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Evaluation of Skin and Organ Dose of Patients Caused by Computed CT and Comparison with Monte Carlo Simulation Software GEANT4 (GATE)

DOI: 10.31038/NAMS.2024714


Today, the use of CT scan as a type of diagnostic tool has increased dramatically. Therefore, controlled use and in accordance with protective regulations in order to reduce the harmful  effects of radiation, it is necessary. The purpose of this study was to measure the dose received by patients in computed CT scan protocols and compare it with Monte Carlo simulation using GEANT4 software. Radiation parameters were collected from 11 patients referred to Tohid Hospital in Sanandaj to measure DLP quantity in common protocols. In this study, DLP values for Chest Abdomen protocol were measured and compared with simulation values. Our results show Monte Carlo software outputs experimental data well and is a good benchmark for this software. Thus, the simulated and measured doses agreed well.


Computed tomography, Chest CT scan, Monte Carlo, Dose during scan, Reference dose limit


CT scan is an advanced imaging technique that provides cross- sectional and transverse images of body parts using X-rays using computer algorithms and calculations [1]. Today, use of CT scan as a type of diagnostic tool has increased dramatically. Specific information is required including activity distribution and organ boundaries for patient-specific dosimetry. CT data provides anatomical information which can be used for defining volume of interests specifying internal organs [2,3]. Nevertheless, using CT images for segmentation of anatomic structures of patient body, despite being more accurate, is time consuming. The alternative is using phantoms or Atlas data with already segmented organs and known organ boundaries. The anatomical structures are derived from these databases very easily [4]. In the United Kingdom, CT scans ranged from 250,000 to about 5 million from 1980 to 2013, representing a 20-fold increase, while in the United States, CT scans ranged from 2 million to 85 million. It has been shown to show a growth of approx. 43 [5]. In the United Kingdom and the United States, CT scans account for 11% and 17% of all medical X-ray tests and 67% and 49% of the cumulative effective dose, respectively. Absorption dose in tissues in CT scan is a higher component of the doses received by patients in diagnostic radiology methods [6,7]. Different parameters affect the dose received by patients in CT imaging. One of the most important factors influencing the dose received by patients is the intensity of the current in the tube (current generated in the tube due to the flow of electrons inside it) as a determinant of the amount of X-rays. For dosimetry calculations GATE (GEANT4) application to Tomographic Emission) [8], a Monte Carlo based script interface dedicated to nuclear medicine, was used. Different versions of this free open source toolkit are available on the open GATE collaboration website [9]. For dosimetry applications, GATE is capable to take either patient’s CT or a digital atlas phantom as input [10]. GATE has certain attractive features; some of them are inherited from GEANT4 [11] and some are additionally developed. These include flexible simulation geometry capable of accommodating a large variety of detector and source details and the physical events. In this study we review the evaluation skin and organ dose of patients caused by CT scan and comparison with Monte Carlo simulation software GEANT4 using DLP index.


Patient Study

This study was performed on 11 patients referred to Tohid Hospital in Sanandaj for chest CT scan. GE Light Speed RT, a third generation standard radiotherapy CT (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee WI), was used in this study. The scanner has a large bore (80 cm), distance X-ray tube and isocenter 60.6 cm and performs 4-slice helical scanning. The tube voltage 80-140 kV step 20, tube current 10-440 mA step 5, rotation times of 1, 2, 3 and 4 seconds are available. Images were acquired with slice thicknesses of 2.5 mm on 10.0 mm collimation (4 × 2.5 mm) (GE Light Speed RT CT scanner technical evaluation November 2005). This scanner is used routinely for obtaining patient images for radiotherapy treatment planning at the Akdeniz University School of Medicine Department of Radiation Oncology. The regular quality assurance (QA) for image quality, 120-200 kV-mA measurement and mechanical tests based on national and international processes was performed. Three different body regions of the Rando phantom (head, chest and pelvic) were scanned by applying typical clinical protocols. The scan parameters kV, mA, pitch, FOV (field of view), rotation time, slice thickness of the CT examinations which were used in this study are given in Table 1. The scan length for each scanning protocol is also shown in Figure 1.

Table 1: Quality control tests include the accuracy and reproducibility of the parameters of each scan


Mode KVp mAs P T (mm) I(mm)

L (cm)


Helical 120 200 1.5 10 10


fig 1

Figure 1: A typical transverse slice of CT image of two patients

Monte Carlo Simulation

For both simulations of patient-specific dosimetry with the CT and XCAT phantom, the simulations were performed in GATE Monte Carlo code (version 6.0.0). The data of SPECT, CT and XCAT phantoms were processed to prepare suitable input file formats for GATE. The results of the internal dosimetry for the real activity distribution in the patient body based on the computed CT data were calculated for the CT image and the XCAT phantom in skin as well as in the total body. Photon absorption, Compton and Rayleigh scattering, ionizations, multiple scattering photons were simulated. After completion of simulations, GATE produced two binary files, containing respectively the absolute absorbed dose delivered into the voxels as DLP index (mGy) and the corresponding uncertainties [12]. Dycom photos of each case with VV the 4D slicer software converted into an MHA file or in another way with Mimics Medical 21.0 software converted to 3D STL files. Then, dosimetry separate programs were written for each of these inputs, in MHA and STL formats, and the output of both was almost the same, but in the 2D mode the results were closer to reality.

Dosimetry Calculations

Dose length product (DLP) measured in mGy*cm is a measure of CT tube radiation output/exposure. It is related to volume CT dose index (CTDIvol), but CTDIvol represents the dose through a slice of an appropriate phantom. DLP accounts for the length of radiation output along the z-axis (the long axis of the patient).

DLP = (CTDIvol) * (length of scan, cm)

[units: mGy*cm]

DLP does not take the size of the patient into account and is not a measure of absorbed dose. If the AP and lateral dimensions of the patient are available, then the size specific dose estimate (SSDE) can be used to estimate the absorbed dose.

It is important to remember that the dose length product is not the patient’s effective dose. The effective dose depends on other factors including patient size and the region of the body being scanned. Some multipliers, called k-factors, have been estimated to convert DLPs into effective doses, depending on the body region. If interested, consult reference.


Organ dose simulations were performed using the scan parameters for the chest and abdomen-pelvis CT examinations. The scan range used for the chest CT contained the entire pulmonary area and that used for the abdominal-pelvic CT extended from the diaphragm to the pubic symphysis. In each simulation the obtained results of DLP values for the dedicated GE Light Speed RT CT scanner for organ were about 250 mGy (Table 2). The reported values by manufacturer are 30.16 mGy and 23.9 mGy (GE Report 2005) so Commutated CT is used these values as standards at spreadsheet. The obtained results of DLP values from this study were less then reported values. As a general in the literature, the DLP value for conventional CT scanner is reported to be from 17 to 48 mGy [13-15]. For this dedicated CT scanner, the DLP values were in the range of values from conventional CT. In this study, the organ dose values were obtained by another measurement using the GATE Monte Carlo code (version 6.0.0) calculator and the two methods were compared for each scan protocol. The organs that were in the scanned region are blind listed in Table 3. First result of this study showed that the organ dose is relatively higher in helical mode by using GATE Monte Carlo simulation scanning.

Table 2: Results about dosimetry based on computed CT


DLP (mGy-cm) Number
helical 259.9

W .1


226.5 M .2
helical 248.7

-W .3


231.6 -M .4
helical 247.3

-M .5


258.3 -M .6
helical 241.6

-M .7


230.5 -M .8
helical 259.7

-W .9


255.9 -M .10
helical 244/3

-M .11



-W .12

Table 3: Comparison between dosimetry based on CT and GATE Monte Carlo simulation

(DLP) GATE Monte Carlo code

DLP (CT Scan) Number
267.4 259.9



226.5 2
296.1 248.7



231.6 4
270.8 247.3



258.3 6
255.2 241.6



230.5 8
298.5 259.7



255.9 10
264.9 244.3






We observed similar organ dosimetry results based on phantom with and patient’s CT data (Table 2). The similarity of the whole body dosimetry shows that the phantom and the calculation/simulations are generally acceptable. Variation between the organ boundaries and geometry of organs between patient and phantom may cause the differences and affect the organ dosimetry. In this study we used the GATE Monte Carlo code for calculation of absorbed dose. GATE code is already validated for dosimetry in many clinical situations including brachytherapy, external beam radiotherapy with photons/electrons, systemic radiotherapy, and proton-therapy. One of the main privileges of GATE is the capability to support both imaging and therapy modeling procedures [16]. The method we used has been employed with variations in other studies [17] for example to study mathematical phantom derived from the MIRD-type adult phantom. The use of phantoms is already validated for internal dosimetry purposes. Another reports showed that the dosimetry based on phantom is different from those based on the Zubal phantom as well as different dosimetry estimations obtained from different BMIs. We showed, the calculated doses have a good approximation in the simulated software and the higher percentage of dose in the simulation can be attributed to the use of this approximation that the use of mono energy source in the simulated CT scan. the energy spectrum of the tube is not mono, and in a wide spectrum with a peak of one-third of energy, it sleeps like a rabbit. So in general, the computational results of DLS were similar.


In this study, we showed that the results of dosimetry Similar when the CT phantom is used in place of patient’s CT image and GATE Monte Carlo code simulation. Providing a simulation method could be an option to give less right to CT scams.


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Guidelines to Living with Schizophrenia, Humor

DOI: 10.31038/PSYJ.2024624


Schizophrenia is a nasty, vile, pernicious disease that you may hope to survive. Not much good ever came of it. However, with a few handy rules you can learn how to prosper as a mentally ill adult. Be courageous. You may find yourself up against the machinations of hidden enemies, who like Dr Mengele seek to experiment on you for their own amusement. But, having compiled this handy guide to living with schizophrenia, I can teach you how to pass for sane or at the very least fool most people about your aim, goals, and intentions, which are usually just simply a means of escape. Without further introduction, I present my thoughts on How to Understand and Communicate Effectively with Schizophrenia.

  1. Learn to read the world through symbols. Nothing means what it says, not magazines, newspapers, or journals. Beneath the text of a thing lies a meaning that you have to decode. It’s best if you begin to learn to draw inferences early in your psychiatric episode as it may take you many months to perfect your ability to draw conclusions from display cases in department stores and the stacking of fruits and vegetables in the produce aisle.
  2. Further, ignore the surface meaning of all communication. If someone tells you it’s a nice day be sure to figure out what nice means and if this is a cue for someone else to drop nuclear weapons on your town. Meaning lies in patterns that skim the surface. You will see patterns everywhere. It’s your job to learn as quickly as possible how to read those patterns so you know how to respond adequately and shape your actions accordingly. It’s up to you to decode those patterns and make sense of them so they aren’t just random noise or static of sounds and phenomena. This is why you make a great spy. You’re a breaker of codes! A seer of symbols. An oracle of hidden messages.
  3. Regard all means of communication as private signifiers beamed to you and for you only. Listen closely. Even other people having a conversation are words meant just for you to overhear. TV, movies, print, and just plain talk all have something important to impart. Go to movies to receive instructions in the text hidden in the script. Read between the lines of headlines in the newspaper every day so you learn what is really happening in the world. If you learn to read the medium correctly, you’ll soon realize that WWIII is imminent. Isn’t that what authorities are always trying to hide? Either that or aliens rule the planet and always will.
  4. To maintain physical safety, communicate as little as possible with other people. This way you will frustrate their attempts to torture you in small, dimly lit rooms. Other people are problematic. Who knows where their loyalties lie and to whom they report? Nefarious leaders always work through flunkies. Silence is golden and doctors may be CIA plants. Why else would they ask you so many inane questions? Isn’t the CIA after you to exploit your incredibly astute brain power anyway?
  5. If you can, lie! It’s a safety issue. Your safety.
  6. In learning how to understand your world that has just turned upside down and inside out, interpret everything according to rampant paranoia. Assume everyone is against you unless otherwise specified. Be suspicious of all communications. Facts in the paper aren’t real. That war in Ukraine? It’s a plant to help you understand you’re the one at war. Ordinary events are charged with meaning and threat. Even rodents like squirrels are suspect agents looking to gather data on you. The Russians have been known to use Beluga whales as spies. And squirrels are much more agile than whales. We have technology to make cameras pretty tiny now.
  7. Also, learn to interpret random events as a directly threatening action taken by enemies against you! This especially holds true for earthquakes, the rising and setting of the moon, and even the pull of gravity itself. People are hunting you. They are able to utilize the earth’s physical properties in their search. Flee while you still can.
  8. When you see advertising banners at department stores take them really personally. Sure, the sale is over-hyped. But that’s because store means to get your attention. Enter said store and buy lots of unneeded, unnecessary, but not unappealing or unattractive stuff. It’s about the most fun you’re going to have in a while. The more you buy, the more fun you’ll have and to be perfectly honest, you’ve been given permission by the giant banner to go on a shopping spree. Perhaps you already have a pair of sunglasses? But this pair makes you look really cool and maybe even sexy. So what if you drain your bank account? The shadowy organization for whom you work will magically replenish your finances. It’s best to stay away from your bank at this time.
  9. And now, to communicate with your overlords speak quietly in your head. Everyone else can read your mind anyway, though you tend to forget that most of the time. Try to stifle thought around risky individuals so they don’t learn how you plan to finalize your escape. Learn meditating tricks to quiet your brain around others which is churning at breakneck speed through your mental landscape.
  10. Finallly, be sly and crafty with all individuals. It just might save your life. Nurses have it out for you and aides are cranky with you for a reason. Never let them know of your interior life if you can help it.

If you follow this comprehensive plan, you too can take a stab at being a successful psychiatric patient. It won’t really be much fun, except for the shopping, but you will probably help save the planet. France will thank you. Germany will fete you. And England will award you an honorary degree. If you want, the US will in all probability dedicate the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade to you. And that’s all the achievement anyone could ever ask for.

