Monthly Archives: July 2020

COVID-19 and Oncological Health Workers: Psychological Reactions and Interventions

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020524

Review Article

Stress of Working in Oncology

Oncology is a medicine area of high psychic investment. Working with cancer patients is a source of human and professional satisfaction but can involve high emotional costs [1,2]. High levels of burnout and compassion fatigue are reported by about 32% of oncologists [3,4] this percentage rises to 70% among people under 40 years [5]. High levels are also found among nursing staff with marked levels of emotional exhaustion [6]. Repeated exposure to suffering and loss, to the side effects and/or the failure of treatments to the end of life stages, to feeling overwhelmed by work, are among the causes of chronic distress that medical staff accumulate in clinical practice. Care of cancer can result  in emotional distress and exhaustion, loss of empathy, and demotivation from work [7]. Of no less importance is the “difficult” communications that are estimated at around 20,000 in the career of an oncologist [8].

Prevalence of COVID-19 and Risk of Infection

It is well known in the history of infectious diseases that health workers are those who pay a high cost. On the one hand testifies to the tendency of healthcare personnel to take risks for patient care, on the other highlights how often they are confronted with epidemics without adequate safety systems [9]. COVID-19 has been the most catastrophic pandemic after the 1918 H1N1, known as the “Spanish flu”. The Italian data of April 23, 2020, by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) [10], show that 11% of the symptomatic infected people are health workers, with a median age of 48 (vs 62 years, total case median age), 69% women, with a lethality rate of 0.4%. The increased exposure of health personnel is also confirmed by the data of the Italian National Institute for Accident Insurance at Work  (INAIL)  [10]. The Health and Social Care sector (hospitals, nursing and rest homes, etc.) reports 72.8% of cases. Of the 28,381 SARS-CoV-2 occupational infections reported between the end of February and April 21, 2020, 71.1% are women. The median age of 48, 45.7% are health technicians (nurses, physiotherapists), 18.9% socio-health workers, 14.2% doctors, 6.2% social workers, 4.6% unqualified staff related to health services and education. The territorial analysis shows a distribution of complaints of 52.8% in the North-West (Lombardy 35.1%), 26.0% in the North-East (Emilia Romagna 10.1%), 12.7% in the Centre (Tuscany 5.5%), 6.0% in the South (Puglia 2.6%), 2.5% in the Islands (Sardinia 1.3%). The monitoring also detects 98 reports of accidents with a fatal outcome following COVID-19 (about 40% of the total deaths at work reported to INAIL in the period under review), median age 59 years, 79.6% are men. The territorial analysis shows a distribution with 54.1% of deaths in the North-West (Lombardy 36.7%), 13.3% in the North-East (Emilia Romagna 9.2%), 10.2% in the Centre (Marche 4.1%), 20.4% in the South (Campania 9.2%) and 2.0% in the Islands (Sicily 2.0%). The category of health technicians (nurses, physiotherapists) is the most affected (15%), followed by doctors, social and health workers, and social workers (all three professional categories, 13%).

The data on the place of exposure of the contagion (sample n = 5000) in the period 1-23 April 2020, show as most at risk the Healthcare Residences (RSAs), then the Communities for Invalids and Retirement Homes (44.1%), family (24.7%), hospitals and clinics (10.8%), workplace (4.2%) [11]. The Italian data are consistent with the Chinese and North American ones which identify a category at risk of contracting COVID-19 in healthcare personnel, with percentages of 3.8% of the total cases in China and 19.0% in the USA. A higher prevalence of women, younger individuals, and a lower lethality, probably due to the higher number of swabs carried out, are the characteristics that differentiate health workers from the total sample of subjects who contracted the virus [12,13].

Challenges Posed by COVID-19 to Healthcare Workers in Oncology in the Phase of Strong Epidemic Spread

Our country and the National Health System (NHS) were not prepared for this pandemic unlike others like China and South Korea who had faced other flu epidemics such as SARS and MERS. Italy had never found itself having to implement such an impressive health response plan. In phase I, while many hospitals were transformed into intervention hospitals or HUBs for COVID-19, the staff who worked with cancer patients faced professional  and  personal  problems.  The scarcity of adequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), the uncertainty regarding the mode of transmission  of  the  virus  and the related protective behaviours, the consequences of the delay in recognizing some positive  patients,  the  responsibility  of  patients at risk for age and immune conditions, the first contagions among colleagues with consequent worry and workload, the fear of infecting their family members, the lack of swabs and reagents constituted the initial scenario. In an “unexplored terrain” where little was known about the virus and even less about possible therapies, the oncological health workers participated together with the others in the trauma and mourning, powerless witnesses of the surge of infections, the wave of deaths, the collapse of the Intensive care, patient transfers to other contexts.

Working in oncology they should have been used to considering death in the background, but this was “another” disease. The high rate of contagion among health professionals [14], the median 10 days from diagnosis to death, the lethality rate reported as preliminary data by the National Institute of Statistics-ISTAT [15] showed an increase in deaths equal to or greater than 20% compared to the average figure for the same period in the years 2015-2019, which made COVID-19 a different phenomenon. Health workers were personally touched by the fear of contagion, by the death of colleagues, patients, and loved ones, feeling exposed, mortal, and fragile [16,17]. “Am I part of the cure or am I part of the disease?” a doctor asks himself, stressing the conflict between a sense of responsibility for one’s job and that of one’s family [18]. The fear of “taking the virus home” is not unfounded if we think that 41% of COVID-19 cases in Wuhan resulted from hospital- related transmission [19] and that Italian data show how the exposure to the virus occurred in 24.7% of cases in the family environment. [10] A fear that can trigger primitive reactions of social stigma in an insidious way. This explains the paradox described in other epidemics whereby what are called “heroes” for the value attributed to their work [20] may be feared by some as potential “greasers” capable of bringing the virus into their condominiums or homes [21].

Due to the risk of moral  injury,  that  particular  phenomenon that occurs when you know that “you should do something but you cannot do it” with a consequent sense of guilt, betrayal, and anger [22] is likely that oncological health workers have not been as exposed as the colleagues who worked in the front line or in the triage forced  for lack of oxygen, fans or beds to give priority to some categories  of patients and not to others. However, more nuanced feelings of “moral disorientation” have emerged related to both the fact that “the questions of Medical Oncology for  the  correct  approach  in the management of COVID-19 are multiple and unresolved”, [23] and to the “transgression”  of evidence-based reference paradigms,  in the absence of consolidated scientific evidence on the effects of COVID-19 on patients and cancer therapies, and the “distraction effect “consequent to the NHS focus on the pandemic [24-26]. In any case, the oncologist had to face the daily task of “balancing the value of cancer treatment with competing risks during a time of declining resources” with ethical and logistical challenges to clinical standards and humanism [23].

Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Operators and Family Members

We do not yet have prevalence data on peritraumatic distress from COVID in cancer healthcare professionals although data on a general population sample show that a third of people experienced symptoms of mild/moderate and severe peritraumatic distress [27].

That health workers can report mental health problems, personal and professional emotional pressure during epidemics and pandemics, even to a greater extent than that found in the general population, which is a phenomenon described in the literature on SARS, MERS and H1N1 and confirmed by recent studies on COVID-19. The prevalence of psychological and psychopathological disorders can vary according to the pandemic phase, with higher peaks in the initial periods [28] when the initial impact can cause a higher distress response. A single-center study on 5062 COVID hospital workers in Wuhan highlights distress (29.8%), depression (13.5%), and anxiety disorders (24.1%). The variables associated with psychic suffering were gender, years of seniority, the presence of chronic illness, and the history of mental disorders, having positive or suspicious family members, and evaluating the Hospital Institution as a tutelary and supportive [29]. Another study of 1257 health worker (60.8%, nurses and 39.2% doctors) in hospitals in China (60.5% in Wuhan and 39.5% outside Wuhan), of which 41.5% front line operators, reported depressive symptoms (50.4%), anxiety (44.6%), insomnia (34.0%) and distress (71.5%). Being nurses, women, working on the front line, in Wuhan Hospitals was associated with higher levels in all measured mental health dimensions. Healthcare professionals directly involved in the diagnosis and treatment of COVID-19 patients have a high risk of depressive symptoms, anxiety, insomnia, and distress [30].

An Italian study carried out between 27 and 31 March 2020 on 1379 health workers from 20 Italian regions, using an avalanche sampling technique, highlights symptoms of post-traumatic stress (49.4%), symptoms of severe depression (24.7%), anxiety (19.8%), insomnia (8.3%) and high distress (21.9%). Female gender and young age are risk factors for all study outcomes; having been personally exposed to the infection is a risk factor for depression, working in the front line is positively related to symptoms of post-traumatic stress, having a dead colleague, hospitalized or in quarantine was significantly associated with high levels of insomnia, depression and perceived stress, finally being nurses or social and health workers is a risk factor for severe insomnia [31].

Since being in hospital could favor the possibility of being infected it is legitimate to hypothesize the concern of family members considering the risks involved in the work of their relatives. Little has been studied in the psychological suffering of family members of health workers in epidemics. A recent survey [32] carried out from 10 to 20 February 2020 on 822 family members of health workers who worked in 5 hospitals in Ningbo, China, showed high levels of distress with  a prevalence of anxiety disorders (33.7%) and depressive symptoms (29.4 %). Significant differences were associated with characteristics of the health care professional’s work such as availability of adequate PPE, the number of hours worked, contacts with positive or suspect patients and personal characteristics of the family member, such as the number of hours focused on COVID. Parents and children, compared to their spouses, were at greater risk of distress. These data require attention for correct allocation of resources for dedicated interventions, as required by the Guidelines for interventions on the psychological crisis for the pneumonia epidemic due to new coronavirus infection. The Chinese National Health Commission treats family members of healthcare professionals as the 3rd priority group.

What Resources and What Interventions?

A first consideration regards the timeliness with which researchers from around the world reacted to the challenges posed by an unknown virus, the cause of a pandemic that has positioned itself in a few months among the main causes of death in different countries [33]. This reaction united the scientific community and witnessed the production and sharing of a large number of articles in peer-reviewed journals and sources such as bioRxiv and medRxiv, with a speed of publication unthinkable in normal times. Over 40,000 searches have been collected under the aegis of COVID-19 Open research Dataset (CORD-19) and uploaded to a site of the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence to allow data scientists and artificial intelligence experts to consult them [34]. Healthcare institutions in the USA [35] have set up a register of cancer patients for faster and wider sharing of data, as well as research groups and scientific associations from the oncology area in Italy.

All this has made it possible to identify new research paths and a better understanding of the phenomena in their evolution. And above all, it offers the knowledge bases to political and health authorities to develop and implement support actions for a category widely exposed to distress such as that of health workers. Peritraumatic distress is known to be associated with an increased likelihood of developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (DPTS) and other psychological symptoms in the years following natural disasters. A recent study highlighted that “to have received psychological support” was a variable associated with lower distress scores [27]. A first answer, at the level of available resources, is the psychoeducational material disclosed in the form of videos or informative material, produced by national and international Organizations and Agencies (e.g. CSTS, ISS, National Comprehensive Cancer Network – NCCN), which aims to support the well-being of healthcare professionals during the coronavirus epidemic or other epidemics [36,37].

