Monthly Archives: October 2024

Examining the Effectiveness and Implementation of Patient Fertility Decision-Aid Tools for Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review

DOI: 10.31038/IJNM.2024542


Objective: This study aims to comprehensively understand the actual application of fertility decision support tools in the cancer patient population and their impact on reproductive outcomes. By introducing eight assessment concepts, including acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, feasibility, fidelity, cost, penetration, and sustainability, the tool is comprehensively evaluated. Ultimately, this study aims to provide more comprehensive fertility decision support for cancer patients, offering valuable insights for future research and clinical practice in this domain.

Methods: In August 2023, a comprehensive search was conducted across a total of 14 databases, including MEDLINE, CINAHL, PubMed, PsycINFO, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, AMED, Cochrane, Google Scholar, CNKI, WanFang Data, VIP, and Sinomed. The included literature underwent methodological quality and bias risk assessment using a mixed-methods appraisal tool.

Results: A total of 11 studies were included for analysis, comprising 5 randomized controlled trials (RCTs), 3 non-randomized controlled studies (N-RCTs), 2 mixed-methods studies, and 1 quantitative cross-sectional study. The findings indicate that research on fertility decision support tools primarily focused on aspects such as fertility-related knowledge, decisional conflict, post-decision regret, satisfaction with information acquisition, the patient’s willingness for reproduction, and the characteristics of the decision support tool. Newly identified themes encompassed decision preparedness, family involvement, informed consent, social support, health literacy, and quality of life. Among the 11 studies included, there was a greater emphasis on the aspects of acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, and feasibility. Other aspects received no attention, including fidelity, cost, penetration, and sustainability.

Conclusion: This study delves into the potential impacts on reproductive outcomes when cancer patients utilize fertility decision-support tools. Through a systematic literature review, new fertility-related themes were identified under the umbrella of fertility decision support tools. However, further research is warranted to comprehensively assess the clinical application of these tools, thereby elucidating their advantages and ultimately enhancing the quality of decision-making for patients facing fertility-related issues.


Cancer, Fertility, Decision support, Fertility preservation, Fertility decision-aid tools, Clinical application, Systematic review


Fertility is crucial for the continuation of human life, and early adulthood is traditionally regarded as the prime time for individuals to have their own biological children. However, among cancer survivors, reproductive function is often compromised or interrupted due to the destructive nature of cancer itself or the reproductive toxic effects of cancer treatments, particularly in adolescents and young adults (15-39 years old) [1]. With the continuous advancement of comprehensive treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and hormonal therapy, the survival rates of young patients have significantly improved. However, these treatments have both short-term and long-term adverse effects on patients’ fertility, especially in terms of ovarian damage [2]. Studies have shown that, compared to the general population, this gonadal injury may lead to a higher incidence of premature ovarian insufficiency and azoospermia, resulting in early menopause or infertility [3]. With the steady improvement of five-year survival rates among cancer patients [4], over 85% of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors express a strong desire for fertility and aspire to become biological parents [5]. Following treatment completion, fertility becomes a focal point of concern for patients, their families, and healthcare providers [6-9]. A comprehensive systematic review concluded that the majority (66%-100%) of cancer patients express a desire to understand the impact of treatment on their fertility [10]. Among young patients without children or with plans for future parenthood, this need and emphasis are even more pronounced, with the proportion of patients seeking relevant information ranging from 0% to 85% [11]. Many guidelines have provided recommendations regarding fertility concerns in patients. International guidelines emphasize that oncologists should inform patients about the potential for treatment-induced infertility and, when necessary, refer them to reproductive medicine specialists before formulating a cancer treatment plan [12]. Clinical practice guidelines from the American Society of Clinical Oncology suggest that healthcare professionals should engage in early discussions with female cancer patients who wish to preserve fertility before treatment in order to offer them more options [13]. Despite an increase in the proportion of fertility counseling initiated by oncologists, less than half of cancer patients are satisfied with the fertility counseling they receive, and the rate of referrals to fertility specialists remains low [14,15]. When receiving reproductive counseling, most patients express an urgent need for more timely, standardized, and written information to address their unmet specific informational needs [16]. However, approximately half of patients (43%-62%) still perceive the information they receive as inadequate and insufficient to meet their needs [17]. A cross-sectional study indicated that less than 10% of adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients received fertility preservation services [18]. In clinical practice, cancer patients face numerous factors that influence their fertility choices. Firstly, they may lack sufficient fertility knowledge [19,20], and their awareness of fertility preservation methods may also be relatively low [21]. Furthermore, there is a severe deficiency in supportive information services related to fertility [22], compounded by the complexity of available fertility preservation options [23], making patients consider many intricate factors in their decision-making. Consequently, the choice of treatment regimen and timing limitations [24], as well as communication issues between patients and healthcare professionals [25], add to the decision-making challenges. Additionally, a range of ethical, legal, and ethical issues need to be considered [26-28]. It should be noted that not all fertility preservation options are suitable for every patient. Depending on factors such as the patient’s age, family status, cancer type, treatment modality, prognosis, and the timing before treatment initiation, some options may be more suitable than others when it comes to preserving fertility. Hence, patients face significant stress and conflicts in making fertility decisions. If patients do not receive comprehensive information about all fertility preservation options or lack support during the decision-making process, the difficulties in decision-making are exacerbated [17,29,30]. Simultaneously, oncology healthcare providers have also reported insufficient knowledge about fertility preservation methods and establishing connections [31,32]. To address these issues, decision support interventions have been developed for both patients and healthcare providers [33,34], aiming to enhance understanding of fertility preservation methods and reduce conflicts in the decision-making process for cancer patients [35].

Decision Aid Tools (PtDAs) are evidence-based tools that assist users in making preference-sensitive decisions by providing information specific to a particular health condition. They emphasize the benefits, risks, probabilities, and uncertainties associated with different choices related to a health condition, allowing patients to clarify their values and consider each option according to their personal preferences before making an informed decision [36]. To address decision-making regarding fertility preservation in female cancer patients, relevant guidelines recommend that healthcare professionals offer decision aids to women considering fertility preservation [12]. Numerous PtDAs for fertility preservation have been developed, and they have demonstrated positive initial application outcomes. These tools significantly enhance patients’ understanding of fertility preservation, reduce decisional conflict, and achieve high overall patient satisfaction. Over 115 randomized controlled trials have indicated that patient decision aids improve decisional conflict by increasing knowledge, fostering realistic expectations, building self-efficacy, and enhancing decision involvement [37]. A previous systematic review has indicated that patient decision aid tools (PtDAs) may play a crucial role in providing information and guiding decisions in this context. Wang et al. (2018) [35] conducted a systematic literature review on cancer patient decision aids to assess their effectiveness in supporting decisions related to fertility preservation. The results showed that decision aids enhanced awareness of fertility preservation, alleviated decisional conflict, and garnered high satisfaction ratings. As research continues to advance, an increasing number of relevant primary studies have emerged. However, in the routine assessment of such studies for clinical application, we have yet to observe systematic, comprehensive, and integrated research outcomes. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of the specific impacts of decision-aid tools on reproductive outcomes and to comprehensively and systematically evaluate the actual effects of these tools in cancer patients. Additionally, we aim to identify potential new influencing factors and key determinants of reproductive decision-making that have not been previously mentioned in similar studies. Ultimately, we will utilize the concepts of acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, feasibility,fidelity, cost, penetration, and sustainability to conduct a comprehensive, multidimensional assessment of the application of decision aids, thereby providing a more comprehensive set of research results.

Materials and Methods

Data Sources and Study Selection

The systematic review followed the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis 2020 guidelines [38]. Inclusion Criteria: 1) fertility decision support tools as an intervention affecting reproductive outcomes in cancer patients; 2) patient involvement must be present in the development, assessment, implementation, and evaluation phases of fertility decision support tools; 3) in cases where multiple reports exist for the same study, the most recent research was included. If the same data was reported with different emphases, the study was still included; 4) forms of intervention included, but were not limited to, printed materials (such as pamphlets), online resources (such as websites), computer-based tools, or video-based resources; 5) both English and Chinese language literature were considered. Exclusion Criteria: 1) Literature reviews, books, unpublished articles, commentaries, protocols, conference abstracts, and research plans; 2) Literature meeting inclusion criteria but with data that could not be extracted.

Search Strategy

The literature search was conducted in August 2023, encompassing a total of 14 databases, including MEDLINE, CINAHL, PubMed, PsycINFO, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, AMED, Cochrane, Google Scholar, CNKI, WanFang Data, VIP, and Sinomed. Duplicate articles were screened using EndnoteX 9.3.3. Two researchers conducted a joint review, browsing through the titles and abstracts of the literature before proceeding with full-text readings. In the event of any discrepancies, a third expert was consulted for adjudication.2.3 | Data extraction, quality assessment and synthesis

Data Extraction, Quality Assessment and Synthesis

Data extraction was carried out by two scholars. In the event of any discrepancies, a third party was consulted for resolution. The extracted information included general details and specific research outcomes. General details encompassed authorship, country of origin, study type, research phase, participant demographics, sample size source, research methodology, and data collection time points. Specific research outcomes included the type of decision aid tool, primary research objectives, measurement tools, and study results. Data related to implementation outcomes, as described by Proctor et al. (2011) [39], were extracted based on eight conceptually distinct implementation outcomes, which encompassed acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, feasibility, fidelity, implementation cost, penetration, and sustainability. It was deemed necessary to track and evaluate these cited references to ensure the report’s completeness. The included studies underwent quality and risk bias assessments using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Each study was subjected to data synthesis based on two screening questions and five assessment criteria. In cases of score discrepancies, reviewers engaged in discussions until consensus was reached. This review strategy has been registered and is available on PROSPERO (ID: CRD42023452239).