Potato Virus Y-based Tumor In Situ Vaccination

DOI: 10.31038/NAMS.2024713


In situ vaccination (ISV) is an established and growing cancer therapy strategy. Preclinical studies show that ISV antitumor efficacy is achievable by of plant virus nanoparticles (PVNPs), in which PVNPs are directly administered into the tumor. It had previously shown that some PVNPs are potent in inducing long-lasting antitumor immunity when used as an in situ vaccine. Here, we investigate a filamentous plant virus nanoparticle, potato virus Y (PVY), for in situ vaccination treatment of 4T1, the very aggressive and metastatic murine triple-negative breast cancer model. PVY used as ISV does not significantly slow down tumor progression. Data indicate that some PVNPs are more suitable for application as in situ vaccines than others; understanding the intricate differences and underlying mechanisms of immune-activation may set the stage for clinical development of these technologies.


Immunotherapy, Cancer, In situ vaccination, Plant virus nanoparticle, Potato virus Y


Over 120 years ago Dr. William Coley set the framework for cancer immunotherapy. It was directly administrated live and attenuated bacteria to tumor. This approach led to cancer regression and complete cures in subset of patients [1,2]. The mechanism is now partially understood to involve activating macrophages and lymphocytes, producing immune’s mediator such as cytokines and chemokines [3]. In this approach that known in situ vaccination (ISV), the tumor itself serves as the source of the antigen and what is introduced is an adjuvant [4]. One particular type of ISV involves the use of attenuated mycobacteria known as Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG), which has been the established standard of care for superficial bladder cancer for more than four decades [5]. Another type of ISV that has recently received FDA approval is talimogene laherparepvec (T-VEC) developed by Amgen. T-VEC is a therapeutic treatment that utilizes an attenuated herpes simplex virus. T-VEC is injected directly into identified tumors and its therapeutic effects are achieved through the recruitment and activation of immune cells through the secretion of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) [6,7]. Recently, plant virus nanoparticles (PVNPs)-based nanotechnologies have provided evidence that can induce a strong immune response against tumors when administered as ISV [3,8,9]. The effectiveness of this approach has been demonstrated in mouse models of melanoma, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and colon cancer [3,7,10,11]. The data suggests that antitumor effects leading to the development of immune memory and providing protection against tumor recurrence [11]. Investigations have revealed antitumor effects in these models was associated with activation of a broad spectrum of immune cells [3,12,13]. A subset of immune cell such as APCs, neutrophils have been become activated upon engulf PVNPs, resulting in an early inflammatory phase characterized by upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines, leukocyte recruitment [7,13]. Toward this end, have recently demonstrated that ISV with various shapes/sizes of PVNPs such as icosahedral cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) [7], rod-like papaya mosaic virus (PapMV) [14] and tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) [7], bacillus alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) [15] can induce immune-mediated antitumor responses. It has been demonstrated that filamentous such as potato virus X (PVX) also can exhibit antitumor effectiveness in the context of melanoma [16]. Here, we specifically asked whether other filamentous viruses qualify as in situ vaccine for cancer immunotherapy. In this regard, we employed a library of structurally similar plant virus; specifically, potato virus Y (PVY). PVY virions have a filamentous, flexuous form, with a length of 730 nm and a diameter of 12 nm and a single-stranded, positive sense RNA genome [17,18].

Material and Methods

Preparation and Characterization of PVY Nanoparticles

PVY was propagated within Nicotiana benthamiana plants and purified as previously reported [18]. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging was conducted to validate the integrity of PVY filaments. The Malvern Zetasizer (Malvern Instruments, Worcestershire, United Kingdom) was utilized to determine the electrostatic surface map and zeta potential measurements.

Determination of Inherent Immunogenicity

For the assessment of canonical pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 levels, the inherent immunogenicity was determined by previous method. Summary, purified PVY added in vitro cultures of peripheral human blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) with a cell density of 106 cell/ml that were purified as previously reported.

Cell Culture and Cell Viability Assay

Cell culture and a cell viability assay were performed using 4T1 cells (ATCC). These cells were cultured in RPMI, supplemented with 10% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (FBS, Atlanta Biologicals) and 1% (v/v) penicillin-streptomycin (penstrep, Life Technologies). The cells were maintained at a temperature of 37 °C and a CO2 concentration of 5%. Upon reaching confluency, the cells were detached with 0.05% (w/v) trypsin-EDTA (Life Technologies), seeded at a density of 2 × 103 cells/100 μL/well in 96-well plates, and incubated overnight at 37 °C and 5% CO2. On the following day, the cells were washed twice with PBS and exposed to PVY at concentrations of 0, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100 μg/ml for duration of 24 h, in triplicate. Cell viability was assessed using an MTT proliferation assay as suggested by the manufacturer (ATCC, catalog number: 30-1010K™).

Tumor Model

Female Balb/C mice of six weeks of age were acquired from the Pasteur Institute of Iran. Subcutaneous injection of the breast cancer cell line (4T1) was performed at the right side of the abdomen of a mouse with a seeding density of 106 cell/ml. The tumor volume was measured using a digital caliper and calculated using the equation volume=0.5 (length × width2). Mice were then randomly assigned to either the untreated group (PBS) or the group treated with PVY (n=4). In situ vaccination was conducted on day 10 post-tumor induction, where 100 μg of PVY in 50 μL of PBS was intratumorally injected with 72 h intervals. Tumor size was monitored daily, and mice were sacrificed when the tumor volume exceeded 1000 mm3, as per the approved protocol of the institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) of Tabriz University of Medical Science.


Immunohistochemistry was performed using antibodies obtained from Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc., Santa Cruz, CA, USA. The tumors were fixed in PBS and sent to the Sara-Co lab ( for sectioning and staining. Optic densities (OD) were quantified using Fiji image analysis software.

Statistical Analysis

Data analysis and chart generation were performed using GraphPad Prism 8 software for Windows (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA, USA). Statistical significance was determined using two-way or one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). A significance level of P≤ 0.05 was considered for comparisons between groups.


Characterization of PVY

In this study, our objective was to investigate whether PVY could be utilized as an in situ vaccine against 4T1 tumors. PVY is filamentous virus with a length of 730 nm and a diameter of 12 nm. The ratios of RNA to protein (A260/280=1.7) indicated that the preparation consisted of uncontaminated and intact PVY (Figure 1A). Figure 1B displays the zeta potential of the PVY particles, which is recorded as-4.4 millivolts (Figure 1B).

fig 1

Figure 1: PVY characteristics A) Transmission electron microscopy confirms the structural stability of PVY particles. B) Dynamic light scattering was used to measure the zeta potential of PVY.

PVY is Immunogenic and Non-cytotoxic for Cancer Cells

4T1 cell line for evaluating the anticancer efficacy of the PVY nanoparticles (100 μg/ml) was used for cytotoxicity assay, the results did not exhibit direct cell toxicity on treated cells (Figure 2A). PVY possesses immunogenic properties and does not exhibit cytotoxic effects on cancer cells. When Human PBMCs were exposed to PVY for 24 hours, there was a significant increase in the expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6), a well-known pro-inflammatory cytokine, compared to the control cells that were left untreated (Figure 2B). This observation suggests that PVY inherently stimulates the immune cells.

fig 2

Figure 2: A) Cell viability of 4T1 cancer cell line exposed to PVY. B) Human PBMCs exposed to PVY produce elevated levels of IL-6 pro-inflammatory cytokine in vitro. C) Therapeutic efficacy of PVY in a breast tumor model. Balb/C mice inoculated with 1 × 106 4T1 cells followed by 100 µg of PVY, once tumors were approximately 100> mm3, 10 days post-inoculation. Tumor growth followed by measuring volume (n=4).

PVY ISV Treatment has not Potent Efficacy in Treating the 4T1 Model

PVY treatment was done 5 times for each mouse in three days intervals starting 10 days after 4T1 cell injection and tumors well established. Control group mice were injected with PBS on the same schedule. The tumor growth (volume) was no significantly delayed in PVY treated groups compared to untreated control (Figures 2C). Inflammatory cytokines were assayed by Immunohistochemistry. Intra-tumor concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines, IFN-β, IL-1β, IL-12 andIL-6 don’t significantly increased in PVY-treated animals compared to untreated control animal tumors (Figures 3).

fig 3

Figure 3: Immunohistochemistry don’t reveal dramatic changes in cytokines associated with treatment. Tumor sections stained for INF-β, IL-1β, IL-12 and IL-6. Quantitative analysis was performed using Fiji software to determine relative optical densities of the stained sections (p<0.05), magnification 20.


We have elected filamentous plant virus, namely PVY as ISV for the first time. Intratumoral injection of the viral nanoparticles (VNPs) achieved with the combination of virus genome and multivalent capsid proteins (wild virus) with diameters of approximately 12 nm and long 700nm (Figure 1A). In order to assess their inherent immunogenicity, we introduced of the PVYs into in vitro cultures of PBMCs extracted from human. After duration of 24 hours, we measured the level of pro-inflammatory cytokine, IL-6 secreted using ELISA (Figure 2B). We have observed that in the context of dermal 4T1 in mice, the utilization of PVY as an in situ vaccine don’t leads to a suboptimal antitumor immune response against breast tumors. In contrast, it could not be showed with the effectiveness of CPMV, AMV, and PapMV. However, it did observe a relative similarity with PVX. When comparing the formulation of PVY with PVX, no apparent differences in antitumor efficacy were observed [16]. It demonstrated that there was no statistical difference in tumor growth rate or survival time between PVX-DOX complex versus PVX or DOX alone, but PVX+DOX did significantly slow tumor growth rate versus PVX and DOX alone [16]. Furthermore, PVX in mixture with OVA did not prove to be an effective adjuvant. Unexpectedly, no differences in IgG titers between mice immunized with individual OVA and a composition of OVA+PVX were revealed [19]. Furthermore, TMV used as an in situ vaccine elicits a weak antitumor immune response against melanoma [7]. Analysis of cytokines indicated no statistical difference. Prominent cytokine included IL-6, this cytokine also play crucial roles in inducing pro-inflammatory responses to infection and inflammation. In stark contrast, PVY elicits an immune response at in vitro, characterized by the production of pro-inflammatory cytokine, primarily IL-6. It has been observed that IL-6 signaling is associated with attributes that promote tumor growth, such as the ability to control the differentiation of macrophages and neutrophils into their tumor-promoting phenotypes, specifically M2 and N2 [20]. Our results don’t show very significant stimulation of INF-β, IL-1β, IL-12 and IL-6cytokines by PVY in situ vaccination. These cytokines are particularly intriguing due to their significance in eliciting immune responses against tumors through the mediation of T cells [21]. Regardless of their origin, interferons possess the ability to potentially exert antitumor effects either directly or indirectly [22]. The cytokine IL-12 holds great importance in the realm of cancer immunotherapy as it has the capability to activate immune cells with antitumor properties, including those that combat melanoma, by stimulating IFN-γ signaling and production [23]. It can exhibit that PVY can be suitable for epitope presentation. It is demonstrated that the preS1 epitope displayed on PVY (chimeric PVY CP particles) can immunize of mice with a strong anti-preS1 immune response, even in the absence of adjuvants [24].


Plant virus-based materials have emerged as innovative in situ vaccines, potentially initiating an immune response against tumors. These nanoparticles interact with innate immune sensors, reprogramming the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment to an immune-activated state. This reactivation of the cancer-immunity cycle leads to systemic elimination of cancer cells through the adaptive immune system. It has been documented that CPMV, PapMV, PVX, TMV, and AMV-based ISV can induce anti-tumor responses, reduce tumor growth, and improve survival rates when administered directly to the tumor site. In this study, we present evidences that PVY-based ISV, in compare with them, no efficacy or immune-stimulation in a mouse model. Nevertheless, it can exhibit that PVY can be suitable for epitope presentation. Further research is required to fully elucidate the mechanism of plant viral in situ vaccines.


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Risky Business: A Comment on Nurse’s Exposure to Infectious Diseases at Work, the Experiences of WW1 Nurses from New Zealand

DOI: 10.31038/IDT.2024513


The impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on health professionals around the world highlighted that front line health care staff continue to pay a high price in the provision of care. It has been well documented as to how the lack of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), unequitable access to testing, vaccinations as well as the share volume of patients exposed frontline staff to infection[1]. In other smaller events such as Ebola, the early days of AIDS (Acquired immune Deficiency Syndrome) and tuberculosis as other examples where health care workers were unprotected. As the impact of COVID-19 seems to be waning, despite high numbers of infection circulating, it remains to be seen whether the lessons learnt about protecting and supporting frontline health care staff will continue to be upheld in future pandemics.

These modern-day experiences are mirroring what generations of health care professionals, and in particular nurses have experienced in the past. By the nature of their work, nurses are at a greater risk of infection than most other health professionals, as they tend to have more frequent and prolonged contact with patients, are involved in handling bodily fluids, and work close to patients performing any number of duties.

Between 1914-1919 of World War One and the immediate years afterwards, New Zealand send 20% of its nursing population overseas to provide care to the 1000s of wounded and ill soldiers of the Allied nations, amounting to approximately 540 registered nurses. Others such as Voluntary Aid Detachments (VADs) and Red Cross nurses also were sent however these are not accounted for in New Zealand Army service records. On their return to New Zealand, most were then sent straight to work at a new front line, that of the catastrophic influenzas epidemic, brough home by returning soldiers and ravaging through the population[2].

The NZANS left New Zealand fit and healthy, aged between 26-45, and were considered the cream of the crop of their provincial and city hospitals. Prior to departing nurses were inoculated for typhoid and paratyphoid, which caused deadly enteric fever. They were also inoculated against smallpox. The nurses were sent away in batches, starting with the first fifty in April 1915. It was thought at the time, that this would be all that was needed, however by June dozens more were sent and on it went over the next few years [1]. Those early nurses did not return to New Zealand until, after the war ended unless they were “invalided home” (as stated in individual medical files).

The nurses were often working in what could be considered austere environments, in temporary field hospital with poor sanitation. They may also be working in confined environments such as hospital trains dealing with men straight from the front, with infected wounds or infectious diseases such as dysentery. Hygiene measures may be difficult in such confined spaces. In the hotter countries like Egypt and Samoa, flies were also a problem. Another environment which was a breeding ground for infectious diseases was the hospital and troop ships. One of the most well-known New Zealand examples is the Troop Ship Tahiti which had over 1000 men on board, with ten passenger nurses heading to England in 1918. An unwelcome passenger came on board en route, and by the time the ship docked in Southampton over 100 men had died from influenzas, one passenger nurse and at least five others were quarantined for several weeks. Many more soldiers were ill and incapacitated with influenza, and those who died did so from pneumonia, untreatable in the pre antibiotic era[3].