In distress prevention programs one must not forget the importance of the role of the team leader and the type of leadership, of how they will be able to guide their collaborators in moments of uncertainty towards necessary changes, support them in the needs of reassurance, recognize their feelings of anxiety and condolence and encourage them in the development of group cohesion [38]. Cohesion is a powerful factor in the dynamics of a team, described as that particular “climate” that is perceived by observing a group at work, that “team spirit” characterized by a propensity for mutual support, even hard confrontation between members but always on a constructive and loyal group membership background. The “team spirit” is not easy to build from nothing in times of crisis and strong work pressure, therefore it would be desirable that the institutions in times of stability provided for the formation of leaders capable of proactively promoting a community of colleagues based on the value of the mutual support, particularly in critical areas such as oncology [39]. Other resources concern the activation by the health structures of remote psychological interventions dedicated to operators in the oncological area such as telephone helplines. The helplines operate with the first level of intervention which consists of accepting the motivation of the call and understanding its meaning. As a rule, a psychological triage follows to collect information in a short time on the nature and severity of the problem presented, on the resources available to deal with it. In some cases, a single contact that takes on counseling characteristics or a brief intervention on the crisis may be sufficient. However, in the presence of persistent symptoms, marked family difficulties, in work or in social life, with the risk of complications and/or suicide and/or evidence of major psychopathological disorders, a structured second- level intervention is carried out with a referral to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist [40,41].

Further resources for healthcare professionals  are  represented by the defusing and debriefing interventions developed in the field  of emergency psychology, are used in psycho-oncology in highly stressful critical situations that suddenly impact on the usual routine of the work team, imply the perception of a threat on a physical and/or emotional level, upset the feeling of control and interfere with the usual coping skills of individuals. Defusing can be defined as an immediate psychological first aid technique, of “sharing and emotional reworking related to a traumatic event” [42]. The Debriefing intervention for Stress from Critical Accidents is a more structured intervention to be carried out in the 48/76 hours following a critical event, in any case no later than two months from it. If indicated, it can also be offered remotely [43].

Communication and Relationship Challenges in the Care of Cancer Patients

In phase I, with a strong epidemic spread, the members of the cancer team found themselves managing new relationship situations with patients and their families, following the abrupt reorganization of care. Clinical experience and scientific publications have proposed new topics that may constitute communication challenges: the management of patients’ feelings of anxiety, abandonment or ambivalence towards the Hospital, which is seen as a safe base but also as a reservoir of infection; the communication of positivity for COVID-19 to a metastatic patient hospitalized for cancer treatment or to a patient who has recently received a cancer diagnosis; the communication to the relatives of the transfer to the COVID-19 ward or of intensive care of their relative; being intermediaries of highly emotional communications, telephone or video calls at the patient’s bed; answering difficult questions and finally adapting to new ways of telematic assistance.

During a pandemic emergency, personal protective equipment and social distancing can modify, limit, and alter the use of non- verbal communication and require an “enhancement” of the role of verbal communication in the patient’s medical relationship to convey truthful information and reassurance on the reasons of the multiple changes in procedures, giving support in critical phases of the care path and in the absence of support from family members, answering difficult questions and, last but not least, of importance for having conversations on end-of-life issues (such as the discussion on the Advance Care Planning and Decisions about Do-Not-Resuscitate Order also in a proactive version adapted to COVID-19). The importance was stressed in addressing Advance Care Planning during COVID-19 and of prioritize discussions about goals of care at the onset of serious acute illness [44]. Not a simple task in a country like Italy where half of the patients with metastatic cancer are unaware of the prognosis [45] and where the Early Treatment Provisions (DAT) are rarely discussed in clinical practice [46].

It is known how communication skills can be perfected through Evidence-Based training and which are associated with less burnout in the care staff, with greater satisfaction with the care received and positively with other outcome measures in patients [47,48]. The psycho-oncologist can provide, in an emergency, healthcare professionals with targeted counseling on the psychological aspects of critical communication steps. Health workers with training in communication skills are facilitated and adapt the skills acquired to new communication challenges. Untrained operators  can benefit from toolkits with behavioral indication  of what   it would be better to say or do in difficult relationship situations of COVID-19 [49]. Taking care of  communication and  relationships  is not secondary for health workers because, when everything is over, the perception of having been important reference and support figures for other bewildered and frightened human beings will have a comforting and protective effect on one’s own and their mental health [50].


COVID-19: Coronavirus Disease 2019

CSTS: Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress

DAT: Disposizioni Anticipate di Trattamento

INAIL: Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione Infortuni sul Lavoro

ISS: Istituto Superiore di Sanità

ISTAT: Istituto Nazionale di Statistica

NCCN: National Comprehensive Cancer Network

RSA: Residenza Sanitaria Assistenziale

SARS-CoV-2: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome – Coronavirus-2 or Coronavirus Disease 2019

SIPO: Società Italiana di Psico-Oncologia.


COVID-19, Health workers, Psychological reactions, Health policy, Oncologists, Cancer, Crisis interventions


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Optimizing Patient Specific Medication Cassette Accuracy

DOI: 10.31038/JCRM.2020334


Due to fluctuation in clinical status, multiple medication changes may be implemented throughout a pediatric intensive care admission.An audit revealed multiple discrepancies between the active medication administration record (MAR) and patient specific medications stored on the unit.These discrepancies could have potentially led to medication administration errors. An operational definition of ‘accuracy of compliance’ and target was established by a working group.Utilizing “Plan Do Study Act” methodology, initiatives were implemented until the target of 95% accuracy was achieved & sustained. The most common reasons for inaccuracy were expired medications, discontinued medications, and incorrect patients’ medications in the cassette.The most effective intervention was implementing medication cassette reconciliation with the MAR at shift change between primary clinical nurses.


Patient specific medications, Cassette, Process improvement


Sidra Medicine is a tertiary care academic hospital with a 24-bed Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit (PCICU).This critically-ill cohort is diverse in age (neonates with cardiac morbidity up to 18 years of age) and complexity, resulting in the need for multiple patient specific medications to be prepared and stored in patient specific cassettes.Due to fluctuation in clinical status, multiple medication changes may be implemented throughout an ICU admission.

An audit in August 2019 revealed multiple discrepancies between the active medication administration record (MAR) and patient specific medications.These discrepancies could have potentially led to medication administration errors.


The primary objective of this quality improvement initiative was to improve the accuracy of patient specific medication cassettes in the PCICU from 87% to 95%.The secondary objective was to investigate if any medication errors reported in the event reporting system (Datix®) were linked to inaccurate contents in the medication cassettes.


Stakeholders from medical, nursing, allied health, and clinical operations were engaged; causes & potential solutions discussed, and an action plan was developed.An operational definition of ‘accuracy of compliance’ established as each patient to have their specific medication cassette contain the exact list of medications on the active MAR.A target of 95% was chosen based on working group consensus and alignment with other hospital medication-related metrics.Utilizing “Plan Do Study Act” (PDSA) methodology, initiatives were implemented until the target of 95% accuracy was achieved & sustained.

Initiatives included:

• September 2019: Clinical nurse leaders (CNLs) provided informal education to clinical nurses on the audit results and the importance of regularly checking the medication cassettes.

• October 2019:CNLs reminded clinical nurses at morning huddle prior to shift handover to review their medication cassettes against the MAR.

• November 2019: Implemented medication cassette reconciliation with the MAR at shift change between the outgoing and incoming primary clinical nurses.

• The event reporting system, Datix®, was retroactively reviewed monthly after initiatives were implemented to identify any medication-related errors.


Process improvement initiatives implemented increased the accuracy of the patient specific medication cassettes from an average of 87% to 99% by the end of November 2019.Compliance above 95% has been sustained from November to date.When Datix® records were reviewed retroactively, none related to inaccurate medication cassette contents were reported.A run-chart with corresponding PDSA cycles is outlined in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Outline of run-chart with corresponding PDSA cycles.

Discussion and Conclusion

The accuracy of medications in each patient specific cassette improved from an average of 87% to 99% after three PDSA cycles.The most common reasons for inaccuracy in descending order were expired medications, discontinued medications, and incorrect patients’ medications in the cassette.Education and reinforcement of checking the cassettes at daily morning huddle had a modest impact on improving the metric.The most effective intervention was implementing medication cassette reconciliation with the MAR at shift change between primary clinical nurses.The impact of the interventions on medication errors reported in Datix® could not be assessed due to low reporting rate.

Competing Interests

The authors have no competing interests to declare.


No funding was received for this initiative or manuscript.

Corona Virus Transmission and Controls Challenge Mystery for Dentists (Systematic Review)

DOI: 10.31038/JDMR.2020322


Objective: Authors aim here to high light important distinctive information with the guidelines which should be known and practiced in these challenged situations. These done by give brief overview on the epidemiology, symptoms and routes of transmission of this unique infection. As well, specific recommendations for dental practice are suggested for patient screening, infection control strategies and patient management protocol. Finally we high lighting the protection mode followed in my governorate to avoid the dissemination of the crisis.

Material and Method: Citation of more than 75 articles discuss corona virus dilemma which attacks widely different countries, we arranging and assess the information in brief method. Dentists with regardless to different specialty can be source of outbreak of such serious disease.

Conclusion: Protection of public in an intensive crisis such as Corona virus disaster are responsibilities of all with no exception starting from individuals themselves and ending with the Prime Minister. Its logical from the evidence based research that dealing with the crisis is challenge to all, moreover is imperative to improve current real strategies for anticipation and protection.


COVID attacks are life threatening for patients similar to fire in wildfire.

Dentists Role in COVID Virus crisis outbreak is highly substantial.

Dentists are liable to handle their role in prevention and protection.

Dental care providers need to be aware for tackling any impending crisis challenge.


COVID virus attack, Transmission, Precaution, Person protection, Dentists role


In 10th March 2020, the whole world faces a globally dangerous random attack by specific, enveloped, nonsegmented, single-strand RNA viruses termed as Coronavirus [1,2]. The Challenge attack story started, in December 2019 when the World Health Organization)WHO( in China Wuhan state received information regarding some cases were detected of pneumonia of unknown aetiology [3] and extracting a novel coronavirus from lower respiratory tract sample of many cases. This novel beta coronavirus presently named 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) [4].

Since February 26, COVID-19 is found in many countries (34), a total of 2,700 deaths an 80,239 laboratory-confirmed patients [5].

Evidence-based articles showed that family settings and hospitals were the main causes of the virus individual transmission [6-10]. This constitutes an emergency of public health in the global context as the WHO declared [11].

Cross infection in dentistry has particular attention for many infectious diseases as hepatitis or AIDS. Now a day in such exceptional situations where COVID virus gripped the countries leaving sadness with extraordinary mortality rate [12,13]. Cross infection considered high between dental practitioners and patients with different causes [14].

Great efforts are taken place to comprise the disease spread by different wide range institutions but despite these efforts, the outbreak is rising quickly because of the social gathering patterns of this infection. Covid19 has been considered as a zoonotic infection, similar to diverse infections of coronavirus, is thought to be originated in pangolins and bats, then, it was transmitted to human beings [15].

When the virus “Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)” is transmitted to persons’ body is plentifully presented secretions of salivary and nasopharyngeal of patients. It is believed that the spread is respiratory contact/droplet in nature [15].

North Carolina department of health and human declares that "Dental providers have an important role in the overall effort to contain COVID-19, and those who work in local health departments and health clinics are essential to ensuring that care is available to high-risk members of our community" [16].

Dentists with regardless of a different speciality can be a source of an outbreak of such serious disease. For that, we aim here to high light important distinctive information with the guidelines which should be known and practised in these challenging situations. These were done by giving a short sketch on the routes of transmission, symptoms and epidemiology, of this exclusive infection. As well, some suggestions were given regard to patient management protocol, patient screening, dental practices and infection control strategies. Finally, in this article we high lighting the protection mode followed in my governorate to avoid the dissemination of the crisis.

Materials and Method

Assessment of 75 article discuss COVID Virus through network services. Authors analyzed articles in three axes; these are general information with guidelines that should known by dentist, role of dentists in preventing transmission, proved protections protocol published in articles. Excluding about 30 articles not specified on COVID Virus. Screening approved web page, publish documents, published systemic reviews, in press articles.

Ethical Approval

Compliance with ethical standards as its review, no ethical approval need.