Study Selection

We employed a systematic literature search strategy, covering multiple databases and yielding a total of 2660 potentially relevant articles. These included MEDLINE (347 articles), CINAHL (172 articles), PubMed (422 articles), PsycINFO (23 articles), Embase (698 articles), Scopus (85 articles), Web of Science (618 articles), AMED (1 article), Cochrane (71 articles), Google Scholar (17 articles), CNKI (20 articles), WanFang Data (176 articles), VIP (2 articles), and Sinomed (8 articles). Subsequently, we utilized Endnote X9.3.3 software to screen and remove all duplicate records, resulting in the exclusion of repeated literature. Following this, a meticulous initial screening of titles and abstracts was conducted for 1619 articles. At this stage, we ultimately selected 123 articles for full-text reading. Two researchers independently reviewed the literature to ensure its content aligned with the research theme and type. During the process of full-text reading, a total of 112 articles were excluded. The reasons for exclusion included irrelevance to the research theme, unavailability of the full text, inconsistency in study type, and inclusion of research plans and conference abstracts, among others. During the process of including literature, any discrepancies were adjudicated by a third expert to ensure the rigor and accuracy of the research. Ultimately, we included 11 articles that met the objectives and requirements of our study. The specific search strategy can be found in the PRISMA flow diagram.

Study Quality

We conducted quality assessments for each included publication using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) standard. MMAT assesses the quality of qualitative or quantitative studies, with scores ranging from 25% (meeting one criterion) to 100% (meeting all criteria). In this study, the overall quality of the included research was relatively high. Specifically, seven studies achieved a quality score of 100%, while the remaining studies scored 80%. The lower scores were primarily attributed to poor reporting of methods in RCT studies, particularly in the aspects of randomization and allocation concealment.

Study Characteristics

Table 1 and Table 2 summarize the general characteristics and specific content of the included studies. The 11 selected articles span the years from 2012 to 2022 and were conducted in various countries or regions, including one from the United Kingdom [40], two from China [41,42], two from Australia [34,43], three from Switzerland [14,44,45], one from Germany [46], and two from the Netherlands [47,48]. These studies encompass a diverse range of types, consisting of five randomized controlled trials (RCTs) [14,42-44,47], three non-randomized controlled studies (N-RCTs) [45,46,48], two mixed-method studies [40,41], and one quantitative cross-sectional study [34]. The primary phases of the studies predominantly focus on the implementation of effects, with a total of 10 articles addressing this aspect [14,34,40-42,44-48], followed by tool development (2 articles) [41,45], feasibility (2 articles) [40,47], and acceptability (1 article) [43]. In total, 1300 subjects were involved in these studies, covering various types of cancer with a primary focus on breast cancer.

Table 1: General characteristics of 17 trials of patient decision-aids for cancer patient.

Table 2: Overview of Included Decision Aids, Treatment Coverage, Outcome Measures, and Key Findings.

Decision‐Aid Characteristics

Decision aid tools were incorporated in the studies in various formats: four studies utilized paper-based tools [34,40,43,46], three studies employed online-based tools [14,45,48], three studies were based on web platforms [41,44,47], and one study did not specify the type of decision aid tool used [42].

Effect of Decision‐Aids on Decisional Outcomes

Fertility-related Knowledge

Six studies investigated the impact of fertility decision support systems on patients’ fertility-related knowledge. This includes two randomized controlled trials (RCTs) [44,47], two non-randomized controlled trials [45,46], one cross-sectional study [34], and one quasi-experimental study [48]. These studies employed researcher-developed questionnaires for measurement. In these studies, Peate et al.’s research [34] found no significant difference in knowledge scores between the intervention and control groups at one month, but at 12 months, the DA group had lower knowledge scores compared to the routine care group. Ehrbar et al.’s study [45] indicated that after fertility preservation knowledge counseling (T1), there was no significant difference in knowledge between the two groups. However, in the aspect of “egg freezing,” the intervention group showed significantly higher knowledge and confidence. Conversely, a recent study [44] discovered no significant difference in patients’ knowledge about existing fertility preservation methods between the two groups. On the other hand, Borgmann-Staudt et al.’s study [46] demonstrated that in terms of impaired fertility and preservation knowledge, patients in the intervention group had higher average knowledge scores than the control group at both 3 months post-diagnosis (T0) and 6 months post-diagnosis (T1), but these differences were not significant at both time points. Garvelink et al.’s study [47] found significant differences in knowledge between baseline and 6 weeks post-baseline (T1), as well as between baseline and 6 months post-baseline (T2). However, there were no significant knowledge differences between the intervention group and the control group. Additionally, Garvelink et al.’s study [48] pointed out that different types of decision support tools did not significantly affect the time spent using the tool and the number of pages viewed. However, regardless of the type of tool used, they significantly elevated the level of knowledge, resulting in an 81% relative increase. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between the time spent using the tool and the level of knowledge.

Decision Conflict

Among the 7 studies evaluating the impact of fertility decision support tools on decision conflict, the study designs included 3 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) [14,42,47], 1 non-randomized controlled trial [45], 1 mixed-methods study [40], 1 quasi-experimental study [48], and 1 cross-sectional study [34]. These studies employed the Decisional Conflict Scale for assessment. Jones et al.’s study [40] showed that that the level of decision conflict in the control group was generally below the average level. Huang et al. [42] assessed the impact of oncology fertility education for breast cancer nurses and patients on decision-conflict. The results indicated that, with similar scores on the Fertility Intention Scale (FIS) among patients, the experimental group had significantly lower decision conflict scores than the control group. Peate et al. [34] used the Decisional Conflict Scale for decision conflict measurement and found that participants receiving the DA experienced a significantly greater reduction in decision conflict over 12 months compared to participants receiving standard care. At 1 month, the average difference in DCS between the two groups was negligible, but at 12 months, the DA group had lower Decisional Conflict Scale scores than the routine care group. Additionally, Ehrbar et al.’s study in 2019 [14] found that participants who had already made a decision about fertility preservation after consultation (T1) had significantly lower decision conflict scores. The intervention group had significantly lower decision conflict scores compared to the control group. At 1 month after consultation (T2), the intervention group also had significantly lower decision conflict scores in total and on both sub-scales compared to the control group. However, 12 months after consultation (T3), the decision conflict difference between the two groups was no longer significant. Furthermore, Ehrbar et al.’s 2018 study [45] found that the intervention group had slightly higher overall decision conflict scores than the control group, but these differences were not significant. In another study, Garvelink et al.’s results [47] showed that women who received the booklet scored significantly lower on the “effective decision” sub-scale compared to women who received the decision aid (DA). Finally, Garvelink et al.’s study [48] found that women who used the values clarification exercise had a significantly different tool use time compared to those who did not use it, but there was no difference compared to those who were unable to use the exercise. Women who used the exercise performed better in decision conflict, value clarification, decision support, and informed decision.

Decision Regret

In the included literature, a total of four studies addressed decision regret, including three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) [14,44,47] and one cross-sectional study [34]. These studies all employed the Decisional Regret Scale (DRS) for measurement. The study by Peate et al. [34] observed that at one month, there were no significant differences in DRS scores regarding fertility-related decisions between groups. However, at twelve months, after adjusting for educational levels, participants who received Decision Aid (DA) exhibited significantly lower levels of decision regret. On the other hand, findings from the studies by Ehrbar et al. in 2019 and 2021 [14,44] indicated that patients in both intervention and control groups reported overall low levels of decision regret, with the intervention group consistently lower than the control group. However, these differences did not reach statistical significance. It is noteworthy that at one month post-consultation (T2), no significant correlation was found between decision conflict and decision regret. However, at twelve months post-consultation (T3), a strong correlation emerged. Contrastingly, the study by Garvelink et al. [47] found no statistically significant differences in anticipated regret between measurement time points or between groups. It is worth noting that both groups exhibited a slight trend of increased regret between baseline assessments after six weeks (T1) and six months (T2), although this increase was not significant.

Information Satisfaction

Incorporated into the research are three studies that delve into information satisfaction. These include one randomized controlled study [14], one non-randomized controlled study [45], and one cross-sectional study [34]. The assessment tools utilized in these studies were custom-designed questionnaires by the researchers. Peate et al.’s study [34] found that participants who underwent decision aid (DA) were more satisfied with information regarding the impact of breast cancer treatment on fertility and different fertility options. Ehrbar et al.’s 2018 research [45] demonstrated that decision support tools were considered helpful in the decision-making process, with the majority of participants expressing willingness to recommend them to other women. Their 2019 study likewise affirmed [14] that DA participants reported higher satisfaction levels and perceived the use of DAs as beneficial.