As all the New Zealand war service files from World War one have been digitised, it has been possible to review each of the 550 service files. A data base was created collecting all the available information know about the nurses, age at service, age at death, length of service and locations, along with any details of sicknesses and their amount of time absent with these. This work has been reported elsewhere [1,2], as part of a bigger project. Rather, this commentary is going present the impact of the infectious disease the nurses experienced as well as some of the long-term consequences of their service. Some of these infectious disease ae now virtually non-existent in a well vaccinated population, and of course this can have some complications as the vaccine hesitant may not see the value in vaccinating against a disease they think has been non-existent for generations [3].

In analysing all the files of the nurses who served overseas, three main infectious diseases are prevalent, accounting for over 50% of the recorded sickness. These were influenza, with regular outbreaks through 1916, 1917 and the large global pandemic of 1918. The impact on nurses was at least three weeks off sick in a hospital and then they would have to convalesce in a nursing home to regain their strength before going back to duty. The next most common infectious disease was measles, which remains the most contagious infectious disease currently. The third main infectious disease is tuberculosis, which was often not labelled as such in the notes. For those nurses who ended up in a sanatorium on their return to NZ, their medical boards described firstly a period of chronic cough fatigue and weight loss for weeks and up to three months. They would then receive a diagnosis of “CPDI’, which is chronic pulmonary disease indeterminate. Then after about six months they were usually invalided back to New Zealand and sent to a sanatorium for further treatment. Once they had recovered sufficiently they were then often requested to stay on working in the sanatorium on “light duties”, ostensibly with the idea that they couldn’t get sick again with TB.

Another infectious disease mentioned in several files is diphtheria, a disease long gone from Western countries due to vaccination. This is a potentially fatal disease of the airways causing obstruction and death if the membrane occluding the airways is not removed [4]. Modern treatment of diphtheria is with antibiotics and an antitoxin. Other common infections reported in the files of nurses are skin infections such as boils, which often results in several weeks off sick, or the need for draining of boils. Whilst these nurses may not have been very ill with the skin infections (most likely staphylococcus), it would have been precarious for the soldiers if they received a wound infection.

Whilst the 1918 Spanish infauna pandemic is generally well known and the devastating impact it had on war depleted populations around the world, it was not the first influenza outbreak during world war one. Whilst influenza was known as an illness and that it was caused by a virus and spread via droplet infection, the actual virus was not isolated until 1932 [5]. Until then diagnosis was made by clinical symptoms only; very high temperature, muscle pain and severe debility all appearing suddenly. Often in nurses files the original record would state “PUO”, meaning pyrexia unknown origin followed by “NYD”, not yet diagnosed. Then a few days later the entry would read “influenza” (never “flu”) and then there would be a period of convalescence lasting up to three weeks. Prior to the 1918 influenza outbreak, which claimed the lives of several nurses bother overseas and in New Zealand, the most severe epidemic was in 1916 and is considered the precursor of the 1918 outbreak. The epidemic began in a large British camp in Etaples which had over 100, 00 soldiers and 24 hospitals. The onset of symptoms was rapid and severe, with a high mortality rate [6].


This discussion of the impact of infectious disease on New Zealand army nurses in World War One has highlighted historically the risk nurses have been in, whilst caring for patients. Despite advances in modern health, with improved vaccinations, PPE and understanding of transmission of infectious disease, the experiences of the early days of the COPVID-19 pandemic were eerily similar to historical events, leaving frontline staff under protected and many paying the ultimate price of losing their lives, to what has become essentially preventable through vaccinations and hygiene measures.





  1. Maddocks WA (2023) Broken nurses: an interrogation of the impact of the Great War (1914-1918) on the health of New Zealand nurses who served-a cohort comparison study. BMJ Military Health, p. e002325. [crossref]
  2. Maddocks W (2022) Too Sick For Caring? An Analysis of The Health Impact of The Great War (1914-1918) on The First Cohort of New Zealand Nurses Who Served. Journal of Military and Veterans Health 32(2).
  3. Bullock J, JE Lane, FL Shults (2022) What causes COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy? Ignorance and the lack of bliss in the United Kingdom. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9(1): p. 87.
  4. Roddis LH (1957) A Short History of Diphtheria. Military Medicine 120(1): p. 51-54. [crossref]
  5. Potter CW (2001) A history of influenza. Journal of Applied Microbiology 91(4): p. 572-579. [crossref]
  6. Oxford JS, et al. (2002) World War I may have allowed the emergence of “Spanish” influenza. Lancet Infect Dis 2(2): p. 111-4.

SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Multiple Sclerosis: Proactive Approach in a Vulnerable Patient Group through Daily Vitamin D Supplementation?

DOI: 10.31038/IDT.2024512

fig 1


An explicit goal of multiple sclerosis (MS) therapy is the “best possible disease control” taking into account the “best possible quality of life” of the patient, with the option of using highly effective therapeutic agents early or as early as possible in response to disease activity [1], but also a to seek proactive therapy by making use of all therapy options [2].

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory neurodegenerative disease with a suspected autoimmune origin. The disease begins earlier than current diagnostic criteria can detect. It affects the entire central nervous system and not just the white matter, as the original term-inflammatory demyelinating disorder-suggests [3]. It is characterized by a very heterogeneous course of the disease, which is represented by relapse-associated neurological deterioration, but also by an increase in disability that is independent of relapse [4]. It is generally accepted that infections in people with MS (PwMS) can have a negative impact on the course of the MS disease. This justifies that all potentially therapeutic and preventive options, especially for COVID-19, should be exploited.

MS is associated with reduced vitamin D status [5]. The molecular mechanisms in the pathogenic effect of vitamin D deficiency in MS are diverse and are orchestrated by encephalitogenic T cells with B cells, microglia, dendritic cells, interleukins (IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-12, IL-17, TNF alpha, (tumor necrosis factor), MHCII, interferon gamma, among others) [6].

Not only is vit D deficiency associated with MS risk, but s25(OH)D levels are inversely correlated with risk of relapse, CNS lesions, and disability progression. Vitamin D suppl. reduces the number of new Gd+-enhancing or new/enlarged T2 lesions on MRI [7-10]. With MS, which is currently not curable, a high level of activity is required to prevent complications, especially infections of any kind. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is an exceptionally transmissible and pathogenic coronavirus that emerged in late 2019, causing a pandemic of acute respiratory illness known as coronavirus infection 2019 (COVID-19). New omicron variants are constantly being discovered [11], for example BA.2.86 (Pirola),JN. New findings show that BA.2.86 efficiently enters lung cells and uses TMPRSS2 for entry into lung cells. The mutations S50L and K356T are for the efficient Lung cell entry of BA.2.86 is responsible. BA.2.86 has a high resistance to therapeutic antibodies and evades the antibodies induced by infection and vaccination [12,13]. COVID-19 can develop into a severe disease associated with immediate and delayed sequelae in various organs, including the central nervous system (CNS) [11].

Over the last 3 years, a complex connection between SARS-CoV-2 infection and MS has emerged [14].

Daily Vitamin D Supplementation is a Prerequisite for the Suppression of Inflammatory Processes

The risk of severe infection from COVID-19 should provide additional motivation for one daily high-dose vitamin D administration [15,16]. As part of prevention, it is worth mentioning that with circulating s25(OH)D values ≥ 55 ng/mL, the SARS-CoV-2 positivity rate was significantly lower than with values below or with deficiency [17]. Current data suggest a protective role for VitD, particularly with a lower risk of intensive care unit admission and a reduced risk of death [18,19]. In addition, the occurrence of Long-Covid is an aspect of implementing this simple, effective, safe and costeffective therapy with a broad therapeutic window for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 disease [20-22]. Although there is still no indisputable evidence that Vit D supplementation (VitD suppl.) reduces the risk of SARSCov-2 infection in healthy individuals, there is collective evidence that it benefits vulnerable individuals [23]. PwMS with comorbidities, psychiatric illnesses, hypertension, obesity (an increased BMI may correlate with a severe course of Covid-19), age > 50 years, severe disability and methylprednisolone boost therapy as well as some DMTs (disease-modifying therapies) have a higher risk of infection and an increased risk of severe COVID-19 courses [24-26]. Infections (SARS-COV-2) can increase MS symptoms (pseudo-relapses) or cause real relapses [27]. In post-COVID syndrome (Long Covid), one in eight patients presents with symptoms such as fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, joint pain, chest pain, muscle pain, headache and paresthesia in the limbs after at least 3 months. The latter can also occur in PwMS per se [28,29]. if vitamin D administration results in a lower risk of infecton,severity of illness with admission to the intensive care unit or a reduced risk of death in people at risk,Long-Covid occurs less frequently [18,19,21,22,30-33],it is not ethically justifiable to withhold high dose vitamin-D administration from pleople at risk.

Mechanisms of Action of Vitamin D in COVID-19

Barrea et al. list in detail 14 mechanisms as described by Vit D suppl. the risk of COVID-19 infection can be reduced and sufficient Covid 19 vaccination is supported [19,29,32,34-38]. Vit D and its metabolites inactivate viruses (increase in antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin, defensins), lead to reduction of the risk of cytokine storm, reduce matrix metalloproteinase-9 concentration and thereby increase the host’s metabolic tolerance to damage, reduce the risk of pneumonia and myocarditis, lead to the reduction of the concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially interleukin 6 (IL-6), which promotes the permeability of the BBB, which leads to the potentiation of CNS damage in PwMS, is serious [29,39-42].

Vit D enables neuroprotection by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress. Low 25(OH)D levels were inversely correlated with high IL-6 levels and were independent predictors of COVID-19 severity and mortality [43]. 1,25(OH)2D3 inhibits immunoglobulin synthesis, regulates B cell activity and reduces auto-Ab production. It converts B cells into plasma cells [18]. Vit D reduces the risk of infection with EBV [29].

Current studies show evidence that chronic inflammation in Long Covid-19 Infection with reactivation of the latent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) can lead to a worsening of the health status in PwMS [44-48]. In MS, there is a high level of molecular mimicry between the EBV transcription factor EBNA-1 and the CNS protein GlialCAM (glial cell adhesion molecule of the central nervous system [49]. Bernal et al. were able to detect EBV reactivation by detecting EBV DNA and antibodies against EBV-lytic genes [50].

In 66.7% of Long Covid patients, EBV reactivation could be demonstrated by a positive titer for EBV EA-D (early antigen-diffuse)-IgG or EBV-VCA (viral capsid-antigen)-IgM) can be provided [45]. Long COVID patients with fatigue and neurocognitive disorders were with serological evidence of recent EBV reactivation (early antigen-D [EA-D] IgG positivity) or high nuclear antigen IgG levels [51].

The triad of inflammatory markers IL-1ß, IL-6 and TNF can be found in both Long Covid and MS [52-54]. Low sun exposure acts synergistically with high EBNA-1 Ab levels and was associated with an increased risk of MS [55]. There is a connection between high EBNA-1 antibody levels and low s25(OH)D levels. On the other hand, a high dose of VitD suppl. the EBNA-1 antibody levels in PwMS [56-58]. Another parallel arises from the increase in GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein) as a dysfunction of the astrocytes about 4 months after the start of SARS-Cov2 infection [51]. The concentration of NfL (Neurofilament light chain), GFAP and total tau in CSF in patients with COVID-19 was often elevated with neurological symptoms [59]. Elevated sNfL has already been verified in mild to moderate COVID-19 disease [60]. On the other hand, the risk of mortality increased if sNfL and sGFAP levels were already elevated upon hospital admission [61].

Because there are no effective drugs that block EBV reactivation in Long Covid [62], there are multiple arguments for Vit D suppl. High-dose Vit D-Suppl (14,000 IU/day) for 48 weeks or 20,000 IU/week for 48 weeks selectively reduced anti-EBNA-1 antibody levels in PwMS (RRMS) [58,63].

Several mechanisms are under discussion:

  1. VitD could induce better clearance of EBV infected B cells,
  2. Vit D could directly target and impair viral replication in EBV-infected cells,
  3. Produce better control of inflammation in general,
  4. In an EBV-mediated inflammatory cascade, 1,25(OH)2D3 could suppress the activation of reactive astrocytes
  5. It is likely that at high s25(OH)D levels, the VitD receptor EBNA 2 (Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 2) is displaced upon DNA binding [58,63-68].

Early Start of Therapy is a Crucial Factor

The early start of therapy with VitD suppl. is crucial for influencing influenza and COVID-19 infections [69]. The Corona-19 mortality risk correlates inversely with the VitD status and a mortality rate close to zero could theoretically be achieved at over 50 ng/mL s25(OH)D [70]. The importance of Vit-D metabolism as a potential prophylactic, immunoregulatory and neuroprotective treatment of infections (COVID-19) is increasingly being considered in clinical practice as part of a multitherapeutic approach [34,71,72].

Dosage Suggestions for Vitamin D Supplementation

Currently, there are no consensus guidelines suggesting an appropriate concentration of serum 25(OH)D to prevent COVID-19 or reduce its morbidity and mortality. It is becoming increasingly clear to start with a “loading dose” with high VitD doses over a few days and then continue with a “maintenance dose”, although various variants have been put up for discussion.

For example, one study used a weekly or fortnightly dose totaling 100,000-200,000 IU for 8 weeks (1800 or 3600 IU/day) [73].

To obtain 75 nmol/l s25(OH)D values, the following equation was described:

Dose (IU) = 40 x (75-serum 25(OH)D(3) [nmo/L] x body weight [73].

Over 30 ng/mL s25(OH)D values were also achieved with a single oral dose of 200,000-600,000 IU [38,74].

An s25(OH)D level of 40-60 ng/ml could be achieved by dosing up to 6,000 IU/day over several weeks [75,76]. A daily VitD intake of 10,000 IU/day for 4 weeks would lead to a faster optimal s25(OH)D level in the “status nascendi” of an infection [19].