Epidemiologic Characteristics


Coronaviruses were called so because of their surface’s spikes which looks like a crown (Figure 1). Its Firstly was determined in the middle of sixties -1960s. Four common human coronaviruses which can attack humans which are: HKU1 (beta coronavirus), OC43 (beta coronavirus), 229E (alpha coronavirus), and NL63 (alpha coronavirus). Other human types which occur newly are SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19, or the novel coronavirus 2019 ) SARS-CoV (SARS or the beta coronavirus that causes the severe acute respiratory syndrome, or) and the final disseminated dangerous type MERS-CoV (MERS or the beta coronavirus that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, or) [17].


Figure 1. Crown-like spikes of Corona Virus (COVID 19). Cited from Charles Shepherd [70].

Transmission Mode

Genetic and epidemiological research confirmed that COVID dissemination is transmitted from human-to-human spread after the single animal-to-human transmission [18,19] Interpersonal contact transmission has been proved to be the main source for outbreak specifically with respiratory droplets [20]. Consequently, sneezing or coughing of the infected patient is capable distribute virus aerial ending potentially which transmit the virus to the close people and infect them with. Articles advocate that approximately 6 feet radius needed for protection [15].

Inanimate objects also can be considered as another important transmission route specifically if it’s nearby to infected person respiratory droplets through sneeze or cough. Latest reports think that the virus can withstand for nine days on a hard surface like metal or plastic [15].

Studies approve that Virus has a great ability to connect to human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) positive cells that concentrated abundantly in salivary gland [21]. For that saliva also can play a role in transmission in the dental office setting [22].

Naso-Oropharyngeal droplets ordinarily associated with saliva. Distance dissemination for larger droplets could influence nearby subjects, and, vice versa, smaller droplets can infect the long-distance subjects [8,23].

Various researches warned that asymptomatic persons can also be a source of the outbreak. This has been approved in tow studies done in China, Italy and Japan were viruses disseminated as like wildfire 51%, 44% and 0.06% of the laboratory-confirmed cases [24-26].

International mission reports of the World Health Organization stated in that majority of the cases (75%) of newly infected patients will be developed to be the clinical disease, based on Chinese data [27].

Published case reports focus on pre-symptomatic transmission proportion estimated is around 48% and 62% [28] which expected to be based on a shorter serial interval of COVID-19 [4.0 to 4.6 days] rather than the mean incubation period (five days) recorded in symptomatic cases as secondary transmission detected [29].

Rothe C. stated in his article that till know its unproved that recovered patients can be a source of transmission of disease [8].

Age, Gender and Existing Medical Condition Risk

Generally speaking, all age group are susceptible for infection this estimated by the current observations in hospitals all over the worlds with priorities to medically compromised people above 60 years of age, males frequently considered at high risk and death [30-34].

In a study done by Wei-Jie Guan [35] describe that "the median age was 47.0 years (IQR, 35.0 to 58.0), and 41.9% were females. 0.9% of the patients were aged below 15 years. For clinical manifestation fever (87.9%) and cough (67.7%) were the most common symptoms, whereas diarrhoea (3.7%) and vomiting (5.0%) were rare. 25.2% of patients had at least one underlying disorder (i.e., hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)".

Tobacco-users/smokers and those with hypertension are expected to be with high risk too, this can be attributed to the fact of ACE 2 expression in the tissues of the lungs maximize with age, hypertensive treatment, and users of tobacco,-. Thus, it’s critical to state that tobacco-users are possibly a vulnerable group for COVID-19 [36-39].

Clinical observation also indicates that children experience mild clinical manifestations despite that they are likely to be infected as adults, [24,40]. World Health Organization highlighted that cases that are less than 19 years old constitute 2.4% of the overall infected patients in China [as of 20 February 2020]. A few portions of this group have a critical disease (0.2%) or developed severe (2.5%) [34]. On the whole, medically compromised older ages were associated with poorer prognosis [41-44].

Health care workers are also vulnerable to be infected as a study done by L. Menganalyzed 138 hospitalized infected cases who have the virus in Wuhan, in the early epidemic stage 40 (29%) are health care workers [10,41,43].

Incubation Period

This period of infection is able to last for 14 d although at start of attack of disease the incubation period expected to be 5 to 6 d on average. To date the fourteen days consider the regularly adopted period for quarantine and medical observation of (possible) exposed cases [45]. Moreover incubation period of patients as well asymptomatic patients are evidenced to be carriers in some articles to be another sources for outbreak [8,18].

Clinical Manifestations

According to recent studies [35,44] most of the of COVID-19 patients with considered as moderately mild cases while sever cases among all patients was 15% to 25%. Fever, fatigue, dry cough, breath shortness , and irregular symptoms, like headache,vomiting diarrhea sore throat, confusion, and muscle pain [35,46] are descried in literature. Bilateral pneumonia [35,43] 1/4 and 1/3 of Wuhan hospitalized cases developed serious complications, like shock, arrhythmia, acute respiratory distress syndrome need urgent intensive care unit [32,43,46].


Epidemiologic information basically travelling history is one of the important factor in diagnosis here (for example a travel history or residence in the affected area two weeks before the symptoms start), As any disease condition clinical manifestation, Radiographical findings in specific CT imaging, and blood, saliva laboratory sample tests These diagnostic rules are determined based on the standards of Chinese National Health Commission or World health Organization to of either the WHO [47,48].

Salivary diagnosis platforms need to emphasis as some strains of the virus were discovered in saliva even 29 days after the case reported [49,50]. Samples of saliva can be gathered in cases who present with oropharyngeal secretions as a symptom [51,52]. Table 1 explains list of questioner used for scheduled patients for endoscope procedure; these questioners prepared to evaluate or screen the COVID virus in these scheduled patients. We think it’s liable to be applied for dental patients too as initial screening purposes.

Table 1: COVID Screening Questioners cited from Amber Ather [15].


Date of Birth:

COVID Screening Questioners



In the past 14 days, have you or any household member travel to area with known cases of COVID V. infection



In the past 14 days, have you or any household member had contact with known cases of COVID V. infection



have you or any household member had history of exposuretoCOVID biologic materials



In the past 14 days, have you had history of fever



In the past 14 days, have you had any symptoms as cough, diarrhea, difficulties in breathing,nausea, body ach, extra….



Urgent Dental Need Question (Do you have Un controlled dental or oral pain, infection, swelling, or bleeding or trauma in your mouth)




To date, there no evidence was found from random control trials to suggest special anti-CoV treatments; only supportive administration of COVID-19 is established [41]. Presently, the COVID-19 approach is sourcing control of infection; control and prevention transmission risks; isolation and early diagnosis for infected patients [43] these are major roles for outbreak control.

Wei-jie Guan [35] stated that intravenous antibiotics, mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy; and overall were initiated in 35.8%, 6.1%, 57.5%, and 38.0%, of infected cases , correspondingly. These therapies have been taken in noticeably high percentages of hard cases (all P<0.05).

Dentist Role

Dental Clinic as Possible Transmission Route of Infection

Robinson Sabino [23] in his published study consider dental procedures are high risk procedure as airborne inhalation of aerosols and particles practiced during dentist steps on COVID-19 infected cases make dentists exposed closely and directly to the virus. Consequently, it is vital for dentists to take protectiontechniques to stop the infection of COVID-19. In this article we discuss the preventive policies should be well known for dentist by focusing on placement of patient, hygiene of hands, personal protective equipment (PPE), and caution in performing procedures of aerosol-generating.

We explain earlier that one of important route of transmission is airborne particles in noso-oral-pharyngeal area. To, K. et al. [53] reported that viral culture method used to detect presence of live viruses in infected persons and virus can live up to 29 days in saliva 43 this related to specific characters of COVID virus which has th ability to utilize ACE2 effectively as a receiver to invade cells, that possibly be similar to type of transmission “human-to-human” [54]. ACE2 abundantly present along the respiratory tract, beside that salivary gland duct cell morphologically also compatible and approved to be a class early targets for 2019-nCoV as well as previously discovered SARSCoV infection [55].

From this point of view dental professionals and their patients couldn’t protect themselvesfrom pathogenic microorganisms both bacteria and viruses which manifest within the respiratory tract and oral cavity. In these exceptional circumstances, professionals dentist care hold the infection risk of 2019-nCoV because of the specificity of the profession dealing, including communication type with patient which is “face-to-face” instruments handling, blood, saliva, , exposure.

Through inhalation of microorganisms of airborne that last in the air for long time [56] oral fluids, blood, or direct dealing with patient materials [57]. Coughing and talking with an infected persons and persuade a short distance without a mask can induce transmission of droplets and aerosols containing microorganisms dental settings [58,59].

In addition contaminated instruments and/or environmental surfaces indirect contact [60] These are the specific method of dissemination involved in an infected individual in dental clinics and hospitals especially during the outbreak of 2019-nCoV.

Airborne Spread

Many literatures discuss the hard acute respiratory syndrome caused by coronavirus airborne spread of SARS-Cov. Dental researches explain that several steps that dentist practice can make droplets and aerosols are polluted with virus [58,60]. Moreover Airborne spread of 2019-nCoV are the biggest distress in hospitals and dental clinics (Figure2). Beside patients breathing and cough of patients whether infected or not. Dental hand piece and turbines devices with, it’s widely use in dental clinics and hospitals rotate with high speed with running water, when its used in patient’s oral cavity generating, a big amount of droplets and aerosol mixed with saliv or blood of patients As the size of these aerosols and droplets particle is small, they can stay for long period before settle on environmental surfaces or entering the respiratory tract This, explain spread of the 2019-nCoV in dental clinics and hospitals.


Figure 2. Transmission Routes in Dental Clinics and Hospitals. Cited from Xian Peng [71].

Contact Spread

Cleveland, J. L. et al. in his article advocate that contact spread also one of transmission ways of virus in dental clinics as commonly dental professional are contact directly or indirectly with patient materials, saliva, blood, , and contaminated environmental surfaces or dental instruments [58].

Contaminated Surfaces Spread

Articles estimated that contaminated surfaces spread of different species of Coronavirus is able to last on surfaces like plastic metal or glass, for 14 days [56,61]. Thus, polluted surfaces which are contacted frequently in healthcare places are a potential.

Patient Management and Prevention of Nosocomial Infection

Coronavirus outbreak causes extraordinary public health challenge for all individual in various names. Responsibilities of outbreak and protection of people from such disasters infection are rests on each person starting with individuals, society, states, health and non-governorates institutions even military actors. All precautions and management of the Wuhan crisis are on previous outbreak experience of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV and its related disease (COVID-19).

We briefly highlight the significant evidence needed to be known by dentist as they have essential role in transmission. Dental professionals should follow specific procedures for management pf their patient’s in COVID-19 epidemic period.

One of the most important recommendations is to delay minor procedures for at minimum, three weeks exclusively, dentist provide emergencies American Dental Association recommended in March 16, 2020, list of advices for dental procedures [15].

Initial Screening

We explain previously that early diagnosis COVID-19 infection is crucial for both prevent dissemination transmission and early management and isolation of suspected individuals. Focus on travelling to infected area and symptoms of flue presence (any febrile respiratory illness). Tracking of reporting cases can be done through many public sources (Figure 3).


Figure 3. Dental Patient Screening of COVID V and Dental Management cited from Amber Ather [15].

Depending on answer; dental professional can manage. Positive response to questions is able to advance early worry and prefer to defer minor dentist care for 14-21 days minimum (incubation period).

Risk Level Classification and Emergency Evaluation of Dental Patients

In the dental practice, complete medical history is mandatory with the screening questioner, detection of Potential COVID Virus Risk level in patients (Table 2) and evaluation of specific emergency correctly too. It’s vital to measure the body temperature of the patient using infrared thermal sensors cameras or a remote forehead thermometer [62]. Elective dental care deferred also as in role one if patient temperature is [>100.4°F = 38°C] and/or respiratory disease symptom observed.

