answers. The pattern of the six answers assigns the new respondent to one of the three mind-sets. In studies comprising two mind-sets rather than three, the pattern of the six answers assigns the respondent to one of the two mind-sets. Figure 1 shows the set-up page, configured to be used with the Mind Genomics output. The set-up uses the data from the Mind Genomics study but requires the researcher to assign names to the mind-sets, to create a Yes/No rating question, and an introduction to the task given to the respondent. The actual PVI set-up is presented as an Excel® worksheet, in color, to make the process easy to do, fast, and subject to fewer errors. As part of the set-up, the researcher can specify a video and/or a landing page to which the respondent is immediately directed after the mind-set has been assigned by the PVI program for the specific individual (Figures 2-5).

Table 5: Coefficients relating the presence/absence of the 16 elements to the three dependent variables (5A for Rate5, 5B for Rate 12, 5C for Response Time). The table shows the total panel and key subgroups. Only positive coefficients are shown. Strong performing elements are shown by highlighted cells (coefficient +6 or higher for Rate5 and Rate12; response time of 1.5 seconds or longer).

table 5

Table 6: Distribution of the total panel and three mind-sets across the different self-defined subgroups in the population.







41 41




27 26




14 15




27 25




14 16




18 13




9 13


Q31No issues


8 9




6 6


fig 2

Figure 2: The researcher set-up for the PVI, using the output from the Mind Genomics study.

The orientation page for the respondent, as well as background information. The PVI can be configured to send the data to a database, as well as to the respondent, and to a staff person. The orientation page takes approximately 30 seconds to complete. Individual fields of data, e.g., gender, age, telephone, etc. can be suppressed to ensure privacy. Figure 3 shows the actual PVI, with four background or attitude questions, and the six questions emerging from the Monte Carlo algorithm. The PVI questionnaire also takes about 30 seconds to complete.

fig 3

Figure 3: The orientation page for the PVI (personal viewpoint identifier) The link to the PVI is:

fig 4

Figure 4: The actual PVI questionnaire, beginning with three questions about one’s attitudes toward health and finishing with six questions.

fig 5

Figure 5: The feedback from the PVI. The data are stored in a database, along with the information from Figures 2 and 3. The respondent’s mind-set determined by the PVI is shaded (MS1).

The feedback for one respondent. This respondent was assigned to Mind-Set 1 based on the pattern of the responses. Figure 4 shows spaces for both a landing page and a link to a video stored in YouTube. Thus, at the time of deploying the PVI, the researcher may show the respondent a video and drive the respondent to a landing page. In the world of social issues, the PVI becomes a game, wherein the respondent finds out about himself or herself and is exposed to messages through video or landing pages.

Discussion and Conclusion

The ingoing rationale for the paper was the observation that in both the private sector with start-ups and in the public sector with major issues, there seem to be few ways to obtain affordable, solid, actionable data in the realistic framework of need for speed and clarity. The ‘soft’ data from people, used to back up major investments and scientific breakthroughs, seem again and again to be remarkably weak. ‘Subjective, soft data’ are perceived to be a necessary nuisance, either impossible to obtain because the data would take years to obtain or because the data simply is not valued. Often the data presented is qualitative, coming from a limited number of respondents or participants in a set of focus groups or depth interviews. Those data are important to set the stage, but they do not give the inventor, the business owners, the investors, or the government a sense of the ‘there there,’ in the immortal quip of Gertrude Stein. There is no need to discuss the specific data from the study. The data are simply of the type that the process delivers, with the nature of the data similar in general form from study to study, but sufficient in depth for any study to provide the necessary guidance. The study is the first of its kind, from the group associated with the inventor, author Samuel Messinger. Rather than polishing the results, it seemed most appropriate to take the results and explicate them, step by step, so that the paper becomes a guide to interpreting the results, a vade mecum. One outcome is that the reader gets a sense of how to do the study and what will emerge from the study step by step. The other outcome is the ease with which the reader can look at the data tables, to identify what to say, what not to say, whether it matters to whom, and ‘who are the relevant whom’.


The Mind Genomics program (BimiLeap) is available at

The Personal Viewpoint Identifier (PVI) is available at


Attila Gere thanks the support of Premium Postdoctoral Research Program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.


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fig 1

Thinking Climate – A Mind Genomics Cartography

DOI: 10.31038/ESCC.2020213


The paper deals with the inner mind of the respondent about climate change, using Mind Genomics. Respondents evaluated different combinations of messages about problems and solutions touching on current and future climate change. Respondents rated each combination on a two-dimensional scale regarding believability and workability. The ratings were deconstructed into the linkage between each message and believability vs. workability, respectively. Two mind-sets emerged,Alarmists who focus on the problems that are obvious to climate change, and Investors who focus on a limited number of feasible solutions.These two mind-sets distribute across the population, but can be uncovered through a PVI, personal mind-set identifier.


Importance of the Weather and Climate

As of this writing, the concerns keep mounting about climate change, as can be seen in published material, whether the news or academic papers, respectively.As of this writing, the concerns keep mounting about climate change, as can be seen in published material, whether the news or academic papers, respectively.A search during mid-December 2020 reveal 416 million hits for ‘global warming,’ 350 million hits for ‘global cooling’ 886 million his for ‘weather storms’ and 608 million hits for ‘global weather change.’ The academic literature shows the parallel level of interest in weather and its changes. A retrospective of issues about climate change shows the increasing number of ‘hit’ over the past 20 years, as Table 1 shows. These hits suggest that issues regarding climate change are high on the list of people’s concerns.

Table 1a: Number of ‘hits’ on Google Scholar for different aspects of climate change.


Global Warming Global Cooling Weather Storms

Global Weather Change


14,900 22,300 8,370



30,900 111,900 10,400



39,900 126,00 13,100



52,200 129,000 14,600



82,200 132,000 19,600



105,000 153,000 23,700



112,000 154,000 26,700



109,000 154,000 28,200



96,300 131,000 27,900



77,900 85,200 27,400


Table 1b: The four questions and the four answers to each question.

Question A: What climate impacts do people see today?
A1 Sea Levels are rising and flooding is more frequent & obvious
A2 Hurricanes are getting stronger and more frequent – just look at the news
A3 Heat Waves are damaging crops and the food supply
A4 Wildfires are more massive and keep burning down neighborhoods
Question B: What are the underlying risks in 20 years?
B1 Coastal property investments lose money
B2 Children will live in a much lousier world
B3 Governments will start being destabilized
B4 People will turn from optimistic to pessimistic
Question C: What are some actions we can take to avoid these problems?
C1 Right now, implement a global carbon tax
C2 Over time, transfer 10% of global wealth to an environment fund
C3 Create a unified global climate technology consortium for technological change.
C4 Build a solar shade that blocks 2% of sunlight
Question D: What’s the general nature of the system that will mitigate these risks today?
D1 $10trn to move all energy generation to carbon neutral
D2 $20trn to harden the grid and coastal communities
D3 $2trn to build a space based sunshade blocking 2% of sunlight.
D4 $0.02trn to spray particulate into atmosphere to block 2% of sunlight.

Beyond Surveys to the Inside of the Mind

The typical news story about climate changes is predicated on storytelling, combining historical overviews, current economic concerns, description of behavior from a social psychology or sociological viewpoint, and often adoom and gloom prediction which demands immediate action in ordertoday to be forestalled.All aspects are correct, in theory.What is missing is a deeper understanding of the inner thinking of a person when confronting the issue of climate change. There are some papers which do deal with the ‘mind’ of the consumer, usually from the point of view of social psychology, rather than experimental psychology [1].

Most conversations about climate change are general, because of the lack of specific knowledge, and the inability of people to deal with the topic in depth. The topic of climate change and the potential upheavals remains important, but people tend to react in an emotional way, often accepting everything or rejecting what sounds reasonable or what does not sound reasonable, respectively. The result is the ongoing lack of specific information, compounding the growth of anxiety, and the increasingly strident rejectionism by those who fail to respond to a believed impending catastrophe. Another result, just as inaction, is a deep, perplexing, often consuming discourse on the problem, written in way which demonstrates scholarship and rhetorical proficiency, but does not lead to insights or answers, rather to well justified polemics [2-6].The study reported here, a Mind Genomics ‘cartography’ delves into the mind of the average person, to determine what specifics of climate change are believable, what solutions are deemed to be workable, and what elements or messages about climate change engage a person’s attention. The objective is to understand the response to the notion of climate change by focusing of reactions to specifics about climate change, specifics presented to the respondent in the form of small combinations of ‘facts’ about climate [7-9].

Researchers studying how people think about climate follow two approaches, the first being the qualitative approach which is a guided, but free-flowing interview or discussion, the second being a structured questionnaire. The traditional qualitative approach requires the respondent to talk in a group about feelings towards specifics, or even talk an in in-depth, 1:1 interview. These are the accepted methods to explore thinking, so-called focus groups and in-depth interviews. Traditional discussion puts stress on the respondentto recall and state, or, in the language of the experimental psychologist, to produce and to recite. In contrast, the traditional survey presents the respondent with a topic, and asks a variety of questions, to which the respondent selects the appropriate answer, either by choice, or by providing the information.All in all, conventional research gives a sense of the idea, but from the outside in. Reading a book by research can provide extensive information from the outside. Some information from the inside can be obtained from comments by individuals about their feelings.Yet it will be… clearly from the outside, rather than a sense of peering out from the inside of the mind. The qualitative methods may reach into the mind somewhat more deeply because the respondent is asked to talk about a topic and must ‘produce’ information from inside. Both the qualitative and the quantitative methods produce valuable information, but information of a general nature. The insights which may emerge from the qualitative and quantitative methods have a sense of emerging from the ‘outside-in.’ That is, there is insight, but there is not the depth of specific material relevant to the topic, since the qualitative information is in the form of diluted ideas, ideas diluted in a discussion, whereas the quantitative information is structured description with a sense of deep specificity.

The Contribution of Mind Genomics

Mind Genomics is an emerging science, with origins in experimental psychology, consumer research, and statistics.The foundational notion of Mind Genomics is that we can uncover the ways that people make decisions about every-day topics using simple experiments, where people respond to combinations of messages abut the different aspects of the topic. These combinations, created by experimental design, present information to the respondent in a rapid fashion, requiring the respondent to make a quick judgment. The mixture of different messages in a hard-to-disentangle fashion, using experimental design, makes it both impossible to ‘game’ the system, and straightforward to identify which pieces of information drive the judgment.Furthermore, one can discover mind-sets of individuals quite easily, groups of people with similar pattern of what they deem to be important. The approach here, Mind Genomics, makes the respondents job easier, to recognize and react. The messages are shown to the respondent’s job easier, the respondents evaluate the combination, and the analysis identifies which messages are critical, viz, which messages about weather change are important. Mind Genomics approaches the problem by combining messages about a topic, messages which are specific. Thus, Mind Genomics combines the richness of ideas obtained from qualitative research with the statistical rigor of quantitative research found in surveys. Beyond that combination, Mind Genomics is grounded in the world of experiment, allowing the researcher to easily understand the linkage between the qualitatively, rich, nuanced information, presented in the experiment, and the reaction of the respondent, doing so in a manner which cannot be ‘gamed’ by the respondent, in a manner which reveals both cognitive responses (agree/disagree) and non-cognitive response (engagement with the information as measured by response time.)

Mind Genomics follows a straightforward path to understand the way people think about the everyday. Mind Genomics is fast (hours), inexpensive, iterative, and data-intensive, allowing for rapid, up-front analysis and deeper post-study analysis.Mind Genomics has been crafted with the vision of a system which would allow anyone to understand the mind of people, even without technical training. The grand vision of Mind Genomics is to create a science of the mind, a science available to everyone in the world, easy-to-do, a science which creates a ‘wiki of the mind’, a living database of how people think about all sorts of topics.

Doing a Simple Cartography – The Steps

Step 1 – Create the Raw Materials; Topic, Four Questions, Four Answers to Each Question

The cartography process begins with the selection of a topic, here the mind of people with respect to climate change. The topic is only a tool by which to focus the researcher’s mind on the bigger areas.

Following the selection of the topic, the researcher is requested to think of four questions which are relevant to the topic. The creation of these questions may sound straightforward, but it is here that the respondent must exercise create and critical thinking (got rid of word ‘some’), to identify a sequence of questions which ‘tell a story.’ The reality is that it takes about 2-3 small experiments, the cartographies,before the researcher ‘gets it,’ but once the researcher understands how to craft the questions relative to the topic, the researcher’s critical faculty and thinking patterns have forever changed. The process endows the world of research with a new, powerful, simultaneous analytic-synthetic ways to think about a topic, and to solve a problem.Once the four questions are decided upon, the researcher’s next task is to come up with four answers. The perennial issue now arises regarding ‘how do I know I have the right or correct answers?’ The simple answer is one does not. One simply does the experiment, finds out ‘what works,’ and proceeds with the next step of stimuli.After two, three, four, even five or six iterations, each taking 90 minutes, it is likely that one has learned what works and what does not. The iteration consists of eliminating ideas or directions which do not work, trying more of the type of ideas which do work, as well as other exploring other but related directions with other types of ideas.

It is important to emphasize the radically different thinking behind Mind Genomics, which is meant to be fast and iterative, and not merely to rubber stamp or confirm one’s thinking. Speed and iteration lead to a wider form of knowledge, a sense of the boundaries of a topic. In contrast, the more conventional and focused thinking lead to rejection or confirmation, but little real learning.

Step 2 – Combine the Elements into Small Vignettes that will be Evaluatedby the Respondents

The typical approach to evaluation would be to present each of the elements in Table 2 to the respondent, one element at a time, instructing the respondent to rate the element alone, using a scale.Although the approach of isolate and measure is appropriate in science, the approach carries with it the potential of misleading results, based upon the desire of most respondents to give the ‘right answer.’

Mind Genomics works according to an entirely different principle. Mind Genomics presents the answers or elements in what appear to be random combinations, but nothing could be further from the truth. The combinations are well designed, presenting different types of information. It will be the rating of the combination, and then the deconstruction of that rating into the contributions of the 16 individual elements which reveal the mind of the respondent.The experimental design simply ensures that the elements are thrown together in a known but apparently haphazard way, forcing the respondent to rely on intuitive or ‘gut responses,’ the type judgment which governs most of everyday life. Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahnemancalls this ‘System 1’ Thinking, the automatic evaluation of information in an almost subconscious but consistent and practical manner [10].

The underlying experimental design used by Mind Genomics requires each respondent to evaluate 24 different vignettes, or combinations, with a vignette comprising 2-4 elements. Only one element or answer to a question can appear in a single vignette, ensuring that a vignette does not present elements which directly contradict each other, viz., by comprising two elements from the question or silo, presenting two alternative and contradictory answers to the question. The experimental design might be considered as a form of advanced bookkeeping[11].