Another dosage regimen was recommended: cholecalciferol 0.532 mg on day 1 and continued with 0.266 mg on days 3,7,14,21,28 (1 IU vitamin D3 = 0.025 µg vitamin D3 = 65.0 nmol Vitamin D3 [77]. The pharmacokinetic properties of calcifediol allow rapid absorption within hours, facilitating the immediate availability of 25(OH)D2 in target tissues.

This drastically reduced the need for intensive care unit admission and the mortality rate [77]. A key mechanism of 1,25(OH)D2 is its effect on Vit D receptors (VDR) on the adaptive immune system. The activity of TH1 and TH17 cells is reduced and the T regulator (Treg) cells are induced. This results in a reduced production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, IL17, TNF alpha) and the cytokine storm is weakened [77,78].

The further daily VitD dose will depend on the s25(OH) values. The “maintenance dose” depends on the genetic polymorphism of the enzymes involved in VitD metabolism. Because interindividual differences in the organism’s response to Vit D, particularly in PwMS, are established, one of many explanations for the controversy surrounding the clinical results of Vit D suppl. [6,78,79].

An example of this individual reaction to a Vit D suppl. with 3,200 IU daily for 5 months showed a strong response to peripheral blood mononuclear cells in 60% of healthy individuals, while only a mild to moderate response was recorded in 40% despite reaching 25(OH)D values of 60-90 ng/ML was [80].

Up to Date 2024

Clinical Manifestation of a SARS-Cov-2 Infection in PwMS as Ulcerative Colitis – A Novum

Another challenge in the diagnostic diagnosis of gastroenterological symptoms is exclusively COVID-19-induced colitis (enteropathic infection) without pulmonary manifestation or as the first manifestation of COVID-19 disease [81-87]. In the ileum and colon, there is extensive expression of the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) on the enterocytes, to which the SARS-CoV-2 corona virus binds, penetrates the cells of the intestinal epithelium and causes the inflammation or aggravates existing one chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) [84,87-90]. Molecular mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 and human proteins (enteric epitopes) promotes gut-associated autoimmune diseases [91].

SARS-CoV-2 as an autoimmunogenic virus is seen in association with another 10 autoimmune diseases and multidisciplinary management can be beneficial in long-COVID [92-94]. Vit D deficiency can promote autoimmune dysregulation [95].

PwMS are Predisposed to Comorbid Autoimmune Diseases

PwMS have a tendency to be polyautoimmune [96-98] and hundreds of common genetic susceptibility loci for autoimmune diseases have been identified [99,100]. Up to 18% of PwMS suffer from additional comorbid autoimmune disorders.

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) [ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease]) are among the most common autoimmune diseases accompanying MS [101]. About beneficial and adverse effects of DMTs and comorbid autoimmune diseases details in [102]. Knowledge of the tendency towards polyautoimmunity is the key to the precise interpretation of symptoms, even in contrast to treatment-related undesirable side effects of anti-CD20 therapy.

Disease-Modifying Therapies (DMT) Can Increase the Risk of Infection

Long-term observation has shown an increased incidence of respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections and SARS-CoV-2 during therapy with monoclonal anti-CD20 antibodies in MS (ocrelizumab, ofatumumab, ublituximab, rituximab) [103-105]. The predominant depletion of CD20+ B cells, but also CD20+ T cells and the effect on CD8 T cells by ocrelizumab as well as the additional reduction in immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) explains the increased risk of infection [103,106].


The connection between Vit D and COVID-19 has been critically examined in over 120 clinical studies, including 41 RCTs, and a strong connection between Vit D and clinical outcomes in Covid-19 has been proven.

Several mechanisms have been discussed:

  1. Affects 1,25(OH)2D3 antimicrobial peptides (cathelicidin), tigth junction proteins and adherenc junction proteins (ZO-1, occludin, claudin-10, ß-catenin, VE-cadherin) [107].
  2. 1,25(OH)2 D3 suppresses the activity of TH 1 and TH 17 cells and induces Treg cells. As a result, there is a reduced production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, IL-17, TNF alpha) and a weakening of a cytokine storm [79].
  3. Vit D plays an important role in controlling the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Details in [78].

Furthermore, genetic polymorphisms of the Vit D metabolism pathway and nongenetic reasons could explain the controversies surrounding the clinical results of Vit D supplementation [78,79,108]. If the physiological basis for the use of Vit D to improve the health of the general population has already been found with Vit D daily doses of 5000-7000 IU/day [109], it is biologically plausible to use a Vit D suppl. to be carried out preventively in the event of impaired immune homeostasis in PwMS to improve immune function. The daily dose of Vit D is crucial for the therapeutic success of broad gene expression. A daily dose of 10,000 IU leads to genomic changes that were several times higher than with 4000 IU/day [80].

Through the immunomodulatory effect of 25(OH)D and its anti-inflammatory mechanisms, immune-mediated colitis caused by anti-CD20 antibody therapy or ulcerative colitis caused by SARS-CoV-2 could be suppressed or alleviated. This form of manifestation of COVID-19 disease is particularly important in vulnerable people (PwMS) receive attention. [81-94].

Calcitriol may play a supportive role in neuroprotection particularly in PwMS by attenuating neuroinflammation and protecting the endothelial integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) [110,111]. The steep learning curve in assessing clinical symptoms in LONG COVID-19 reveals new manifestations of autoimmune diseases, particularly after severe SARS-CoV-2 infections. In addition to the risk of rheumatic diseases, the occurrence of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis must be taken into account in long-term care [112-116] and is a challenge in the future. Comorbidities affect PwMS more frequently than people without MS and are associated with greater physical and cognitive impairment,lower health-related quality of life,and increased mortality [117].In long-term management,one goal is to potentially avoid comorbidities.Due to the predisposition to polyautoimmunity,thyroid diseases (Hahimoto’s thyroiditis,Graves’disease) are not uncommon as comorbidities [118]. An infection of the endocrine system with SARS-CoV-2 (e.g. thyroid, adrenal gland, pituitary gland, etc.) is possible and the virus has been detected in post-mortem samples [119]. SARS -CoV-2 also mainly penetrates here the main receptor ACE2 and its co-receptor TMPRSS2 into the host cells. ACE2 protein expression was detected in about 87% of deceased COVID-19 patients. Pathological thyroid function tests correlated with the severity of the disease [119,120]. People with one already existing autoimmune disease and Covid-19 were 23% more likely to be diagnosed with another autoimmune disease [112]. In patients with comorbidities, advanced age and SARS-Cov-2, overactivation of T cells, overproduction of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta, IL-2R, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17, TNF alpha, IFN beta) and a reduction in Treg cells are confirmed [121].  Infections with SARS-CoV-2 and mRNA vaccines can trigger the clinical onset of an autoimmune disease [122]. So it must be during and after the SARS-CoV-2 infection, subacute thyroiditis, Graves disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are expected [122] and the PwMS should be monitored accordingly in the event of clinical symptoms. The immunomodulatory function of vitamin D could be used as part of an early treatment strategy , as vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of autoimmune thyroid diseases [123]. There is a negative relationship between anti-thyroid antibodies (TPO-Ab, TgAb, TSHR Ab) and a sufficient serum 25(OH)D level. A Vit D suppl. led to a decrease in thyroid antibodies and in hypothyroidism, TSH levels decreased. Vit D positively influenced Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and graves disease [124-137].

A Covid-19 cohort showed a significantly higher risk of IBD and celiac disease [138]. Patients with ulcerative colitis were more likely to develop a severe form of Covid-19 than the general population [139]. Despite partly contradictory results of studies on the relationship between vitamin D, Covid-19 and IBD, it can be recognised that 25(OH)D levels above 30ng/mL can exert a protective function [140].

As Covid-19 is not a thing of the past and appears to be here to stay, an easy-to-use and inexpensive vitamin D supplement is needed and should be offered to at-risk groups. The active form of Vit D not only shows a dual effect on SARS-CoV-2 and MS, but also has a versatile spectrum of action on MS.


People with multiple sclerosis could proactively influence the course of their disease and reduce the risk of infections with possible complications through long-term prophylaxis with daily vitamin D supplementation. The immunomodulatory influence of vitamin D is undisputed and cytokine storms (COVID-19) as well as a severe course of the disease could be prevented. 25(OH)D serum values of over 50 ng/mL should be aimed for through individual daily vitamin D supplementation. The 25(OH)D serum values obtained in studies in the general population with daily doses of 5000-10,000 IU/day cannot be adequately transferred to people with multiple sclerosis and must be titrated individually. Due to the known immunopathological mechanisms of vitamin D and its benefits, it would be desirable to integrate this add-on therapy into standard clinical care.


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    Part of this publication appeared in:
    Goischke H.-K. (2023) What immunopathogenic similarities exist between SARS-CoV-2 infection and multiple sclerosis?: A plea for daily vitamin D supplementation to improve quality of life! J Neurol Transl Neurosci 8(1): 1093.

Febrile Neutropenia in Pediatric Oncology: Prevalence and Risk-Factors for Bacterial and Fungal Infection

DOI: 10.31038/IDT.2024511


Febrile neutropenia (FN) frequently complicates cancer treatment, contributing to overall morbidity and the burden of hospitalization in children with cancer [1-6]. Myelosuppression is a side-effect of cytotoxic chemotherapy, resulting in recurring episodes of neutropenia; fever complicates about 27-34% of neutropenic episodes among children receiving chemotherapy or undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT) [1-3]. Due to the risk of serious bacterial or fungal infections in children with FN, the difficulty of localizing infections in neutropenic children, and the mortality rate associated with inadequate treatment [4,5] the historical standard in pediatric hematology-oncology was hospitalization with empiric broad-spectrum antibiotics until the fever resolves and the neutropenia improves [6-8]. More recently, however, there is evidence of greater practice variation [9,10] based on practice guidelines emphasizing risk-stratification of children with chemotherapy-induced FN and the benefits of decreasing inpatient hospitalization [9,11-27]. Most FN episodes resolve without diagnosis of a serious infection; bacteremia, the most common infection complicating FN episodes, has a prevalence of 20%-29 [11,28-32]. Invasive fungal infection (IFI) is less common, occurring in less than 5% of FN episodes [32] and data on bacterial infection of sites other than the bloodstream are more limited. There is no single approach to risk-stratification in pediatric FN [26] which necessitates ongoing analysis of risk factors for serious infection, which facilitate risk-stratification and step-down management of children at lower risk [25,27,32,33].

Materials and Methods

Study Design

To evaluate the prevalence and potential predictors of bacterial and fungal infection among pediatric oncology patients with FN at our institution, we conducted a retrospective cohort study containing a nested case-control study. Using hospital billing codes and electronic medical records, we obtained a consecutive 3-year sample of children admitted with FN to the pediatric hematology-oncology teams at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland (Oakland, CA, US), with the end of the sample period preceding the Covid-19 pandemic. Children receiving treatment for cancer were included in the cohort if they had an absolutely neutrophil count (ANC) <500 x109/L or (if no ANC was reported) a total white blood cell count (WBC) <500 x109/L, as well as a single temperature >38.3°C or a sustained temperature >38°C [34]. Participants were excluded if they were receiving or had previously received allogeneic or autologous HSCT or had an underlying syndrome (such as Fanconi anemia) associated with chronic neutropenia. This study was approved by our hospital’s institutional review board and conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.

Statistical Methods

Continuous variables, including participants’ ages and days to infection diagnosis, were not normally distributed and are described using median and interquartile range (IQR). Children with multiple episodes of FN during the sample period reentered the cohort for each episode. For the case-control analysis, we randomly sampled one episode per participant. Cases were defined by culture-proven bacteremia, urinary tract infection (UTI), meningitis, cellulitis, osteomyelitis, neutropenic colitis (typhlitis), Clostridium difficile enterocolitis, or invasive fungal infection (IFI). Clinical and radiographic findings were accepted for diagnosis of typhlitis, osteomyelitis, and IFI if cultures were not available [35]. Per institutional standards of care, any positive blood culture from a central venous catheter (CVC) was considered infectious, including coagulase-negative staphylococci. Controls were sampled at a two-to-one ratio with cases. To compare clinical and laboratory findings between the case and control groups, we used rank-sum tests for continuous variables and standard two-by-two tables with Fisher exact tests for categorical variables. Associations were considered significant with an uncorrected p-value <0.05. We also report each association’s relative risk ratio (RR) with a 95% confidence interval. Data analysis was performed using Stata 13 (Statacorp, College Station, TX).


Study Cohort

The cohort (Table 1) consisted of 199 FN episodes among 140 participants, 43% female, with a median age at cohort entry of 6.1 years (3.1-12.3). Most participants (71.4%) were hospitalized once for FN during the study period; among the rest, the number of hospitalizations ranged from 2 to 8. The most common diagnoses were acute leukemia and lymphoma. There were 5 participants (3.6%) with trisomy 21, all of whom had acute leukemia. Nearly all of the participants had a CVC, and 31 (22.1%) had a history of at least one prior infection, including bacteremia (N=21), another bacterial infection (N=7), or IFI (N=4). All participants received empiric intravenous antibiotics with antipseudomonal activity upon the onset of fever. Most of the FN episodes (81.9%) developed in outpatients who were then admitted; 36 FN episodes (18.1%) occurred in children who were already hospitalized, especially those receiving high-intensity chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or brain tumors. Among participants with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), 26 FN episodes (13.1% of the total) occurred during the lower-intensity maintenance phase of therapy.

Table 1: Demographic and clinical characteristics


N (%)



60 (42.9)


80 (57.1)

Age at onset (years), median (IQR)

6.1 (3.1-12.3)

Trisomy 21

5 (3.6)


61 (43.6)

 Brain tumor

19 (13.6)


18 (12.9)


13 (9.3)


7 (5.0)


7 (5.0)

 Wilms tumor

6 (4.3)


5 (3.6)

 Other diagnosis*

4 (2.9)

History of cancer relapse

21 (15.0)

Central venous catheter

127 (90.7)

IQR: Interquartile Range; ALL: Acute Lympoblastic Leukemia; AML: Acute Myelogenous Leukemia; UTI: Urinary Tract Infection.
*Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (N=1), renal carcinoma (N=2), and rhabdoid liver tumor (N=1).