Table 2: Potential COVID Virus Risk Classification Cited from Alessandro Repici [72].


Clinical Picture



No Symptom (cough, fever…)

No contact with positive infected persons

Non stay in high risk area during last 14 days

Intermediate Risk

Presence of Symptom with

No Medical History for contact with positive persons

Non stay in high risk area during last 14 days

No Symptom/but

Contact with positive infected persons

Stay in high risk area during last 14 days

High Risk*

At least 1 Symptom + 1 of the following

Contact with positive infected persons

Stay in high risk area during last 14 days

*In an emergency setting, all procedures must be considered high risk if adequate history can’t be assessed.

Isolation of Patients in the Clinic or Hospitals: Suspected individual should be separated in well-ventilated waiting place 6 feet minimum from the normal patients looking for dental care [63]. Patient are advised to use medical masks and use respiratory hygiene, like covering the nose and mouth by tissue when sneezing and coughing, and then throw the tissue [63]. These are the guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Moreover we have to educate patient for self -quarantine them and consult their doctors to check the possibility of being infected with COVID-19.

Pharmacologic Management: In presence of true emergency dental care like tooth pain and or swelling in infected or suspected individuals, its preferable to manage with analgesics or/and antibiotics as alternative which can give good relief in addition it offers dentist time to make a prcedures to give teeth care with suitable measures in clinic to hinder the transmission (Figure 4).


Figure 4. American Dental Association: Interim Guidance for Management of Emergency and Urgent Dental Care. Cited from Ciro Bocchetti [73].

Special Dental Recommendation in Treatment

Dental treatment decision can depend on case assessment with emergency questioner. Mostly active patients not present to dental units seeking treatment only in case of trauma presence or in sever space infection which might need surgical intervention.

Under these critical situations which is fill of danger that can be faced by dental professional in specialized dental health care centers or hospitals, dentist should be aware and alert for some definite and precise recommendation which are estimated and published in various articles since attack and outbreak of COVID virus. These are:

• Personal protective equipment [PPE] and hand hygiene practices used appropriately to prevent direct contact, and airborne (Figures 5-7).


Figure 5. A visual guide to safe PPE Cited from Public Health England Gateway [74].


Figure 6. Covid-19 Protection (PPE) – Putting-on-for-Aerosol-Procedure Cited from Guidance Public Health England [75].


Figure 7. Covid-19 Protection (PPE) – Doffing-for-Aerosol-Procedures Cited from Guidance Public Health England [75].

• Patient advice to use mouth rinse before intervention. Various published articles estimate that previous studies have shown that SARS and MERS were highly susceptible to povidone mouth rinse [64]. Therefore, pre procedural mouth rinse with 0.2% povidone-iodine might reduce the load of corona viruses in saliva [62,65].

• Disposable equipment use mandatory such as mouth mirror, syringes and blood pressure cuff to prevent cross-contamination.

• Intraoral imaging should be avoided as it can initiate gag reflex. Instead extraoral imaging such as panoramic radiograph or CBCT. In special situations when intraoral imaging is required, sensors should be double barrier to prevent perforation and cross-contamination [66].

• Rubber dam use highly indicated as it’s minimizing splatter generation and it covers the nose.

• High risk of contaminated droplet spread through use of high speed handpieces, triple syringe and ultrasonic instruments for these reason dentists should reduce the use of high-speed handpieces and three-way syringes.

• Routine dental practice setting is not suitable for suspected or confirmed patients [63].

• Human coronavirus can survive on inanimate surfaces up to 9 days at room temperature, with a greater preference for humid conditions [56]. Therefore, clinic staff should make sure to disinfect inanimate surfaces using chemicals recently approved for COVID-19 and maintain a dry environment to curb the spread of SARS-CoV-2 [67].

• Universal precautions are cleared by the American Dental Association [ADA] all over the worlds which focus on those dentists nationwide deferred any elective treatment up to 2-3 weeks. Emergency treatments take place with high precaution under the idea that patients supposed to be asymptomatically infected with COVID virus [68,69].

• Dentist as health care providers must keep themselves up to date about this evolving disease and provide adequate training to their staff to promote many levels of screening and preventive measures

State Responsibilities in COVID Outbreak

Politically, related to the crisis all efforts from the Prime Minister as well as other ministers such as (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Defense) also Civil Society Institutions, Medical and Dental Associations extra, gathered to support ministry of Health and World Health Organization in Iraq. To avoid transmission and dissemination, certain recommendation followed nationally and applied in my country too through the decision of Iraqi Health Minister. These recommendations briefly are:

Anticipation and Control Measures

• Forming the Epidemiological Crisis Control Committee responsible for Evidence-based control strategy decision making and adjustments is the key epidemic indicator. Responsibilities of committee to declare and aware institutions about effect of infection prevention and control [IPC] measures in various health care settings.

• Responsibilities also to pursuit entry and exit screening for individuals travelling and be aware of its effect public health control measures and their socio-economic impact. Movement restriction, Impose of curfew for emergency only, School and workplace closures all these actions were taken to avoid outbreak. Moreover educate individuals about Social distancing importance wearing mask in general public, mandatory quarantine for proved infected persons and voluntary quarantine with active surveillance.

• Different stages of outbreak should be assessed, risk, capacities and time screening is crucial in program recommendations, assess response of infected individuals all this aims to reach balance between reposes and social development.

• Initiate timely scientific evidence based, efficient and flexible joint multi-sectorial mechanism, which is driven by strong government leadership.

Practical Recommendations which Depend on Published Articles

• Keep in touch with the newly observed surveillance all over the country with early investigation priorities.

• Sharing information on patient management, disease progression and severity and favorable management outcomes.

• Estimation of Clinical care and infection control according to national evidence based guidelines as example isolation of suspected patients in special pre equipped prepared well centers.

• Instruct all health care workers with specific to physicians to be alert for detection of cases can be infected with COVID-19 as well as ensure maintenance of usual and essential services during the outbreak.

• Encourage pathogenesis studies can be accomplished using biopsy/post-mortem specimens of COVID-19 patients.

Nineveh Local Dealing Measures for COVID Virus Outbreak Crisis

Governorate represented by the Governor’ rule, Nineveh Health Directorate with specification for my institution (Al-Salam Teaching Hospital), Crisis Cell Committee, Army and Policeleaderships joined forces and efforts to take all local protection measures to avoid the spread of the disease all over the governorate. Follow guidelines on evidence based policy with continued recommendation and observation of the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization taking into account the outbreak scenarios in other countries whether near or far with all expectations to what happen in the next step.

The most vital recommendations in general speaking are:

• Prevent traveling; close all local borders avoiding entry and exit for any persons.

• Prepare health care providers in different specialties and in all grades, learn them to be aware for the disease as a whole. Deal with persons attained as suspicious till prove otherwise that mean take all precautions of safe distance, mask, gown, avoid direct contact with saliva, blood and other body fluids.

• Educate individuals as much as possible how to avoid transmission, safety contact, observe abnormal clinical symptoms, self – quarantine, urgent seeking contact if suspicion present.

• Stop institutional works, schools and universities.

• Impose a curfew with exception for emergencies and health care workers.

• Prepare special quarantine hospitals for suspected and confirmed cases. Highly equipped isolated rooms arranged to manage the patients in all circumstances. Al-Salam Teaching Hospital and Al-Shifaa General Hospital are chosen to be arranged for receive suspected and confirmed cases.

• Prevent dentist from practice work in their clinics and advice dental health centers to deal with only critical cases under precautions with as possible defer any treatment can establish infection.


In conclusion, protection of public in an intensive crisis such as Corona virus disaster are responsibilities of all with no exception starting from individuals themselves and ending with the Prime Minister. Great duties are established on healthcare workers and maintaining high standards of care and infection control are priorities for all. Its logical from the evidence based research that dealing with the crisis is challenge to all, moreover is imperative to improve current real strategies for anticipation and protection.

Dentist as eminent segment of the society are liable to handle their role in prevention and protection against outbreak of the crisis. We focus on saliva essential role in the human-to-human transmission and diagnosis of COVID-19 infection positivity of cases. Dental care providers need to be aware and prepared for tackling any impending infectious disease challenge which can be life threatening to susceptible patients.

All what described previously, is a brief review can be used for starting education argument and continue to be updated by others.

Review Limitations

Need more detailed descriptions in each part of the study with referral to clinical cases studies.


To all persons lift up the legend of public protection as priorities.

All my Institution Members as they pay great efforts to help COVID 19 patients.

To all health care workers are; involving dentists.

To the sole of all Health Care Workers attacked by the COVID 19 and lost their lives.


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Comparison of Fetal Main Pulmonary Artery Doppler Wave Forms between Normally Grown and Growth Restricted Fetuses: A Case-Control Study

DOI: 10.31038/AWHC.2020341


Objective: In this study we aimed to compare the fetal main pulmonary artery (MPA) Doppler wave forms between normally grown and growth restricted fetuses.

Method: In April 2019-March 2020, a single operator, who was unaware of the subsequent analysis, performed prospectively the MPA Doppler measurements including MPA-PI (pulsatility index) and MPA-PSV (peak systolic velocity). The data were then analyzed by SPSS version 21.

Results: A total of 120 women with singleton pregnancies – 60 normally grown fetuses as controls and 60 growth restricted fetuses as cases-participated in the study. We categorized the fetuses into five gestational age periods: 26-29, 30-32, 33-34, 35-37, and 38-40 weeks.

In all five time intervals the mean of MPA-PI was significantly higher in cases than controls (P<0.001). The mean of MPA-PI in cases was increasing with gestational age, while in the control group it was decreasing. Also, in all time intervals, the mean of MPA-PSV was significantly higher in the control group (P<0.001). The mean of MPA-PSV in cases was decreasing by advancing the gestational age, while in the control group it was increasing. In the case group, per one-week increase in gestational age, MPA-PI increased as 16%(p<0.001), while MPA-PSV significantly decreased (p<0.001).

Conclusion: According to the results, there are noticeable changes in the right ventricular outflow tract of the fetal heart in the growth restricted fetuses. In comparison with normal fetuses, the fetal MPA-PI increases and the MPA-PSV decreases significantly in growth restricted fetuses.


Doppler ultrasound, MPA-PI, MPA-PSV, Growth restriction


Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is associated with several changes at the level of the fetal heart involving preload, after load, ventricular compliance, and myocardial contractility. An increase in after load is seen at the right ventricle owing to increased placental impedance [1]. A decrease in after load is noted at the level of the left ventricle owing to decreased cerebral impedance associated with the brain sparing reflex [1]. Evidence of reduced myocardial contractility in the presence of severe FGR has also been reported. Ventricular ejection force, an index of ventricular systolic function that is independent of preload and afterload, is decreased at the level of the right and the left ventricles in FGR [2].

Longitudinal data on the hemodynamic sequence of the natural history of FGR show that the umbilical artery and middle cerebral artery are the first variables to become abnormal [3]. These arterial Doppler abnormalities are followed by abnormalities in the right cardiac diastolic indices, followed by the right cardiac systolic indices, and finally, by both left diastolic and systolic cardiac indices [3]. Several of the Doppler changes seen in association with FGR in the peripheral circulation are directly related to the adaptation of the fetal heart [4].

Normal pregnancy is characterized by a low fetal and placental vascular resistance. In the presence of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), there is an elevated pulsatility index in the fetal descending aorta and umbilical artery and reflecting increased umbilical, placental and utero-placental vascular resistance [5]. At the cardiac level, Doppler flow velocity waveforms have been previously recorded in the fetal heart outflow tracts in normally developed pregnancies [5-10] and those with fetal growth restriction [1,3,4,11-13].