Fertility Intentions

In addressing the influence of decision support tools on fertility intentions, we included a total of three randomized controlled trials [14,42,44]. One study utilized the Fertility Intentions Scale (FIS) for measurement [42], while the remaining two employed patient-designed questionnaires. Huang et al.’s study assessed changes in patients’ fertility intentions using the FIS scale after employing decision support tools. The results revealed that, with similar scores on the Fertility Intentions Scale (FIS), the experimental group exhibited significantly lower decisional conflict scores compared to the control group. This indicates the effectiveness of decision-support tools in reducing decisional conflict. Ehrbar et al.’s study [14] found a notably higher positive attitude towards fertility preservation compared to a negative attitude, with no significant differences between the two groups. Additionally, attitudes and willingness to undergo fertility preservation remained stable over time, demonstrating consistency and stability in patients’ attitudes towards fertility preservation. Furthermore, Ehrbar et al.’s 2021 research [44] arrived at similar conclusions. They observed significantly higher positive attitudes in both groups compared to negative attitudes. The control and intervention groups showed comparable scores in positive attitudes, negative attitudes, and willingness to utilize fertility preservation methods. Participants’ attitudes and intentions towards fertility preservation remained stable from post-consultation (T1) to 12 months post-consultation (T3), indicating that the impact of decision support tools on fertility attitudes and intentions remains consistent over a period of time.

Characteristics of Decision Support Tools

In the evaluation of fertility decision support tools, we included a total of four studies, comprising two randomized controlled trials [43, 44] and two mixed-method studies [40,41]. Jones et al. [40] assessed the utility of the decision tool using the QQ-10 scale and ultimately concluded that the CFM tool is acceptable and highly beneficial for women making decisions regarding fertility preservation treatment. Additionally, Huang et al. [41] developed an electronic system for tumor fertility protection and examined its comprehensibility, feasibility, and usability. The study found high usability ratings from both patients and healthcare providers. Furthermore, the social support questionnaire assessment indicated effectiveness of the tool in providing information and practical support, particularly for breast cancer patients. Ussher et al. [43] evaluated the perceived acceptability and impact of the intervention. The results showed that the majority of participants gave positive feedback on the educational resources, considering them easy to understand, user-friendly, containing relevant information, and addressing fertility concerns more effectively than other sources of information. Moreover, Ehrbar et al.’s [44] study reached similar conclusions. They found significantly higher positive attitudes in both groups compared to negative attitudes. The control and intervention groups showed comparable scores in positive attitudes, negative attitudes, and willingness to use fertility preservation methods. Participants’ attitudes and intentions towards fertility preservation remained stable from post-consultation (T1) to 12 months post-consultation (T3), with no significant changes observed.


Fertility decision support tools play a positive role in decision readiness [40,41], family involvement [34,46], informed consent [34,48], social support [41], and health literacy [43], providing robust support and guidance for patients facing decisions about fertility preservation treatment. However, we encountered different results in terms of quality of life. Within the context of fertility decision-making, we observed relatively limited coverage of various aspects under this theme. Nevertheless, despite the relatively small number of studies involved, we were able to identify some intriguing patterns and draw some conclusions based on existing data. Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive review based on logical grouping, highlighting the following key themes: decision readiness, family involvement, informed consent, social support, health literacy, and quality of life. First and foremost, decision readiness emerged as a crucial topic. Research indicates that decision support tools play a positive role in enhancing patients’ level of decision readiness. By employing these tools, patients gain a more comprehensive understanding of information related to fertility preservation treatment, providing a solid foundation for their decision-making process. Jones et al.’s study [40] found that fertility decision support tools were considered acceptable and highly beneficial for women preparing to make decisions about fertility preservation treatment. Additionally, Huang et al.’s 2022 study [41] emphasized the importance of providing ample knowledge about breast cancer and related treatments, addressing participants’ concerns about fertility and fertility preservation choices. Furthermore, family involvement and support also play an indispensable role in the decision-making process. Studies suggest that the active participation of partners or family members can alleviate patient anxiety and have a positive impact on decision outcomes. Obtaining support from family members during the decision-making process provides patients with additional confidence and peace of mind, enabling them to make decisions that align with their own wishes. Borgmann-Staudt et al.’s study also confirmed that specially designed educational materials about fertility preservation improved the knowledge and autonomy of both patients and parents [46]. However, Peate et al.’s study found no significant difference in partner involvement between the two groups [34]. Additionally, having a comprehensive understanding of relevant information is crucial for making informed decisions. By thoroughly comprehending various pieces of information during the decision-making process, patients can better grasp the implications and consequences of various choices, allowing them to make fertility preservation decisions that align with their individual circumstances. Garvelink et al.’s study also emphasized the importance of information, with women using value clarification exercises performing better in decision conflict, value clarification, decision support, and informed decision-making [48]. The effectiveness of social support networks also plays a crucial role in the decision-making process. When facing decisions about fertility preservation treatment, receiving assistance from social support networks helps patients better understand and address various issues, providing strong support for the decision-making process. Huang et al.’s study found that providing ample knowledge about breast cancer and related treatments was crucial for participants in making decisions about fertility and fertility protection [41]. Lastly, having good health literacy is an essential component of the decision-making process. It helps patients better understand and participate in the decision-making process, enhancing their capacity for making informed health decisions. The study found that after the intervention, patients’ health literacy significantly improved, including functional, interactive, and critical health literacy [43]. It’s worth noting that in the included studies, intervention had different expected outcomes on participants’ quality of life, with no change or varying degrees of decline observed. Jones et al. [40] assessed the quality of life of women facing decisions about preserving fertility after receiving a cancer diagnosis using the EQ-5D-3L scale. The baseline EQ-5D-3L average scores indicated lower levels of problems in five quality of life domains. Apart from daily activities (p = 0.018), there were no other significant differences in quality of life scores based on EQ-5D data before and after receiving CFM. Ussher et al.’s study noted that at the baseline stage, the Health Promotion (HP) group, through self-intervention with educational resources, had significantly higher quality of life scores than the Standard Health (SH) group, showing a statistical difference. However, after the intervention, both groups experienced a decline in quality of life, with the SH group’s average quality of life score significantly lower than that of the HP group.

Implementation Results

Among the studies included, at least seven provided data on implementation results (see Table 3 Additional file 6). A total of five studies discussed acceptability [14,34,40,43,45], three discussed adoption [14,41,45], one discussed appropriateness [43], and two discussed feasibility [41,47]. Other aspects were not addressed, including fidelity, cost, penetration, and sustainability. The measurement method primarily involved surveying patients. In terms of acceptability, our main focus was focused on the perspectives of patients, healthcare providers, or other stakeholders to determine whether there was widespread acceptance and satisfaction. In the five included studies, researchers assessed participants’ satisfaction with fertility decision support tools through self-made questionnaires [14,34,40,43,45]. In terms of adoption, the attention was on the extent of implementation strategy dissemination across different organizations or regions. In the three studies included, one study measured this through the System Usability Scale (SUS) Scores questionnaire [41], and all three results indicated willingness to propagate and use this tool [14,41,45]. Appropriateness considered contextual factors, such as patient characteristics and healthcare environments, to assess the suitability of the strategy. Only one study measured results in this aspect, showing that clinical healthcare providers had confidence in recommending the tool’s use to patients [43]. Feasibility focused on resource feasibility and implementation feasibility assessments, including potential obstacles and challenges. Two studies addressed this theme, and the research results both showed that the tool is feasible and effective, with potential for further validation through large-scale studies in the future [41,47].


In this study, we conducted a systematic review of the impact of fertility decision support on fertility outcomes in cancer patients. The outcome indicators primarily covered fertility knowledge, decisional conflict, decision regret, information satisfaction, fertility intentions, and tool characteristics. Additionally, we discovered a range of new research findings, including the effects on patient decision-making preparedness, family involvement, patient informedness, social support, patient health literacy, and quality of life. Upon comprehensively analyzing the application of decision support tools in clinical practice, we observed that the majority of studies primarily focused on assessing the acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, and feasibility of the tools. The fertility decision support system has shown a certain impact on patients’ knowledge related to fertility preservation. However, this impact is influenced by multiple factors and requires continuous optimization and improvement in practice. Additionally, specific support for fertility preservation and its long-term effects need further research and attention. From the research results, there is considerable heterogeneity, and the impact on fertility knowledge is time-dependent, yielding different results at different times. Peate et al.’s study [34] found that the fertility decision support system did not have a significant impact on knowledge scores in the short term, but in the long term, the DA group’s knowledge scores were significantly lower than than those of the standard care group. Future research should pay more attention to and optimize the long-term effects of fertility decision support systems. Furthermore, Garvelink et al.’s study [48] indicates that different types of decision-support tools do not significantly affect the time spent using the tool or the number of pages viewed. However, regardless of the type of tool used, they significantly increase knowledge levels, with a relative increase of 81%. This underscores that the design of decision support tools may be more important than specific types, as their primary function is to enhance patients’ knowledge levels.