Infectious complications

Of the 199 FN episodes studied, 43 (21.6%) led to a diagnosis of bacterial or fungal infection (Figure 1), with 6 episodes (3%) involving multiple infections. The most common was bacteremia, of which there were 29 cases (14.6%); cultures were positive for Gram-positive organisms in 18 (including 8 with coagulase-negative staphylococci), Gram-negative organisms in 8, and mixed flora in 3. Bacteremia was diagnosed a median of 1 day (1-3) after fever onset. There were 16 cases (8%) of other bacterial infections, which were diagnosed a median of 4 days (2-6) after fever onset and included typhlitis (N=5), Clostridium difficile enterocolitis (N=4), UTI (N=3), and cellulitis (N=3); 5 of these infections occurred along with bacteremia. There were 5 cases of IFI, most commonly pulmonary aspergillosis, diagnosed a median of 5 days (0-9) after fever onset. Overall, the median time from fever onset to diagnosis was 2 days (1-4). Distributive shock requiring intensive care occurred in 4 FN episodes (2%) due to bacteremia or meningitis, and one of these children died.

fig 1

Figure 1: Overview of bacterial and fungal infections in the cohort. For episodes with multiple infections, the left panel categorizes the first diagnosed. UTI, urinary tract infection; C. difficile, Clostridium difficile enterocolitis.

Risk Factors for Bacterial or Fungal Infection

The case-control sample consisted of 40 cases and 80 controls (Table 2). There was not a statistically significant difference in age or sex between the cases and controls, although the case group contained a larger proportion of children <1 year of age and a larger proportion of children who were already hospitalized at fever onset. at the onset of FN. The relative risk of infection was markedly higher in children with trisomy 21 (RR 3.11 [2.39-4.03]) and those with AML (RR 2.11 [1.13-3.95]), although these p-values were >0.05. While cases were slightly more likely to have a temperature ≥39°C, presenting temperature and laboratory values were not significantly different between cases and controls, nor were clinical findings like mucositis and gastrointestinal upset. Cases were more likely to have fever recurrence after >24 hours afebrile and also to have fevers lasting ≥7 days, although these associations were not statistically significant. There was a significantly increased risk of infection (p<0.004) for participants with a prior history of prior bacterial or fungal infection (RR 2.16 [1.34 to 3.48]).

Table 2: Univariate analysis of a nested case-control sample of pediatric patients with febrile neutropenia (FN)

Risk factor, N (%)

Cases (N=40) Controls (N=80) p

Relative risk (95% CI)

Demographic and historical features

27 (67.5)

41 (51.2) 0.118 1.59 (0.91 to 2.77)


6 (15.0) 12 (15.0) 1.000

1.00 (0.49 to 2.03)

Age at onset (years)*

6.6 (4.2-15.9)

7.2 (3.1-12.3) 0.432

Age <1 year

3 (7.5) 2 (2.5) 0.332

1.86 (0.87 to 4.00)

Trisomy 21

2 (5.0)

0 (0.0) 0.109 3.11 (2.39 to 4.03)

Diagnosis of AML

4 (10.0) 2 (2.5) 0.095

2.11 (1.13 to 3.95)

Prior infection

18 (45.0)

15 (18.8) 0.004

2.16 (1.34 to 3.48)

Findings at FN onset
Temperature (oC)*

39 (38.6-39.7)

38.8 (38.4-39.3) 0.052

Presenting WBC (x109/L)*

0.3 (0-0.8) 0.5 (0.2-0.9) 0.106

Presenting ANC (x109/L)*

115.5 (0-250)

86.0 (11-348) 0.538

Already admitted

10 (25.0) 10 (12.5) 0.118

1.67 (0.98 to 2.83)

Rhinitis or rhinorrhea

5 (12.5)

16 (20.0) 0.445 0.67 (0.30 to 1.51)

Severe mucositis

7 (17.5) 12 (15.0) 0.793

1.13 (0.59 to 2.16)

Abdominal pain

8 (20.0)

11 (13.8) 0.430 1.33 (0.73 to 2.42)


13 (32.5) 15 (18.8)


1.58 (0.95 to 2.63)

Findings at reevaluation
Fever duration (days)*

2 (1.5-5)

2 (1-4) 0.346

Fever recurrence

12 (30.0) 13 (16.3) 0.097

1.63 (0.97 to 2.72)

Fever for ≥7 days

7 (17.5)

8 (10.0) 0.255

1.48 (0.81 to 2.73)

*Reported as median and interquartile range.
P-values are from Fisher exact tests for proportions and rank-sum tests for continuous variables. CI: Confidence Interval; AML: Acute Myeloid Leukemia; WBC: White Blood Cells; ANC: Absolute Neutrophil Count.


In this consecutive sample of 199 FN episodes in a typical pediatric oncology population at a United States tertiary-care hospital, 21.6% were complicated by a bacterial or fungal infection, most frequently Gram-positive bacteremia. UTI was more common than expected, likely reflecting our emergency department’s practice of obtaining non-catheterized urine samples from most febrile children. Although undiagnosed UTI would likely be treated by empiric antibiotics, this source of pathology in children with FN warrants further investigation. In a nested case-control analysis, the relative risk of bacterial or fungal infection was higher in children with trisomy 21 and those with AML and considerably higher in those with a prior history of infection. Infections diagnosed during the study period were generally not relapses of prior infection; instead, infection risk may reflect cumulative person-level factors, including duration of chemotherapy, cumulative antibiotic exposure, and differences in the microbiome.

As with any observational retrospective study, these findings are not definitive. Our broadly inclusive definition of infection was designed to reflect clinical decision-making, with emphasis on clinical data that would indicate a change in management or a longer course of inpatient observation. The overall similarity between groups in the case-control analysis, as well as the fact that infections occurred during relatively low-intensity chemotherapy (like maintenance ALL therapy) emphasizes the challenge of risk-stratifying children with FN. Most infections in this cohort, however, were diagnosed within the first 4 days after the onset of fever. For children without trisomy 21, AML, or a prior infection history, who do not have overt signs of infection, there may be less benefit of hospitalization longer than through neutrophil recovery, as long as careful outpatient follow-up can be assured.

Conflict of Interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest or external funding sources to disclose.


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Morphological Variation of Permanent Mandibular First Molar (Radix Entomolaris) (In vivo Study)

DOI: 10.31038/JDMR.2024711


Objectives: Successful endodontic treatment requires complete information about morphology of root canals of the tooth. The object of our research was to assess the prevalence of third root in permanent mandibular first molars between Iraqi people.

Methods: Two hundred fifty-seven patients (161 females and 96 males) were included in this study. Those patients required endodontic treatment for permanent mandibular first molar. Examination of teeth was done during a period of one and a half year. Digital radiograph was used to investigate the occurrence of radix entomolaris. Comparison of the percentage of third root between males and females were established. Data were statistically analyzed with chi-square test.

Results: Statistical evaluation was carried out for the presence of third root among males and females using chi-square test with SPSS version 20. In this test P > 0.05 (non-significant), P ≤ 0.05 (significant). Total incidence of radix entomolaris was five teeth (5/257) the percentage was 1.9 %. Statistical analysis revealed a non-significant difference in the incidence of third root between females (2/161) and males (3/96).

Conclusion: Endodontists should have thorough information about anatomical variations of the root and root canals of mandibular first molar during endodontic treatment. Correct examination clinically and radiographically is essential to discover the presence of any morphological variations of the root canal system.


Digital radiograph, Distolingual root, Endodontic treatment, Radix entomolaris, Maxillary first molar


Scientific knowledge of the morphology of the tooth roots and their canals plays an important role during endodontic treatment. This will ensure complete debridement of all infected pulp with complete instrumentation and obturation [1]. A periapical lesion may be result from failed endodontic treatment if any one of these steps are inadequately done [2]. Generally, permanent mandibular first molars have two roots: one root mesially and one root distally. Two root canals present in the mesial root (mesiobuccal and mesiolingual). One canal present in the root distally, sometime distal root may comprise a second canal. The presence of the further distolingual root in the mandibular first molar is considered the main variant of this tooth, named radix entomolaris (RE) and its occurrence is infrequent. There are numerous anatomical surveys established a racial origin for the occurrence of third distolingual root in the permanent mandibular first molar. It presents with an incidence of 5 to more than 30% in populations with Mongoloid traits, such as Chinese, Eskimos, and American-Indians [3,4], A maximum rate of 3% in African population [5,6], while its prevalence in Europeans was less. Cinically, it is of great importance to provide sufficient information about morphological variation of any tooth that can affect the success rate of the root canal therapy. Our research was aimed to determine the prevalence of third root distolingually in the permanent mandibular first molar in Iraqi people.

Materials and Methods

Two hundred fifty-seven patients with an average age of 20-45 years old (161 females and 96 males) were included in this study. Those patients attained private dental clinic for endodontic treatment. Two Preoperative radiographs were done for each patient with a digital X-ray sensor (Visiodent RVG Dental Sensor, France). Sign of the presence of third root is translucent lines defining the pulp space and the periodontal ligaments located in the superior part of the distal root. Firstly, anaesthetic solution was injected to patient. Rubber dam was applied for tooth isolation. Then prepared the access cavity. Pulp extirpation was accomplished. Apex locator (Woodpex III Golden Apex Locater, Zhengzhou Linker Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. China) was used to determine working length. Radiograph using digital X-ray sensor was taken to establish working length. The next step is the instrumentation of all canals by using a rotary endodontic system (protaper Gold, Dentsply, Maillefer, Switzerland), then obturation was done by using single cone with bioceramic sealer. After finishing, a radiograph was obtained in order to evaluate the efficiency of the obturation (Figures 1-3).

fig 1

Figure 1: Preoperative radiograph

fig 2

Figure 2: Cone fit checking

fig 3

Figure 3: Obturation with bioceramic sealer


Statistical evaluation was carried out for the presence of third root among males and females using chi-square test with SPSS version 20. In this test P > 0.05 (Non-significant), P ≤ 0.05 (Significant) Two hundred fifty-seven patients (161 females and 96 males) were included in this study. Total incidence of radix entomolaris was five teeth (5/257) the percentage is 1.9 %. Statistical analysis revealed a non-significant difference (P > 0.05) in the incidence of third root between females (2/161) and males (3/96) as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Percentage of radix entomolaris in the tested patients

tab 1


The first Permanent teeth erupted is the Mandibular first molar. This tooth highly involved with tooth decay and commonly need to root canal treatment. Missed canals with the subsequent incomplete instrumentation of all infected pulp tissues are one of the most common reasons of unsuccessful endodontic treatment. Full familiarity with morphological variations of root plays an important role in increasing the chance of the successful root canal treatment. In the cases of incomplete treatment for all root canals such as the third root distolingually this will result in failure of the endodontic treatment. Radix entomolaris has been classified into the following types: Type I means straight root or canal. Type II means the beginning of the entry is curved and then continued as a straight root/root canal. Type III means the beginning of the entry is curved in the coronal third of the root canal with the presence of another curve started in the middle and continuing to the apical third [7]. Requirement of successful endodontic treatment is the preoperative radiograph with a correct examination of the tooth clinically [8]. Thorough information about the presence of additional root or root canals can be obtained by taking a radiograph with various angles [7]. The clinician can suspect the presence of additional third root when he noticed changing of the tooth form coronally, like a highly clear distolingual lobe with a convex cervical outline [9]. Many studies stated that taking two radiographs with mesial or distal shifting cone (30 degrees) very helpful for investigating occurrence of the of radix entomolaris [10]. Rectangular or trapezoidal outline access cavity preparation should be performed when the additional third root is established or suspected radiographically. The location of the orifice of radix entomolaris is disto to mesiolingually from the main distal canal. If the access to third root not clearly seen after the roof of the pulp chamber is removed, this need to complete detection of wall and floor of the pulp chamber, mainly distolingually by using sharp endodontic explorer [9]. In the current study, the total percentage of third root incidence in mandibular first molars was 1.9%, the result in accordance with other investigations that were accomplished on Middle East people [10,11]. In comparison with data of another studies collected for Asian origin our result is lower, they reported the incidence of additional root as follows: in Koreans 4.5% [12], in Chinese 32% [13], and in Taiwanese 25.6% [14]. Our result showed a non significant difference in the occurrence of radix entomolaris between males and females. Other studies showed similar results [15-18]. Previous in vivo study was accomplished by Mukhaimer and Azizi whom study the incidence of radix entomolaris in Palestinian people when they attained a dental center for endodontic treatment, the total percentage of third root incidence in mandibular first molars was 3.73%, which considered within the range of other researches done for the Middle East population, although it was significantly lesser than the range obtained for population of far east [19]. Whenever the additional root suspected to presence during endodontic treatment of permanent mandibular first molar, modification of the access cavity preparation should be performed in order to ensure complete cleaning and obturation of all root canals, Otherwise the presence of missed canal can result in failure of the treatment.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Endodontists should have thorough information about anatomical variations of the root and root canals of mandibular first molar during endodontic treatment. Correct examination clinically and radiographically is essential to discover the presence of any morphological variations of root canal system. Preoperative radiographs with certain angulation are a vital issue in this matter. Modification of access cavity is necessary to locate all root canal orifices to certify complete debridement and obturation.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Source of Funding

This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public.

Ethical Approval

This research was performed in accordance with Helsinki Declaration and approved by the Ethical Approval Committee at university of Anbar.
Date: 21/6/2021

Author Contribution

All authors have participated sufficiently in this work in order to have a public responsibility for its contents, including conception and design, or analysis and interpretation of the data, conscripting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and final approval of the article. All authors agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

NAH Concept and design of the study, research conduction, OHA collection and organization of data, analyzing and interpretation of data, HAS writing the initial and final draft of the manuscript, and all authors have critically reviewed and approved the final draft and are agreed for their responsibility for the contents and similarity index of the manuscript.