Many researchers feel strongly that every vignette must have exactly one element or answer from each question.Their point of view is that otherwise the vignettes are not ‘balanced’, viz., some vignettes have more information, some vignettes have less information. Their point of view is acceptable, but by having incomplete vignettes, the underlying statistics, OLS (ordinary least-squares) regression cannotestimate absolute values for coefficients. By forcing each vignette to comprise exactly one element or answer from each question, the OLS regression will not work because the system is ‘multi-collinear.’The coefficients can only be estimated in a relative sense, and not comparable across questions for the study, nor comparable across studies in the same topic, and of course not comparable for different topics.That lack of comparability defeats the ultimate vision of Mind Genomics, viz., to create a ‘wiki of the mind.’A further point regarding the underlying experimental design is that Mind Genomics explores a great deal of the design space, rather than testing the same 24 vignettes with each respondent.Covering the design space means giving up precision obtained by reducing variability through averaging, the strategy followed by most researchers who replicate or repeat the study dozens of times, with the vignettes in different orders, but nonetheless with the same vignettes. The underlying rationale is to average out the noise, albeit at the expense of testing a limited number of vignettes again and again.

Step 3 – Select an Introduction to the Topic and a Rating Scale

The introduction to the topic appears below. The introduction is minimal, setting up as few expectations as possible. It will the job of the elements to convey the information.

Please read the sentences as a single idea about our climate. Please tell us how you feel.

1) No way.

2) Don’t believe, and this won’t work.

3) Believe, but this won’t work.

4) Don’t really believe, but this will work.

5) I believe, and this will work.

The scale for this study is anchored at all five points, rather than at the lowest and at the highest point.The scale deals with both belief in that which iswritten, and belief that the strategy will work.The respondent is required to select one scale point out of the five for each vignette, respectively. The scale allows the researcher to capture both belief in the facts and belief in the solutions.

Step 4 – Invite Respondents to Participate

The respondents are invited to participate by an email. The respondents are member of, an aggregator of online panels, with over 20 million panelists., located in Louisiana, in the United States, allows the researcher to tailor the specifications of the respondents. No specifics other than being US residentswere imposed on the panel. The respondents began with a short self-profiling classification questionnaire, regarding age and gender, as well as the answer to the question below:

How involved are you in thinking about the future?

1=Worried about my personal situation with my family

2=Worried about business stability

3=Worried about climate and ecological stability

4=Worried about government stability.

The respondent then proceeded to rate the 24 unique combinations from the permuted experimental design, with the typical time for each vignette lasting about 5-6 seconds, including the actual appearance time, and the wait time before the next appearance[12].The actual experiment thus lasted 2-3 minutes.

Step 6 – Acquire the Ratings and Transform the Data in Preparation for Model

In the typical project the focus of interest is on the responses to the specific test stimuli, whether there be a limited number of test vignettes (viz., not systematically permuted, but rather fixed), or answers to a fixed set of questions.The order of the stimuli or the test questions might be varied but there is a fixed, limited number. With Mind Genomics the focus will be on the contribution of the elements to the responses.Typically, the responses are transformed from a scale of magnitude (e.g., 1-5, not interested to interested), so that the data are binary (viz., 1-3 transformed to 100 to show that the respondents are not interested; 4-5 transformed to 0 to show that the respondent is interested.

As noted above, there are two scales intertwined, a belief in the proposition, and a belief that the action proposed will work. The two scales generate two new binary variables, rather than one binary variable:

Believe:Ratings of 1,2, 4 converted to 0 (do not believe the statements), ratings of 3,5 converted to 100 (believe the statements

Work (Efficacious) Ratings of 1,2,3 converted to 0 (do not believe the solution will work), ratings 4,5 converted to 100 (believe the proposed solution will work).

In these rapid evaluations we do not expect the respondent to stop and think. Rather, it turns out that ‘Believe’ is simply ‘’does it sound true?’ and Work” is simply ‘does it seem to propel people to solve the problem?Both of these are emotional responses. The end-product is a matrix of 24 rows for each respondent, one row for each vignette tested by that respondent. The matrix comprises 16 columns, one column for each of the 16 elements. The cell for a particular row (vignette) and for a particular column (element) is either 0 (element absent from that vignette) or 1 (element present in that vignette). The last four columns of the matrix are the rating (1-5), the response time (in seconds, to the nearest 10th of a second), and the two new binary values for the scales ‘Believe’ and ‘Work’ respectively (0 for not believe or not work, 100 for believe or work, depending upon the rating, plus a small random number < 10-5).

Step 7 – Create Two Models (Equations) for Each Respondent, a Model for Believe, and a Model for Work, and then Cluster the Respondents Twice, First for the Individual ‘Believe’ Models, Second for the Individual ‘Work’ Models

The experimental design underlying the creation of the 24 vignettes for each respondent allows us to create an equation at the respondent level for Believe (Binary) = k0 + k1(A1) + k2(A2) …. + k16(D4).The dependent variable is either 0 or 100, depending upon the value of the specific rating in Step 6.The small random number added to each binary transformed number ensures that there is variation in the dependent variable.

  1. Believe Models. For the variable Believe, applying OLS regression generates the 16 coefficients (k1 – k16) and the additive constant, for each of the 55 respondents. A clustering algorithm (k-means clustering, Distance = (1 – Pearson Correlation)) divides the respondents into two groups. We selected the two groups (called mind-sets) because the meanings of the two groups were clear. Each respondent was then assigned to one of the two emergent groups, viz., mind-sets,based on the respondent’s coefficients for Believe as a dependent variable[13].
  2. Work Models. A totally separate analysis was done, following the same process, but this time using the transformed variable ‘Work’.The respondents were then assigned to one of the two newly developedmind-sets, based only on the coefficient for work.

As a rule of thumb, one can extract many different sets of complementary clusters (mind-sets), but a good practice is to keep the number of such selected sets to a minimum, the minimum based upon the interpretability of the mind-sets. In the interests of parsimony, one should stop as soon as the mind-sets make clear sense.

Step 8 – CreateGroup Equations; Three Models or Equations, One for Believe, One for Work, One for Response Time

Create these sets of three models each for Total Panel, Male, Female, Younger (age 18-39), Older (age 40+), and the mind-sets.Theequations are similar in format, but not identical:

Believe = k0 + k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4)

Work = k0 + k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4)

Response Time=k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4)

For the mind-sets,create two models only.

Mind-Set based on ‘believe’:

Believe = k0 + k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4)

Response Time= k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4)

Mind-set based on ‘work’

Work =k0 + k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4))

Response Time =k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4).


External Analysis

The external analysis looks at the ratings, independent of the nature of the vignettes, either structure or composition of the vignette in terms of specific elements. We focus here on a topic which is deeply emotion to some. The first analysis that we will focuses on the stability of the data for this deeply emotional topic. As noted above, the Mind Genomics process requires the respondent to evaluate a unique set of 24 vignettes. Are the ratings stable over time or is there so much random variability that by the time the respondent has completed the study the respondent is not paying any more attention, and simply pressing the rating button?We cannot plot the rating of the same vignette across the different positions for the same reason that each respondent tested a totally unique set of combinations. We can track the average rating, the average response time, and then the standard errors of both, across the 24 positions. If the respondent somehow stops paying attention, then the rating should show less variation over time.

Figure 1 shows the averages and standard errors for the two measures, the ratings actively assigned by the respondent, and the response time, not directly a product of the respondent’s ‘judgment,’ but rather a measure of the time taken to respond. The abscissa shows the order in the test, from 1 to 24, and the ordinate shows the statistic.The data show that the response time is longer for the first few vignettes (viz., test order 1-3), but then stabilizes.The data further show that for the most part, the ratings themselves are stable, although there are effects at the start and at the end. Figure 1 suggests remarkable stability, a stability that has been observed for almost all Mind Genomics studies, when the respondents are members of an on-line panel, and remunerated by the panel provided for their participation.

fig 1

Figure 1: The relation between test order (abscissa) and key measures. The top panel shows the analysis of the response times (mean RT on left, standard error of the mean on the right).The bottom panel shows the analysis of theratings (mean rating on the left, standard error of the mean on the right).

The second external analysis shows the distribution of ratings by key subgroups across all of the vignettes evaluated by each key subgroup. For each key subgroup (rows), Table 2 shows the distribution of the five scale points (A), distribution of the two scale points (3,5) points which reflect belief (3,5) distribution of the two scale points (4,5) reflecting positive feeling that the idea ‘works’ The patterns of ratings suggest that a little fewer than half the responses are believe or work. However, we do not know the specific details about which types of messages drive these positive responses. We need a different level of inquiry, an internal analysis into what patterns of elements drive the responses.

Table 2: Distribution of ratings on Net Believe Yes, and Net Work YES five-point scale, by key groups, and by key clusters of scale points.


Net Believe YES(% Rating 3 or 5)

Net Work YES(% Rating 4 or 5)




Vignettes 1-12



Vignettes 13-24









Age 24x-9



Age 40+



Worry business



Worry about climate



Worry about family



Worry about government



Worry about ‘outside’ (business + climate)



Worry about ‘inside’ (family + government)



Belief – MS1



Belief MS2



Work – MS 3



Work – MS4



Internal Analysis – What Specific Elements Drive or Link with ‘Believe’ and ‘Work’ Respectively?

Up to now we have considered only the surface aspect of the data, namely the reliability of the data across test order (Figure 1), and the distribution of the ratings by key subgroup (Table 2). There is no sense of the inner mind of the respondent, about what elements link with believability of the facts, with agreement that the solution will work, or how deeply the respondent engages in the processing of the message, as suggested by response time. The deeper knowledge comes from OLS (ordinary least squares) regression analysis, which relates the presence/absence of the 16 messages to the ratings, as explicated in Step 8 above.

Table 3 shows the first table of results, the elements which drive ‘believability.’ Recall from the methods section that the 5-point scale had two points with the respondent ‘believing,’ and that these ratings (3,5) generated a transformed value of 100 for the scale of ‘believe’, whereas the other three rating points (1,2,4) were converted to 0.The self-profiling classification also provides the means to assign a respondent based upon what the respondent said was most concerning, worry about self (family, government), worry about other/outside (business, climate).Table 3 shows the additive constant, and the coefficients for each group. Only the Total Panel shows coefficients which are 0 or negative. The other groups show only coefficients which are positive. Furthermore, the table is sorted by the magnitude of the coefficient for the Total Panel.In this way, one need only focus on those elements which drive ‘belief’, viz., elements which demonstrate a positive coefficient. Elements which have a 0 negative coefficient are those which have no impact on believability. They may even militate against believability. Our focus is strictly what drives a person to say ‘I believe what I am reading.’

Table 3: Elements which drive ‘belief ’. Only positive coefficients are shown. Strong performing elements are shown in shaded cells.

table 3

We begin with the additive constant across all of the key groups in Table 3. The additive constants tell us the likelihood that a person will rate a vignette as ‘I believe it’ in the absence of elements. The additive constant is a purely estimated parameter, the ‘intercept’ in the language of statistics. All vignettes comprised 2-4 elements by the underlying experimental design. Nonetheless, the additive constant provides a good sense of basic proclivity to believe in the absence of elements. The additive constants hover between 40 and 50 with two small exceptions of 37 and 53. The additive constant tells us that the respondent is prepared to believe, but only somewhat. In operational terms, an additive constant of 45, for example, means that out of the next 100 ratings for vignettes, 45 will be ratings corresponding to ‘believe,’ viz., selection of rating points 3 or 5, respectively.The story of what makes a person believe lies in the meaning of the elements. Elements whose coefficient value is +8 or higher are strongly ‘significant’ in the world of inferential statistics, based upon the ‘T test’ versus a coefficient with value 0.There are only a few of these elements which drive strong belief.

The most noteworthy finding is that respondents in Q3 Inside (worried about issues close to them) start out with a high propensity to believe (additive constant = 53), but then show no differentiations among the elements. They do not believe anything. In contrast, respondents who say they worry about issues outside of them start with low belief (additive constant = 53), but there are a several of elements which strongly drive their belief (e.g., A4:Wild-Firesare more massive and keep burning down neighborhoods.)They are critical, but willing to believe in what they see, and in what is promised to them.  Table 4 shows the second table of results, elements which drive ‘work’. These elements generate positive coefficients when the ratings 4 or 5 were transformed to 100, and the remaining ratings (1,2,3) were transformed to 0. Only some elements give a sense of a solution, even If not directly a solution.The additive constants showdifferences in magnitude for complementary groups. Since the scale is ‘work’ vs. ‘not work’, the additive constant is the basic belief that a solution will work. The additive constant is higher for males than for females (52 vs. 36), higher younger vs. older (50 v 35), and higher for those who worry about themselves versus those who were about others (49 vs. 36).

Table 4: Elements which drive ‘work’. Only positive coefficients are shown. Strong performing elements are shown in shaded cells.

table 4

The key finding for ‘work’ is that there some positives on two strong ones. The respondents are not optimistic. There is only one element which is dramatic, however, D4, the plan to spray particulates into the atmosphere to block 2% of the sunlight. This element or plan performs strongly among males, and among the older respondents, 40 years and older, although in the range of studies conducted previously, coefficients of 8-10 are statistically significant but not dramatic, especially when they belong to only one element.  Our third group model concerns the response time associated with each element. The Mind Genomics program measured the total time between the presentation of the vignette and the response to the vignette. Response times of 8 seconds or longer were truncated to the value 8. OLS regression was applied to the data of the self-defined subgroups. The form of the equation for OLS regression was: Response Time = k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4). The key difference moving from binary rating to response time is the removal of the additive constant. The rationale is that we want to see the number of seconds ascribed to each element, for each group. The longer response times mean that the element is more engaging. Table 5 shows the response times for the total panel, the genders, ages, and the two groups defined by what they say worries them.Table 3 shows only those time coefficients of 1.1 second or more, response times or engagement times that are deemed to be relevant and capture the attention.The strongly engaging elements are shown in the shaded cells.

Table 5: Response times of 1.1second or longer for each element by key self-defined subgroups.

table 5

Table 5 suggests that the description of building something can engage all groups

$10trn to move all energy generation to carbon neutral

$20trn to harden the grid and coastal communities

Women alone are strongly engaged when a clear picture is painted, a picture at the personal level:

Coastal property investments lose money

Children will live in a much lousier world

Governments will start being destabilized.

One of the key features of Mind Genomics is its proposal that in every aspect of daily living people vary r in the way they respond to information. These different ways emerge from studies of granular behavior or attitudes, as well as from studies of macro-behavior or attitudes. Traditional segment-seeking research looks for mindsets in the population, trying to find them by knowing their geodemographics.  Both the traditional way of segmentation and the traditional efforts to find these segments in the population end up being rather blunt instruments. The traditional segmentation begins at a high level, encompassing a wide variety of different issues pertaining to the climate, the future, and so forth. The likelihood is minimal of finding the mind-sets with the clear granularity of these mind-sets is low, simply because in the larger scale studies there is no room for the granular, as there is in Mind Genomics, such as this study which deals with 16 elements of stability and destabilization.