Decision conflict is an issue that cancer patients need to pay attention to when facing the decision of fertility preservation. Decision support tools can reduce the level of decision conflict in patients to some extent. However, there are certain differences in results under different research conditions, so the application of decision support tools needs to be considered comprehensively according to specific situations in practice. At the same time, long-term tracking and evaluation are also necessary to understand the persistence and stability of the decision. Huang et al.’s study shows that after receiving cancer fertility education, the decision conflict scores of the experimental group were significantly lower than those of the control group, indicating that an improved education level can make patients more clear about their choices when making decisions [42]. The results of Peate et al.’s study present an interesting trend. In the short term, the difference in decision conflict between the two groups is not significant [34]. However, with long-term observation, patients receiving decision support were significantly lower than those receiving routine care, indicating that fertility decision support tools play a positive role in the long-term decision-making process. On the other hand, Ehrbar et al.’s study also found that after consultation, participants who had already made the decision to preserve fertility had significantly lower decision conflict scores, and the decision conflict scores of the intervention group were also significantly lower than those of the control group. However, after long-term follow-up, the difference in decision conflict between the two groups was no longer significant, which may be because the stability of the decision gradually tended to be consistent over time. The analysis of multiple studies shows that the overall level of decision conflict is relatively low, indicating that fertility decision support tools can provide effective support, reducing the contradictions and confusion in the decision-making process. Decision regret is a complex and multidimensional psychological state in the process of fertility preservation treatment decision-making. Different research results may be influenced by various factors, including individual characteristics, education level, and the timing of using decision support tools. In future research, it may be considered to further explore these influencing factors in order to provide more targeted decision support and intervention measures to alleviate the potential decision-regret emotions that patients may face. Decision support tools have achieved significant effectiveness in providing fertility-related information, enabling patients to have a clearer understanding of reproductive knowledge. The discussion of information satisfaction in the study focuses on evaluating the effectiveness of decision support tools in helping patients obtain fertility-related information and the satisfaction of patients with this information. At the same time, patients’ satisfaction with the use of decision support tools is also high, and they are willing to recommend them to other women. This provides strong support for the further promotion and application of decision support tools. Peate et al.’s research results show that participants who received decision support were more satisfied with information regarding the impact of breast cancer treatment on fertility and different reproductive choices [34]. This indicates that decision support tools play a positive role in providing information, enabling patients to have a more comprehensive understanding of reproductive knowledge. The multiple studies by Ehrbar et al. [14,45] also indicate that patients participating in decision support are satisfied with the use of the tool and believe that it has a positive impact on their decision-making process. However, it is worth noting that there are certain differences in results under different research conditions, so the application of decision support tools needs to be comprehensively considered according to specific situations in practice to ensure that patients can obtain the maximum level of information satisfaction. The decision support tool has achieved positive results in influencing the willingness for fertility preservation, reducing the patients’ decision conflict, and maintaining a positive attitude towards fertility preservation. This provides strong support for the application of decision support tools in clinical practice. It also reminds us that in the design and implementation of decision support tools, it is important to provide patients with comprehensive and clear information about fertility preservation to better assist them in making decisions that align with their own intentions. The results of Huang et al.’s study [42] indicate that the experimental group had significantly lower decision conflict scores compared to the control group. This suggests that the decision support tool has achieved significant effectiveness in reducing patients’ decision conflict. It is evident that the decision support tool provides patients with more comprehensive and clear information about fertility preservation, enabling them to have a clearer understanding of their choices. Additionally, the studies by Ehrbar et al. in 2019 and 2021 [14,44] show that participants’ attitudes towards fertility preservation were significantly more positive than negative, and this attitude remained stable over time. This indicates that patients’ attitudes towards fertility preservation are relatively stable and consistent. The decision support tool did not change the patients’ attitudes but rather provided additional information based on their existing attitudes.

The decision support tool has demonstrated significant effectiveness in providing fertility preservation information and support, offering strong assistance for patients to make decisions in line with their own preferences. This underscores the importance of considering patients’ needs and providing easily understandable, user-friendly, and comprehensive information when designing and implementing decision support tools, in order to better assist patients in their decision-making process. The study by Jones et al. [40], which utilized the QQ-10 to assess the usability of the CFM tool, yielded results indicating that the tool is acceptable and highly useful for women preparing to make decisions about fertility preservation treatment. This indicates the tool’s effectiveness in providing information and support. Additionally, the electronic system for tumor fertility protection developed by Huang et al. [41] received positive evaluations in terms of comprehensibility, feasibility, and usability. Both patients and healthcare providers considered it highly usable. Furthermore, the tool demonstrated effectiveness in providing information and practical support, particularly for breast cancer patients. In the research on fertility preservation decision support tools, we have made intriguing new findings that play a positive role in decision preparedness, family involvement, informed consent, social support, health literacy, and quality of life. Firstly, decision preparedness has been confirmed as a crucial issue. Decision support tools actively contribute to enhancing patients’ level of decision preparedness. By utilizing these tools, patients can gain a more comprehensive understanding of information related to fertility preservation treatment, providing a solid foundation for decision-making. Particularly, in the study by Jones et al. [40], fertility preservation decision support tools were deemed acceptable and highly useful for women preparing to make decisions about fertility preservation treatment. Secondly, family involvement and support play an indispensable role in the decision-making process. The active participation of partners or family members can alleviate patient anxiety, positively influence decision outcomes, and garnering support from family members can provide patients with added confidence and reassurance, enabling them to make decisions that align with their preferences more resolutely. Furthermore, having a thorough understanding of relevant information is crucial for making informed decisions. By comprehensively understanding various pieces of information during the decision-making process, patients can better grasp the impacts and consequences of various choices, thereby making fertility preservation selections that align with their individual circumstances. The effectiveness of a social support network also plays a vital role in the decision-making process. Receiving assistance from a social support network can help patients better comprehend and address various issues, providing robust support for decision-making. Finally, having good health literacy is an essential component of the decision-making process. It aids patients in better understanding and participating in the decision-making process, elevating their capacity for making health-related decisions. The research found that after intervention, patients’ health literacy significantly improved, including functional, interactive, and critical health literacy [43]. Regarding quality of life, the reasons behind changes in quality of life after fertility preservation decision support will also need to be further explored in the future. In summary, though research on these aspects is relatively limited, we have uncovered numerous intriguing patterns and conclusions from existing data. Decision preparedness, family involvement, informed consent, social support, health literacy, and quality of life are all crucial topics worthy of attention in the fertility preservation treatment decision-making process. The positive impacts of these aspects provide robust support and guidance for patients when facing decisions about fertility preservation treatment, further promoting the rationality and personalization of medical decisions. These new findings offer valuable references for future research and clinical practice.

Clinical Limitations

While we have made comprehensive efforts to discuss the application of fertility preservation decision support tools in clinical settings in this study, it is important to acknowledge that there are still some limitations in certain aspects. Firstly, in terms of factors such as credibility, cost, penetration, and sustainability, there may be insufficient data or the ability to provide a comprehensive summary in the current research. However, we can propose some potential improvement suggestions from the perspective of future research and practice. It is recommended to consider tool reliability as a crucial assessment criterion in future studies and explore how to ensure the stability and credibility of the tool in practice. Additionally, from the standpoint of technological progress and development trends, discussing how to reduce the cost of the tool to promote its widespread clinical application is worthwhile. Furthermore, strengthening the promotion and training of this tool is also an important initiative to increase its prevalence in clinical practice. It is essential to think about how to ensure the tool remains effective in long-term use, such as through regular updates and enhancements. For other aspects of the discussion, it should be noted that not all possible scenarios have been covered in the current research. In future studies, further exploration of these aspects will be necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of fertility preservation decision-support tools in clinical practice. Despite our best efforts to address these limitations in this study, it is crucial to exercise caution when generalizing these results to other contexts.

The limitations of this study include the potential for significant bias and contradictory results due to inconsistent assessment criteria in the measurement methods employed. This limitation could impact the accurate understanding and assessment of the psychological state in the decision-making process regarding fertility preservation treatments. Furthermore, factors such as sample selection and study design may introduce selection bias and extrapolation constraints, thereby restricting the generalizability and applicability of the study’s findings to a certain extent. Therefore, the inconsistency in measurement methods within the study may lead to contradictions among research outcomes. This underscores the need for future research to carefully and meticulously select appropriate measurement tools while taking into full consideration various potential influencing factors in order to enhance the reliability and robustness of research results. This study, based on existing data and our inclusion methodology, has made every effort to ensure comprehensiveness. However, given the breadth of the research field and the nature of database searches, we acknowledge the possibility that some studies, especially those conducted under specific conditions, may not have been included. Nevertheless, we believe that this does not diminish the uniqueness and importance of our study. Given the current limitations of this research, we encourage future researchers to continue exploring this field. We believe that such efforts will contribute to enriching and refining the knowledge base in this area, providing more comprehensive and effective support for future clinical practices.

Clinical Implications

Firstly, through a comprehensive analysis of the latest research findings, we can provide clinical practitioners with an up-to-date and authoritative body of scientific evidence to support the development and application of fertility decision-making tools. Secondly, it can facilitate patient involvement in decision-making. Fertility decisions are highly personalized and sensitive topics, making patient involvement crucial. By furnishing patients with scientific foundations, we empower them with more agency and confidence, enabling active participation in the decision-making process. This not only ensures that patients feel heard but also enhances their trust in treatment options, thereby improving the overall efficacy of the treatment process. Additionally, we can assist patients in better comprehending the various influencing factors of fertility decisions through information and education, enabling them to make more informed choices. Lastly, our research provides practical guidance and decision support. Clinical healthcare providers can tailor the most appropriate fertility decision plans for each patient based on this scientific evidence, thus maximizing patients’ fertility aspirations. Simultaneously, patients can, with this evidence, participate more confidently in the treatment process, thereby collectively achieving the most desirable treatment objectives.