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Is Methylphenidate Useful to Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumour? An Accessible Summary of Recent Research

DOI: 10.31038/PSYJ.2024623


Many children and young people experience long-term difficulties after having a brain tumour. This paper discusses interventions using the medication methylphenidate and describes the current research in this area being conducted at the Great North Children’s Hospital (Newcastle upon Tyne) and Newcastle University Centre for Cancer. The children, young people, and their families who use our hospital tell us that some of their most challenging difficulties only happened once the brain tumour treatment had finished. Some survivors of childhood brain tumour are left with lifelong disabilities that result from their cancer or treatment. These disabilities are often related to brain injury, and can be relatively invisible to the general public. Some disabilities only become apparent over the time following treatment. These are known as ‘long-term late effects’. The most common long-term late effect that is reported after childhood brain tumour is an acquired brain injury. We see signs of an acquired brain injury following brain tumour in behaviour such as reduced attention, a reduction in ability to remember things, a slowing down of how quickly the child can take in information, and an impact on their academic performance and overall intellectual ability (IQ). Depending on the location of the tumour, brain injury can present in a different way. It is important to remember that the term ‘brain injury’ refers to any injury affecting the brain, so information on brain injury on the internet may not apply to the specific injury a child has acquired. A child can develop brain injury after a brain tumour due to one or many different factors, including any build-up of fluid in the brain before the tumour was discovered (hydrocephalus), surgery, post-surgical complications (such as posterior fossa syndrome), certain chemotherapies, or radiotherapy. Generally, the younger a child is at the time of diagnosis, the more likely they are to experience significant late effects.

We have worked with a number of patients and their families in Newcastle at the Great North Children’s Hospital to help us understand what the role of methylphenidate might be in helping to reduce long-term late effects that affect intellectual and academic ability. Methylphenidate is a medication that is used for a few different reasons. Usually people have heard of methylphenidate by one of its brand names, ‘Ritalin’, which they know is used for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). We do not use this for ADHD in our centre, and in fact we do not assess our patients for ADHD. We use this medication to try to reduce the delayed effect on brain function that we see in many children following brain tumour. We read about some research using methylphenidate with children after brain tumour that was carried out in America in 2008 [1-4]. This research found that methylphenidate may be useful for some children and young people who experience late effects after a brain tumour or after acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. We knew that methylphenidate has been trialled also for children and young people who have attentional impairment or slowed cognitive function (slowed thinking speed) after a traumatic brain injury, such as following a serious head injury. We wanted to know what other groups experience was of methylphenidate to help us think about its potential benefit to our patients. We wrote two papers that looked at which other groups of children methylphenidate has been trialled with, and discussed whether these benefits might translate to our patients. Both papers were written with Alexander Hagan, one of our Research Assistants. Translating Methylphenidate’s Efficacy on Selective and Sustained Attentional Deficits to… Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Qualitative Review [5]. The Influence of Methylphenidate on Sustained Attention in Paediatric Acquired Brain Injury: A Meta-Analytical Review [6].

Both of these studies helped us to see that there may be benefit to using methylphenidate as part of more structured clinical use. Methylphenidate has been used in our hospital for patients with traumatic brain injury and with post-cancer brain injury before, but the effects of the medication were not measured fully. Working with our medical colleagues, we started measuring the benefit of methylphenidate with patients at the start of 2017. We have now been working with methylphenidate for nearly seven years and we have published some research about what we have learned. In 2017-2019 we asked children and young people about what they thought about using methylphenidate. We collected data on children’s views by talking with them and by asking them to complete some short questionnaires with us. We worked with an MSc postgraduate student, Lauren Bell, to help us share our patients’ experiences. You can read this in a paper titled “I feel happy again”: Methylphenidate Supports Health-Related Quality of Life in Survivors of Paediatric Brain Tumour [7]. Lauren looked at questionnaire data that we had collected from 12 of our patients. Analysing these questionnaires, Lauren found that children experienced benefit of methylphenidate in five key areas of life: social, emotional, academic, physical, and cognitive. We also asked parents and carers about their experiences of their child using methylphenidate in 2017-2019. We worked with a doctoral postgraduate student, now Dr Lauren Smith, to write a paper titled Parental Perceptions of the Efficacy of Methylphenidate on Health-Related Quality of Life in Survivors of Paediatric Brian Tumour [8]. Lauren gathered questionnaire data that we had collected in clinic from 10 parents/carers. Parents were generally positive about the use of methylphenidate and believed this to have a benefit on their child’s quality of life.

From talking with children, young people, and their parents and carers in these parent and patient studies, we learned that post-treatment fatigue was a significant problem in the long term. Patients faced fatigue during treatment, but were experiencing long-term fatigue due to the impact of the tumour and treatment on their cognitive function. We worked with a medical MRes postgraduate, now Dr Jennifer Wood, to look at the impact of fatigue on brain tumour survivors: Exploring Evidence of Fatigue in Survivors of Pediatric Brain Tumors [9]. Jenny found that there was a lot of studies that discussed fatigue in cancer survivorship, but many of these were poor quality and did not adequately distinguish between fatigue in the early days related to illness and treatment, and longer term fatigue related to brain injury. A Danish group led by Dr Michael Callesen at Hans Christian Andersen’s Children’s Hospital are now looking at the effect of methylphenidate on fatigue in children after brain tumour in something called a ‘randomised control study’. This sort of study is the gold standard for research as its findings are very robust. We are involved with this study as one of their scientific advisors, and have shared our own research protocol with Dr Callesen’s team. We look forward to seeing their results. All the existing research on the use of methylphenidate in cancer survivorship looks at the effects over a relatively short period of time. Most studies only continue for 2-3 weeks. Two studies looked at the impact of methylphenidate over a 12 month period. One of these studies was written by our team: Methylphenidate Improves Cognitive Function and Health-Related Quality of Life in Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumours [10]. We looked at anonymised data from 29 patients who were using methylphenidate. We found that methylphenidate had a significant impact on selective attention-that is, the ability to pay attention to a specific stimulus, rather than the other distractions in the room. This is important when listening to a teacher, or trying to pay attention to one’s lesson rather than the chatter in the room around one. This study also showed that benefits to quality of life that may be associated with methylphenidate were still present at 12 months.

We wanted to know whether methylphenidate has any benefit on academic attainment and to intellectual ability over the medium to long term. Dr Shauna Palmer explored the factors that cause reduced intellectual ability in long-term survivors of a brain tumour called a medulloblastoma [11]. One of the factors found to be associated with intellectual development was the speed at which an individual can take in information-an area that we know is affected in many survivors of brain tumour. We are interested in finding out whether methylphenidate-used to support the speed at which information is processed-might decrease the reduction in intellectual ability seen in some survivors. We have just completed writing a case series including six of our patients that have used methylphenidate for over three years: Key Questions on the Long-Term Utility of Methylphenidate in Paediatric Brain Tumour Survivorship: A Retrospective Clinical Case Series [12]. This study helped us to identify some unanswered questions about using methylphenidate after brain tumour. We hope to answer many of those questions in our ongoing longitudinal study. This study will run over a further three year period (2022-25) and may help us to answer some of the things that we don’t yet know about using methylphenidate with this group. Over the nearly seven years that we have been exploring methylphenidate with our patient group we have learned a lot. We are building experience in identifying which patients are more likely to have mild side-effects and which will be most likely to benefit from the treatment. We still need to discover more about methylphenidate, including gaining more evidence about how long it is useful to take methylphenidate for, and when to stop. We could not do this work without the support of our patients and their families, from whom we are gathering expert data. We look forward to finding out what more we have to learn from our patients, and to being one step closer to making survival from a tumour as positive an experience as possible.

Conflict of Interest

The author claims no conflict of interest.

Statement on Serial Publishing

The submitted paper is an accessible summary of a number of associated published studies by the same author.


No funding was received for this paper.


SJV wishes to thank the following colleagues and supervisees for their input into the studies discussed in the current paper: Jennifer Wood, Lauren Smith, and Lauren Bell (MRes and MSc, Newcastle University); Alexander Hagan, Rebecca Hill, Simon Bailey, and Jade Ryles (Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust). Thanks are due also to the patients and their families of our service, whose support of our research is greatly appreciated.


  1. Conklin HM, Khan RB, Reddick WE, Helton S, Brown R, et al. (2007) Acute neurocognitive response to methylphenidate among survivors of childhood cancer: A randomized, double-blind, cross-over trial. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 32: 1127-1139. [crossref]
  2. Conklin HM, Lawford J, Jasper BW, Morris EB, Howard SC, et al. (2009) Side effects of methylphenidate in childhood cancer survivors: A randomized placebo-controlled trial. Pediatrics 124: 226-233. [crossref]
  3. Conklin HM, Helton S, Ashford J, Mulhern RK, Reddick WE, et al. (2010) Predicting methylphenidate response in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 35: 144-155. [crossref]
  4. Conklin HM, Reddick WE, Ashford J, Ogg S, Howard SC, et al. (2010) Long-term efficacy of methylphenidate in enhancing attention regulation, social skills, and academic abilities of childhood cancer survivors. Journal of Clinical Oncology 28: 4465-4472. [crossref]
  5. Hagan AJ, Verity SJ (2022b) Translating methylphenidate’s efficacy on selective and sustained attentional deficits to those reported in childhood cancer survivors: A qualitative review. Applied Neuropsychology 12: 74-87 .[crossref]
  6. Hagan AJ, Verity SJ (2022a) The influence of methylphenidate on sustained attention in paediatric acquired brain injury: a meta-analytical review. Child Neuropsychology 1-32. [crossref]
  7. Verity SJ, Bell L, Ryles J, Hill RM (2022) “I Feel Happy Again”: Methylphenidate Supports Health-Related Quality of Life in Survivors of Pediatric Brain Tumor. Children 9: 1058. [crossref]
  8. Smith L, Verity SJ (2022) Parental Perceptions of the Efficacy of Methylphenidate on Health-Related Quality of Life in Survivors of Paediatric Brain Tumour. Psychoactives 31-44.
  9. Wood J, Verity S (2021) Exploring evidence of fatigue in survivors of paediatric brain tumours: a systematic review. BJPsych Open 7: S302-S302. [crossref]
  10. Verity SJ, Halliday G, Hill RM, Ryles J, Bailey S (2022) Methylphenidate improves cognitive function and health-related quality of life in survivors of childhood brain tumours. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 1-21. [crossref]
  11. Palmer SL (2008) Neurodevelopmental impact on children treated for medulloblastoma: A review and proposed conceptual model. Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews 14: 203-210. [crossref]
  12. Hagan AJ, Verity SJ (2024) Key Questions on the Long-Term Utility of Methylphenidate in Paediatric Brain Tumour Survivorship: A Retrospective Clinical Case Series. Children 11: 187.

D.A.R.E. Drug Prevention during the Pandemic: Response to COVID-19

DOI: 10.31038/PSYJ.2024622


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in dramatic public health measures including school closures nationwide. This resulted in notable gaps in the delivery of evidence-based drug prevention as part of formal educational curriculum. The goal of the current study was to document police officers’ responses to curtailed activities surrounding delivery of D.A.R.E.’s elementary, middle and high school drug prevention programs.

Method: Respondents were 584 officers who completed an online survey between June 2020 and August 2020.

Results: Of those scheduled to teach during the spring semester, the largest share of officers (56.6%) were able to teach a portion of the lessons, a third (33.5%) were not able to teach any of the lessons, and nearly one in ten (9.9%) were able to teach all of the required lessons. Officers reported numerous strategies to circumvent the cessation of in-person instruction. Methods included teaching online, providing students with links to videos, and providing students with handouts.

Conclusion: Despite the interference in teaching posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, many officers were resourceful and found alternatives to continue delivery of the intervention.


D.A.R.E., Pandemic, Alternative teaching methods, Drug prevention, Education

The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and the associated COVID-19 disease have disrupted many walks of life, contributing to a tremendous toll in human suffering. Although much attention has focused on the increased morbidity and mortality associated with health effects of the virus [1], and its overwhelming economic burden to our nation’s healthcare system [2-4], there were other more subtle effects. One of the more profound changes to our nation’s institutions was widespread school closure [5]. This was instituted to meet public health mandates for social distancing, sheltering in place, and mandated lockdowns. These decisions were made based on the airborne nature of the virus and the noted favorable effects of school closure during other H1N1 influenza outbreaks [6-8]. One consequence of school closure during the COVID-19 pandemic in the US was decreased mortality among younger school-age children [9,10]. The national lockdown and suspension of face-to-face instruction that occurred during the COVID pandemic was in response to CDC guidance and mitigation measures. School closures produced a new set of educational challenges including reliance on distance learning [11-13]. With online learning, teachers relied on synchronous meetings to hold live lectures using video and audio-conferencing platforms such as Zoom or Google Classroom [14]. Teachers also used asynchronous forms of communication with students relying on cloud-based storage (e.g., Google Drive), emails, and discussion boards so that students could readily access class materials (e.g., handouts, tests, and supplementary lesson materials) and upload homework assignments. In addition to their academic instructional role, schools are also a primary source of distributing various supplemental prevention and intervention services that affect the health and well-being of children [15]. In many cases, these programs were considerably curtailed if not completely reduced.

Beginning in March 2020 when stay-at-home orders were initiated nationwide, the implementation of drug prevention programs like D.A.R.E.’s keepin’ it REAL were cut back as police officers that teach this program had limited access to schools. This provided a rare opportunity to document and examine the impact of COVID-19 on officers’ delivery of the program. Such a focus falls in line with other efforts to examine the effects of the pandemic disruption on educational practices and the detrimental effects of a national lockdown on student academic performance [16,17] and mental health [18-20].

Concerns about the Disruption of In-class Instruction

There is a general consensus that school closure would have some adverse effect on students, particularly those who have specific definable needs. This might include students who are economically disadvantaged or reside in under resourced neighborhoods [21]. Schools often provide students with access to healthcare, federally subsidized lunches to offset food insecurity, and other forms of nonacademic support (i.e., mental health and emotional support through school counselors). Schools also provide prevention and intervention services including treating behavioral disorders, detecting at-risk students, and providing screening for learning problems. Long hiatuses from schools limit student access to important services and may contribute to the proverbial “summer slide,” a phenomenon associated with loss of academic proficiency during the summer when many students do not attend classes [22-24]. This effect is particularly noticeable with economically disadvantaged students who may lack social capital, have less access to physical resources (e.g., library books), be less engaged in school, and experience less parental support [25,26]. The absence from in-person instruction due to stay-at-home public health mandates and the increased reliance on distance education is expected to mimic setbacks in academic proficiency experienced during the summer months [27]. Recent research found learning attitudes of middle school students predicts academic performance [28]. Students who performed well prior to the pandemic continued to do well only when they had positive attitudes toward online learning. Students whose attitudes favored in-class education fared less well.