Mind Genomics uses a simple k-means clustering divide individuals based upon the pattern of coefficients. The experimental design used in permuted form for each respondent allows the researcher to apply OLS regression to the binary-transformed data of each respondent.The k-means clustering was applied separately to the 55 models for Believe, and separately once again to the 55 models for Work.Both clustering programs came out with similar patterns, two mind-sets for each. The pattern suggested one be called ‘Investment focus’ and the other be called alarmist focus. The strongest performing elements from this study come from the mind-sets, classifying the respondent by the way the respondent ‘thinks’ about the topic, rather than how the respondent ‘classifies’ herself or himself, whether gender, age, or even self-chosen topic of major concern. The mind-sets are named for the strongest performing element. Group 1 (Believed MS1, Work MS4) show elementswhich suggest an ‘investment focus’.Group 2 (Believe MS2, Work MS3) shows elements which suggest an alarmist focus.

Table 6 shows the strong performing elements for the four mind-sets, as well as the most engaging elements for the mind-sets. The reader can get a quick sense of the nature of the mind-sets, both in terms of what they think(coefficients for Believe and for Work, respectively), as well as what occupies their attention and engages them (Response Time) [14].

Table 6: Strong performing coefficients for the two groups of emergent mind-sets after clustering on responses (Part1), and after clustering on response time, viz., engagement (Part 2).

table 6

The mind-sets emerging from Mind Genomics studies do not distribute in the simple fashion that one might expect, based upon today’s culture of Big Data. That is, just knowing WHO a person is does not tell us how a person THINKS. The reality is that there are no simple cross-tabulations or even more complex tabulations which directly assign a person to a mind-set.Topics such as the environment, for example, may have dozens of different facets. Knowing the mind of a person regarding one facet, one specific topic, does not necessarily tell us about the mind of that same person with respect to a different, but related facet.Table 7 gives a sense of the complexity of the distribution, and the probable difficulty of finding these mind-sets in the population based upon simple classifications of WHO is a person is.

Table 7: Distribution of key mind-sets (Investors, Alarmists).



Investor (Belief) Investor (Work) Alarmist (Belief)

Alarmist (Work)



30 24 26




15 12 12




15 12 14




14 12 17




16 12 9


Worry aboutfamily


12 8 11


Worry about climate


8 4 4


Worry about government


7 6 4


Worry about business


3 6 7


Worry Other (business and climate)


10 12 11


Worry Self (Family, Government)


20 12 15


Invest from Believe


30 11 0


Invest from Work


11 24 13


Alarm from Work


19 0 13


Alarm from Believe


0 13 26


During the past four years authors Gere and Moskowitz have developed a tool to assign new people to the mind-sets. The tool, called the PVI, the personal viewpoint identifier, uses the summary data from the different mind-sets, perturbing these summary data with noise (random variability), and creating a decision tree based upon a Monte Carlo simulation. The decade PVI allows for 64 patterns of responses of six questions answered on a 2-point. The Monte simulation combined with the decision tree returns with a system to identify mind-set member in15-20 seconds.Figure 2 shows a screen shot of the PVI for this study, comprising the introduction, the additional background information stored for the respondent (option), and the six questions, patterns of answers to which assign the respondent immediately to the of the two mind-sets.

fig 2

Figure 2: The PVI for the study.

Discussion and Conclusion

The study described here has been presented in the spirit of an exploration, a cartography, a way to understand a problem without having to invoke the ritual of hypothesis. In most study of the everyday life the reality is that the focus should be on what is happening, not on presenting an hypothesis simply for the sake of conforming to a scientific approach which is many cases is simply not appropriate.The issue of climate change is an important one, as a perusalof the news of the day will reveal just about any day. The issues about the weather, climate change, and the very changes in ‘mother earth’ are real, political, scientific, and challenge all people. Mind Genomics does not deal with the science of weather, but rather the mind of the individual, doing so by experiments in communication.It is through these experiments, simple to do, easy to interpret, that we begin to understand the nature of people, an understanding which should not, however, surprise.The notion of investors and alarmists makes intuitive sense. These are not the only mind-sets, but they emerge clearly from one limited experiment, one limited cartography.One could only imagine the depth of understanding of people as they confront the changes in the weather and indeed in ‘mother earth.’ Mind Genomics will not solve those problems, but Mind Genomics will allow the problems to be discussed in a way sensitive to the predispositions of the listener, whether in this case the listener be a person interested in investment to solve the problem or the person be interested in the hue and the cry of the alarmist. Both are valid ways of listening, and for effective communication the messages directed towards each should be tailored to the predisposition of the listener’s mind. Thus, a Mind Genomics approach to the problem presents both understanding and suggestion for actionable solution, or at least the messages surrounding that actionable solution [2,15-19].

As a final note this paper introduces a novel way to understand the respondent’s mind on two dimensions, not just one. The typical Likert Scale presents the respondent with a set of graded choices, from none to a low, disagree to agree, and so forth. The Likert Scale for the typical study is uni-dimensional. Yet, there are often several response dimensions of interest.This study features two response dimensions, belief in the message, and belief that the solution will work.These response dimensions may or may not be intertwined.Other examples might be belief vs. action (would buy).By using a response scale comprising two dimensions, rather than one, it becomes possible to more profoundly understand the way a person thinks, considering the data from two aspects. The first is the message presented, the stimulus. The second is the decisions of the respondent, to select none, one, or both responses, belief in the problem and/or, belief that the solution will work


Attila Gere thanks the support of Premium Postdoctoral Research Program.


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fig 2

Mind Genomics Cartography of the Hong Kong Goldfish Market: A Beginner’s Psychological Anthropology of an Everyday Experience

DOI: 10.31038/PSYJ.2021311


Respondents in Hong Kong evaluated sets of 24 unique vignettes about the Hong Kong Goldfish Market, rating each vignette on ME (agree) or NOT ME (disagree). The vignettes were created by systematically combining elements (messages) from four different categories, into small combinations comprising 2-4 elements each. The experimental design prevented the respondent from ‘gaming’, viz., giving the appropriate answers because the vignette comprises different messages. The deconstruction of the responses by regression showed the contribution of every element to three dependent variables; agree, disagree, and response time (engagement) revealed different types of decision rules for agree versus disagree. Two mind-sets emerged, based on the pattern of responses to the 16 elements; those interested in low price, and the afficionados. The study showed that the engagement times, viz., response times to individual elements were far longer for Mind-Set 2 (afficionados). The study shows the power of simple experiments to create a database of people’s perceptions of the every-day experiences, a ‘Wiki of Daily Life’.


An exploration of the world of experimental psychology, social psychology, sociology, and anthropology reveal an ongoing interest in the world of the everyday specially by researchers in sociology and anthropology, as well as social psychology. There is some experimentation by social psychologists and experimental psychologists, generally of a limited nature, often to understand a general principle, and usually with situations that are unusual. The crossing of experimentation with the world of the ordinary is not particularly common, because experimentation looks for general principles of behavior.

During the past two decades, the world of experimentation in psychology has come to embrace new areas, not perhaps in a formal matter, but at least accepting research which shows the everyday. The research may not appear in highly rated journals because of the quotidian nature of the topic, but nonetheless the research plays an important role in our understand of the lives of contemporary people. Some of the work may be found in the topics covered by behavioral economics, other part of the effort may appear in topics covered by consumer research.

Recently, author Moskowitz has suggested that a new discipline of experimental psychology be developed, one called Mind Genomics [1] Moskowitz et. al., 2007). The effort is to understand the drivers of decision about the quotidian topics of everyday life, not so much to develop grand schemes of behavior, but rather simply to catalog the myriad different aspects of daily behavior. The effort looks at the world of the granular, from the bottom up, from the specific, limited topics which make up the warp and woof of our daily behavior, topics which would not ordinarily be thought to be the appropriate topics of psychology. The topics might be those of interest to an anthropologist who describes these topics in a discussion of behavior, but issue to explore the topic in depth, to understand the facets of a topic, and the different ways to look at the topic.

Early efforts to study daily behavior focused on things, primarily things one might eat or drink. The objective was to understand the different patterns of preferences regarding food. The underlying reason for choosing food was that studies of preferences for food and studies of eating in restaurants and dining halls were well known, well accepted by the world of scientists [2]. The effort soon expanded to other situations, usually products (e.g., financial industry; [3], but eventually moved into experience itself. As far back as 1957, for example, sociologist William Foote Whyte was recording the sociology of the everyday, producing such classics as the Organization Man [4]. The effort continues, with such evaluation of landmark groups, such as the Baby Boomers [5].

Science need not be focused on the traditional topic, such as foods, topics with a long intellectual and academic history. Anyone with a sensitivity to social issues is typically interested both in general patterns and in specific stories. The general patterns are usually reported in good scientific fashion, with appropriate statistics, general conclusions, and foundational knowledge. The stories are often more interesting, sketchy but real world, and used to make the general science more interesting. The science of Mind Genomics, used here to evaluate a common pet market, the Hong Kong (HK) Goldfish Market, provides a way to introduce rigor into the study of what otherwise might simply an interesting vignette, introduced as part of a deeper presentation of a culture, a society, or a hobby. The HK Goldfish Market has been the topic of studies, primarily of a sociological/business nature [6,7] There does not seem to be a deep understanding of the response of individuals to the both the market itself, and to their spending patterns, perhaps because of the localized nature of the topic, and the fact that the ‘mind’ of the individual regarding the HK Goldfish Market is simply not sufficiently important in the world of science.

Despite its minor position as a topic of study, the HK Goldfish Market is an important market. According to the Wikipedia article ‘History of Goldfish Market, Hong Kong, 2012’:

Hong Kong is one of the leading exporters of Goldfish and other tropical fish for aquarists and fish keepers around the world. In Tung Choi Street Goldish shops have congregated for many years…Originally the interest in fish, particularly goldfish, in Hong Kong was related to the needs of Fung Shui, the ancient Chinese system to bring harmony to a house. Under this system Goldfish are particularly important so therefore there has always been a demand for goldfish in Hong Kong more than typical in other countries… During the 1970s and 1980s the keeping of goldfish alongside other types of tropical fish such as butterfly fish became a very suitable hobby for the majority of Hong Kong’s population who lived in flats in high rise apartments. Without the space to keep pet cats or dogs the keeping of tropical fish, both freshwater and less commonly sea fish, became very popular. (Source: Wikipedia, 2020)

The Mind Genomics Approach to Understanding the HK Goldfish Market

Mind Genomics is an emerging science, philosophically descended from experimental psychology, with an admixture of sociology, anthropology, consumer research, and statistics. The notion is that one should be able to create a ‘wiki of the mind’, a searchable database of how people think and make decisions in their daily lives. These decisions are made with respect to the ordinary events of lives, the daily flotsam and jetsam which constitutes the everyday, the banal activities. As noted above, seminal works emerge from the observation of everyday behaviors, such as eating, using financial services, going to work, and so forth. Those are the inspirations. What Mind Genomics provides is a rapid, focused, experimentation-inspired approach to fill in the gaps, to under the features driving a person’s decision. One might think of Mind Genomics as the experimental science of the everyday, or the mechanism by which to create a ‘Wikipedia of Everyday Life.’

The topic is a cartography or limited exploration of a topic, here the perception of the Hong Kong Goldfish Market as responded by people in Hong Kong. The issue to understand their behavior towards the Goldfish market in terms of spending, and what they would like to see in the market. The ingoing vision was to treat the topic as a combination of anthropology (individual behavior), sociology (dealing with a well known establishment), psychology (how does the respondent think about the topics, what topics or messages engage), and economics (what does the person spend, and how does that interact with features of the market.)

It is important to note that Mind Genomics can be scaled to cover many different aspects of society, from the combined points of view of anthropology, sociology, psychology, and economics. The studies are small (base sizes of 20-30 respondents suffice for a basic understanding), are quick to set up (30 minutes), quick to execute in the field with a panel provider (approximately 60 minutes), and with data that are clear and easy to understand, returned to the researcher in both a PowerPoint® report ready to share, as well as a database in Excel® read for further analysis. As such, the approach of Mind Genomics presented here for the Hong Kong Goldfish Market is a template for many such studies, creating in its wake that ‘wiki of the mind’, or more correctly a ‘wiki of the mind and society’ so relevant to record and understand daily life in an era.

Mind Genomics follows a series of simple steps, with the steps ‘templated’ on the computer interface ( Mind Genomics forces the researcher to think of a topic in terms of totality, then break the topic down to four questions which tell a story, and then provide four answers to each question. The rationale is that the sequence forces the researcher to think about the problem in an analytical fashion, rather than in a holistic fashion. The result of the Mind Genomic will be the importance of each of the answers to driving a response. Rather than generating a single answer, Mind Genomics will generate the ‘underlying plans’ of the topic, allowing the person to understand the topic in depth, and to reconstruct the topic in new ways. The Mind Genomics interface has been simplified to follow an easy-to- use template, with the suggest type of answer shown as a suggestion, easily overwritten by the researcher who ‘gets the general idea of what is needed at that step’ from the suggestion. By the end of 2-3 ‘tries,’ viz., set-ups of different topics, the research is proficient, the researcher’s mind forever ‘rewired’ to think in a structure yet creative manner. The explanation for the 2-3 tries is that in every skill there is a learning period. It is difficult to create a computer program forcing a person to exercise ‘creative and critical thinking’, and have a person perform excellently the first time the person uses the program.

Step 1 – Define the Topic

Step 1 is easy, because it requires the researcher to pick a topic of interest, without doing any ‘disciplined thinking.’ The topic here is the above-mentioned HK Goldfish Market, a topic that can be addressed by young researchers and older researchers alike. The fact that the topic is easy approachable, and NOT fear-inducing, allows students to realize that science and research can be fun, and be ‘theirs.’ Students can work with Mind Genomics to explore virtually any topic of interest to them, make discoveries, and ‘own’ knowledge and creative thought, rather than simply hearing about the joy and knowing, thinking, and creating.

Step 2 – Create Four Questions which Tell a Story

It is at this juncture that the researcher is challenged to think in both a critical way and in a creative way. The questions must pertain to the topic (Hong Kong Goldfish Market) but must tell a story which is connected. Experience with this stage suggests that it is at Step 2 that most beginners become frustrated because they never have been required to think in this deconstructive, analytic fashion, breaking down a topic into components. They may have been exposed to topics with components but have never had to exert themselves to define a topic in terms of components. It is at Step 2 when people feel challenged, overwhelmed, and want to drop the topic because they are out of their ‘comfort zone.’ Those who continue, those who do two or three set ups of different studies, report that they ‘overcome’ this block, and feel that the demands of Step 2 force them to learn how to think in a different way, a more structured way, a way that makes them feel proud.