The primary objective of this study is to explore the tangible impact of fertility preservation decision aid tools (PtDAs) among cancer patients. Through a comprehensive assessment encompassing various aspects such as fertility-related knowledge, decision conflicts, post-decision regret, information satisfaction, fertility intentions, and tool characteristics, this research furnishes robust evidence for a deeper understanding of the practical implications of PtDAs within the cancer patient population. It offers valuable insights for clinical nursing practices, potentially serving as a valuable complement to current fertility care practices. Beyond clinical counseling, this research aims to ensure the fulfillment of the demand for high-quality information and support.


Ethical Approval and Consent to Participate

Not applicable


No funding

Availability of Data and Materials

Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.


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Effect of Tonisity Px™ Administration on Pre-weaning Mortality Under Field Conditions: A Meta-Analysis

DOI: 10.31038/IJVB.2024822


Modern sows are characterized by a high prolificacy as indicated by the increased number of total born piglets, which results in a higher pre-weaning mortality. Tonisity Px (TPx) is an isotonic protein drink administered to piglets from d2 to d8 of life during the suckling period to support intestinal health and development. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of TPx administration on the pre-weaning mortality under field conditions in 10 sow farms in Belgium and the Netherlands. Therefore, 10 sow farms with a pre-weaning mortality between 3.3 and 13.8% were enrolled in the study. Supplementation of Tonisity Px was compared with standard Control treatment in the same batch. Number of piglets on d2 and the day before weaning was counted and pre-weaning mortality was calculated. Subsequently, reduction in pre-weaning mortality between Control and Tonisity Px group was calculated at farm level. Based on these results, a scatterplot was designed and a trendline formula for the effect of Tonisity Px was calculated. Applying the trendline formula, an economic calculation was run to find the weaned piglets and end-nursery piglet market price for a positive return-on-investment (ROI = or > 1). Supplementation of Tonisity Px resulted in a significant reduction (P = 0.003) of pre-weaning mortality from 7.38 to 5.41%, which is a 23.40% reduction in pre-weaning mortality. Economic analysis revealed that Tonisity Px supplementation has a positive economic return-on-investment from 6.0% pre-weaning mortality onwards under the current end-nursery 25 kg piglet market prices. In conclusion, supplementation of Tonisity Px from d2-8 in the suckling period results in a 23.4% reduction in pre-weaning mortality with a positive return-on-investment from 6.0% pre-weaning mortality onwards.


Tonisity Px, Pre-weaning mortality, Field results, Meta-analysis


Modern sows are characterized by a high prolificacy as indicated by the increased number of total born piglets (TBP). Under Danish conditions, the number of TBP has increased from 12.9 in 2000 to 19.6 piglets per litter in 2020 [1-4]. Modern sows may commonly wean 33-35 piglets per sow per year, but herds with the highest productivity now wean more than 40 piglets per sow per year. The increased litter size is, however, accompanied by a clear decrease in the average piglet birth weight [5-9]. Moreover, due to the limited amount of available colostrum, a decrease in colostrum volume consumed per piglets could be observed [5,12]. This may increase the vulnerability of piglets born from modern high prolific sows [8], which in turn decreases livability from farrowing to weaning. In addition, the small intestine of newborn piglets undergoes major developmental changes during the first 10 days of life. Therefore, this critical period has been identified as a ‘window of opportunity’ for potential nutritional interventions to support the development of intestinal structure, including digestion, absorption and growth, and the maturation of the immune system resulting in potential lifelong effects [3,6,10,11]. These factors create an opportunity to provide supplemental nutrition in the first days of the piglets’ lives to increase livability. Tonisity Px™ (TPx) is a highly palatable isotonic protein solution that provides microenteral nutrition to the intestinal cells. Tonisity Px™ is administered as a 3% solution to neonatal piglets for a 7-day period from day 2 after birth (d2) until day 8 after birth (d8). Tonisity Px™ has been demonstrated to improve intestinal morphology with taller villi (+ 8.3%) and a thicker mucosal layer (+ 9.0%) by d9 in suckling piglets [7]. Furthermore, administration of TPx increased the abundance of beneficial bacterial populations, such as Lactobacillus and Bacteriodes species, and reduced potentially pathogenic bacterial populations, such as Escherichia coli and Prevotellaceae, in the pre-weaning period [1,2]. The aim of the present study was to analyze the effects of TPx administration during the suckling period from d2 to d8 on the pre-weaning mortality under field conditions in 10 sow farms in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Materials and Methods

Test Ingredient

The test ingredient consisted of an isotonic protein solution (Tonisity Px™; Tonisity Ltd, Dublin, Ireland), which provides easily-absorbable nutrients (glucose, amino acids, and peptides) and electrolytes that can be used directly by the enterocytes.

Study Population

Ten farrow-to-wean sow farms in Belgium and the Netherlands with an average number of 733 ± 182 productive sows (min. 200, max. 2000) were enrolled in the field study (Table 1).

The sow herds were run according to different batch-management systems (BMS), such as 1-week BMS (n = 2), 3-week BMS (n = 1), 4-week BMS (n = 6), and 5-week BMS (n = 1). The piglets were weaned at an average age of 23 ± 0.82 days of age (min. 21, max. 26). The average pre-weaning mortality was 7.4 ± 1.1% (min. 3.3, max. 13.8). All sow herds were high prolific with 15.5 live born piglets (LBP) and 32.1 piglets weaned per sow per year.

Table 1: Description of the relevant farm characteristics (obtained prior to the study enrollment) of all 10 sow farms included in the trial comparing standard piglet treatment to supplementation of Tonisity Px (Tonisity Ltd, Dublin, Ireland).

Farm ID

# Sows Breed BMS1 Weaning age % PWM2 LBP3 PSY4

Standard program









Electrolyte solution





26 3.9 14.83


No supplementation





21 10.0 14.53


No supplementation





21 4.9 16.41


No supplementation





26 13.8 16.00







21 3.3 15.52


No supplementation





21 5.3 16.61


No supplementation





21 5.3 14.82


No supplementation





26 8.6 15.01


No supplementation





28 11.3 15.45


No supplementation

1BMS: Batch Management System
2PWM: Pre-Weaning Mortality
3LBP: Live Born Piglets
4PSY: Piglets Weaned per Sow per Year

Experimental Design

Litters within the same farrowing batch were allocated to one of 2 groups, Control or supplementation with TPx. The allocation was balanced according to sow parity (gilts vs. older sows) and number of LBP. In 8 out of 10 sow herds, the piglets in the Control group did not receive any supplementation. However, in farm A, the Control group received a supplementation with a standard electrolyte solution, and in farm E, the Control group was supplemented with water during the study period from d2 to d8. Litters in the TPx group were given 250 mL of 3% TPx solution on d2 of age, and from d3-8 of age TPx litters received 500-600 mL of 3% TPx once daily in a clean waterbowl.


The number of piglets per litter was counted at d2, the start of TPx administration, and at the day prior to weaning. Pre-weaning mortality was calculated per litter and per batch as the number of dead pigs pre-weaning divided by the number of piglets at d2.


The PWM results obtained in the Control and TPx group were plotted and a trendline was calculated for both the Control and TPx group. Based on the trendline formula of the TPx group, a simulation was performed on potential PWM reduction within the range of 4 to 15% PWM under field conditions. These data were subsequently applied to run an economic calculation for return-on-investment (ROI) of the test product.

Economic Calculations

Return-on-investment calculations were performed based on the number of extra piglets per 1000 piglets enrolled by TPx administration. The cut-off value of weaned and end-nursery piglet market price was calculated for a ROI value of 1.

Therefore, the following formula was used based on the cost of treatment for 1000 piglets enrolled: y = 390 / x, with x = number of extra piglets per 1000 piglets enrolled and y = cut-off value of weaned piglet market price. The cut-off value of end-nursery piglet market price was calculated by adding € 25.00 to the cut-off value of weaned piglet market price.

Statistical Analysis

Data were analyzed using JMP 17.0 and results were significant at P < 0.05.


Pre-weaning Mortality

The results on pre-weaning mortality in both Control and TPx groups, including the overall percentage of reduction in pre-weaning mortality in the 10 farms enrolled in the study are given in Table 2.

Supplementation of TPx resulted in a significant (P = 0.003) reduction in PWM as compared to the Control group. In the Control group, PWM was between 3.3 and 13.8%, whereas in the TPx group PWM was between 2.7 and 8.6%. The overall percentage of reduction varied between 5.1% at minimum and 37.7% at maximum.

Table 2: Pre-weaning mortality and overall reduction in pre-weaning mortality in the farms enrolled in the study evaluating Tonisity Px supplementation from day 2 to 8 versus a standard on-farm program for the neonatal piglets.