Challenges with Teaching during the Pandemic

Numerous studies have examined various challenges to teaching during the pandemic. Among the more salient concerns, teachers reported struggling with getting students to complete assignments, maintaining student engagement in coursework, familiarity with technology, inadequate resources, and finding alternative pedagogical strategies suitable for distance learning [29,30]. The latter issue is particularly relevant for teaching classes that include music, physical education, and visual arts where group participation or hands-on instruction are required [31,32]. Studies of a global nature have reported that at least initially both teachers and students were dissatisfied with online learning and teaching [33]. Bergdahl and Nouri surveyed Swedish teachers about their preparedness to deliver online distance education [34]. They examined school and teacher preparedness, strategies teachers used when shifting to distance education, learning activities teachers employed for distance education, and teachers’ positive experiences and challenges. While teachers provided reassurance of their technical ability, they also reported they lacked pedagogical strategies needed to make online learning successful. Among the issues teachers noted was that despite using technologies that allowed classes to interact, students nonetheless felt a great deal of social isolation. Ironically, teachers also reported that students working from home often concentrated better on learning tasks than they did when in the classroom.

Bhat and Shiva tested a model of teachers’ willingness to adopt technology in education during the COVID-19 pandemic’s requirement for distance learning. They found that perceived ease of use and the perceived usefulness of online technologies predicted teachers’ attitudes toward use, their intentions to use technology and their actual use. For many teachers, distance education is relatively new and, as a result, teachers may benefit from training and from being able to share with each other what they learn when new technologies are adopted [35].

A Brief History of D.A.R.E.

As a brief overview, the D.A.R.E. program was initially developed during the early 1980s. Then Los Angeles Police Commissioner Daryl Gates held strongly that police could gain a better foothold and beneficial presence in the communities they served through delivery of youth-oriented educational programs targeting drug prevention. Working in concert with the Los Angeles Unified School District, D.A.R.E. was instituted as an elementary school drug prevention program and quickly became the most widely distributed drug prevention program in America [36]. The core curriculum of D.A.R.E. was strongly aligned with contemporary drug prevention programs that favored social-cognitive theory [37]. Instructional modalities reinforced social pressure resistance training (i.e., drug refusal skills) combined with normative education that corrected misperceptions regarding the social acceptability of drug use. Additional core components presented information about the consequences of drug use (i.e., harmful effects of misuse) and included material to boost children’s self-confidence. Indeed, the original conceptual framework for D.A.R.E. borrowed heavily from several social-psychological drug prevention programs being tested at the time [38-41] and that produced favorable findings supporting both skills and norms thought to be integral to drug prevention. Historically, D.AR.E. has undergone several methodologically rigorous evaluations based on longitudinal prospective data [42-45]. Few of these studies were able to show favorable program effects on self-reported drug use, albeit some were able to show some positive effects on knowledge, attitudes, perceived peer norms, and in one case, media portrayal of drugs and assertiveness skills [46]. The lack of credible evidence for program efficacy coupled with meta-analysis findings [47,48] led to substantial changes in both program content and delivery.

In 2008, D.A.R.E. America adopted (and adapted) the middle school version of Keepin’ it REAL (kiR) for its use in community-based policing efforts [49] and followed this in 2012 by adapting the elementary school curriculum [50], the latter incorporating social-emotional learning theory [51]. The elementary school program was recently evaluated and found to have positive effects for past 30-day alcohol use, drunkenness, and vaping [52]. The 10-session kiR middle school program blends the principles of cultural grounding [53] and narrative communication theory [54] with a skills-based approach to drug prevention. The program incorporates effective messaging that reflects the experiences of the target audience, which, in its earliest stages of program development, captured the linguistic and cultural experiences of southwestern Mexican and Mexican/American youth [55]. The narrative component involves building a repository of examples provided by youths when they encounter drug offers and decisive situations that require the application of social communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills. The building blocks of communication competence theory include knowledge, resistance skills and decision-making skills, and the promotion of conventional injunctive and descriptive normative beliefs. The intervention teaches four resistance skills: Refusing (saying “no”), Explaining (answering “no” with an explanation), Avoidance (not attending an event where alcohol or drugs might be available or being in a situation conducive to drug use), and Leaving (removing oneself from a situation where alcohol or drugs are being used), giving the program the moniker keepin’ it REAL [56].

As of 2020, more than 6,000 law enforcement agencies had officers trained to deliver D.A.R.E. programs to more than 1.2 million students who reside in more than 10,000 communities throughout the United States. In 2022 alone, D.A.R.E. launched the program in a record 212 new sites throughout 39 states and Canada. A total of 900 new law enforcement officers were trained and certified to deliver the kiR drug prevention program, with new modules addressing teen suicide prevention, vaping, internet and social media safety, and opioid drug abuse prevention. It has long been known that effective interventions include delivering evidence-based intervention programs with fidelity, embedding practices that support student engagement and motivation, and providing adequate intervention dosage [57]. It is particularly important to ensure instructors can facilitate class discussions, elicit students’ active thinking, and maintain norms about discipline and engagement.

The Current Study

The goal of the current study was to document D.A.R.E. officers’ responses to having schools closed down because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal was to learn how many of the officers were able to fully implement the drug prevention curriculum and what kinds of alternatives (if any) they pursued as schools transitioned to remote learning.



Survey respondents were 584 D.A.R.E. officers. Respondents included 438 (75.0%) male and 146 (25.0%) female officers. Most, 505 (86.5%) were White, 36 (6.2%) were Black, 13 (2.2%) identified as being from multiple races, 10 (1.7%) were Asian, and 9 (1.5%) were Native American. The remainder 11 (1.9%) identified as “other.” In the sample, 52 (8.9%) identified as Hispanic (a non-exclusive ethnic category). Self-reported ages included 48 (8.2%) who were between 20 and 29 years old, 175 (30.0%) who were between 30 and 39, 201 (34.4%) who were between 40 and 49, and 160 (27.4%) who were 50 years old or older. Almost half (266; 45.5%) of the officers were from rural communities. Slightly more than a quarter (172; 29.5%) were from suburban communities. Smaller numbers of officers came from small urban communities (107; 18.3%) or large urban communities (39; 6.7%). Most of the respondents (403; 69.0%) reported being in law enforcement for 10 or more years. About a quarter (138; 23.6%) had been in law enforcement between five and 10 years. The remainder (43; 7.4%) had been in law enforcement fewer than five years. Involvement in delivering D.A.R.E. varied among the group with the largest group (255; 43.7%) having been involved from two to four years, about a quarter (134; 22.9%) involved for more than 10 years, 99 (17.0%) involved for one year or less, and 96 (16.4%) had been involved between five and 10 years.

A majority of the officers taught only elementary school (388; 66.4%). Fewer taught D.A.R.E. in elementary and middle school (122; 20.9%) or only in middle (55; 9.4%). Fewer still taught D.A.R.E. in high school (19; 3.3%). D.A.R.E. includes enhancement lessons that provide additional instruction about bullying, cyber security, a supplemental marijuana lesson, family talks, and opioid information about prescription drug abuse. A number of officers (84; 14.4%) also indicated they taught enhancement lessons. About half of the officers (284; 48.6%) reported that they were also School Resource Officers (SROs) assigned to a particular school on a long-term basis to help ensure order.


Participants were recruited through an open invitation to participate in a web-based survey promoted by national and regional D.A.R.E. America staff. Surveys were administered via a Google forms survey and completed between June 26, 2020 and August 24, 2020. These dates coincide with the time frame when the World Health Organization first declared an official pandemic.


Impact of the Pandemic

All but three officers (99.5% of officers scheduled to teach during the school year) reported that the schools in which they served were closed during the spring semester of 2020. Not all officers were scheduled to teach during the spring semester; 114; 19.5% were not scheduled to teach. Among those who did teach, 47 (10.0%) were able to teach all of the lessons, 269 (57.2%) were able to teach some lessons before their school was closed, and 159 (33.8%) were not able to teach any lessons. The use of a distance teaching/learning application was rarely used; reported by only 5 (1.1%) of those who taught all lessons and 36 (7.7%) of those who were able to teach some lessons, respectively. Only one officer reported using D.A.R.E. Mobile, a smartphone app that can be used for program delivery [58].

There was a statistically significant difference, χ2=21.922, df=2, p<0.001 between officers that were able to teach none, some, or all of the lessons and their willingness to send materials home, (17; 3.6% vs. 77; 16.4% vs. 16; 3.4%, for none, some, or all, respectively). Likewise, among the 470 officers assigned to teach, they differed significantly in their ability to maintain contact with students, χ2=5.617, df=2, p=0.060, [57 (12.1%), 126 (26.8%), and 22 (4.7%), for officers not able to teach, those who taught some of the D.A.R.E. lessons, and those able to completed teaching, respectively]. Officers who taught both elementary and middle school versions of D.A.R.E. were significantly more likely to send Family Talks and other lesson materials home (29.5%) compared to those who only taught elementary school (20.9%) or only middle school (7.3%), χ2=11.351, df=2, p=0.003. Dual grade officers were just slightly more likely to teach using an online meeting room such as Zoom (13.1%) than were officers who only taught elementary (9.0%) or only middle school (3.6%; χ2=4.195, df=2, p=n.s.). Grade of instruction (elementary, middle school, or both) did not affect how much of the program was delivered (some vs. all; χ2=0.423, df=2, n.s.).

Dual Roles: D.A.R.E. Instructor and SRO

D.A.R.E. officers often also serve as SROs in the schools in which they are assigned to teach. Older officers were significantly more likely to play the dual role of SRO and D.A.R.E. instructor, χ2=4.395, df=1, p=0.036 [50 years old or older (55.0%) vs. <50 years old (45.2%)]. There was also a significant difference in length of time teaching D.A.R.E. and what capacity officers played in the school (SRO), χ2=11.359, df=3, p=0.009, with officers teaching for one year or less more likely to be an SRO (62.63%) compared to those who had taught for 2 to 4 years (42.8%), 5 to 10 years (47.9%) or more than 10 years (47.0%).Dual role officers were significantly more likely to be from rural or small urban communities, χ2=28.442, df=3, p<0.0001 (57.5% vs. 52.3%, respectively) than from large urban (28.2%) or suburban communities (34.8%). D.A.R.E. officers indicating their ethnicity as Hispanic were significantly less likely than non-Hispanic officers to serve as SROs, χ2=4.064, df=1, p=0.043 (34.6% vs. 49.3%; 3.6%). There were no racial differences in the rate of participating as SROs for Black and non-Black and White and non-White officers. There was a significant difference between SRO and non-SRO officers in the amount of the program they could teach. Among those who attempted to teach during the spring semester, most (85.0%) taught only part of the program. However, whereas 42.5% of officers who were not SROs were able to teach all of the program, 57.5% those who performed the dual D.A.R.E. officer and SRO roles were able to do so, χ2=3.256, df=1, p=0.071.

Anecdotal Outcomes

Officers were asked to provide written anecdotes about program adaptations they made. In addition to online instructions and handouts noted above, 13 reported that they uploaded videos for students to watch. Several (4) reported doubling the number of lessons taught during any given week when the threat of school closure became apparent. Four of the officers emailed lessons home. Three of the officers provided teachers with lesson plans and asked them to complete lessons once they began remote instruction. A few officers noted that they perceived their regular classroom teachers to be overly burdened with the responsibilities of dealing with remote instruction and felt it inappropriate to ask more of them.


D.A.R.E. continues to be among the most widely disseminated drug prevention programs. As a result, it provides an ideal case for studying the impact that school closures had on program delivery during the coronavirus pandemic. It should be noted that the national office and regional D.A.R.E. offices, much like the rest of American society and its educational institutions, had not anticipated school closure. As a result, it appeared that most officers were left to their own vices in order to seek creative alternatives for program delivery both individually and in collaboration with their host teachers. Officers that completed the survey indicated an almost complete shutdown of schools and cessation of in-person learning during the spring semester of 2020. At that point in time, there was tremendous variability in how officers handled the situation. A few were fortunate in that they had completed teaching prior to school closure. Slightly more than half had completed some teaching but were not able to complete the entire 10 session program. About a third of the officers reported that they were unable to teach any lessons.

A sizable minority of officers actively sought alternatives to in-person teaching. Interestingly, only one officer used the D.A.R.E. mobile app. The mobile app was new and very few officers had been trained to use it. Had the app been fully released, it may have provided a means for reaching students during school closure. On the other hand, some officers took it upon themselves to find workarounds, including sending home written materials, preparing videos, teaching via online meeting rooms such as Zoom, and working with teachers to disseminate program content. Among the cadre of officers who were able to teach, and found ways to structure workaround given school closures, those that taught both elementary and middle school were more likely to be resourceful and send lesson materials home compared to officers that taught in only one environment. They were also more likely to use an online forum compared to officers teaching at only one educational site. Officers that move back and forth from elementary to middle school may be able to capitalize on available resources and apply them regardless of age group taught. This may point to possibilities of educating officers into the use of technology for teaching, in the same manner as teachers are introduced to novel technology that enhances learning. There were also some noted differences between officers that are strictly committed to law enforcement in the communities they serve and officers that are attached to a school in the capacity of SRO. The officers serving as SRO’s are older, newer to D.A.R.E., from smaller communities, and were more likely to have greater coverage of the course content even when faced with restrictions during the pandemic. While these differences are not pronounced, they still point to the possibility that being an SRO carries with it certain responsibilities to maintain a safe environment in the school, but also to learn teaching strategies that benefit the students exposed to D.A.R.E. Here too, additional training may encourage non-SRO officers to blend in better and absorb teaching tactics that helps them to be more effective in program delivery.