Step 3 – For Each Question, Instruct the Researcher to Provide Four Answers, Preferably Phrases

As Table 1 shows, the phrases for beginners tend to be short, and not descriptive. With practice, however, the researcher feels liberated, and grows more creative. Figure 1 shows the questions and the answers for one question. Table 1 shows the four questions and the four answers. It is important to emphasize that Mind Genomics studies are easy and quick to set-up, inexpensive to run. These simple studies, really scientific experiments, lend themselves to iterations. The life lesson is that nothing is permanent, and that experience can be shown to build ultimate success. In terms of Mind Genomics, one can repeat the study several times, several iterations, at each iteration keeping elements or ideas which just showed themselves to ‘work’, viz., perform well or in interesting ways, and in turn discarding and replacing elements which perform poorly, or which do not teach anything. The elements, phrases in Table 1, represent a first effort to explore the HK Goldfish Market using Mind Genomics. It is important to note that no Mind Genomics experiment is ever ‘too early’ or ‘too late’ in the process of developing an understanding of a topic. The iterative nature of Mind Genomics encourages exploration to the depth of understanding one wishes to achieve.

Table 1: The four questions and four answers to each question (elements).

Question A:What are youNow spending at the HK Goldfish market?
A1  Spend money at HK Goldfish Market:Spend about the same as 5 years ago
A2  Spend money at HK Goldfish Market:Spend more than 5 years ago
A3  Spend money at HK Goldfish Market:Spend less than 5 years ago
A4 Spend money at HK Goldfish Market:Never spent money there
Question B: How much do you typically spend at the HK Goldfish market
B1 Annual Spend at HK Goldfish Market: Less than 1,000 HKD at the shops
B2 Annual Spend at HK Goldfish Market: 1,000 HKD – 2,500 HKD at the shops
B3 Annual Spend at HK Goldfish Market: 2,500 HKD – 5,000 HKD at the shops
B4 Annual Spend at HK Goldfish Market: More than 5,000 HKD
Question C: What would you like to see in the HK Goldfish Market?
C1 My wish for the HK Goldfish Market: Larger variety of animals
C2 My wish for the HK Goldfish Market: More exclusive/rare fish
C3 My wish for the HK Goldfish Market:Teachvarious aspects of aquarium … aqua-scaping, maintenance, specialty fish etc.
C4 My wish for the HK Goldfish Market: ready-made aquariums and/or aquarium maintenance.
Question D: What is specialabout the HK Goldfish Market?
D1 The HK Goldfish Market: Offer better advice
D2 The HK Goldfish Market:Big variety of shops
D3 The HK Goldfish Market: Fun to shop
D4 The HK Goldfish Market: Find exclusive/specialty fish

fig 1

Figure 1: Distribution of responses (left panel) and response times (right panel).

Step 4 – Combine the Answers into Vignettes according to an Experimental Design

Mind Genomics differs from the typical way one would study the HK Goldfish Market. The conventional practice is that the researcher would identify aspects about a topic, create questions pertaining to each aspect, and instruct the respondent to answer the battery of questions, one question at a time. The pattern of answers gives a sense of how the respondent feels about the topic. This approach, known as ‘isolate and study’ may work for most topics, but when it comes to study aspects of daily life it is impossible to prevent a respondent from changing the criteria of judgment. An example comes from two of the questions in Table 1 (Question A, Question B) deal with price. Two of the Questions in Table 2 (A,B) deal with spending, and two deal with features (C,D). It is hard to use the same criterion to judge these two types of questions.

Table 2: examples of three vignettes created by experimental design, and the binary coding of the vignette and the data to prepare for statistical analysis.


Vig#2 Vig#3


The actual vignette in the way the respondent sees but…but wider, so no element takes up more than two lines on the screen. The letters and the numbers (viz., A, or A1) are never seen by the respondent


Spend money at HK Goldfish Market:Spend less than 5 years ago Spend money at HK Goldfish Market:Never spent money there Spend money at HK Goldfish Market:Never spent money there

Spend money at HK Goldfish Market:Spend more than 5 years ago


Annual Spend at HK Goldfish Market: 1,000 HKD – 2,500 HKD at the shops Annual Spend at HK Goldfish Market: 2,500 HKD – 5,000 HKD at the shops Annual Spend at HK Goldfish Market: Less than 1,000 HKD at the shops

Annual Spend at HK Goldfish Market: Less than 1,000 HKD at the shops


Absent from the vignette My wish for the HK Goldfish Market: ready-made aquariums and/or aquarium maintenance. Absent from vignette

My wish for the HK Goldfish Market:Teachvarious aspects of aquarium … aqua-scaping, maintenance, specialty fish etc.


The HK Goldfish Market: Fun to shop The HK Goldfish Market: Fun to shop The HK Goldfish Market: Find exclusive/specialty fish

Absent from the vignette

Dummy variable coding (0,1) to prepare the data for OLS (ordinary least-squares) regression


0 0 0



0 0 0



1 0 0



0 1 1



0 0 1



1 0 0 0
B3 0 1 0



0 0 0 0
C1 0 0 0



0 0 0 0
C3 0 0 0



0 1 0 0
D1 0 0 0



0 0 0 0
D3 1 1 0



0 0 1


Response acquired by the program


5 4 2 5
RT Sec 2.0 0.9 1.0


Binary transformed rating including the small random number added for prophylactic reasons

Top2 ME

100.0002 100.0001 0.0002 100.0003
Bot2 NOT ME 0.0002 0.0003 100.0001


The experimental design mixes the different answers into vignettes, combinations, comprising both statements about spending and pricing (Questions 1,2), and statements about features (Questions 3,4). Table 2 shows an example of the vignettes and the underlying experimental design. A respondent shown this combination maintains a single focus, a single criterion, when judging the entire vignette. The analysis turns out to be much simpler, much more direct, as we see below.

The texts on experimental designs provide different recommended designs. The specific design used for Mind Genomics is a so-called main-effects design, permuted into 500 different designs having the same structure, but featuring different combinations of the 16 elements. The benefit of the permuted design is that is covers a great deal of the design space, the possible combinations, a strategy to discover underlying patterns [8].

The actual experimental design comprises four independent variables (the four questions), and four ‘options’ or ‘levels’ of each independent variable (viz., the four answers or elements). There are 16 elements in total. Each respondent evaluates a unique set of 24 vignette created according to a main-effects design, in which the 16 elements are each presented five times, in 24 vignettes, and absent 19 times from the 24 vignettes. The design ensures that a vignette comprises 2-4 elements, at most one element from each question. The design further ensures that the 16 answers or elements will be presented in a way that makes them statistically independent of each other. The property of statistical independence is important when one wants to deduce the contribution of each of the 16 elements to the overall rating, using the method of OLS (ordinary least-squares) regression. Ensuring that the 16 elements are independent of each other at the start makes the analysis quite straightforward, virtually automatic, with the results ‘figuratively’ jumping out at the researcher.

In many scientific studies the objective is to obtain data which has as little extraneous variation as possible, so-called error variability. To the degree that the researcher can reduce the error variability, the patterns underneath will emerge more clearly. The standard way to do this error reduction is to either suppress the noise by careful testing (impossible to do with people), or to average out the variability by testing the same set of vignettes with hundreds of people, so that the random variation cancels out. The Mind Genomics worldview goes contrary to the traditional approaches. Mind Genomics is metaphorically an ‘MRI of the mind.’ The patterns of responses generated from the different respondents (here 30 different responses) give information from different perspectives to the same topic. The information can be combined by computer to generate a much more robust, comprehensive, multi-aspect view of the problem. The patterns emerging from the Mind Genomics effort literally ‘jump out’ as we will see below.

Step 5 – Create an Orientation Paragraph

The paragraph introduces the topic and provides the respondent with the scale. The best practices for orientation paragraphs depend upon the specific use. For most situations, the less one says the better. The rationale for ‘saying little’ is that the key information should come from the elements. The paragraph below presents the orientation:

Everyone these days is talking about the HK Goldfish Market. We would like you to have fun with us. We are doing a study on what people REALLY think about the HK Goldfish Market. Please read the whole screen below, and rate the combination… There is no right or wrong. JUST YOUR OPINION, no one else. Don’t think too long…just look, read, rate!

How do YOU feel about this set of statements TOGETHER>?

1=1 = Doesn’t agree at all with MY opinion of the HK Goldfish Market …

5=5 = Perfectly agrees with MY opinion of the HK Goldfish Market

Step 6 – Run the Study

The study can be run among friends, or through a panel service. This study here was run with a panel service, with respondents from Hong Kong, familiar with the HK Goldfish Market. The respondents who agree to participate open the link, read the introduction, complete a short introductory survey (classification) about age gender, and frequency of visiting the HK Goldfish Market. The respondent then rates the 24 different vignettes created for the respondent, doing so in about three to four minutes. The computer records the rating and measures the time between the appearance of the vignette on the computer screen and the respondent’s rating. The actual interview, the experiment, required about three minutes of the respondent’s time.


Mind Genomics data provide a rich bed of test stimuli. Each respondent evaluated 24 different vignettes. The 30 respondents generated 720 different combinations of elements, answers to the question, with, each combination designed to be different from all the others. An initial analysis revealed that three respondents assigned virtually the same rating to all 24 vignettes that were presented to them. The data from these three respondents were eliminated, leaving 27 respondents, sufficient for a quite rich analysis, as will be see below.

Step 7: Transform the Rating Data to Two Binary Scales, the Agreement Scale, and the Disagreement Scale, Respectively

Over the past decades, researchers have come to rely on two types of scales. The first is a graded scale, called a Likert scale, or category scale. The notion is that the scale comprises a set of discrete points. The respondent is required to rate the test stimulus assigning a rating point. The presumption is that the scale points are equally spaced in terms of psychological distances, and thus averaging and statistics are acceptable. The 5-point scale is an example. Consumer researchers recognize that these scale points are neither equally spaced, nor in fact can be readily interpreted by anyone. Users of the scale always ask, for example, “what does Rating X (e.g., 5) mean on the 5-point scale?” In the absence of extensive studies of the scale, it is easier to divide the category or Likert scale into ranges calling one part 0 and the other part 100. The division may not be truly equal, but managers understand the notion of two scale points. For this study, the analysis divided the scale in two ways, both generating a two-point scale easy to understand:

Describes Me scale. Ratings 1-3 transformed to 0 (does not describe me), ratings 4-5 transformed to 100 (does describe me). A small random number is added to every transformed scale value in order to ensure that the data will never generate a situation where all of the transformed ratings are either 0 or 100. There must be some variation in the scale data for the subsequent regression analyses to work.

Does NOT Describe Me Scale. Ratings 1-2 transformed to 100 (do not agree; does not describe me), ratings 3—5 transformed to 100 (agree; does NOT not describe me)

Step 8: External Analyses – Looking at the Patterns of the Data, but Not at individual Elements

As a note about the practice of science, it is always a good practice to plot one’s data, whether the study comprises a few hundred data points, such as this study on the HK Goldfish Market, or the study comprises hundreds of thousands, or even millions of data points. The first step should be to familiarize oneself with the data, to explore the data, to become familiar with it, to find general patterns. Only then, after familiarization, does it make good research sense to start testing for differences, to make substantive conclusions about patterns and so forth.

The first external analysis plots out the distribution of responses, as shown in Figure 1. The left panel shows the distribution of ratings on the 5-point Likert scale. The right panel shows the distribution of responses times. Figure 1 suggests that there are more agreements (describes me, ratings 4-5) and far fewer disagreements (does not describe me, ratings 1-2). Figure 1 further suggests that the responses evaluate the vignettes quite quickly, most taking about 2 seconds or less to rate a vignette. The large number of ratings at 7 seconds correspond to those vignettes which took longer than 7 seconds. The assumption was that these vignettes represent situations during which the respondent was not paying attention to the task.

The summary data shown in Figure 1 tells us just a little about the different aspects of the HK Goldfish Market. We understand that the phrases generate agreement, and that the information is easy and quickly processed. As of yet, we do not know the ‘internal’ aspects of the data, specifically the ‘mind’ of the respondent who is assigning the rating. We can see from ‘outside’, but we do not necessary get a sense of what is going on ‘inside.’ To get a sense of what is going on in the respondent’s mind requires us to understand how the specific elements in the vignette ‘drive’ the ratings. The learning emerging from linking elements to responses which give us a sense of how the respondent is thinking (rating), and what is engaging the respondent’s attention (response time). The former, ratings, is under the control of the respondent’s conscious mind. The latter, response time, is not under control of the respondent’s conscious mind, but rather an uncontrolled behavior reflecting attention to, and engagement with, the task.

Continuing our ‘external analysis’, we can learn more from the data, specifically the average responses. We create four new averages, one for each respondent, based upon the 24 vignettes rated by the respondent. Although each respondent evaluated different 24 unique vignettes, we can get a sense of the general response to the topic. The four new averages are, respectively, the ratings (1-5), the response times (after truncation to move all responses times to a maximum of 7 seconds), average Top2 (Describes ME, viz., agree), and average Bot2 (Does not describe ME, viz., disagree). We will find deeper insights when we plot these averages by respondent.

One of the first questions emerging from the introduction of Top2 and Bot2 is the degree to which these averages parallel the averages that would have been obtained by working with the original 5-point Likert scale. That is, when we average responses for the binary scales, do we see the same pattern as we would see when we average the ratings themselves? Or does the binary transformation lose so much granular information that the transformation creates new problems of ‘meaning’, despite the easier interpretation is easier! Figure 2 shows us the plot from the 27 respondents. Each circle corresponds to one of the 27 respondents. We would make the same decision based upon the patterns of all three plots. The only difference is that the binary transforms of ME (Top2) and Not ME (Bot2) are less clear because we exclude all ratings of ‘3’ from both. Yet can be fair confident that our qualitative conclusions will be the same when we use the 5-Ponit Likert Scale or the Binary Transformed Scale. The binary scale will be easier to interpret, however.

fig 2

Figure 2: Average ratings for 24 vignettes for each of 27 respondents. Each circle is a respondent. The patterns are similar for Likert Rating Scale vs Binary Scale, noisier for the two binary scales.

The second external analysis searches for relations between response time and either the actual ratings on the original 1-5 scale, or the binary transformed scale. Figure 3 shows a noisy but discernible relation between the average response time from the respondents and the average transformed rating assigned by the respondent. It should be kept in mind that these results come from averaging response times and ratings from a unique set of 24 vignettes for each respondent.

fig 3

Figure 3: Relation between average binary scale (Top2 – Agree, ME; Bot2 – Disagree, NOT ME) and response time. Each point corresponds to the average of one respondent’s rating of 24 vignettes.

On average, respondents who showed the highest average agreement showed the shortest response times.

On average respondents who showed the highest average disagreement showed the longest response times.