Farm ID

PWM control (%) PWM Tonisity Px (%)

% PWM reduction


7.4 5.7 23.0
B 3.9 3.7



10.0 5.6 44.5
D 4.9 3.3



13.8 8.6 37.7
F 3.3 2.7



5.3 4.7 10.8
H 5.3 4.0



8.6 8.6 10.9
J 11.3 8.1


Pre-weaning Mortality According to Breed, Weaning Age and Number of Live Born Piglets

Further detailed analysis of PWM according to breed, weaning age and number of live born piglets in both Control and TPx group are given in Table 3.

For sow breeds, DanBred sows in the Control group had an average PWM of 7.99% in contrast to other breeds (Topigs-Norsvin, Hypor) had a PWM of 6.47%. In the TPx group, both sow breeds had a lower PWM of 5.73% and 4.92% for DanBred and other breeds, respectively.

For weaning age, litters weaned at 21 days of age had a lower PWM (6.03%) as compared to litters weaned at a later age of 26-28 days (9.41%) in the Control group. In the TPx group, PWN decreased to 4.33% and 7.02% for litters weaned at 21 and 26-28 days of age, respectively.

For number of live born piglets, litters with an LBP < 16 piglets had a lower PWM (6.92%) as compared to litters with an LBP ≥ 16 (7.84%) in the Control group. In the TPx group, PWM decreased to 5.00% and 5.82% for litters with an LBP < 16 and an LBP ≥ 16, respectively.

Table 3: Detailed analysis of overall percentage of PWM in control and Tonisity Px supplemented group, considering sow breed (DanBred vs. other breeds), weaning age (early 21 d vs. late 26-28 d), and number of live born piglets (low LBP < 15.5 vs. high LBP ≥ 15.5). Significant differences at P < 0.05 are indicated with a different letter in supercript.


PWM control (%) PWM Tonisity Px (%)

% PWM reduction

All farms

7.38 ± 1.11

5.41 ± 0.67

23.40 ± 4.01

Sow breed      

7.99 ± 1.52

5.73 ± 0.89

26.04 ± 3.79

Other breeds

6.47 ± 1.71

4.92 ± 1.10

19.44 ± 8.71

Weaning age      
21 d

6.03 ± 1.98

4.33 ± 0.50a

25.33 ± 4.85

26-28 d

9.41 ± 2.12

7.02 ± 1.12b

20.51 ± 7.55

Live born piglets
LBP < 16

6.92 ± 1.84

5.00 ± 1.04

24.27 ± 4.91

LBP ≥ 16

7.84 ± 1.41

5.82 ± 0.91

22.52 ± 6.92

Meta-analysis of Pre-weaning Mortality Data

The scatterplot of percentage PWM in Control and TPx group of the 10 farms enrolled in the study demonstrates the reduction in PWM percentage following supplementation of TPx from d2 to d8 (blue trendline) as compared to the PWM in the Control group (orange line) (Figure 1). The trendline formula obtained based on the results was: y = 0.5581 x + 0.0129 with an R² of 0.8561. This trendline formula will be used in the simulations for the economic calculation of ROI following supplementation of TPx in different scenarios of PWM percentages.

Figure 1: Scatterplot of percentage PWM in Control and Tonisity group of the10 farms enrolled in the study. Orange squares, datapoints of the Control group; blue squares, datapoints of the Tonisity Px supplemented group in relation to their initial percentage of PWM. Trendline shows the correlation between initial percentage of PWM (Control) and the percentage of PWM obtained following supplementation with Tonisity Px.

Economic Calculations

The simulation of PWM reduction following supplementation of TPx based on the trendline formula obtained in relation to the initial on-farm PWM with calculation of the number of extra pigs per litter and per 1000 born piglets based on the PWM reduction is given in Table 4. Simulation with the obtained trendline formula using an initial PWM ranging from 4.0% to 15% resulted in calculated PWM with TPx application from 3.52% to 9.66%, which was equal to a PWM reduction percentage of 11.9 to 35.6%. Based on these numbers, the number of extra piglets per litter and per 1000 piglets born were calculated. At 4.0% initial PWM, a reduction of 11.9% resulted in 0.08 extra piglets per litter and 5 extra piglets per 1000 piglets born.

Applying the formula y = 390/x, we obtained a weaned piglet price at ROI = 1 breakpoint of € 81.66 and of € 106.66 for end-nursery piglet price. Based on current market prices for weaned piglets and end-nursery piglets (20 September 2024; Flemish piglet price), TPx supplementation has an ROI of 1 or more starting from a PWM percentage of at least 6.0% (indicated by the dotted red line on the figure) (Figure 2).

Table 4: Simulation of PWM reduction following supplementation of Tonisity Px based on the trendline in relation to the initial on-farm PWM with calculation of the number of extra pigs per litter and per 1000 born piglets based on the PWM reduction. Calculation of weaned piglet price and piglet price end-nursery (25 kg) in relation to the return-on-investment breakpoint (ROI = 1.0) based on the average cost of Tonisity Px for 1000 supplemented piglets.

Initial PWM

PWM Tonisity Px Simulated PWM reduction Extra piglets/litter Extra piglets per 1000 piglets born Weaned piglet price at ROI = 1 breakpoint (€)

Piglet price end-nursery at ROI = 1 breakpoint (€)


3.52% -11.9% 0.08 5  € 81.66  € 106.66
5.0% 4.08% -18.4% 0.15 9  € 42.41

 € 67.41


4.64% -22.7% 0.22 14  € 28.65  € 53.65
7.0% 5.20% -25.8% 0.29 18  € 21.63

 € 46.63


5.75% -28.1% 0.36 22  € 17.37  € 42.37
9.0% 6.31% -29.9% 0.43 27  € 14.51

 € 39.51


6.87% -31.3% 0.50 31  € 12.46  € 37.46
11.0% 7.43% -32.5% 0.57 36  € 10.92

 € 35.92


7.99% -33.4% 0.64 40  € 9.72  € 34.72
13.0% 8.55% -34.3% 0.71 45  € 8.75

 € 33.75


9.10% -35.0% 0.78 49  € 7.96  € 32.96
15.0% 9.66% -35.6% 0.85 53  € 7.31

 € 32.31

fig 2

Figure 2: Analysis of return-on-investment breakpoint (ROI = 1) related to market price of weaned piglets (6 kg; orange bars) and piglets at end of nursery (25 kg; green bars). The dashed red line is set at the piglet price (25 kg, end of nursery) of € 56.50 which is the current market price for end-nursery 25 kg piglets (20.09.2024; Flemish piglet price).


Supplementation of Tonisity Px from d2 to d8 of life resulted in a significant (P = 0.003) reduction of PWM as compared to a simultaneous Control group in 10 farms with difference in management approach under field conditions. This observation is in line with previous studies on the effect of TPx (Carlson et al., 2019). In 8 out of 10 farms, PWM reduction due to TPx was compared to a non-supplemented Control group, whereas in 2 farms a standard supplementation of plain water or electrolyte solution was applied in the Control group. Moreover, the effect of TPx supplementation was evaluated in different sow breeds, such as DanBred (n = 5), Topigs-Norsvin (n =4) and Hypor (n = 1). These breeds are known to be highly prolific which can be confirmed by the high number of LBP (15.01 to 16.41 LBP per litter) and the number of piglets weaned per sow per year (29.22 to 35.47 PSY). As expected, farms with an already low PWM could only observe a mild to moderate further reduction in PWM (5-10%), whereas farms with a rather high PWM had a major reduction in PWM (37-44%).

Detailed analysis on TPx effect related to sow breed, weaning age and number of LBP revealed that in all scenarios, TPx supplementation resulted in a decrease of PWM percentage as compared to the Control. As observed in practice, DanBred sows have a higher PWM as compared to other breeds such as Topigs-Norsvin and Hypor. As expected, TPx supplementation resulted in a higher PWM reduction (26.04%) in DanBred sows as compared to other sow breeds (19.44%). Litters weaned at 26/28 days of age had a more than 50% higher PWM both in the Control and TPx group as compared to litters already weaned at 21 days of age. There is no clear explanation for this observation. Since most of the PWM occurs in the first 3-5 days of life, length of the lactation period should not further impact PWM. The difference in PWM for litters with more or less than 16 LBP was very limited, as was the reduction in PWM following TPx supplementation. Indeed, all 10 selected farms were highly prolific and therefore the range of LBP was quite limited (15.01 to 16.41 LBP per litter).

Analysis of the scatterplot of PWM percentage in the Control and TPx group resulted in a trendline formule of y = 0.5581 x + 0.0129 with 85.61% of the changes in y (PWM supplementing TPx) that could be explained by changes in x (PWM under standard control situation). Application of this trendline formula in a simulation with control PWM ranging from 4.0 to 15.0% resulted in a presumed PWM supplementing TPx ranging from 3.52 to 9.66%. It could be observed that a gradual increase in PWM reduction was present with higher initial PWM. Based on these data both the number of extra piglets per litter and per 1000 piglets born could be calculated (Table 4). These data were used to calculate the minimal piglet market value for a ROI of 1, both in weaned piglets, which are not regularly sold onto the market under our local Belgian and Dutch conditions, and end-nursery piglets sold at 25 kg standard weight. Further comparison of these end-nursery piglet prices to the current piglet market prices (Flemish pig price, 20.09.2024) demonstrated that TPx supplementation can result in a positive ROI (ROI equal to or higher than 1) from 6.0% PWM onwards.