The current management of FGR involves the use of Doppler at the peripheral arterial circulation (middle cerebral and umbilical arteries), at central venous vessels (Ductus venosus and inferiorvena cava), and with cardiotocography [4]. In the fetus, the Doppler evaluation of the main pulmonary artery has been shown to be useful in the analysis of the impedance of such vascular systems and changes in those variables have been demonstrated to correlate with gestational age, fetal lung maturity and neonatal outcomes [8,14-20]. Adding central arterial Doppler (aortic and pulmonary artery waveforms) may improve management of the fetus with FGR, but studies are lacking on the prospective clinical evaluation of the ventricular outflow tracts Doppler in FGR fetuses.

In this study we choose to compare the Doppler waveform variables at the fetal right ventricle outflow tract, at main pulmonary artery (MPA) in normally grown and growth restricted fetuses. The objective of our study was two-fold:

1. To establish the distribution of peak systolic velocities (PSV) and pulsatility indices (PI) of the fetal cardiac right outflow tract (main pulmonary artery) in normally grown fetuses of singleton pregnancies.

2. To determine the degree of abnormality of MPA-PSV and MPA-PI in growth restricted fetuses compromised with abnormal umbilical artery pulsatility indices (UMA-PI) and to compare these Doppler waveform variables between the two groups.

Material and Methods

Study Design

This prospective multicenter case-control study was conducted from April 2019 toMarch 2020 at three referral academic centers affiliated to Tehran university of medical science (Imam Khomeini complex, Dr Shariati hospital, Yas hospital). The study was approved by Tehran university ethics committee (ethics code: IR.TUMS.MEDICINE.1398.072) and all women gave their informed consents to participate  [2].


60 healthy women with singleton pregnancies and normally grown fetuses(abdominal circumference between 10th and 90th percentile, and estimated fetal weight between 10th and 90th percentile) at 27 to 29 weeks gestation entered the study as the control group and compared with 60 pregnant women with intrauterine growth restricted fetuses included the study as the case group.

Growth restricted fetuses were defined by the following criteria:

1. Gestational age was defined by either the first trimester crown-rump length (CRL) ultrasound or by the last menstrual period confirmed by ultrasound examination before 20 weeks gestation.

2. Abdominal circumference (AC) less than 10th percentile, or estimated fetal weight (EFW) less than 10th percentile prior to 32 weeks gestation.

3. Early placental insufficiency as defined by umbilical artery pulsatility index (UMA-PI) elevation equal or more than 95th percentile at the first time of examination.

4. To be eligible for longitudinal analysis, it was necessary for patients to have had at least three Doppler examinations prior to delivery.

5. Maternal age, gestational age, and maternal history of medical disorders was individually matched between two groups.

Eligibility Criteria

Mothers who consumed corticosteroids or any medication that could affectthe fetal heart or lungs, such as antihypertensive drugs or corticosteroids were excluded.Fetuses with chromosomal abnormalities, structural anomalies, advanced fetal vascular disease (brain sparing, absent or reversed flow in umbilical artery, elevated ductus venosus pulsatility index, absent or reversed a-wave in ductus venosus), fetuses with any major structural heart defect or arrhythmias and non-singleton pregnancies were excluded.

Study Procedure

After recruitment, fetal biometry was assessed every two weeks and Dopplerstudies were obtained by a single operator. We categorized the fetuses into five gestational age periods; 26-29, 30-32, 33-34, 35-37, and 38-40 weeks. The study was performed using a Philips affinity 70w ultrasound machine equipped with a C9-2 convex transducer. All fetuses were in a quiet state without fetal breathing movements.The fetal MPA was visualized in the short-axis view. The pulsed Doppler sample gate was placed at the middle of the fetal MPA, between the pulmonary valves and the pulmonary artery bifurcation, and away from arterial walls. After enlarging the image, the sample gate was adjusted to 2-3mm due to pulmonary artery diameter and the angle of insonation was maintained at less than 15 degrees. Doppler gain and scale were adjusted, and the high-pass filter was set at 100 Hz to record diastolic blood flow. Velocity range of blood flow was 100 cm/s and the sweep speed was 200 mm/s. Doppler variables including MPA pulsatility index (MPA-PI) and MPA peak systolic velocity (MPA-PSV), were measured at least three times during each study, using manual-trace and measurements were averaged. The last MPA Doppler examination was done within 48 hours before delivery [3].

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 21.0 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, IL). The data were expressed as number (%) and mean (SD). Clinical and demographic characteristics between the cases and the controls were compared through Chi-square test for categorical variables and student t test for continuous variables. Linear regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between the individual fetal MPA Doppler waveform variables and gestational age. Moreover, logistic regression was used to investigate the effect of fetal MPA Doppler waveform on RDS in neonates. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.


A comparison of the maternal demographic and clinical data between case and control group is shown in Table 1 and 2; Figures 1 and 2.

Table 1: Comparison of Baseline Demographic and Clinical Characteristics between Case and Control Groups.


Case group

Control group

P. value

N (% or SD)

N (% or SD)

Cesarean delivery

54 (90)

37 (61.67)


Un-usual Apgar

42 (70)

10 (16.67)


NICU admission

49 (81.67)

14 (23.33)



49 (81.67)

14 (23.33)


ASA consumption

26 (43.33)

15 (25.00)



9 (15.00)

8 (13.33)



5 (8.33)

5 (8.33)



9 (15.00)

5 (8.33)


Parity 0

29 (48.33)

31 (51.67)



22 (38.33)

26 (43.33)


8 (13.33)

3 (5.00)


Age (year)

32.1 (5.87)

32.02 (5.71)


The percentage of cesarean delivery(90% vs. 61.67%) was significantly higher in case group. There wasn’t significant difference between two groups in regard of allergy, smoking, infertility and parity.MPA Doppler variables at each 2-week gestational age intervals in both case and control groups are presented in Table 2 and Figures 1 and 2.

Table 2: Changes in MPA-PSV and MPA-PI with Gestational Age in Case and Control Groups.

Gestational Age

MPA-PSV in Case

MPA-PSV in Control









Case Group

Control Group



54.26 ± 11.05

42.81 ± 19.08


2.81 ± 0.33

2.58 ± 0.32



37.70 ± 11.52

55.76 ± 19.15


3.67 ± 0.36

2.26 ± 0.26



33.81 ± 9.99

68.53 ± 21.45


3.87 ± 0.28

2.14 ± 0.29



28.49 ± 7.18

69.25 ± 12.98


3.97 ± 0.23

2.06 ± 0.20



39.23 ± 10.89

69.85 ± 18.51


3.77 ± 0.38

2.05 ± 0.16



41.59 ± 14.31

56.20 ± 21.60


3.49 ± 0.63

2.31 ± 0.34


In all five time intervals the mean of MPA-PI was significantly higher in cases than controls(P&lt;0.001). The mean of MPA-PI in cases was increasing with gestational age, while in thecontrol group it was decreasing. Also, in all time intervals, the mean of MPA-PSV was significantly higher in the control group(P&lt;0.001). The mean of MPA-PSV in cases was decreasing by advancing the gestational age, while in the control group it was increasing.


Figure 1. Changes in MPA-PI with Gestational Age in Case and Control groups.


Figure 2. Changes in MPA-PSV with Gestational Age in Case and Control groups.

In the case group, as shown in Table 3, per one-week increase in gestational age, MPA-PI increased as 16%(β=0.16, p&lt;0.001), while MPA-PSV significantly decreased, significantly (β=-3.08, p&lt;0.001).

Table 3: Regression Equations for MPA-PI and MPA-PSV with Gestational Age.

Doppler parameters

Regression Equations















This study aimed to determine the main pulmonary artery Doppler waveforms changes in normally grown and growth restricted fetuses during gestation, and to compare the MPA Doppler indices between two groups. In the present study, the MPA flow velocity waveforms, were successfully recorded in all fetuses. In normally developed fetuses (the control group), with increasing gestational age, the MPA-peak systolic velocity increased, and the MPA-pulsatility index decreased significantly. These findings are compatible with prior publications by Chaouiet al. [10], Guan et al. [8], and Herrenet al. [6].

Fetal oxygen exchange occurs almost exclusively in the placenta and not in the lungs. For this reason, the pulmonary circulation in the fetus is maintained in a state of high resistance, high pressure, and low flow. Doppler ultrasonography provides a simple, noninvasive, and reproducible technique of directly evaluating the status of the fetal pulmonary circulation [8]. As pregnancy progresses, the vascular beds of the fetal lungs expand, leading to a progressive decrease in pulmonary arterial vascular resistance and a slow increase in pulmonary blood flow. These changes might explain the elevation in pulmonary artery peak systolic velocity and the reduction in the pulsatiliy index as well [8].

Herrenet al. determined reference ranges for Doppler parameters (PI and PSV) of fetal pulmonary artery segments (proximal, middle and distal) in 150 healthy singleton pregnancies from 19 to 39 weeks of gestation [6]. The mean PI and PSV values (mean ± SD) in the middle segment of MPA were 2.52 ± 0.96 and 24.39 ± 11.86, respectively. We measured the MPA-PI and MPA-PSV in the middle segment of main pulmonary artery.

Guan et al. defined reference ranges for fetal main pulmonary artery (MPA) Doppler waveform parameters in 288 healthy fetuses throughout gestation [8]. They used MPA Doppler indices to predict the subsequent development of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in a prospective cohort of 52 pregnant women with impending preterm birth before 37 weeks gestation. The authors concluded that the acceleration time (AT), acceleration time/ ejection time ratio (AT/ET), peak systolic velocity (PSV), and mean velocity (MV) were significantly lower in the RDS group than in the non-RDS group. All these variables showed no significant differences between the two groups. They mentioned that AT and AT/ET ratios of the fetal MPA Dopplerwaveform less than or equal to the 5th percentile for gestational age may provide a reliable noninvasive test to identify fetuses at risk of developing neonatal RDS.

Our study has focused on a special group of growth restricted fetuses (estimated fetal weight below 10th centile) that were diagnosed at 26-27 weeks gestation and pulsatility index above 95th centile showed in their umbilical artery Doppler study. So far, there hasn’t been any similar prior case-control studies to be acknowledged. In our study, there was significant difference in the MPA Doppler variables between the two groups. In all time intervals, the mean MPA-PI was significantly higher in cases than controls (p<0.001). Also, from 30 to 38 weeks gestation, the mean MPA-PSV was significantly lower in the case group (p<0.05). The mean MPA-PI in growth restricted fetuses (the case group), increased by the increase of gestational age, while it reduced in the control group. The mean MPA-PSV in the case group, decreased by the increase of gestational age, while it increased in the control group.

We followed all cases, evaluating the MPA Doppler waveforms every 2 weeks of gestation and during 48 hours before delivery, and the longitudinal assessment of MPA Doppler measurements within the same gestational ages was done in the control group. We noticed that the significant differences in the MPA Doppler indices existed between normally grown and IUGR fetuses with the umbilical artery Doppler pulsatility index>95th centile. An interesting finding in the case group was the concurrent occurrence of centralization and Doppler impairment in the main pulmonary artery. Centralization, so called Brain sparing effect, is defined as middle cerebral artery pulsatility index (MCA-PI) less than 5th centile and cerebro-placental ratio < 1. In %73.3 (n: 44/60) of IUGR cases, we had detections of simultaneous MCA-PI< 5th centile and MPA-PI> 95th centile.

Groenenberg and colleagues evaluated the fetal cardiac outflow tracts (ascending aorta and pulmonary artery) peak systolic velocities in 46 normal pregnancies and 21 IUGR cases. In normal fetuses, the mean PSV in the pulmonary artery increased from 39.0 cm/s at 19 weeks gestation to 63.7 cm/s at 33 weeks. In IUGR fetuses the PSV in the pulmonary artery was decreased (<5th percentile) in 95% of cases, and no relationship was established between PSV in pulmonary artery and the presence or absence of end-diastolic flow velocities in the umbilical artery [4].