Step 9: Internal Analysis Relating Each Element to the Binary Transformed Rating’s

Had the data been simply combinations of elements without cognitive ‘meaning’ the analysis would have stopped at the external analysis, simply because there is nothing to be learned from the properties of a specific stimulus. The stimulus would just be part of the set of stimuli picked for the analysis to discern a general pattern.

Mind Genomics moves beyond the external, simply because the elements themselves have cognitive richness, meaning in what they communicate, meaning in their sentence structure, meaning in the words, and so forth. The richness need not be explicated at the start of the Mind Genomics study. It suffices only that the elements be chosen for a reason germane to the topic. In this study, there are two questions pertaining to pattern of spending and amount of spending, and two questions about attitude, specifically what one wants in the market, and how one feels shopping in the market. These questions are never asked directly, but rather represent by cognitively rich statements to which the respondent reacts by assigning a rating, doing the assignment rapidly in what Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman called System 1 behavior [9].

The experimental design enables the research to create equations relating the presence/absence of the 16 elements to the four dependent variables, whether these be the actual ratings on the 5-point Likert scale, the binary transformed ratings for Agree (Describes ME, Top2), the binary transformed ratings for Disagree (Does NOT Describe Me, Bot2), or response time.

The first analysis using OLS (ordinary least-squares) regression creates equations for each individual, with the binary transformed rating of Agree (Top2) as the dependent variable. The rationale for the individual-level modeling is that the 27 different models will generate the data needed to divide the respondents into two complementary groups, mind-sets, based upon what specific elements they feel describes them.

The general form of the equation is: Top2 = k0 + k1(A1) + k2(A2) + k3(A3)…k16(D4)

The foregoing equation can be estimated at the level of each respondent (27 different equations), or at the level of groups such as Total Panel (one equation), gender (two equations), age (two equations), and finally mind-sets emerging from clustering the respondents by the pattern of their coefficients (two equations).

The OLS (ordinary least-squares) regression model emerges with the additive constant, and 16 coefficients. The ‘rules’ for interpreting the parameters are as follows when the dependent variable is either the Top2, ( Agree, ME) or the Bot2 (Disagree, NOT ME)

The additive constant is the estimate percent of times that the rating will be ‘describes me’ (viz., 4 and 5), when there are no elements. Clearly the experimental design ensures that each of the 24 vignettes comprises 2-4 elements, so the additive constant is a purely estimated parameter. One can consider the additive to be a baseline likelihood to agree (Top2) or a baseline likelihood to disagree (Bot2) even before information is presented. In some ways the additive constant can be considered an indication of the way people think about a topic, in general, without specifics.

The coefficient shows the additional percent of responses are added to the dependent variable when the element is inserted into the vignette. Thus, a coefficient element of +6 means that an additional 6% of the responses will be added to the response when the element is inserted. A coefficient of -5 means that 5% fewer of the responses will move away from the dependent variable.

The additive constant and the coefficients sum together. Thus, for the situation of the dependent variable Bot2 (Disagree, Not Me), when the additive constant is 37 and the coefficient is -6, the expected percent of responses for Bot2 for that 1-element vignette is 37 – 6 or 31. In this case the element takes away from Bot2. In contrast, when the coefficient is +9, then the expected percent of responses for Bot2 for that 1-element vignette is 37+9 or 46, meaning there will be 46% of the Bot2 responses for that 1-element vignette.

The vignettes comprised 2-4 elements, meaning that one can combine 2-4 elements to create a new vignette, and estimate the likely rating, making sure that the elements come from different questions. The estimated value is simply the arithmetic sum of the additive constant and the elements.

The strategy for presenting the results will be to show only the elements which are positive, viz., greater than 0, for either Top2 or Bot2, for any subgroup. The rationale is that we are interested in learning about the pattern of elements which drive the response. Showing only positive numbers lets the patterns emerge clearly. Highlighting strong performing elements (coefficients of +8 or higher for the binary transformation) further allows the patterns to emerge in greater relief.

A further strategy when presenting the data will be to sort the data in descending order by the two mind-sets, highlighting the strong performing elements by shading the cells in which coefficients are +8 or more. A coefficient of +8 corresponds to an element which is around two standard errors beyond the coefficient of 0, and suggests a strong impact of the element on the binary rating

Table 3 presents the results for the Top2 binary variable, defined as: Agree, or ME. we begin with the additive constant

  1. Total Panel – About Half of the responses will agree (additive constant = 46).
  2. Males show a strong propensity to agree (additive constant = 70), females show a moderate propensity (additive constant = 43).
  3. Younger respondents (17-29) and older respondents (30+) show similar propensities to agree (additive constants of 45 for younger and 42 for older).
  4. Respondents who never frequented the HK Goldfish Market show a strong propensity to agree (additive constant = 76), frequent shoppers show a moderate propensity to agree (additive constant = 40).
  5. Mind-Set 1 (focus on low price, easy maintenance) show a moderate propensity to agree (additive constant = 40), Mind-Set (True Afficionados) show a strong propensity to agree (additive constant = 63).

In terms of the performance of the elements, many elements are positive, meaning that the respondent feels that they describe the respondent’s feelings. There are, however, a great number of elements with zero or negative coefficients.

  1. The most consistently strong element is C4: My wish for the HK Goldfish Market: ready-made aquariums and/or aquarium maintenance.
  2. A variety of other elements emerge as strong for the different geo-demographic and behavioral groups, but not consistent pattern that lends itself to easy identification.
  3. When we divide the respondents by the pattern of what describes them, creating two mind-sets, we find two clear groups. Mind-Set 1 focuses on easy maintenance, appearing to spend less money or no money. They have a lower additive constant, 40, meaning that they are not likely to agree, to feel that the phrases in the vignette apply to them. In contrast, Mind-Set 2 spends a lot of money, and wants high quality, interesting fish, and equipment. Furthermore, Mind-Set 2 has an additive constant of 63, meaning that they are ready to agree. We present the mind-sets as the final two columns of data, sorting the table by mind-set to reveal the patterns, which emerge clearly after the sorting. There is no such clarity of pattern for any other grouping of the respondents, viz. WHO they are or what they DO.

The approach to creating mind-sets using Mind Genomics has been previously described in previous papers [10]. The ingoing assumption is that respondents with similar patterns of coefficients for the 16 elements on Top2 (agree) belong to the same mind-set. Respondents with dissimilar patterns of coefficients belong in different mind-sets. The data from these studies suggest two clearly different mind-sets. Using mind-sets to organize data is not limited to Mind Genomics but has been shown to be a stimulus to creative thought [11].

4. By focusing only on the positive elements, and highlighting the strong performers, the nature of the mind of the respondent becomes clearly with respect to the HK Goldfish Market, in a way hard to capture by conventional anthropological observation, sociological analysis, or market research. One begins to sense the structure of the people for this granular part of the Hong Kong ‘every day.’

Table 4 present the reverse scale focusing on disagree. The groups are the same, total, gender, age, frequency of visit, and the two emergent mind-sets from clustering the respondents on Top2. Again, only the positive coefficients are shown except for the additive constants.

In contrast to the clarity of results from Table 3, showing agreement (ME), the pattern of additive constants and coefficients in Table 4 is confusing. The difficult of discovering a clear pattern may emerge because responses focus on what they agree with. What they fail to agree upon may either be irrelevant, or important. In either case, respondent appears to focus on using only one side of the scale. The respondent may not be ‘weighing’ the entire set of elements to come up with a single composite judgment, but rather may simply focus on finding the key element, ignoring everything else. In such a case the pattern would be one-sided, clearer when the respondent focuses primarily on agreement. To test this hypothesis may simply require a parallel study with the respondent instructed to focus either on agreement in one test cell, or disagreement in another test cell.

Table 3: Coefficients for the ‘Top2’ model, relating the presence/absence of the elements to the Top2 value. In the interest of clarity, only the positive coefficients are shown.

table 3

Table 4: Coefficients for the ‘Bot2’ model, relating the presence/absence of the elements to the Bot2 value. In the interest of clarity, only the positive coefficients are shown.

table 4

The final analysis of groups looks at the response time, defined operationally as the number of seconds between the appearance of the vignette on the screen and the assignment of a rating by the respondent. The modeling is the same as that for Top2 and Bot2, with one exception. The exception is that the additive constant is omitted from the model for the response time vs elements. The rationale is that in the absence of elements there is no response.

Table 5 shows the estimated response times assignable to each element. The first data column, for Total Panel, shows all 16 coefficients. The range of coefficients goes from a low of 0.3 seconds (A3: Spend money at HK Goldfish Market: Spend less than 5 years ago) to a high of 0.9 seconds, such as D2 (The HK Goldfish Market: Big variety of shops), C1 (My wish for the HK Goldfish Market: Larger variety of animals). B3 (Annual Spend at HK Goldfish Market: 2,500 HKD – 5,000 HKD at the shops), and so forth. There is no clear pattern for the Total Panel, other than perhaps that the elements describing the offerings tend to engage the respondent a little long.

Table 5: Coefficients for the ‘Response Time’ model, relating the presence/absence of the elements to the measured response time. With the exception of the Total Panel, onlypositive coefficients are shown, in the interest of clarity and simplicity.

table 5

As done for Tables 2 and 3, the rest of Table 4 shows only those elements which are deemed to be ‘engaging,’ viz., show response times of 1.0 seconds or longer. The cut-off of 1.0 seconds is strictly an operational, giving a sense of the types of elements which engage.

  1. Males seem to be more engaged by elements dealing with price. Females seem to be more engaged by elements dealing with features.
  2. Young respondents are far more likely to be engaged by elements, older respondents are not.
  3. Those who say they never frequent the HK Goldfish Market are not engaged by any elements. Those visit frequently are engaged by only one element, D4 (The HK Goldfish Market: Find exclusive/specialty fish)is
  4. Mind-Set 1, (focus on low price & easy maintenance), is engaged by two elements, D2 and C2, dealing with variety. Mind-Set 2 (true afficionados) is engaged by both price and features, showing deeper engagement as reflected by response time. The deepest engagement is 1.9 seconds, B1 (Annual Spend at HK Goldfish Market: Less than 1,000 HKD at the shops). This element may surprise and intrigue, because it is so contrary to the behavior and interests of the afficionado.

Generalizing the Results – Finding these Mind-sets in the Population for Science and Business. With a small group of 27 respondents, the distribution of respondents into mind-sets will be error prone. The small base size of respondents finds it best use as a tool to uncover hitherto-unexpected mind-sets. The small number of respondents used for discovery does not suffice to estimate the proportion of these mind-sets across the population, especially in different countries. Thus, with small base sizes, the distribution of mind-sets across relevant subgroups is at best a rough estimate. Table 6 shows this distribution. Mind-Set 1 comprises most of the respondents. Furthermore, that the most outstanding aspect of the distribution is that of the seven respondents in Mind-Set 2 (True Afficionados), six are older respondents, far more than would have been expected.

Table 6: Distribution of respondents from the total panel and two mind-sets across gender, age, and frequency of visiting the HK Goldfish Market.

table 6

Given the distribution of mind-sets shown by Table 6, how can the researcher or digital marketer assign a new person to one of the two mind-sets for this granular topic of a pet market? Recently, author Moskowitz in collaboration with Hungarian researcher Attila Gere developed an approached called the PVI, the Personal Viewpoint Identifier. The PVI is based upon the data from Table 4, the coefficients from the transformed data (Top2). The PVI uses simulation and decision trees to create a system which assigns a new person to one of the two (or three) emergent mind-sets from a Mind Genomics study [10-14].

Figure 4 shows the introduction to the PVI. These data can be customized, so that the data are entirely anonymized, or the data can include such information at telephone or email, for follows-ups. Figure 5 shows the set of informational questions about the respondent, and then the six questions comprising the PVI itself. The four first questions, ‘information’, are equivalent to the types of questions researchers ask about attitudes and usage for topics of interest. Figure 6 shows the format of the template used to transfer data from the Mind Genomics study to the PVI. Note that after the data from the respondent are stored in a database, and the respondent is sent an email of results, the respondent may be guided to a video stored in YouTube, or to a landing page. Thus, the PVI serves both as an information-gathering system, and as a tool for e-commerce.

fig 4

Figure 4: Introduction to the PVI for a ‘pet market’.

fig 5

Figure 5: Classification questions and the PVI itself. The first four questions are classification (attitude and usage). The second six questions constitute the PVI.

fig 6

Figure 6: The Excel® based template, allowing the researcher to select the elements, the classification questions, the binary PVI questions, and the post-PVI experience with a video or landing page. The PVI is computed after the template is completed.

Discussion and Conclusions

For most of the history of psychology, experiments have presented the respondent with artificial situations to uncover rules of behavior. The experiments are crafted from theory, to prove or disprove a hypothesis. The study presented here on the HK Goldfish Market reveals the potential of increasing our understanding of the granular, every-day, unremarkable experience, revealing patterns of decision-making, and emergent understanding at several levels.

Taking its cue from consumer research, anthropology, sociology, as well as statistics, the newly emerging science of Mind Genomics works in a different way, one that might be called a cartographic analysis. The objective is to not to develop general hypotheses about behavior, and either show that they describe the data, or falsify the hypothesis. Rather, Mind Genomics uses the methods of experimental science to understand how people react.

The experiments in Mind Genomics are easy to perform, and the subject matter is boundless. As a consequence one need not create a hypothesis and test that hypothesis by manipulation to prove or disprove the hypothesis, or even conjecture It is adequate to act like an explorer, a cartographer, mapping the land, finding interesting areas, unusual formations, and the ‘stuff’ worth talking about. Mind Genomics as a science should appeal to those who are not interested in the traditional tasks of ‘filling holes in the literature,’ nor responding to calls to answer key issues. Instead, and in the spirit of the early Baconian philosophers of natural science, it is sufficient to map the topic, to study the different aspects, without being forced to justify one’s scientific curiosity by first putting up a hypothesis to be proved or disproved, the hallmark of today’s hypothetico-deductive method (Grimes, 1990).