The administration of TPx from d2 to d8 during lactation resulted in a significant reduction of PWM in 10 farms under field conditions in Belgium and the Netherlands. Supplementation of TPx resulted in a positive ROI (= or > 1) when PWM at farm level was equal to or higher than 6.0% under current end-nursery piglet market prices.


PWM: Pre-Weaning Mortality; TPx: Tonisity Px™; d2: Day 2 After Birth; d8: Day 8 After Birth; TBP: Total Born Piglets; LBP: Live Born Piglets; ROI: Return-On-Investment


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A Modified Palatoplasty for Palate Cleft: A Case Report and Literature Review

DOI: 10.31038/JDMR.2024722


Introduction: Cleft palate is a common congenital defect with several described surgical repairs. It is generally an isolated congenital abnormality but can be associated with multiple syndromes. Although there are a multitude of surgical options, many are variations of a previously described repair, and the most successful treatment modality remains a controversy.

Case Summary: The patient, a man, age 25 years old, had a Class III cleft lip and palate Veau classification, underwent a modified palatoplasty and acquired a favourable palatopharyngeal closure function, decreased hemorrhage and swelling.

Conclusion: In this study, we provide a modified palatoplasty for all palate cleft variations, it may benefit for uvula intact, reduce bleeding and swelling.


Congenital cleft palate, Modified palatoplasty, Cleft palate repair


Cleft of the palate, CP, is one of the most prevalent orofacial birth defects around the world occurring in about 0.33 in every 1000 live births regardless of race, and there was no significant difference between men and women [1,2]. The cleft palate is generally an isolated congenital abnormality but can be associated with other anomalies or multiple syndromes, with or without the presence of lip or alveolar clefting [3]. According to the Veau classification, the cleft palate is divided into four groups depending on the extent of involvement: Group I is limited to the soft palate only; Group II involves the soft and hard palates; Group III includes the soft and hard palate as well as the lip; and Group IV is bilateral complete clefts Figure 1 [4].

fig 1

Figure 1: Veau classification. A class I. defects of the soft palate only; B class II. Defects involving the hard palate and soft palate; C class III. Defects involving the soft palate to the alveolus, usually involving the lip; D class IV. Complete bilateral clefts.

Congenital palate defect is caused by disturbed embryonic development when the palatal shelves fail to fuse during the 6th~12th week of pregnancy [5]. It is multifactorial, influenced by genetic factors recessive or incompletely dominant polygenic inheritance and exogenous factors drugs, folic acid deficiency, viral infections, etc [6]. It has been difficult to point to a single etiologic mechanism responsible for this complex trait, resulting in severe speech, nutrition, and mental and social developmental disorders that significantly reduce patients’ quality of life [7].The diagnosis of cleft palate is not difficult because of its obvious features. Treatment of cleft palate ordinarily requires multiple interventions spanning time from birth to adulthood [8]. However, current treatment for this disease generally demands early surgery and face reconstruction procedures that may be revised during childhood and infancy, causing a great number of patient complaints and economic burdens on health systems that need to be minimized [9]. In this study, we report a modified operation of palatoplasty that provides a choice for these patients to shorten operation time, and reduce intraoperative bleeding, trauma, and postoperative swelling.

Case Report

A 25-year-old Chinese man came with a congenital cleft of lip and palate, he received lip repair in the local hospital when he was 4 years old. However, palatal repair was suspended because of a lack of money. Nowadays, the patient was referred to our hospital for palatal cleft repair which significantly affects pronunciation. The patient denied other abnormal parts of the body and his parents are both normal. After comprehensive examination and imaging evaluation by a professional maxillofacial surgeon, he was diagnosed with CP group III, Class III skeletal pattern malocclusion, microdontia, defect of dentition, and dental cavity Figure 2. At this time, the patient only wanted to receive palatal cleft repair.

fig 2

Figure 2: Clinical information of the patient. A-C the profile photo of the patient; D-F the itro-oral film of the patient; G the computerized tomography imaging of the patient.

A cleft of the soft and hard palate with cleft lip postoperative was seen in our patient. Our modified palatoplasty involves: 1. relaxing incisions along the lateral edge of the hard palate, starting anteriorly near the palatomaxillary suture line, going posteriorly just medial to the alveolar ridge, and ending lateral to the hamulus, approximately to the tuberosity of the alveoli. 2. The incision posterior to the maxillary tuberosities was widened by blunt dissection, the hamulus was identified and the hamulus pterygoideus was broken. 3. The mucosa along the edges of the cleft starting at the palatal alveolar to anteriorly 5 mm of uvula was also incised Figure 3A and 3B. 4. The entire mucoperiosteum was then raised from the oral surface of the hard palate; care was taken to preserve the two neurovascular pedicles, the greater palatine pedicle posteriorly and the incisive pedicle anteriorly. Thus, bi-pedicled mucoperiosteal flaps were created on both sides of the cleft Figure 3C. 5. Three layers, including an oral mucosal layer, muscle layer, and nasal layer were dissected which tends to relieve tension on the repair and reduce the postoperative fistula rate. 6. Firstly, the nasal side of the cleft was closed, using redundant mucoperiosteum from the incision along the cleft edge Figure 3D. 7. Secondly, residual mucosa along the edges of the cleft uvula fissa was incised, and seamed the nasal layer. 8. Next, the muscle layer was closed approximately using an intravelar veloplasty. 9. Lastly, the bi-pedicled oral mucosal flaps were approximated to cover the oral surface of the cleft Figure 3E. A month later, the patient returned to our clinic, the palatine mucosa was integrity and the uvula recovered Figure 3F. The speech quality of this man was also improved and had a good velopharyngeal function (Figure 4).

fig 3

Figure 3: Surgical procedures of the patient and postoperative manifestation. A-E the operative procedues of the patient; F one month postoperative follow-up of the patient.

fig 4

Figure 4: Traditional surgery and modified operation. (A) a-c the traditional surgery of the palatoplasty; (B) d-g the modified surgery of the palatoplasty.


The goals of palatoplasty are to acquire complete and intact closure of the palate and restoration of the velopharyngeal sphincter. Besides, reducing hemorrhage, avoiding palatal fistula, and decreasing postoperative swelling also should include care. After decades, there are many techniques for cleft palate repair and each has its advantages. To repair the soft palate, Intravelar Veloplasty, and Furlow Double-Opposing Z-Plasty are widely applied [10,11]. To repair the hard palate, the Von Langenbeck Palate palatoplasty, Veau-Wardill-Kilner palatoplasty, Two-Flap palatoplasty, and Vomer Flap techniques are employed around the world [11-14]. Nonetheless, the most successful treatment modality remains controversial. According to Veau classifications, surgeons are recommended to choose appropriate surgical techniques for the patients after evaluating the results as they see fit to provide the best functional outcomes for their patients [15]. However, all the techniques above mentioned may cause uvula injury due to incision without suture immediately and improve the occurrence of velopharyngeal incompetence. The rate of oronasal fistula following primary cleft palate surgery was about 3.8~6.1% [16]. In this study, we raise a modified palatoplasty: delayed incision of the uvula and earlier suture of the nasal layer. It is beneficial for uvula integrity, reducing uvula tears, and decreasing hemorrhage and swelling.

Fusion of particular orofacial structures during early gestation is required for proper development of the upper lip and jaw. Failure of this process leads to an orofacial cleft, which manifests as a gap in the tissue of the upper lip, the palate, or both [17]. Treatment of cleft lip and palate ordinarily requires multiple interventions spanning the time of birth to adulthood [18]. This process includes a multidisciplinary evaluation, involving pediatric dentists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, orthodontists, prosthodontists, speech therapists, and psychological consultation teachers. In this study, our patient only underwent the necessary surgery because of financial difficulty, we sincerely advise he achieve serial therapy shortly.


We preferred the modified palatoplasty for all cleft variations. The use of modified palatoplasty in the cleft palate seems to contribute to a reduction of hemorrhage, uvula varies, and postoperative swelling.


Cailing Jiang contributed to the conception, design, analysis and interpretation of data, and drafting of this article. Chong Jiang, Zijun Guo and Haiyou Wang contributed to data collection and analysis. Sui Jiang contributed to the conception and design, critical review of the article, and final approval.


The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The preparation of this manuscript was not supported by any funding or grants.

Ethics Approval

Ethics approval was received from the ethics committee of Guangdong Provincial People’s Hospital (KY2023-827-03).


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Prognostic Modeling of Gynecological Complications in Tamoxifen Therapy

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2024934


The risk of endometrial hyperplasia (EH) increases during adjuvant therapy of breast cancer (BC) with tamoxifen. Currently, the problem of endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer due to long-term use of tamoxifen is relevant, since the incidence of endometrial pathology has a direct correlation with the duration of use of tamoxifen. In order to improve early detection of endometrial cancer and avoid unnecessary invasive procedures, surveillance by a gynecologist should be tailored to the risk of endometrial cancer in women who have had breast cancer.