Verburg et al. mentioned in their prospective cohort study that decreased fetal growth is associated with adaptive fetal cardiovascular changes [13]. Cardiac remodeling and cardiac output changes are consistent with a gradual increase in afterload and compromised in arterial compliance in conditions of diminished fetal growth. Furthermore, fetal hemodynamic patterns have already begun to change in the presence of reduced fetal growth while the fetus is still within the normal estimated fetal weight range.Evidence of reduced myocardial contractility in the presence of severe IUGR has also been reported by Rizzo et al. [2] and Makikallioet al. [1].

We concluded that there were noticeable changes in the right ventricular outflow tract of the fetal heart in the growth restricted fetuses. In the case group, per one week increase in gestational age, the MPA-PI increased as 16% (p<0.001), while the MPA-PSV decreases significantly (p<0.001).

Moety and colleagues measured MPA-PSV, PI and AT/ET in 643 healthy fetuses, aged 34 to 38+6 weeks, without postnatal respiratory distress syndrome [14]. The strongest correlation was found with AT/ET (cutoff value: 0.305). They provided 76.4% sensitivity and 91.6% specificity for prediction [7] of postnatal RDS.The MPA-PI was significantly higher, whereas MPA-PSV was significantly lower in fetuses that developed RDS.

Our study emphasizes the role of placental insufficiency in the course of fetal growth restriction. Placenta, although is not placed directly on the course of pulmonary artery flow, it can indirectly affect the PA flow on its way to the descending aorta [21,22]. Pulmonary artery flow faces three different downstream resistances; the high-resistance-non-aerated fetal lungs, the lower resistance-aortic vascular bed and placental vascular bed with the lowest resistance in normal pregnancy [9]. The MPA-PSV reflects right ventricular systolic function and in our study it reduced in growth restricted fetuses. The MPA-PI influences by systolic and diastolic pulmonary artery pressure and central venous pressure. In the presence of IUGR, there is an elevated pulsatility index in the fetal descending aorta and umbilical artery, reflecting increased placental vascular resistance [5].

Our study showed that not only the umbilical and middle cerebral arteries were affected by the elevated placental impedance in FGR fetuses, but also the main pulmonary artery was influenced by placental vascular insufficiency. We compared fetal pulmonary artery PI and PSV between normally grown and growth restricted fetuses almost at the same gestational ages. It permits better comprehension of fetal circulation and cardiac hemodynamics in diminished fetal growth. We chose to assess two Doppler variables (PI and PSV) and the other variables (AT, ET) didn’t evaluate in our study. Subsequent large prospective studies are needed to better investigate the occurrence of adverse Doppler measurements in this part of the fetal circulation.


The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the perinatology department of Tehran University and the head professors for their continuous support.

Conflict of Interest



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ACBD3, Its Cellular Interactors, and Its Role in Breast Cancer

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2020523


ACBD3 breast cancer research to date reveals that overexpression at mRNA and protein level is near universal in breast tumour tissue and that high ACBD3 expression is associated with worse patient prognosis. ACBD3 has been shown to have an important role in specifying cell fate and maintaining stem cell pools in neurological development and deletion of ACBD3 in human cell lines prevents cell division. Combined with observations that β-catenin expression and activity is increased when ACBD3 is overexpressed it has been hypothesised that ACBD3 promotes breast cancer by increasing Wnt signalling. This may only be one aspect of ACBD3’s effects as its expression and localisation regulatessteroidogenesis, calcium mediated redox stress and inflammation, glucose import and PI(4)P production which are all intrinsically linked to breast cancer dynamics. Given the wide scope for a role of ACBD3 in breast cancer, we explore its interactors and the implications of preventing these interactions.


ACBD3, Breast cancer, Chromosome 1, Golgi, NUMB, PI4Kβ, Phosphatidylinositol, Protein kinase A, Steroidogenesis, Wnt signalling, 1q


Although breast cancer incidence has increased in recent years, largely due to improved diagnostic techniques, greater awareness and the introduction of national screening programmes, mortality rates are declining as result of earlier detection and improved treatment regimes. Despite this, treating advanced disease remains difficult and there is a need to identify new therapeutic targets. Proteins encoded by the q-arm of chromosome 1 are of particular interest as regions of 1q are frequently amplified and overexpressed in breast cancer leading to the hypothesis that 1q is important in disease development and progression [1-3]. The frequency at which regions of arm 1q were amplified was investigated and the 1q42.12 locus was found to be amplified in both breast cancer cell lines and primary tumours with a number of genes in or near this region also being over expressed [4]. Of emerging interest is ACBD3, a Golgi protein with multiple functions, only recently linked to breast cancer [5].

ACBD3 was discovered as an interactor of GOLGB1 and named GCP60, and independently discovered as aninteractor of the mitochondrial translocator protein TSPO and protein kinase A and named PAP7 [6,7]. Having found that each of these names were describing one aspect of a diverse adapter protein it was renamed by the HUGO gene nomenclature committee in 2004 as Acetyl CoA Binding Domain containing protein 3, or ACBD3, reflecting its functional groups and protein family rather than any particular role, of which there are many ( In addition to the acyl CoA binding domain at its N-terminus, ACBD3 contains a Golgi dynamics (GOLD) and a glutamine rich Q domain as well as a proline rich region (Figure 1) [8]. The GOLD domain is found in Golgi and lipid trafficking proteins and makes up the C-terminus of ACBD3 (aa384-526). It is a β-strandrich domain and is responsible for ACBD3 localization to the Golgi via direct interaction with GOLGB1 [6]. ACBD3 is a largely unstructured or loosely structured protein, as many linkers are, and of all the recognisable domains only the GOLD domain structure has been solved by X-ray crystallography with the rest of ACBD3 being modelled by NMR and predictive modelling software (Figure 1). The Q domain is a glutamine rich region (aa241-308) which forms a long loop made of alpha helices [8]. The N-terminal ACB domain binds Acyl CoA and Palmitoyl CoA in other ACBD family proteins but the function of this domain in ACBD3 is unclear. To the N-terminus of the ACB domain is a proline rich region (aa21-60), which is indicative of protein-protein interaction sites and may complement the ACB domain whichis often found paired with protein-protein interaction domains such as the Pleckstrin homology domain (PH) and the Src homology domain in other proteins. ACBD3 makes essential interactions with an unusually high number of protein partners in cellular processes as diverse as Golgi structure, steroid synthesis and glucose import; other functions not reviewed here include iron transport and a causal role in Huntington’s disease progression [7,9-12]. ACBD3 is essential for neural development and human cell lines do not divide when ACBD3 is excised by CRISPR-CAS9 [13].


Figure 1. Predicted 3D structure of human ACBD3.The structure is modelled by Phyre2 software using the primary amino acid sequence which agrees strongly with crystal structures of individual ACBD3 domains and related proteins [86]. From the N-terminus in blue to the C-terminus in red ACBD3 clearly contains 3 domains: the ACBP domain, the Q domain and the Golgi dynamics (GOLD domain) respectively connected by flexible linkers with an N terminal proline rich region. The hydrophilic surface of acbd3 has been superimposed on ACBD3 showing the electrostatic charge of the protein model with red depicting negative charge and blue depicting positive charge.

ACBD3 in Breast Cancer

The q arm of Chromosome 1 contains many genes important in cancer progression or tumour suppression: NRAS, JUN, MYCL, ESRRG, ARF1 and RAB25are amongst the best known. There are however many more 1q genes that are amplified in breast cancer with deletions strikingly rare despite common deletions in the p arm. Some of these genes (PI4Kβ, PIP5K1A and HIST2H2BE) have more recently been recognised as oncogenic with ACBD3 being the latest 1q gene observed to affect breast cancer [14]. ACBD3 mRNA is reported to be upregulated in breast tumour tissue matched against adjacent normal tissue in all subtypes [5]. Protein levels of ACBD3 were upregulated in 8 breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB453, MDA-MB-415, BT549, MDA-MB-231, ZR-75-30, SKBR3, T47D and MCF7) compared to 2 normal breast epithelial cell samples (NBEC1 and NBEC2). In a cohort of Chinese breast cancer patients ACBD3 protein expression increased as cancer stage became more advanced. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were plotted and it was found that high levels of ACBD3 mRNA in breast tumour tissue predicted lower rates of patient survival and that this made a large difference in stage III and IV cancers with 60% probability of survival at 120 months when ACBD3 expression is low but less than 30% probability of survival when ACBD3 expression is high.

The ACBD3 containing 1q42.12 locus is seen to be amplified in an additional 6 breast cell lines (BRCAMZ01, BT20, HCC2218, MDAMB436, SUM149, ZR751) and 6 out of 25 primary breast tumours in a breast cancer 1q amplification study [4]. Loss of region 1q42.12 was seen in only 1 cell line (UACC812) where the terminal ~38 megabases of arm 1q were deleted and loss of 1q42.12 was not observed in any primary tumour samples. RNA expression levels revealed that 1q42.12 is located in the middle of a region of gain coined G7, the largest region of gain (in bases) on chromosome 1 in breast cancers.Overexpression of ACBD3 in cell cultures caused increased side populations of stemlike cancer cells and inhibition of ACBD3 by siRNAsignificantly reduced these populations [5]. GSEA analysis found that CTNNB1- and TCF4-activated gene signatures both positively correlated with ACBD3 expression [5]. CTNNB1 encodes the β-catenin protein which, in response to Wnt signalling, accumulates in the cytoplasm and then translocates to the nucleus where it propagates the Wnt signal.ACBD3 overexpression led to an increase of β-catenin in the cytoplasm and nucleus compared to when ACBD3 expression was low (65% versus 20% nuclear and cytoplasmic localisation) [5]. TCF4 is a transcription factor for genes that code proteins in the Wnt signalling pathway. When TCF4 was knocked down, the self-renewal ability of ACBD3-expressing cells was abolished suggesting that ACBD3 may promote cancer stem cell propagation via the Wnt/ β-catenin signalling pathway in breast cancer.All of this provides strong evidence that ACBD3 overexpression affects breast cancer but the ACBD3 protein has many binding partners, in disparate cellular pathways and cells appear to have few redundancies for the essential roles of ACBD3.

ACBD3 and Steroidogenesis

Although often considered a resident Golgi protein due its structural role and interactions with other structural components, ACBD3 can also be found at other membranes including the cytosolic cell membrane and at the outer mitochondrial membrane (OMM). ACBD3 interacts withtranslocator protein TSPO (previously the peripheral-type benzodiazepine receptor) on the cytosolic OMM and stimulates cholesterol transport from the OMM to the IMM (inner mitochondrial membrane) (Figure 2) [7,15]. P450scc (CYP11A1) makes direct contact with the IMM and converts cholesterol to pregnenolone, the precursor to mammalian steroids, by side chain cleavage [16,17]. TSPO is anchored to the voltage dependent anion channel VDAC1 and makes up approximately 2% of OMM proteins. TSPO tethers cytosolic ACBD3 at the OMM and ACBD3 subsequently recruits protein kinase A (PKA) via the PKARIα subunit. This brings PKA into proximity with one of its substrates, the steroidogenic acute regulatory (StAR) protein which is phosphorylated on residues S57 and S195 by PKA [18]. StAR then facilitates cholesterol import from the OMM to the IMM, the rate limiting step in steroidogenesis. ACBD3 overexpression increases chorionic gonadotropin-induced steroid production; increased steroid production has obvious implications for cancer progression by enabling self-sufficiency in growth signals, a hallmark of cancer [19,20].