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  8. Gofman A, Moskowitz H (2010) Isomorphic permuted experimental designs and their application in conjoint analysis. Journal of Sensory Studies 25: 127-145.
  9. Kahneman D (2011) Thinking, fast and slow. Macmillan.
  10. Porretta S, Gere A, Radványi D, Moskowitz H (2019) Mind Genomics (Conjoint Analysis): The new concept research in the analysis of consumer behaviour and choice. Trends in Food Science & Technology 84: 29-33.
  11. Boaler J (2015) Mathematical mindsets: Unleashing students’ potential through creative math, inspiring messages and innovative teaching. John Wiley & Sons.
  12. Grimes TR (1990) Truth, content, and the hypothetico-deductive method. Philosophy of Science 57: 514-522.
  13. Moskowitz HR, Gofman A, Beckley J, Ashman H (2006) Founding a new science: Mind Genomics. Journal of Sensory Studies 21: 266-307.
  14. Moskowitz Howard R, Sebastiano Porretta, Matthias Silcher (2008) Concept research in food product design and development. John Wiley & Sons.
fig 1

Importance of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-I) and Ovocalyxin-32 (OCX-32) Genes for Production Traits in Mazandaran Indigenous Chicken

DOI: 10.31038/JMG.2020333


We suggested two important proteins (insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and ovocalyxin-32 (OCX-32) have crucial effects on muscle differentiation, growth, and reproductive traits in chicken production. On the association between IGF-I gene polymorphism and production traits, the evaluation of the associations between SNPs with reproductive traits suggests a positive effect of genotype AC with average egg weight at age of 30 (EW30) (P < 0.05) compared with genotype CC. We confirmed that the g.570 C > A polymorphism is significantly associated with average egg weight at age of 30 (EW30). On the other hand, for the association between OCX-32 gene polymorphism and production traits, two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) c.381G > C and c.494 A > C, were confirmed. Associations of OCX-32 genotypes with egg number (EN) were significant (p<0.05). From these findings we concluded that these markers should be considered for growth and production traits in chicken.


Production traits, Chicken, IGF-I, OCX-32, PCR-RFLP


Economically important livestock products are dependent on production and reproductive traits in domestic animals, which are under the control of multiple genes, mapping and analyzing polymorphisms of genes involved in the main metabolic pathways related to animal growth and distribution of nutrients to different tissues [1,2]. Understanding the genetic information of related genes is helpful for the selection and breeding course through marker assisted selection (MAS) in domestic animals. Candidate genes have well-known biological functions related to the development or physiology of important traits [3]. Such genes can encode structural proteins or a member in a regulatory or biochemical pathway affecting the expression of the trait [4] and can be tested as putative QTLs [5].

For poultry industry, meat and eggs are main products, for which some genes impact on such as insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) and ovocalyxin-32 (OCX-32) have crucial roles on muscle differentiation, growth and reproduction. The presence of IGF-I in blood was detected as one of skeletal growth factors that produced in the liver tissue [6]. Therefore, insulin-like growth factor 1 is a key growth factor involved in a variety of biological processes [7,8]. Some study has shown that IGF-I mRNA levels were significantly lower in the low growth rate line than in the high growth rate line [9].

Recent studies on a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the chicken IGF-I gene have reported that there are significant associations between a polymorphism in this gene and its promoter in production and reproduction traits in poultry [10-12]. And the other hands, one group of detected eggshell matrix proteins related to major proteins of the egg white. Ovalbumin was the first egg white protein that explained in the matrix of the eggshell [13]. A second group contains proteins such as osteopontin that are also found in other tissues [14]. Finally, a third group of proteins includes those specific to the uterine tissue and to the eggshell that have only been detected in extracts of eggshell. Recent studies have shown associations between single nucleotide polymorphism of ovocalyxin-32 gene its family genes and egg production traits [15-18]. The eggshell contains some eggshell-specific matrix proteins such as ovocleidin-17, ovocleidin-116, ovocalyxin-32 and ovocalyxin-36 [14,19]. It was demonstrated that ovocalyxin-32 (OCX-32) is a 32 kDa protein that found in the outer region and cuticle of the shell [20]. Dunn et al. [16] reported that a single nucleotide polymorphism in the intron of the OCX-32 gene was associated with the thicknesses of the mammillary layer. Some studies have shown that low egg production strains expressed more transcripts of the OCX-32 gene in comparison of high strains at egg-laying stages and offered that the OCX-32 gene is a crucial marker that associated with egg production [21,22].

The objectives of the present study was 1) to detect SNPs of IGF-I and OCX-32 genes by developing PCR-RFLP methods, and 2) to investigate and analyze associations between those SNPs and growth and egg production traits in Mazandaran indigenous chicken.

Material and Methods

Growth and Egg Production Traits

The evaluated traits and their descriptions were presented in Table 1.

Experimental Population and Sampling

Chickens were raised in Native Chicken Breeding Station of Mazandaran, and they belonged to generation 19 of the breeding station pedigreed animals. Blood sample (1 mL) was taken in an EDTA-containing tube and all samples were freeze. Whole DNA was extracted by using DNA Extraction Kit [23]. The DNA samples were stored at -20ºC for use.

Primer Synthesis and PCR–RFLP Reactions

IGF-I analysis: Promoter region of the IGF-I gene amplified to a product of 361 bp using the oligonucleotide design tool Primer 5.0 software based on the IGF-I gene sequence of the fowl (Accession number: M74176). Primers were F: 5′-CTCTGCCACGAATGAAATGTGC-3′ and R: 5′-GGGAGCATTTGCCTTCTCTC-3′ for IGF-I gene. PCR method was used to optimize the reaction accuracy: 94ºC for 2 min, 30 cycles of 98ºC for 30 s, annealing at 55ºC for 30 s, 68ºC for 40 s, and a final extension at 72ºC for 7 min. Finally, PCR products were electrophoretically separated on 2% agarose gel (5 V/cm) and stained with ethidium bromide.

The fragment was amplified for PCR–restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. An amplified fragment was digested by HinfI for detecting the g.570C > A genotypes. The restriction enzyme digestion was incubated at 37°C for 4 h.

OCX-32 Analysis

With forward primer 5′-CTCCAAACGTATGCTTCACTTA-3′ and reverse primer 5′-ATTCTTGTGTTCGGTTACTTGT-3′, approximately 342 bp covering complete exon-3 was obtained. As well as forward primer 5′-TGTTTCTGATGAAGAGCCAGA-3′ and reverse primer 5′-CTTTGCCACTCTGTAGGCTGT-3′, approximately 250 bp covering exon-4 was obtained. Two fragments containing the OCX-32 polymorphisms (NM_204534: c.381G>C; and NM_204534: c.494A>C) were amplified for PCR-RFLP analysis. An amplified fragment was digested with NcoI for detecting the c.381G>C and c.494A>C genotypes, respectively. The restriction enzyme digestions were incubated at 37°C for 4 h.

Statistical Analyses

The relationship between genes polymorphism and related traits were calculated using general linear model of SAS 9.0 (SAS Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The used models in matrix notation were as follows:

Y = Xb + Za + e

Where, Y is the vector of observations; b the vector of fixed effects of generation, sex and hatch; a the vector of random direct genetic effects; e the vector of random residual effects; X and Z are incidence matrices relating the observations to the respective fixed and direct genetic effects.


The Production Traits

The means and SD of the traits measured in the chickens are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Statistical description of data set for growth and egg production traits.


No. of animal Mean

Coefficient of variation

BW1 (gr)

34,277 34.53


BW8 (gr)

42,057 553.7


BW12 (gr)

37,207 943.9


WSM (gr)

30,137 1684


ASM (day)

30,339 155.5


EN (number)

30,349 36.66


EW1 (gr)

26,284 40.21


EW28 (gr)

16,215 45.91


EW30 (gr)

18,021 47.12


EW32 (gr)

17,945 48.22


EW12 (gr)

17,837 48.62


AV (gr)

27,715 45.84


EM (gr)

27,725 1758


EINT (%)

30,339 53.07


BW1, BW8, BW12 = Body Weight at Birth, 8, 12 weeks of age, WSM = Body Weight at sexual maturity, ASM = Age at first egg, EN = Egg Number, EW1 = Weight of First Egg, EW28, EW30 and EW32 = Average Egg Weight at 28, 30 and 32weeks of age respectively, EW12 = Average egg weight for First 12 weeks of production, AV = Average for EW28, 30 and 32, EM = Egg Mass (=EN×EW12), EINT = Egg Production Intensity (=Egg Number/Days Recording)×100).

Phenotypic Analysis and Sequence Analysis


The single nucleotide polymorphisms was located in the promoter region and produced an A→C substitution at base 570 (accession number M74176), which was the same mutation identified in previous studies [10,11,24]. Genotypes of chickens were investigated by PCR-RFLP (Figure 1). Genotype and allele frequencies of the SNP in chickens are shown in Table 2. In this population, the AA genotype had the highest frequency (0.62), followed by AC (0.32) and CC (0.06), and the A and C allele frequencies were 0.78 and 0.22, respectively.

fig 1

Figure 1: Representative genotyping of IGF-1 gene at locus g.570C > A. by agarous gel electrophoresis. Strands with 361 for CC genotype, 117, 244 and 361 for AC genotype and 117 and 244 for AA genotype appeared at this locus.

Table 2: Genotypic and gene frequency of IGF-I gene.



Allele Frequency No.



A 0.62 113



C 0.32 59


0.06 11


1 183



The SNPs in exon 3 and 4 were a C→G substitution at base 381 (c.381 G > C; accession number NM_204534) in exon 3, and C→A substitution at base 494 (accession number NM_204534) in exon 4, respectively, which was the same mutation reported in the previous study [21].

We observed 3 band on gel for OCX-32 exon 3 (Figure 2). Three genotypes in this segment GG, GC and CC had the genotypic frequencies of 0.61, 0.26 and 0.13, respectively (Table 3). Two band patterns for OCX-32 exon-4 (Figure 3) were observed. Three genotypes in this segment AA, AC and CC had the genotypic frequencies of 0.11, 0.36 and 0.53, respectively (Table 3).

fig 2

Figure 2: Representative genotyping of OCX-32 gene at locus c.381 G>C. by agarous gel electrophoresis. Strands with 342 for CC genotype, 155, 187 and 342 for GC genotype and 155 and 187 for GG genotype appeared at this locus.

fig 3

Figure 3: Representative genotyping of OCX-32 gene at locus c.494 A > C. by agarous gel electrophoresis. Strands with 250 for AA genotype, 56, 194 and 250 for AC genotype and 56 and 194 for CC genotype appeared at this locus.

Table 3: Genotypic and gene frequency of OCX-32 gene.


Frequency genotype

Frequency allele





0.26 0.13 0.74







0.36 0.53 0.29


Associations between Genotypes and Production Traits or Breeding Values


Results on the effects of IGF-I SNP on production and growth traits are shown in Table 4. The g.570 C > A genotype was significantly associated with average egg weight at age of 30 (EW30) (P < 0.05) in this population. No significant association was found between the IGF-I SNP and other traits (Table 4).

Table 4: Association of the IGF-I genotypes at the growth and egg production traits (Mean ± S.E.).



Genotype AA

Genotype AC

Genotype CC


1726.18 ± 20.22

1740.25 ± 17.84

1765.15 ± 42.12


175.81 ± 1.06

177.97 ± 0.79

174.68 ± 2.79


39.28 ± 0.89

40.07 ± 0.80

40.09 ± 1.70


44.30 ± 0.52

45.51 ± 0.46

43.10 ± 1.01


48.44 ± 0.49 ab

48.41 ± 0.45 a

46.27 ± 0.96 b


51.91 ± 0.44

51.38 ± 0.40

51.03 ± 0.83


1929.45 ± 446.35

2019.28 ± 41.43

1958.00 ± 87.54


59.29 ± 2.64

61.26 ± 1.49

61.03 ± 3.07

a,bValues with different superscripts within the same row differ significantly (P<0.05).


Results on the effects of OCX-32 SNP on growth and production traits are shown in Table 5. At exon 3, genotype GC had higher egg number compared with genotype GG (P < 0.05, Table 5). At exon 4, genotype CC was significantly associated with egg number (P < 0.05, Table 5) compared with genotype AC.

Table 5: Effects of c.381G>C and c.494A>C SNPs of the OCX-32 gene on growth and production traits (least squares means ± SE).







BW12 (gr)

751.33 ± 14.36 733.25 ± 16.24 707.71 ± 29.69 688.82 ± 26.03 732.47 ± 14.62

756.56 ± 13.50

WSM (gr)

1738.36 ± 21.54 1729.77 ± 26.07 1706.98 ± 53.00 1685.13 ± 46.32 1713.00 ± 24.07

1761.97 ± 23.05

ASM (day)

175.37 ± 1.66 177.76 ± 1.10 179.32 ± 3.25 172.34 ± 1.83 173.24 ± 1.99

172.42 ± 1.90

EN (number)

41.30 ± 0.79 b 43.64 ± 0.96 a 43.42 ± 1.95 ab 41.83 ± 1.72ab 43.54 ± 0.89 a

341.39 ± 0.85 b

EW28 (gr)

44.56 ± 0.45 44.62 ± 0.57 45.51 ± 1.16 43.29 ± 0.98 44.53 ± 0.50

45.18 ± 0.50

EW30 (gr)

48.25 ± 0.35 47.84 ± 0.44 49.31 ± 1.01 46.81 ± 0.82 48.65 ± 0.49

48.13 ± 0.49

EW32 (gr)

52.56 ± 0.43 52.01 ± 0.52 49.70 ± 1.06 51.10 ± 0.97 52.06 ± 0.49

52.54 ± 0.47

EW84 (gr)

51.68 ± 0.49 51.46 ± 0.60 49.71 ± 1.21 49.38 ± 1.10 50.31 ± 0.56

51.81 ± 0.53

AV (gr)

50.22 ± 0.38 50.19 ± 0.46 48.19 ± 0.94 48.26 ± 0.83 50.03 ± 0.43

50.47 ± 0.41

EM (gr)

1947.08 ± 40.96 2070.16 ± 49.21 1987.59 ± 100.22 1907.50 ± 88.20 2061.73 ± 45.84

1958.06 ± 44.32

a,bValues with different superscripts within the same row differ significantly (P<0.05).


In the present study, the g.570 A < C polymorphism of the IGF-I promoter was detected in Mazandaran indigenous chicken: allele frequencies for A and C were 0.78 and 0.22, respectively. The g.570 A < C polymorphism has been reported as a candidate mutation influencing growth and carcass traits [10,11,25]. Previous studies have shown that the g.570 A > C polymorphism is significantly related to body weight at 107 days of age [10], 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks of age [11], and 5 weeks of age [25].

For production traits, however, no significant differences were found in the association between the g.570 A < C polymorphism and other traits. In contrast, the g.570 A < C polymorphism is strongly assumed to be involved in 30 weeks (EW30). These results support the notion that selection of average egg weight at age of 30 weeks (EW30), is a powerful method to increase production traits and the g.570 A<C polymorphism might become a marker for elevating average egg weight at age of 30 (EW30). In particular, we propose that the identification of g.570 A < C genotypes may be useful in the selection for reproductive traits. To make further progress, it is necessary to investigate the associations between the g.570 A<C genotypes and production traits in the other breed.

The relationship between the IGF-I promoter mutation and growth or carcass traits has been studied in some breeds of chicken and cattle. For example, effects of the polymorphism IGF-I gene were surveyed on egg quality in Wenchang chicken [12]. Some results showed single nucleotide polymorphisms 512-bp upstream from the start codon had significant associations with weight gain during the first 20 days after weaning and on-test weight in Angus cattle [26]. Furthermore, the same report indicated that the g.570 C > A substitution A→C in the promoter region involved the suppression of one potential CdxA transcription factor binding site. Hence, the different alleles detected in the present study might alter the transcription rate and the gene expression level of IGF-I, thereby affecting circulating IGF-I concentrations and muscle development.