It goes without question that the COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a new era in education. The lockdown ended up with massive school closures across the US, leading to dramatic if not radical changes in the way educational material is delivered. This created new opportunities as well as new challenges, for many teachers, let alone officers, were not skilled in the use of online meeting rooms like Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams. As a result, there was a learning curve to blend curricular demands with the novelty of delivering course content using digital technology. Offers teaching D.A.R.E. were no exception to this novelty and the pandemic forced them to face both new challenges as well as opportunities. The data we were able to gather from officers teaching the D.A.R.E. keepin’ it REAL drug prevention program clearly indicate there is a need to both adapt to the situation and also take advantage of alternative strategies for deploying prevention efforts.


This research was funded in part by a contract from D.A.R.E. America.


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Three AI-synthesized Mind-sets of Patients Talking to Their Surgeon about a Prospective Operation for Different Types of Diagnosed Cancer

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2024912


The study shows what can be done when AI is built into a platform that is easy to use, with the topic being how the surgeon should communicate with a person who is about to have an operation for cancer. The approach posits three mind-sets for each type of cancer patient. Embedded AI in the program (SCAS; Socrates as a Service) is then instructed to answer a set of seven standard questions for each of the three AI-suggested mind-sets for that specific cancer. The study shows the power of AI to simulate the interaction between surgeon and patient, with the approach showing promise as an easy-to-customize method for teaching how to become sensitive to the emotional needs of people.


Communicating with patients is a crucial aspect of a surgeon’s role, helping build trust and alleviate any fears or concerns the patient may have. Patients want to know about the risks and benefits of the surgery, as well as alternative treatment options available. It is important for the surgeon to explain the procedure in a way that the patient can understand, using non-medical jargon and providing visual aids if necessary. Patients also want to know about the recovery process, including how long it will take and what restrictions they may have post-op. Additionally, patients appreciate surgeons who are upfront about the potential complications of the surgery, as this shows transparency and honesty. It is important for the surgeon to listen to the patient’s concerns and address them in a compassionate and empathetic manner. Patients want to feel like their surgeon cares about their well-being and is invested in their successful outcome. Providing emotional support during the pre-op and post-op period can go a long way in helping the patient feel more at ease. Surgeons should also take the time to explain the anesthesia process to patients, as this can be a source of anxiety for many. Patients want to know what to expect during the surgery and how they will be monitored throughout the procedure. It is important for the surgeon to reassure the patient that they will be well cared for and that their safety is the top priority. Empathy and active listening are key components of effective communication with patients.. Furthermore, patients appreciate it when surgeons involve them in the decision-making process and take their preferences into account. This can help empower the patient and make them feel more in control of their healthcare. Surgeons should encourage patients to ask questions and express any concerns they may have, creating an open and transparent dialogue. A well-informed patient is more likely to have a positive outcome and adhere to post-operative instructions. Thus, effective communication between surgeons and patients is essential to build trust, alleviate fears, and ensure a successful surgical outcome. By addressing the patient’s concerns, providing clear and concise information, and showing empathy and compassion, surgeons can establish a strong rapport with their patients. To summarize, a well-informed patient is a confident patient, and a confident patient is more likely to have a positive surgical experience [1-4].

The Contribution of Mind Genomics to Understanding People, and In Turn Communicating with Patients

The field of mind genomics tries to explain how and why people act and make choices. It uses psychology, neuroscience, and marketing research to find out what people’s unconscious thoughts are that make them make the choices and preferences they do. Mind Genomics can separate people into groups based on the way they think by using advanced data analysis methods [5-7]. One of the most important things that Mind Genomics has shown is that people have different mental models. Within these mindsets are specific ways of thinking that affect how people see the world, decide what to do, and form opinions. Researchers can make products, services, and interventions that better meet the needs and preferences of different groups of people by finding and understanding these modes of thought. It’s possible that this personalized approach will make customers happier, help patients do better, and help the business grow [8,9]. The implications of discovering mind-sets extend far beyond the realm of marketing and consumer behavior. Within the medical field, knowing how patients think and feel can help create more effective treatment plans that make patients happier and improve their health. By making healthcare interventions fit the way patients think, providers can get patients to follow through more often, get them more involved, and ultimately improve the quality of care overall. If this personalized approach works, it could completely change how healthcare is provided and experienced [10-12]. Mind Genomics can help doctors and nurses better understand their patients’ unique behaviors and thoughts in clinics and hospitals. Finding the thought patterns that cause patients to act out can help doctors come up with better ways to talk to them, treat them, and help them in other ways. This individualized approach can help patients and providers trust each other more, work together better, and have a better relationship. Healthcare professionals can make a more supportive and empowering care environment for patients by recognizing and respecting their unique mental states [13-15]. In order to help patients in the clinic and hospital, healthcare professionals must first understand that people have different mental states. Clinical professionals can better meet the needs and preferences of each patient by recognizing and understanding the unique ways that each person thinks and acts. This personalized approach can help doctors and nurses get to know their patients, earn their trust, and provide better care overall. Health care professionals can make care more patient-centered and interesting by using Mind Genomics principles [16-19]. Mind Genomics’ discovery of mindsets could change the way healthcare is provided and experienced in a big way. Healthcare providers can improve outcomes, make patients happier, and lead to better health results by understanding and adapting interventions to each patient’s unique cognitive patterns. This personalized approach has the potential to change the relationship between the patient and the provider, get the patient more involved, and ultimately improve the quality of care as a whole. Healthcare professionals can make the care environment more caring, supportive, and effective by recognizing and embracing the different ways people think. To sum up, Mind Genomics is a revolutionary way to study how people act and make choices [20]. Researchers can make interventions, products, and services better fit the needs and wants of different groups of people by figuring out the different ways people think. The discovery of mindsets has huge implications for medicine, because tailoring care to each patient’s unique ways of thinking can lead to better outcomes, higher patient engagement, and higher patient satisfaction. Healthcare professionals can make care more compassionate and patient-centered by using Mind Genomics principles in their work. This can lead to more collaboration, trust, and better health outcomes..

How can AI Help Mind Genomics Discover Mind-Sets

Mind Genomics and AI can work together to learn about mindsets by combining them through data analysis and pattern recognition. AI can find patterns and themes that are unique to each mind-set by gathering and analyzing data from people with those mindsets. Because of this method, the AI can give each mindset a name or label based on the most important traits found in the data. This process of giving people names helps to group and tell the difference between different ways of thinking, which makes it possible to use more targeted and personalized communication methods. AI can not only name the mindset, but also guess what kinds of people are in it by looking at things like age, gender, and socioeconomic status. AI can find trends and correlations in the data collected from people with similar mental states. These can help us understand the demographic profile of each mental state. This information can be used to make sure that communication and intervention strategies work better with people who are in a certain demographic group and have a certain mindset. When trying to guess what questions a cancer patient might have before surgery, AI can use what it knows about different mindsets to guess the most common worries and doubts that people with that mindset might have. AI can find common themes and topics that are usually talked about before surgery by looking at data from past interactions between surgeons and cancer patients. This ability to predict the future lets AI know ahead of time what questions and concerns are most likely to come up during pre-operation consultations and prepares to answer them. If everything goes well with the surgery, AI can use what it knows about how people think to send the patient personalized and caring messages. AI can figure out the best ways to share good news with people of different personalities by looking at data on successful outcomes and patient feedback. This personalized way of talking to the patient helps to build trust and a relationship with them, which makes the recovery process more positive and helpful. If, on the other hand, things don’t go as planned and problems arise, AI can use its knowledge of how people think to send the patient messages that are both kind and helpful. AI can figure out the best and most understanding ways to share difficult information with people of all mentalities by looking at data on failed outcomes and patient experiences. This personalized way of talking to the patient helps to manage their expectations and support them during a tough and uncertain time.

Putting AI to the Test

The original Mind Genomics approach was to require the user to state the problem and provide four questions which tell a story. To each question the user would be requested to provide four answers, the answers called ‘elements,’ and being stand-alone phrases which conveyed a single idea. While seeming straightforward to an experience user, the ‘task’ of providing questions, and then answers to the questions soon emerged as a roadblock. The consequence was that many prospective users ‘froze; at the prospect of asking and answering questions, with the statement that they were not sufficiently conversant with the topic. The sad outcome was that many prospective users aborted their efforts as soon as they were requested to participate. The solution to the problems emerged from the introduction of Chat GPT by Open AI, Inc. The user simply had to ask the AI about the topic, and the AI would return a paragraph or two, from which the user would create the four questions. Later on, the system to create questions was codified into SCAS (Socrates as a Service). The strategy was to create 15 questions for each input ‘squib’ or background statement about the problem. The user was able to select questions, edit them if desired, provide their own questions if desired, and then ‘drop the questions’ into the study. Once the four questions were selected after one or several iterations, the user would then move to the next section, where the ‘squib’ was the question previously selected. The process would return 15 answers to each question. The entire process allowed for iteration after iteration, each iteration taking 10-15 seconds. The ‘hard part’ evolved to editing and polishing the squib to introduce the topic, the questions that were selected so that they would generate the correct answers, and finally the answers so that they would be meaningful as well as simple. What took days and weeks now took less than an hour and required relatively little familiarity with the topic. The fortunate ‘byway’ leading to this project on communication between surgeon and patient before the cancer operation occurred when the ‘squib’ to introduce the project was expanded, so that the squib contained within it statements to the effect that there were a certain number of (not-yet-named) mind-sets, and the answers to certain questions had to be created by AI once the mind-sets were established, also by AI. Table 1 shows the ‘squib’ or orientation to AI. The same squib was used for each of the nine cancers ‘studied’ using AI to provide the answers. Each table will present the three mind-sets for the particular cancer. It is important to keep in mind that the AI does not keep the information generated. Rather, each iteration is separate. The answers provided by AI attempt to conform to the format prescribed in Tables 1-9.

Table 1: Most of the time the answers do fall into the format. Occasionally, the introductory words might change, but the answer itself is appropriate to the question.

tab 1

Table 2: AI exploration of three mind-sets for liver cancer

tab 2

Table 3: AI exploration of three mind-sets for Myeloma

tab 3

Table 4: AI exploration of three mind-sets for stomach cancer

tab 4(1)

tab 4(2)

Table 5: AI exploration of three mind-sets for breast cancer

tab 5

Table 6: AI exploration of three mind-sets for colon cancer

tab 6

Table 7: AI exploration of three mind-sets for pancreatic cancer

tab 7(1)

tab 7(2)

Table 8: AI exploration of three mind-sets for stomach cancer

tab 8

Table 9: AI exploration of three mind-sets for breast cancer

tab 9

Dealing with Different Results from AI-Implications, Problems, Hidden Benefits

When artificial intelligence generates various synthesized mindsets for a patient with lung cancer, it can be both a problem and a learning opportunity. The different mindsets could be the result of AI processing and interpreting information in different ways, leading to contradictory conclusions. This discrepancy can be confusing for healthcare providers, making it difficult to determine the best course of action for the patient. However, the presence of various mindsets can be viewed as a positive aspect of using AI in healthcare education. It enables a more thorough examination of various perspectives and approaches to patient care, potentially improving nurses’ and doctors’ knowledge and skills. By examining and considering various synthesized mindsets, healthcare providers can gain a better understanding of the complexities involved in treating lung cancer patients. When using AI to teach nurses and doctors, encountering different mindsets for a patient with lung cancer emphasizes the value of critical thinking and evidence-based practice. It emphasizes the importance of healthcare providers critically evaluating AI-generated information and considering multiple perspectives when making clinical decisions. It also emphasizes the importance of continuing education and training to stay current on the latest advancements in healthcare technology and AI algorithms. Overall, the presence of various synthesized mindsets in AI-generated recommendations for patient care serves as a reminder that healthcare is a dynamic and ever-changing industry. It requires healthcare providers to think critically, be adaptable, and constantly seek new knowledge and insights in order to (Table 10).

Table 10: AI exploration of two iterations to create three mind-sets for lung cancer

tab 10(1)

tab 10(2)

tab 10(3)

Questions Posed by AI in the Output Stated as Facts, and Elaboration by AIs

The standard output of SCAS (Socrates as a Service) comprises both questions/answers as well as additional questions that should be answered. These are questions generated for every iteration, no matter what the input. That is, SCAS ends up creating additional ‘questions for further thought and study.’ Here the questions are, put to AI as statements of ‘fact,’ and with a request to AI to elaborate on the ‘fact’ (Table 11).

Table 11: Additional ‘insights’ provided by AI as elaborations of information put to AI as ‘facts’

tab 11

Discussion and Conclusions

AI synthesis of patients’ thoughts before surgery has the potential to completely change the medical field by giving personalized insights and suggestions based on patient data. With this technology, surgeons can better understand their patients’ feelings, hopes, and fears, which leads to better communication and better surgical outcomes. AI can also help doctors understand the psychological aspects of surgery by making them smarter and more empathetic. AI synthesis can be used to find possible risks and complications before surgery. This can lead to better results and happier patients. There could be problems with relying only on AI to combine mindsets. It’s possible that the algorithms used don’t always understand how complicated human emotions and experiences are, which could lead to assessments that are too simple or wrong. Additionally, relying too much on AI in medical practice may take the place of human connection and empathy, which could make the relationship between the patient and surgeon less human. In addition, using AI in this way might make intuition and personal judgment less important when making medical decisions, which could stop medical professionals from developing these important skills. However, AI for mindset synthesis in medicine may have advanced significantly in ten years. New technologies and algorithms may help surgeons understand and interpret patient emotions more accurately and nuancedly. AI mind-set synthesis could transform patient care and decision-making in healthcare in the next decade. AI may become part of preoperative assessments and treatment planning as technology advances, providing more personalized and efficient care. However, a renewed emphasis on human intuition and compassion in patient care may counteract AI’s overuse in medicine. Medicine may also face ethical issues related to AI use in sensitive medical settings, including privacy, consent, and technology limits. To ensure AI algorithms complement medical judgment and expertise, they must be constantly evaluated and refined. At the end of the day, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in decision-making must be balanced with the need to provide patients with individualized attention. Over-reliance on AI synthesis could impede medical professionals’ ability to develop intuition and empathy. Care quality and patient outcomes could be jeopardized if patients and healthcare providers become emotionally distant due to an over-reliance on AI.


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