We developed a prognostic model to determine the likelihood of developing a composite endpoint (polyp, endometrial hyperplasia, abnormal uterine bleeding) depending on anamnestic and genetic risk factors. A comprehensive association analysis using mathematical modeling allowed us to build a predictive model of the risk of developing such adverse events as endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyp and abnormal uterine bleeding. This prognostic model has demonstrated high diagnostic efficiency, which allows its implementation in the clinical practice of gynecologists.


Tamoxifen, Endometrial hyperplasia, Endometrial polyp, Abnormal uterine bleeding, Predictive modeling


Breast cancer (breast cancer) is hormone-dependent in 60-70% of cases. Due to the fact that estrogens enhance cell proliferation of hormone-dependent breast tumors, endocrine therapy with tamoxifen (TAM) or aromatase inhibitors (IA) is an important stage in the treatment of such patients [1,2]. According to the literature, taking tamoxifen for 5 years reduces the risk of breast cancer recurrence by 39% [3]. The use of tamoxifen may be limited due to the adverse drug reactions (ADR). It is known that the adjuvant breast cancer therapy with tamoxifen increases the risk of endometrial hyperplasia (EH) because tamoxifen acts as an antagonist of estrogen receptors on breast tissue and as an agonist on the endometrium [4]. According to Neven P. and Vernaeve H. 50% of women who received long-term TAM treatment experienced any adverse effects on the endometrium [5]. Currently, the problem of hyperplastic processes and endometrial cancer is especially relevant during long-term tamoxifen administration, since the frequency of endometrial pathology has a direct correlation with the duration of TAM administration [6]. The supervision of a gynecologist should be adapted to the risk of endometrial cancer in women who have undergone breast cancer in order to improve the early detection of endometrial cancer and avoid unnecessary invasive procedures.

The Purpose of the Study

To determine the prognosis of tamoxifen ADR including endometrial hyperplastic processes, endometrial polyps and abnormal uterine bleeding, based on mathematical modeling in conjunction with the carrier of polymorphic variants of genes of cytochrome P450 enzyme and drug transporter proteins.


Women with breast cancer taking endocrinotherapy have predictors of the development of local gynecological symptoms that require additional attention from an obstetrician-gynecologist. These predictors are not only clinical factors, but also genetic determinants responsible for the metabolism and transport of tamoxifen.

Materials and Methods

A prospective clinical and epidemiological and simultaneous pharmacogenetic study involved 120 patients with luminal breast cancer of stage I-III who were on adjuvant TAM therapy. Anamnestic, clinical, laboratory and instrumental data obtained from a survey of patients and extracts from medical records (results of the last hospitalization) were analyzed. The collection of biological material for genetic research (double buccal scraping) was carried out simultaneously in the Clinic named after Professor Y.N. Kasatkin in 2018-2019 years in Moscow. Informed voluntary consent was signed by all participants of the study before taking the genetic material. Polymorphic variants of the CYP2D6, CYP2C, and CYP3A genes were studied: CYP2D6*4, CYP3A5*3, CYP2C9*2, CYP2C9*3, CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*3, as well as the polymorphic marker of the ABCB1 gene (C3435T) encoding the P-glycoprotein. Polymorphic gene variants were determined by the polymerase chain reaction method in real time at the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education (RMACPE) of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the RMACPE of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Protocol No. 1 dated 17.01.2017) and was conducted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international regulatory documents. The program SPSS Statistics 26.0 (USA) was used for statistical processing of the results. The normality of the distribution was checked by the Kolmogorov–Smirnov method with the Lilliefors correction. The intergroup differences were assessed using the Student’s t-test and the Mann-Whitney U–test. Comparative analysis was used using either Pearson’s χ2 or Fisher’s exact test. To form mathematical predictive models, the method of constructing a logistic function using binary logistic regression with step-by-step selection of factors and, if necessary, additional construction of ROC curves followed by ROC analysis was used.

Results and Discussion

Tamoxifen’s ADR structure contains both systemic and local ADR, and systemic ones dominate over local ones with the highest representation of tides as vasa-active symptoms from the autonomic nervous system (67.3%). Local gynecological symptoms are represented by endometrial hyperplasia (GE), abnormal uterine bleeding (AMC) and endometrial polyp (PE) are much less common (20.2%; 12.5% and 12.5%, respectively), but in total they amount to 45.2%, which, taking into account a low subjective assessment (frequent asymptomatic course, absence of complaints), requires close attention from obstetricians and gynecologists. The high percentage of local gynecological symptoms we obtained turned out to be close to the data of Neven P and Vernaeve H., indicating 50% of any adverse effects on the endometrium in women taking TAM [5]. Taking into account the high total frequency of occurrence of local gynecological symptoms (%EH+%AUB+%PE=45.2%) and the presence of reliable associative links between local and systemic ADR, as well as genetic and non-genetic parameters obtained earlier [7-9], we developed a prognostic model to determine the development of a combined endpoint (polyp, endometrial hyperplasia, abnormal uterine bleeding). The resulting model included 9 predictors, taking into account the determination coefficient of the Neidlekerk, included 40% of the factors determining the development of the combined endpoint, and was reliable (p<0.001). The observed dependence is described by the equation:


where p is the probability of developing a combined endpoint (polyp, endometrial hyperplasia, AUB) (in fractions of one); XWeight loss – Weight loss during TAM therapy, kg; XMenopause – menopause (0 – no, 1 – yes) ; XAge– age, years ; XAsthenia – asthenia (0 – no, 1- yes); Xnumber of births – number of births; Xnumber of pregnancies – number of pregnancies; XABCB1 3435_TT – TT genotype of polymorphic variant ABCB1 3435 (0 – no, 1 – yes); XCYP2D6_4_GG– GG genotype of polymorphic variant CYP2D6*4 (0 – no, 1 – yes); XCYP3A5_GG– GG genotype of polymorphic variant CYP3A5 (0 – no, 1 – yes).

Based on the values of the regression coefficients, factors such as weight loss, the presence of asthenia, an increase in the number of births, the presence of the TT genotype of the polymorphic variant ABCB1 3435, the presence of the genotype GG of the polymorphic variant CYP2D6*4, GG of the polymorphic variant CYP3A5 have a direct relationship with the probability of developing a combined endpoint. While the presence of menopause, an increase in the number of pregnancies in the anamnesis and an increase in age reduce the likelihood of developing a combined endpoint. Table 1 shows the parameters of the relationship of each of the predictors of the model, including both clinical and anamnestic data and genetic factors responsible for metabolism and transport of TAM, with the chances of developing a combined endpoint of local gynecological symptoms.

Table 1: Evaluation of the relationship between the predictors of the model and the chances of developing a combined endpoint of local gynecological symptoms.


COR (95% Cl) p AOR (95% Cl)


Weight loss

2.4 (0.93-6.13)

0.07 2.94 (0.98-8.8)



0.55 (0.23-1.3)

0.160 0.5 (0.14-1.8)



0.96 (0.9-1.01)

0.113 0.97 (0.89-1.05)



3.2 (1.3-7.3)

0.009* 3.78 (1.3-11)


Number of births

1.8 (1.02-3.1)

0.041* 2.94 (1.13-7.66)


Number of pregnancies

0.97 (0.76-1.2)

0.804 0.689 (0.42-1.12)


ТТ ABCB1 3435

2.77 (1.16-6.6)

0.021* 1.85 (0.64-5.3)



2.6 (1.07-6.4)

0.035* 5 (1.6-15.6)



1.15 (0.49-2.7)

0.746 1.9 (0.66-5.59)


*The association with the predictor is statistically significant.

To confirm the results obtained, the most optimal value of the predictive function P was additionally determined using ROC analysis and a ROC curve was constructed (Figure 1).

Figure 1 is a ROC curve characterizing the dependence of the forecast of the combined endpoint on the value of the logistic function P. The area under the ROC curve was 0.827±0.043 (95% CI: 0.743-0.911). The value of the logistic function P at the cut-off point was 0.273. Patients with P values equal to 0.273 or higher were predicted to have a high risk of developing EH, endometrial polyp and AUB, and with P <0.273, a low risk. The sensitivity of the model at the selected cut-off point value was 82.4% (28 correct predictions out of 34 cases of combined endpoint), specificity was 72.9% (51 correct predictions out of 70 cases of absence of combined endpoint development). The overall diagnostic efficiency is 76%. According to the results, independent predictors of the development of the combined endpoint are the presence of asthenia, the number of births, the presence of the genotype GG polymorphic variant CYP2D6*4, the genotype TT polymorphic variant ABCB1 3435 and GG polymorphic variant CYP3A5.

fig 1

Figure 1: A ROC curve characterizing the dependence of the forecast of the combined endpoint on the value of the logistic function P.


The conducted complex associative analysis allowed us, using mathematical modeling, to construct a prognostic model of the risk of developing combined local gynecological symptoms, such as endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial polyp and AUB. These local gynecological symptoms are a natural manifestation of the pharmacodynamic effects of tamoxifen, as an agonist of estrogen receptors on the endometrium in women with breast cancer. The result obtained determines the need for increased alertness of obstetricians and gynecologists regarding endometrial hyperplastic processes in women with breast cancer undergoing tamoxifen endocrinotherapy and, accordingly, the development of measures for their prevention. In addition, this predictive model has demonstrated high diagnostic effectiveness, which allows it to be implemented in the clinical practice of an obstetrician-gynecologist, including through medical decision support programs.


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