An association between the single nucleotide polymorphisms of the OCX-32 gene and the thicknesses of the mammillary layer was recently reported by Dunn et al. [16]. In the present study, the SNP of the OCX-32 gene were significantly associated with body weight at age of 12 weeks, average of EW28, EW30 and EW32, egg number and average egg weight at age of 32 and 84 weeks. We did not find any significant association between these single nucleotide polymorphisms and the other investigated traits. In the case of c.494 A > C SNP in exon 4 implied that the chicken OCX-32 gene may affect reproductive and production traits related traits simultaneously. Yang et al. [22] showed that the OCX-32 expression levels and EPR were related. Therefore, to confirm the causal mutation derived by only a single SNP, we need to evaluate the effects in different breeds and lines of chickens and investigate the function of this gene in detail. Our results show that detection and utilization of candidate gene mutations and DNA markers obtained by whole-genome scanning may directly improve growth, production traits and other economic traits within the same breeds. In particular, we propose that the identification of genotypes may be useful in the selection for production and reproduction traits. To make further progress, it is necessary to investigate the associations between the genotypes and traits in the other breeds. This result shows that OCX-32 gene can be used as a candidate marker in marker-assisted selection. Further functional analysis is essential to ascertain the effects of the OCX-32 exon polymorphism.


IGF-I: Insulin-like growth factor-1

OCX-32: Ovocalyxin-32

BW1, BW8, BW12: Body Weight at Birth, 8, 12 weeks of age

WSM: Body Weight at sexual maturity

ASM: Age at first egg

EN: Egg Number

EW1: Weight of First Egg

EW28, EW30 and EW32: Average Egg Weight at 28, 30 and 32weeks of age respectively

EW12: Average egg weight for First 12 weeks of production

AV: Average for EW28, 30 and 32

EM: Egg Mass

EINT: Egg Production Intensity


The authors are thankful to the researcher, F. Marandi for positive feedback on this research project.


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fig 1

What to Say to Drive Opera Attendance: A Mind Genomics Cartography

DOI: 10.31038/ASMHS.2020413


We present a novel approach to arts marketing, using Mind Genomics, demonstrating the use with a study conducted for the Arizona Opera. Respondents evaluated different messages about opera, rating combinations of these messages, the combinations created according to experimental design. The deconstruction of the responses revealed the part-worth contribution of each element to interesting the respondent in opera. The deconstruction of the response time showed the elements which engaged the respondent’s attention. Two mind-sets emerged, those interested in the educational aspects of opera, and those interested in the entertainment value of the experience. We introduce the PVI, the personal viewpoint identifier, a tool to assign new individuals to one of the two mind-sets, and suggest how the PVI may contribute to a more effective digital marketing campaign.


Patrons of the arts, especially opera but also of the other arts, are well aware of the need of those who both fund and stage the artistic efforts to understand the mind of their audiences. When it comes to the more conventional things that are marketed, the objective is stated in economic terms, such as maximizing share, or maximizing profit. The economic aspects are paramount. When it comes to certain other aspects of human effort, such as culture, and specifically in our case, opera, the introduction of the ‘marketing concept’ is fraught with more equivocation, more tension. Some of this may come from the nature of the topic, and the realization that the marketing concept is a crude, unfeeling alternative to the higher order efforts of that which is being marketed, namely ‘culture.’

When we move to marketing for non-profits, and especially those dealing with the arts, we move from working with products and services delivering concrete benefits to products and services existing because they deliver aesthetic experiences to their audiences. How does one deal with these experiences? Is the marketing effort to be geared to the experience as an economic construct, or as an experience construct? Is there a measure of pleasure?

The literature of marketing and the arts is quite rich, perhaps because those in the arts realize how important it is to gain the patronage of those who enjoy the arts. Arts marketing is not necessarily as rich in academic studies, but arts marketing has its array of practical work, and books. Thus, we have titles such as Diggles’ 1986 book on ‘Guide to Arts Marketing: The Principles and Practice of Marketing as They Apply to Arts’ (Diggles, 1986), going in hand in with books about non-profit organizations such as Rados’ 1996 book ‘Marketing for Non-Profit Organizations’ (Rados, 1996).

When it comes to arts and marketing in the academic literature, there are few studies reported in the spirit of what we would call an experiment. The studies tend to deal with the topic of marketing from the point of view of sociology (e.g., Butler, 2007; Colbert, 2003; Ventakatesh & Meamber, 2006). That is, the studies report about what is being done in society at large. The spirit of the research focuses on the common patterns of behavior used by those trying to raise money from subscribers or patrons.

One possible reason for the lack of literature featuring ‘experiment’ is the nature of art. Art is an expression of the nobler characteristics of the human spirit. Hirschman (1983) put it this way:

It is proposed that the marketing concept, as a normative framework, is not applicable to two broad classes of producers because of the personal values and social norms that characterize the production process. These two classes of producers are artists and ideologists. Artists are those who create primarily to express their subjective conceptions of beauty, emotion or some other aesthetic ideal. Ideologists are those who put forward an integrated set of positive and normative statements that describe what the world is and what it should be.

Steps in the Mind Genomics Process

The study reported here focuses on what can be said specifically about the Arizona opera to drive positive behaviors, either in terms of attitude or in terms of action. The study can be best described as an experiment, to understand how the specific communications drive responses. The study follows the tenets of Mind Genomics, an emerging science which deals with the way we respond to the specifics of ordinary, daily life, such as the opera. Mind Genomics focuses on the responses to messages about the different topics of daily life, not to show the rationality or irrationality of people, but rather to discover the aspects of daily life to which people pay attention when asked to make a decision (Moskowitz & Gofman, 2007; Moskowitz et. al., 2006).

Mind Genomics is evolving to a set of defined steps in order to understand the everyday ‘mind’ of an individual faced with information about the ordinary information that must be used to make a decision. The steps are not ‘fixed in stone.’ Rather, the steps reflect a work in progress, a system to develop a deeper understanding of how a person weighs specific ‘pieces of information’ to make a decision (Moskowitz, 2012; Moskowitz et. al., 2006; Moskowitz & Gofman, 2007.)

Step 1: Define the Topic

The topic is ‘What to say to prospective opera attendee to make that individual want to subscribe to the Arizona Opera’. It is clear that the topic is limited and specific. Often, the depth of information to be gained ends up far greater and more useful when the researcher focuses on specifics, and limits the topic. With the limitation, it becomes possible to probe deeply, testing many different specific messages relevant only to the subscription to the Arizona Opera. If the topic were more general, such as ‘what makes a good opera experience,’ we might have many elements as well, but we would lack the specifics which make the idea real in the mind of the reader. We might end up testing generalities which lack the cognitive richness of the particular.

Step 2: Create a Set of Four Questions, and for Each Question, Provide Four Answers

The questions should ‘tell a story,’ and be answered by a phrase, not just yes/no nor just a single word. The rationale for requiring a phrase for the answer is that later, during the actual Mind Genomics experiment, the answers, now elements, will be mixed and matched to create vignettes. It is easier when the pieces of information can be read as phrases, the combination of which ‘tells a story.’

Table 1 presents the four questions, and the four answers. The selection of questions, and then the four answers for each question, is done with the full understanding that this specific set of questions and answers is only a small fraction of the possible questions and answers. The terms ‘answers’, ‘messages’, and ‘elements’ will be used interchangeably in the rest of this paper.

Table 1: The four questions about attending opera, and the four answers to each question.

Question A: What is it?
A1 AZ Opera … Bold, Brave, Brilliant
A2 Presenting artists of both international stature and emerging talent
A3 Elevates the transformative power of storytelling through music
A4 One of the only Operas in the country that regularly performs in two cities
Question B: Why do I like it?
B1 a special place where I can get really dressed up and be glamorous
B2 Shouting “BRAVO!” during the show and at the final curtain call
B3 Dinner plus the show … a total night out on the town
B4 AZ Opera performances I can listen to on public radio
Question C: How do I do it?
C1 An Opera season where I can choose my own subscription
C2 AZ Opera … I can mix and match the performances
C3 English translations of the lyrics are projected on a screen above the stage as they are sung
C4 Arrive an hour before curtain to learn about the show you are about to see!
Question D: Why does it matter to the community?
D1 Free music and lecture series examine each opera in detail
D2 Free brown bag operas on Fridays before the big event
D3 A traveling troupe brings opera to schools
D4 Arizona Opera’s book club … a great way to meet fellow audience members and discuss, learn, and connect

Step 3: Create Vignettes

The vignettes comprise combinations of elements (viz., answers), arranged one on top of the other, centered. A vignette comprises at most one element or answer from each of the four questions. The vignette comprises 2-4 elements but often, and by design, no answer from one or two questions. The vignettes are created according to an experimental design, with each design comprising 24 different vignettes. The mathematical structure underlying the experimental design ensures that the 16 elements or answers are statistically independent of each other (Heller, 1986). In the actual experiment, each respondent will be presented with a permutation of the basic design, a permutation which maintains the same statistical benefits (independence of elements, individual-level experimental design). In actuality, the permutation simply creates different sets of combinations from respondents, allowing the researcher to explore a many possible combinations, and build up knowledge by exploring the topic broadly, rather than build up knowledge by exploring one little region of the topic with precision by replicating the same set of 24 vignettes across many respondents. The permuted experimental design ensures that one can analyze the data from as few as one respondent to obtain clear information. The permuted experimental design is a key feature of Mind Genomics (Gofman & Moskowitz, 2010), and metaphorically can be likened to understanding the topic using an MRI (magnetic resonance). The MRI takes pictures of the tissue from many angles, and puts the data together to create a single, coherent picture.

Step 4: Invite Respondents to Participate

Mind Genomics experiments typically require about five minutes of a respondent’s time. Although it seems a good idea to invite respondents from among one’s friends and associates, the reality is the abysmally low response rate, usually around 10% or lower. People simply do not want to volunteer their time in a world where many factors compete for a person’s attention. The solution to this conundrum is to work with a panel company, which specializes recruiting and compensating individuals for these studies. The Mind Genomics study was executed among respondents provided by, Inc. a company specializing in these studies. The respondents were invited to participate by email.

Step 5: The Test Stimuli and the Respondent Instructions

The Mind Genomics experiment comprises the evaluation of 24 different vignettes, rating each vignette as a single ‘message’ or single ‘idea.’ As noted above, the vignettes are combinations, comprising 2-4 elements, so it is impossible for a respondent to ‘game’ the system by rating the single vignette in the way that the respondent believes the researcher wants to hear. The vignettes are compounds of different messages, each message pulling in its own direction. The respondent may begin by trying to be consistent and ‘politically correct,’ but ends up disinterested, responding to the vignette in an indifferent, almost automatic fashion. That condition of ‘disinterest’ ends up ensuring that the data represent what the respondent truly feels.

The Mind Genomics experiment prefaces each vignette with the same simple instructions about what to do:

You will be presented with a series of statements. Please respond to the statements with your initial reaction. Use the number scale where 1 means I don’t like it at all and 9 means I love it.

Step 6 – Transform the Data

The Mind Genomics study generates ratings on a 9-point scale. Best practices in the world of applied consumer research suggest that it is easier to understand data when the data presented in binary form, no/yes, 0/100. For this study using the 9-point rating scale as the dependent variable, the typical transformation is ratings of 1-6 transformed to 0, and ratings of 7-9 transformed to 100. This is called TOP3. A second transformation changed ratings of 1-3 to 100, and ratings of 4-9 to 0. This is called BOT3 to reflect the elements which drive people away from opera. Finally, the Mind Genomics program also measures the Consideration Time (aka Response Time), defined as the time in seconds between the appearance of the vignette and the respondent’s rating. The Consideration Time is measured to the nearest tenth of a second.

Step 7 – Create Individual Level Models Relating the Transformed Rating (Binary) to the Presence/Absence of the 16 Elements, and then Cluster the Respondents on the Basis of the 16 Coefficients, k1 – k16

The experimental design used to create the 24 vignettes for each respondent ensures that the 16 elements are statistically independent of each other. The first statistical analysis uses OLS (ordinary least-squares) regression to create an equation describing how each of the 16 elements contributes to the binary transformed rating. The equation is expressed as: Rating = k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4). There is NO additive constant used in the modeling. The individual level modeling generates a matrix, in which each row is a respondent and each column is an element. The numbers in the body of the matrix are the coefficients for the 16 elements, on a respondent by respondent basis. The additive constant is not retained for this first analysis.

The second statistical analysis uses clustering to divide the respondents into two, and then three complementary groups, based upon the pattern of the 16 coefficients. The coefficients for TOP3 are used in the clustering. The clustering program computes a distance between respondents (D=(1-Pearson R)). Pairs of respondents with similar patterns of coefficients show a high Pearson R (Pearson correlation coefficient), and assigned to the same cluster. Pairs of respondents with different patterns of coefficients show a low Pearson R and are assigned to different clusters (Jain & Dubes, 1988).

Step 7 is done completely automatically, without any interpretation about what the cluster might actually be called. Everything in Step 7 is done under strictly mathematical rules.

Step 8: Define the Key Subgroups

These subgroups may be the standard ones of age and gender, obtained by a short classification questionnaire which is part of the Mind Genomics experiment. The subgroups may also correspond to the clusters determined from Step 7. The latter subgroups, emerging from clustering the TOP3 coefficients, are renamed ‘Mind-Sets’ to reflect the fact that they represent groups of individuals who view the topic in different ways. For this study on marketing the Arizona Opera, we end up with the Total panel and six key subgroups. The subgroups are:

From self-classification:                                     Gender                  Male vs Female

From self-classification:                                     Age                       19-29 years old vs 30 years and older

Emergent from clustering coefficients:                Mind-Set                MS1 (Learning) vs MS2 (Entertainment).

Step 9: Relate the Elements to the Dependent Variables, Using Regression

For all the respondents in either the Total Panel or key subgroup, combine the data into one file, and use OLS regression to relate the presence/absence of the 16 elements to three dependent variables: TOP3 (Interested), BOT3 (NOT Interested), and CT (consideration time). The OLS regression estimates the model using all of the data for the key group, rather than estimating individual level models.

The model is written without an additive constant, in order to allow comparisons across groups, and across dependent variables.

The equation is expressed as: Dependent Variable = k1(A1) + k2(A2) … k16(D4)

Step 10: Extract the ‘Story’ from the Coefficients

The data emerging from Mind Genomics comprise elements and their coefficients, the latter estimated by regression. The data is doubly rich. First there are the elements and their respective coefficients. Each element stands by itself. Simply knowing the element and its coefficient for a specific dependent variable, tells the researcher either how important the element is in terms of attitude (TOP3 = Like; BOT3 = Dislike), or in terms of engaging attention (Consideration Time). Second, the pattern linking together the strongest performing elements also tells a story, this time a more general one. There may or may not be a coherent story linking together the strongest performing elements. The absence of a story does not weaken the data, but simply prevents the discovery of the general pattern.