Figure 2. ACBD3 in redox stress and steroidogenesis. ACBD3 is a Golgi resident protein but also has functions elsewhere in the cell. At the Outer Mitochondrial membrane (OMM) ACBD3 is essential for mediating interactions between PKA holoenzyme (via direct tethering with the PKAR1α subunit shown) and two of its substrates: StAR and VDAC1.
a) The phosphorylation state of StAR determines whether cholesterol can cross the IMM and be converted to pregnenolone, the basic building block of all steroid hormones in mammals. Cholesterol import is the rate limiting step in steroidogenesis and ACBD3 is indispensable for this process [18].
b) VDAC1 is a Ca2+ ion import channel at the OMM and phosphorylation by PKA closes this channel to prevent calcium import. Mitochondrial import of Ca2+ forms part of the calcium homeostasis mechanism in the cell, closing the VDAC1 ion channel causes cytosolic Ca2+ concentration to rise in the cell which leads to redox stress and local inflammation. Again, ACBD3 is essential for localising PKA to the mitochondria where it can then phosphorylate the VDAC1 substrate [27].

PKAR1α is a tumour suppressor gene and is important in primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD) nodule formation and tumorigenesis in mice and humans. Mutation of PKAR1α leads to hypercortisolism that drives tumorigenesis, and high ACBD3 expression in steroidogenic tissues (of which the adrenal cortex is one) may contribute to the overexpression/over activity of the mutant PKAR1α [21]. PPNADs are characterised by a resistance to apoptosis which in itself contributes to cancer occurrence and is another hallmark of cancer [20]. The first publication to suggest any link between ACBD3 and cancer demonstrated that ACBD3 follows the same expression profile as PKAR1α in PPNAD tissue and speculated that, in tumorigenesis, this could lead to deregulation of steroid synthesis [21]. More recent studies have shown that PKA activation may instead have a suppressive effect on cancer [22,23], whilst others show PKARIα is upregulated in cancer cell lines [24,25].

ACBD3 in Redox Stress

In a separate process, glutamate induces expression of TSPOand increased TSPO recruits ACBD3 and PKA to the mitochondria. Glutamate is a signalling molecule that is known to cause acute neurotoxicity [26-28]. PKA phosphorylates the calcium channel protein VDAC1, preventing Ca2+ import into the mitochondria (Figure 2). This causes Ca2+ accumulation in the cytosol which signals redox stress via the calcium sensing CamKII and its effector NADPH oxidase (NOX5) leading to inflammation by increased reactive oxygen species (ROS). Glutamate mediated redox stress is particularly important in neuro-inflammationwhere TSPO is not expressed in healthy brain tissue but can accumulate in age related degenerative disease or after traumatic stress, leading to increased ACBD3 mitochondrial recruitment and subsequent VDAC1 phosphorylation by PKA which may contribute to neurodegeneration [29]. VDAC1 is important in Ca2+ homeostasis, especially mitochondrial Ca2+ homeostasis which controls the metabolism of mitochondria and therefore energy availability in the cell [30]. Dysregulation of cellular energetics is a hallmark of cancer and an inflammatory environment can be tumour promoting when chronic and over time [20].

ACBD3 and Insulin Mediated Glucose Import

GLUT4 (glucose transporter type 4) allows the facilitated diffusion of glucose from the surroundings into cells,andis sequestered into storage vesicles (GSVs) that are tethered to Golgi membranes by TUG (Tether containing UBX domain for GLUT4), Golgin-160 and ACBD3 when insulin is absent (Figure 3) [31]. ACBD3-bound TUG can be acetylated on lysine 549 which has a higher binding affinity with Golgin-160 than with ACBD3 [10]. In response to insulin receptor activation the cytoplasmic effector of insulin PIST (PDZ interacting specifically with TC10) binds Golgin-160 and catalyses the cleavage of acetylated TUG. This releases GSVs allowing them to fuse with the plasma membrane where GLUT4 forms a channel for glucose import [32]. GLUT4 is continuously cycled away from plasma membranes back into GSVs to increase the on/off response of insulin sensitive cells when insulin is not present. GLUT4 exocytosis is regulated by tankyrase 1 as are several other ACBD3 related processes including Golgin45 expression and the promotion of β-catenin transcription in the Wnt signalling pathway [33,34].


Figure 3. The effect of insulin on TUG, the interaction between TUG and ACBD3, and the recycling of GLUT4 storage vesicles to regulate glucose import [10,31].
a) 1. Extracellular insulin binds the transmembrane insulin receptor (IR) causing receptor activation. 2. The active IR tyrosine phosphorylates CBL inside the cell. 3. Phosphorylated CBL recruits the CRK-C3G complex to the membrane lipid raft sub domain facilitating interaction of C3G and TC10α. 4. C3G activates TC10α which subsequently activates its effector: PIST. 5. PIST relocates to the Golgi causing the release of GSVs with embedded GLUT4 transporter which fuse with the cell membrane, 6. allowing glucose to enter the cell. GLUT4 is continuously cycled away from the membrane in GSVs creating a fast on and off switch for insulin dependent glucose import.
b) 1. ACBD3 interacts with TUG and is dependent on the acetylation state of TUG. 2. Acetylation of TUG on lysine 549 causes TUG to preferentially bind Golgin-160 over ACBD3. 3. PIST, activated by the insulin receptor signalling cascade, also binds Golgin-160 and catalyses the cleavage of acetylated TUG causing GSVs to be released into the cytoplasm 4. to fuse with the cell membrane. 5. GLUT4 is continuously cycled away from the cell membrane embedded in GSVs and is sequestered back to the Golgi where they bind TUG.

The hormone 17β-oestradiolhas a central role in breast cancer progression, ithas been found to upregulateGLUT4 expression and translocation to the membranein breast cancer cell lines and was associated with increased glucose uptake [35-37]. GLUT4 is being investigated as a target for breast cancer therapy as part of an informed approach to target the Warburg effect. Downregulation of GLUT4 by siRNAimpairs viability of MDA-MB-231 and MCF7 breast cancer cell lines and increases mitochondrial oxidation of pyruvate [38]. The EGFR/HER2-targeted drug lapatinib has been shown to downregulate GLUT4 in ER-/HER2+ HMEC cell lines, and GLUT4 downregulation by siRNA in these cell lines led to the formation of normal acini structures in 3D culture [39].The insulin receptor (IR) is upregulated in breast cancer and is a potential target for breast cancer therapy as it has been demonstrated that knock down of IR by shRNA and inhibition by peptide drugs inhibits breast cancer cell growth [40-43].

ACBD3, PI4Kβand Phosphatidylinositols

Phosphatidylinositol 4 Kinase III beta (PI4Kβ) is a lipid kinase that converts phosphatidylinositol (PI) into phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI(4)P) [44]. PI4Kβ is localised to the Golgi by extension of an amphipathic helix at the N-terminus of PI4Kβ (aa44-64) through the Q domain alpha helices loop of ACBD3 (aa241-308) [8]. The small GTPase Rab11 binds PI4Kβ to support this interaction whilst ACBD3 also interacts with GOLGB1 on the Golgi surface bringing PI4Kβ in close and constant contact withits PI substrate embedded in the lipid bilayer. ACBD3 does not affect the enzymatic activity of PI4Kβ directly by this interaction but, by tethering it to the Golgi membrane, PI4Kβ is proximal to the PI substrate and does not rely on diffusion through the cytoplasm for the phosphorylation of substrate. PI4Kβ is heavily implicated in breast cancers with 20% of primary tumours showing over expression of PI4Kβ at the protein level [45,46]. PI4Kβ is a chromosome 1q gene (at 1q21.3) and is reported to have increased gene copy number in 62% of 939 patient breast tumour samples [14]. Evidence of PI4Kβ upregulation at the protein level in breast ductal carcinoma samples from the human protein atlas was also found by Waugh. Independent of its lipid kinase function, PI4KIIIβ also mediates indirect phosphorylation and activation of AKT (Protein kinase B), an important kinase in breast cancer signalling [46,47]. AKT dysregulation drives many breast cancers by promoting cell cycle progression and suppressing apoptosis, it is commonly overexpressed or constitutively active [47].

Both PI and PI(4)P are cellular signalling molecules and docking sites on the membrane for other proteins including ARF1 (ADP-ribosylation Factor 1), which is essential for the formation of COPI vesicles and Golgi function including localisation of Golgin-160 to the Golgi; ARF1 is encoded by a gene adjacent to ACBD3 on chromosome 1 (1q42.13) [48-50]. PI4Kβ is also positioned on chromosome 1q, where amplification is common in breast cancers and its substrates localise ARF1 to membranes. ACBD3 is hijacked by some picornavirusviral proteins to form replication organelles and recruits PI4Kβ to these sites to enrich them for PI(4)P [51,52]. This is another example of how the role of ACBD3 is contextual and dependent on its cellular location, cell cycle position and binding partners. PI4Kβ has been found to be a target in malaria and drugs to inhibit PI4Kβ have already been developed [53]. There have so far been no publications on PI4Kβ drug inhibition in cancer.

ACBD3 Cell Signalling in Neurogenesis

Mammalian NUMB, an endocytic adapter protein, is involved in cytosolic signalling and is segregated asymmetrically into one daughter cell during the mitosis of neural progenitor cells and inhibits NOTCH [54]. This asymmetric distribution of NUMB results in 1 identical pluripotent daughter cell (high NUMB protein level) to maintain the population of neuronal precursors and 1 differentiated neuron cell (low NUMB protein level). This balances the need to create neurons through NOTCH signalling and maintain the pool of precursor cells in embryonic neurogenesis by NOTCH inhibition (Figure 4) [55,56]. ACBD3 was identified as a NUMB binding partner after observations that ACBD3 cytosolic release during mitosis was paired with NUMB mediated cell fate [57]. The ACBD3 interacting region on NUMB is essential for NUMB activity and interaction with ACBD3 increases NUMB activity [57]. The C-terminus of ACBD3 binds with the N-terminus of NUMB, and NOTCH also binds the N-terminus of NUMB [58]. Cytosolic ACBD3 expression leads to inhibition of NOTCH, suggesting that NOTCH inhibition by NUMB is conserved from drosophila to mammals indicating that ACBD3 and NUMB are both required to specify cell fate in neural progenitors. ACBD3 is bound to Golgi/mitochondrial membranes through most of the cell cycle and can only bind NUMB during mitosis when the breakdown of the Golgi releases ACBD3 into the cytosol (Figure 4). Constitutively cytosolic mutant ACBD3 inhibits neurogenesis in mouse embryos resulting in fewer neurons. This indicates that permanently cytosolic ACBD3 is preventing differentiation in otherwise neuronal fated cells and it achieves this by binding NUMB outside of mitosis [57].


Figure 4. The differential regulation of NOTCH signalling by ACBD3 and NUMB in neurogenesis. Cytosolic NUMB (yellow shading) acts synergistically with cytosolic ACBD3 (blue shading) to inhibit NOTCH signalling (represented by a green nucleus) and specifies progenitor cell fates during mitosis [57]. In one daughter cell, cytosolic ACBD3 binds to NUMB increasing the ability of NUMB to inhibit NOTCH and causing that daughter cell to remain a progenitor like its parent. The other daughter cell does not contain NUMB and so NOTCH signalling cannot be prevented despite the presence of cytosolic ACBD3 protein and so the daughter cell begins to differentiate into a neuron. Paradoxically NUMB quickly accumulates in the differentiating cell but because the Golgi has reformed at this point, ACBD3 is membrane bound and cannot influence NUMB-NOTCH protein interactions, instead NUMB promotes neuron differentiation and survival through other pathways. This leads to the creation of one daughter neuron and one progenitor cell to balance neurodevelopment and stem cell pools.
a) NUMB accumulates asymmetrically in one half of a progenitor cell before mitosis. ACBD3 is bound to the Golgi apparatus and other organelles (not shown) and does not interact with NUMB.
b) During mitosis, the Golgi apparatus fragments into vesicles and ACBD3 is released into the cytosol where it can interact with asymmetrically distributed NUMB.
c) One of the daughter cells will contain NUMB and cytosolic ACBD3. ACBD3 increases the ability of NUMB to bind and inhibit NOTCH. Without NOTCH signalling the daughter cell remains a progenitor cell to maintain the pool of neuronal precursors.
d) The second daughter cell will contain cytosolic ACBD3 but no NUMB protein meaning that NOTCH is not inhibited and enters the nucleus signalling to the cell to differentiate.
e) NUMB protein is produced in the differentiating cell in G1 but at this time the Golgi has reformed and ACBD3 is no longer free in the cytoplasm and cannot interact with NUMB and so cannot inhibit NOTCH signalling.