The data are shown in tabular form. For the binary dependent variables (Like, TOP3; Dislike, BOT3), coefficients appear in shaded cells when the coefficient is 15 or higher. For the Consideration Time (CT), coefficients appear in shaded cells when the consideration time or engagement time is 1.5 seconds or higher for the element. The selection of a coefficient of 15 or higher is based upon independent analysis which related the coefficients of the 16 elements estimated in the absence of an additive constant to the coefficients of the same 16 elements estimated with the equation containing an additive constant. A coefficient of 7.5 for the latter (with additive constant) is statistically significant (p<0.05), and corresponds to an additive constant of approximately 16 for the former (without an additive constant). The selection of the Consideration Time of 1.5 seconds is based on judgment, and the search for a meaningful, easy-to-understand pattern.

Results – Total Panel

What to say (TOP3) – set of easy to customize social occasions where one learns and enjoys (Table 2)

Table 2: Performance of the 16 elements across the total panel.

table 2

B3                Dinner plus the show … a total night out on the town

C3                English translations of the lyrics are projected on a screen above the stage as they are sung

C2                AZ Opera … I can mix and match the performances

D1                Free music and lecture series examines each opera in detail

C1                An Opera season where I can choose my own subscription

What not to say (BOT3) – don’t overdo the ‘kitschy’ aspect

B1                 a special place where I can get really dressed up and be glamorous

B2                 Shouting “BRAVO!” during the show and at the final curtain call

What engages (CT) – talk about the learning and knowing opportunities

D4              Arizona Opera’s book club … a great way to meet fellow audience members and discuss, learn                       and connect

A4                One of the only Operas in the country that regularly performs in two cities

C2                AZ Opera … I can mix and match the performances

C3                English translations of the lyrics are projected on a screen above the stage as they are sung

C4                Arrive an hour before curtain to learn about the show you are about to see!

By Gender and Age

The analysis for total panel can be repeated for four key subgroups, one group at a time. The same criteria were used, namely a coefficient > 15 for TOP3 and BOT3, and a Consideration Time of 1.5 or longer. Table 3 shows the messaging which increase attendance (TOP3), and a suggestion of the common theme.

Table 3: Performance of the elements as drivers of interested (TOP3). Data from key geo-demographic subgroups. Only elements strongly interesting at least one subgroup are shown.

table 3

Males – Entertainment and Other Occasions for Listening

B3                 Dinner plus the show … a total night out on the town

B4                 AZ Opera performances I can listen to on public radio

Females – Many Elements, Especially Entertainment and Learning

B3                Dinner plus the show … a total night out on the town

C2                AZ Opera … I can mix and match the performances

D1                Free music and lecture series examines each opera in detail

C3                English translations of the lyrics are projected on a screen above the stage as they are sung

C1                An Opera season where I can choose my own subscription

C4                Arrive an hour before curtain to learn about the show you are about to see!

A1                AZ Opera … Bold, Brave, Brilliant

D2                Free brown bag operas on Fridays before the big event

A3                Elevates the transformative power of storytelling through music.

Age 19-29 – Entertainment and Learning

B3                Dinner plus the show … a total night out on the town

D1                Free music and lecture series examines each opera in detail

A3                Elevates the transformative power of storytelling through music

C2                AZ Opera … I can mix and match the performances

A2                 Presenting artists of both international stature and emerging talent

Age 30+ Entertainment

B3                Dinner plus the show … a total night out on the town

C3                English translations of the lyrics are projected on a screen above the stage as they are sung

C1                An Opera season where I can choose my own subscription

Table 4 shows what not to say. There are no strong elements. When we lower the criteria to a value of 10 or higher, rather than 15 or higher, we end up with two elements, B1 and C2, which tell no story.

Table 4: Performance of the two strong performing elements driving not-interested (BOT3). Data from key geo-demographic subgroups.

table 4

Table 5 shows what engages, operationally defined as elements which have Consideration Times of 1.5 seconds or longer.

Table 5: Performance of the elements which engage the respondent. Data from key geo-demographic subgroups.

table 5

Males – engaged strongly by five of the elements, with the most engaging elements dealing with what the person can do. That is, males are engaged by elements which get the reader to think about what to do.

Females – engaged strongly by five elements, with the most engaging elements dealing with learning and discussing.

Age 19-29 – engaged strong by two elements, both focusing on socializing.

Age 30+ – engaged strongly by seven elements, combining both the act of creating one’s series, and the act of learning and seeing others learn.

The Two Emergent Mind Sets Based on Interest

The clustering program generated two mind sets, based upon ‘interest’ (TOP3). Table 6 shows that many of the elements are strong performers, albeit in only one of the two mind-sets. Mind-Set1 can be labelled those who are interested in the educational aspects of the opera. Mind-Set 2 can be labelled those who focus on the entertainment experience.

Table 6: Performance of the 16 elements across the two mind-sets. MS = Education Focused, MS2 = Entertainment Focused.

table 6

It is clear from Table 6 (columns labelled TOP3) that what strongly appeals to one mind-set (e.g., education) tends not to appeal to the other mind-set (viz., entertainment). Furthermore, the strong and rather polar nature of the elements, in terms of how they drive the response of the mind-sets, suggests that there are at least two clear groups in the world of respondents to whom one must appeal. What appeals to one mind-set will not generally appear to the other mind-set.

When we turn to what does not appeal to the two mind-sets (BOT3) we see no pattern.

When we turn to what engages (Consideration Time we see that Mind-Set 2 (Entertainment) seems more likely to be engaged by what interests them, and that Mind-Set 1 (Education) seems to be less engaged by what interests them. This pattern emerges when we compare strong performing elements (high TOP3) to the level of Engagement (CT). The correlation between TOP3 coefficient and CT coefficient across the 16 elements is +0.04 for Mind-Set 1 (Education) and +0.39 for Mind-Set 2 (Entertainment). The difference in the magnitude of the correlation suggests radically different strategies to engage the respective attentions of individuals in the two mind-sets.

Finding Mind-sets in the Population

In today’s world of abundant data, a world filled with questionnaires, where interviews abound, and where it seems one can hardly do anything without a follow-up request to rate the product or rate service, one might think that we can find these mind-sets easily. The answer is that we cannot. The mind-sets uncovered above, the education vs experience mind-sets, are particular to the experience of opera. The two mind-sets may be reflections of different ways of enjoying public performances of the arts, but it would take massive efforts and monetary expenditure to establish that, and then use the findings to guide marketing. In the meanwhile, the Mind Genomics study reported here was set up, executed, and completely reported in less than three hours. The paradox is that it becomes almost a ‘trivial’ effort to establish valuable information for science and for marketing, but a very difficult, labor-intensive, resource-intensive effort to apply the findings. Simply said, databases do not have fields for ‘the way the person enjoys the performing arts.’

Table 7 shows the distribution of respondents by mind-set, as well as by gender, age, and self-profiling of interest in opera. It is extremely difficult to predict the messages to give to a respondent, knowing gender, age, and even general behavior with respect to attending opera. The messages themselves are straightforward, emerging from the Mind Genomics effort. It is the assignment of an individual to a mind-set which is difficult. Knowing who a person “IS” does not predict how a person “THINKS.”

Table 7: Cross tabulation showing the distribution of respondents into age, gender, and responses to the up-front classification question about opera attendance. The classification information was collected at the start of the Mind Genomics experiment.

  Total MS1 Education MS 2 Entertainment
Total 100 45 55
Gender: Male 52 23 29
Gender: Female 48 22 26
Age: 18-29 22 11 11
Age: 30+ 78 34 44
Opera – Season subscriber 3 2 1
Opera – A few shows a year 28 15 13
Opera – Not subscriber but would like to be 36 14 22
Opera – Not subscriber, not interested 29 14 15

Recently, authors Gere and Moskowitz have developed an implemented a rapid technique to assign new people to one of two (or three) mind-sets. The approach uses the basic sets of coefficients for the two mind-sets, shown in Table 6 (columns marked Top 3). The approach adds ‘noise’ to the set of coefficients, and identifies the pattern of response ‘under noise’ which best differentiates the mind-sets and reproduces the original results. This Monte-Carlo simulation is followed by the creation of a simple 6-question matrix, shown in Figure 1. The matrix requires the respondent to answer using a two-point scale, the anchors of which are chosen by the researcher. The pattern of responses of responses determines the mind-set to which the new person is assigned. The respondent begins by providing classification information, information that can be suppressed and not required if so desired. The respondent then answers the six questions in different orders to reduce order bias, as well as answering other, optional questions about the topic. Finally, the respondent submits the completed form, and immediately receives feedback regarding the mind-set to which the respondent belongs. The information is stored in a database for subsequent personalized marketing. The PVI opens up new opportunities for marketing, especially for digital marketing, which can change the content of an advertising piece as soon as the PVI assigns the new person to one of the two mind-sets.

fig 1

Figure 1: The PVI (personal viewpoint identifier), and the feedback to the participant.

Applying Mind Genomics Knowledge to Create an Effective Digital Media Strategy

A key benefit of the Mind Genomics science is its immersion in the world of the everyday, and the opportunity therefore to use the results in practical application. The principles emerging from Mind Genomics teach us about the mind-sets of people, in this paper the mind-sets related to opera. The elements are phrases having meaning to the average person, and thus to the potential opera fan, or at least the potential opera attendee. Unlike other types of studies to understand the person, studies which use artificial stimuli of little cognitive richness, Mind Genomics attempts to work within the structure that has every day meaning.

One consequence of the everyday meaningfulness of Mind Genomics cartographies is the potential application of the findings for opera companies in social media, the application being called ‘digital media strategy.’ Digital media strategy divides into two areas, paid advertising where the goal is to directly broadcast to convince the audience, and organic digital strategy with content placed on websites and other media, which convince by the nature of the facts conveyed, and their efforts to inform.

Let us first look at the ‘Organic Digital Strategy,’ namely websites and social media other than paid advertising. This organic digital strategy typically constitutes the foundation of an organization’s ONLINE presence. It is difficult, if not impossible, to segment individuals on social media platforms, at least in terms of the specifics for the opera. The optimal strategy for the Arizona Opera would thus be to use the most persuasive language across the Total Panel. It is here, at the stage of messaging, that the granularity of Mind Genomics does best. The four strongest performing elements promise the greatest positive response, in the absence of any additional information. These are the specific messages:

A3: Elevates the transformative power of storytelling through music

B3: Dinner plus the show… a total night out on the town

C3: English translations of the lyrics are projected on a screen above the stage as they are sung

D1: Free music and lecture series examine each opera in detail.

Using this language ensures the highest probability of converting website visitors and social media followers to Arizona Opera attendees and subscribers. The elements which strongly resonate across all viewers can enhance the “About” section of the Arizona Opera’s social media channels and website, executed through the captions of the content (e.g. images, videos, and GIFs), as well as within the content itself.

Paid Digital Strategy synergizes with the organic digital efforts but produces benefits regardless of the organic strategy. For the Arizona Opera, the likelihood of high returns may be accomplished by focusing the advertising budget on Facebook Ads, especially when the ads can be targeted to specific demographics of age and gender, with the proper messages. The messages below show elements with coefficients around 20 or higher for each group. These messages are expected to perform best. Note that the four demographic subgroups show different numbers of strongly appealing messages. Other elements may be substituted, but may be expected to perform less impactfully (Table 3). The key benefit here of Mind Genomics is the ability to provide a reservoir of possible messages, each pre-tested, at least in the Mind Genomics experiment.


B3          Dinner plus the show … a total night out on the town


B3          Dinner plus the show … a total night out on the town

C2          AZ Opera … I can mix and match the performances

D1          Free music and lecture series examine each opera in detail

Age 19-29

B3          Dinner plus the show … a total night out on the town

D1          Free music and lecture series examine each opera in detail

Age 30+

B3          Dinner plus the show … a total night out on the town

The data presented here provide the opportunity to create a potentially powerful, and more individualized campaign. One example is a campaign working with Facebook. Within Facebook Ads, marketers who create conversion campaigns can track the path of user behavior. Using the example of Arizona Opera ad, it is first seen on a social media platform. The ideal end of the path is the purchase of a ticket. By launching a campaign, Facebook’s ‘internal learning processes’ discover the commonalities (known to Facebook) among those individuals who purchase the tickets to the Arizona Opera. The operating assumption is that ‘birds of a feather behave similarly,’ i.e., people who are like each other will act similarly. The belief is that by finding out what is similar among those who purchased tickets for the Arizona Opera, one can fine-tune the advertising, selecting only people with similar profiles, at least profiles known to Facebook.

The PVI, personal viewpoint identifier, makes a contribution to digital marketing campaigns, albeit in a different way. By knowing the mind-set of an individual, either ahead of time from a previous campaign, or during the current campaign, the marketer for the Arizona Opera need not invoke the learning algorithm. One already knows far more about the opera-relevant messages for the individual, and need only pull out the appropriate messages, either for Mind-Set 1 or Mind-Set 2. Thus, the combination of topic, speed and ease of Mind Genomics knowledge development, and the deployment of the PVI, produce a new vista for digital marketing.

Discussion and Conclusions

The combination of arts marketing and Mind Genomics opens up a new opportunity to understand people, as well as to enhance the cultural offerings of a region. The literature of arts marketing provides a sense of the ‘touch points’ of a relatively ambiguous topic, the topic being an entity which is both a business and a social good. Arts marketing is vital for the culture to maintain its soul and vitality, but at the same time arts marketing is a business, feeding people and organizations.

The introduction of Mind Genomics to the issues involved in arts marketing, typified by the study of the messaging for the Arizona Opera, suggest that it may be possible to move arts marketing to a new level of effectiveness by understanding the mind of the prospective opera-goer. Mind Genomics provides solid, concrete, and specific knowledge about a person’s response to messages about opera. The academic foundations of Mind Genomics, especially those studying trade-offs and choice (Green & Srinivasan, 1991) are enhanced by focus on everyday decision making using our ‘fast thinking’, viz., System 1, in the words of Nobel Laureate psychologist, Daniel Kahneman (Kahneman, 2011). The two emergent benefits are, respectively, a deep understanding of the topic for science and arts, as well as a practical database to drive a person’s behavior by the proper messaging.

As the present study shows, such information can move from question to study to results, and even to the PVI, in a matter of a day or even a few hours. The output of one of these studies can help the opera, as well as provide deep information about the mind of the opera-goer, or prospective opera-goer. The output of a set of these studies provides a fuller profile of the mind of the typical person with respect to the performing areas, and, in turn, what effective messages should be communicated. Finally, putting the data about mind-set into the digital marketing effort, as customer-volunteered information, means that the marketing efforts are directed at people with similar mind-sets, not similar demographics.


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