Krüppel-like factor 9 (KLF9) is a tumour suppressor and is significantly down regulated in invasive breast cancers, endometrial carcinoma, glioblastoma and colorectal cancer, and its expression can inhibit growth of tumour xenografts from glioblastomaneurospheres [59,60].  ACBD3 and NOTCH1 expression are suppressed by KLF9 in endometrial carcinoma cells and both proteins promote breast cancer progression, specifically in cancer stem cell maintenance [5,61,62]. KLF9 supresses glioblastomaderivedneurosphere formation by 60% in controls but only by 33% when NOTCH1 expression is constitutively active strongly suggesting that KLF9 must suppress other proteins relevant to glioblastoma cancer progression and this could include ACBD3 [59]. NOTCH1, NOTCH3 and JAG1expression isassociated with poor survival in breast cancer patients with high NOTCH1 expression conferring a 66% chance of mortality and 74% chance of relapse at 10 years [63]. NOTCH receptorshave been found to have activating mutations in triple negative breast cancers and result in the upregulation of NOTCH controlled genes [64]. NOTCH overexpression was able to transform the MCF10A breast cell line and reduce its sensitivity to apoptotic drugs such as staurosporine, melphalan, or mitoxantrone, and overexpression of NUMB reverted the transformation [61].High levels of NOTCH in breast tumours are significantly associated with nuclear phospho-Erk 1 and 2 conferring an association between NOTCH and Ras-MAPK expression [65]. Inhibition of NOTCH and NOTCH-related proteinshave therefore become a target for therapy [66]. ACBD3 overexpression prevents NOTCH signalling in neurogenesis but this is reliant on NUMB expression and only during mitosis when the Golgi is fragmented. The NOTCH suppressorsNUMB and its paralogue NUMB-L are predictably down regulated in breast cancers and their overexpression reduces epithelial to mesenchymal transition in triple negative breast cancer cell lines [67-69]. NUMB-deficient breast cancer cells have an increased ability to form cancer stem cell pools and NUMBdownregulation causes inactivation of p53 [70,71].

Discussionand Future Perspectives

Throughout this review an argument is presented that ACBD3 may do more than promote Wnt signalling in the context of breast cancer. Dysregulation of cellular energetics, sustaining proliferative signalling, replicative immortality andtumour-promoting inflammation are all hallmarks of cancer and overexpression of ACBD3 could conceivably support any or all of these [10,18,21,27,57]. Other factors including the position of ACBD3 on chromosome 1 in close proximity to other oncogenes, and the number of its binding partners and pathways already being targeted for cancer therapies leave ACBD3 nothing short of overlooked.ARF1 and RAB4 are located close to ACBD3, both at 1q42.13, withinOrsetti’s(4) region of gain G6 and were both found to be significantly overexpressed at the mRNA level in breast cancer. RAB4 in conjunction with RAB5 promotes and drives metastasis by facilitating the formation of invadosomes containing membrane type 1 matrix metalloprotease (MT1-MMP) and β3 integrin which together degrade the extracellular matrix, a process vital for cancer invasion and metastasis [72]. RAB4 is overexpressed in breast cancers and unsurprisingly associated with increased cell motility, it is one of many RAS related proteins that has clinical significance in cancer [73]. ARF1 is the most amplified gene of the ADP-ribosylation factor family in breast cancers and its amplification is associated with increased gene transcription and worse prognosis for patients [74]. ARF1 inhibition prevents metastasis of tumour xenografts in immuno-deficient mice and is replicable in zebrafish models of breast cancer metastasis. ACBD3 proximity to ARF1, RAB4 and other 1q oncogenes may confer a huge selective advantage to breast cancer cells with amplifications of these lociproviding these cells with both survival and invasive advantages.

Tankyrase 1 regulates GLUT4 exocytosis and β-catenintranscription,and ACBD3 interacts with proteins in both pathways [75-78]. Tankyrase 1 controls the expression of Golgin45 which is a direct binding partner of ACBD3 [79]. Tankyrase also targets Axin for degradation leading to increased Wnt signalling, known to be aberrant in breast cancers andis reported to be effected by ACBD3 [5,76,80]. Tankyrase 1 and 2 are currently being targeted as cancer therapeutics because of their interactions inmany carcinogenic pathways [77,81-83]. PI4Kβ expression in breast cancer correlates with poor patient outcomes and its locus (1q21.3) is a biomarker for breast cancer [46,84]. It is most associatedas an ACBD3 binding partner and the ACBD3 interaction has a solved X-ray crystal structure [8]. PI4Kβ mutants that do not bind ACBD3 have been engineered and drugs that inhibit PI4Kβ are available which aids its study [53,85]. ACBD3deletion is embryonic lethal and may be invaluable for normal cell division [12,57]. As it does not have an enzymatic function an inhibitor for ACBD3 may not be viable and non-targeteddownregulation may not be desirable, instead targeting one or more of its protein-protein interactions or partners may be the route to new treatments in breast cancer.


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Titania-Platinum Nanobiocatalyst as Treatment for Central Nervous System Tumors: A Case Report on a Pediatric Ependymoma

DOI: 10.31038/JNNC.2020312


Central nervous system tumors affect the pediatric population in 3.3 to 4.5 cases or every 100,000 children per year, representing the main cause of cancer in children (26%), only second to leukemia (30%). Traditional treatments include cytotoxic chemotherapy, nonetheless, platinum-derived compounds widely used as chemotherapeutics, such as cisplatin and carboplatin, are limited by their cumulative nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity. In this report  we synthesized a novel nanobiocatalyst based in platinum stabilized in functionalized titania which had previously exhibited antineoplastic properties with high selectivity. The nanoparticles were tested in an SH-DY5Y cells model and in a pediatric patient with ependymoma. The in vitro test allowed us to study the mechanism of action of the nanobiocatalyst, with the observation of cellular uptake by endocytosis. The nanobiocatalyst triggers catalysis reactions in the C-C and C-N bonds of the DNA present in the mitochondria and the nucleus. After the application of the nanobiocatalyst in the pediatric patient total tumor elimination was observed, as well as general clinical improvement with no signs or symptoms of tumor recurrence and no side effects. The results of this work demonstrate the importance of continuing research in catalytic nanomedicine.


Catalytic nanomedicine, CNS tumor, Ependymoma, Nanobiocatalyst, Platinum-Titania


Central nervous system (CNS) tumors constitute a heterogeneous group of neoplasms that includes from well-differentiated and relative nonmalignant lesions, such as meningiomas, to highly invasive, undifferentiated lesions, such as multiform glioblastoma [1]. In the pediatric population, CNS tumors occur in 3.3 to 4.5 cases for every 100,000 children per year [2,3], with astrocytic tumors being the most common lesion [4]. These tumors represent the second main cause of cancer in children (26%), only second to leukemia (30%) [5,6]. It is currently the leading cause of death from neoplasms in children [5]. Between 1970 and 2012, the rate of mortality was reduced by 76% for leukemias, while for tumors of the nervous system the percent- age of mortality showed a reduction of 31% [5,7]. About 3 out of 4 children with brain tumors (all types combined) survive at least 5 years after being diagnosed; this number drops to 1 out of 4 in the case of glioblastoma [8]. In Mexico, children in the age group 0-9 years represent the most affected, with a predominance of male patients presenting astrocytoma and medulloblastoma [9]. At the Hospital Infantil de México “Federico Gómez” (HIMFG) the most common cases of CNS tumors are astrocytomas (32%), medulloblastomas (19%), craniopharyngiomas (11%) and ependymomas (10.24%), with a significant incidence increase between 1970 and 2004 [10].

Traditional treatments for pediatric brain tumors include surgery, radiation, proton beam therapies, radiosurgery, targeted drug therapy, and cytotoxic chemotherapy, the latter reserved for children who have had treatment failure with surgery and radiation therapy [11]. Platinum-derived compounds, such as cisplatin and carboplatin, are widely used as chemotherapeutics in CNS tumors [12,13]. However, high dose-platinum therapies are limited by their cumulative nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity [14]. In 2006, T. López, et al. reported the characterization of a novel nanobiocatalyst formed by functionalized titania network with 1% of platinum (NPt), this nanodevice showed an important antineoplastic activity, demonstrating, by means of experimental models, that it can cause cell death mediated by apoptosis without causing any kind of damage to healthy cells, both locally and systematically [15,16]. The HIMFG has approved the application of this therapy as a compassionate treatment for resilient patients in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, Identifier: NCT03250520. In this article we present a physicochemical and in vivo evaluation of the NPt’s properties, as well as a case report of a pediatric ependymoma tumor treated with the nanobiocatalyst. A possible mechanism of the cytotoxic action at the cellular level is also offered.

Methods and Materials

NPt synthesis

Pt-TiO2 (NPt) nanoparticles were obtained through the modified sol-gel method process previously reported [17] patented under WO 2019/017723 A2, using Titanium (IV) butoxide (Sigma-Aldrich, 97%) as the precursor, acetylacetone (Sigma-Aldrich, 99%) as the solvent and without hydrolysis catalyst, and distilled water. An appropriate amount of Platinum (II) acetylacetonate (Sigma-Aldrich, 97%) was dissolved in acetylacetonate in order to obtain a 1% mol of Platinum. Functionalization agents were also added in order to develop an analogy with cells. The sample was dried at 70°C and crushed for further analysis.

Electronic microscopy

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed in a Hitachi-4800 Field Emission Scanning Microscope operated at 3 kV to investigate porous morphology and nanostructure. The cryogenic conditions were maintained with a constant liquid nitrogen flow through the SEM analysis chamber. The aqueous phase from the top surface of the bubble shape frozen sample was removed by maintaining the temperature gradient (10°C) for 5 min between the sample and the anticontamination plate. The sample was then transferred under the protection of a high vacuum into the cryo-FESEM microscope chamber and imaged at an accelerating voltage of 2 kV and at a working distance of 5 to 6 mm. The high magnification Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) images were obtained using TEM; JEOL 2010, operated at 120 kV voltage equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopic (EDS) microanalysis system (OXFORD). The images were obtained using a CCD Mega Vision (III) camera.

X-ray photoemission spectroscopy

The spectra were collected in a VSW Scientific Instrument HA100 with 285 lenses, the excitation source was Al Kα (E=1486.6 eV), the instrument is equipped with spherical sector analyzer; the analyzer pass energy was 22 eV and resolution of 0.6 eV. Calibration and reference spectra were taken the same day. A Shirley function was applied for background correction [18].

In vitroantitumor activity in cells

SH-DY5Y cells were cultured using DMEM containing 10% FBS, 10000 U penicillin/10 mg/mL streptomycin at 37°C in 5% CO2 atmosphere. The cells were washed with PBS sterile and added 800 mL of trypsin (0.05%, EDTA) for each box. NPt was administered and a in situ transmission electron microscopy was carried out to observe the cells. The material was fixed in 5% glutaraldehyde in cacodylate buffer (0.067 M, pH 6.2) with 0.15% ruthenium red for 24 hours at 20°C. The material was then washed five times in the buffer, postfixed in 2% osmium tetroxide in buffer, washed five more times in the buffer, and dehydrated through a series of acetone washes. The specimen was embedded in low viscosity embedding resin and strained with uranyl
acetate and lead citrate, reinforced with evaporated carbon.

In vivoantitumor activity

The nanoparticles had already been tested in C6 glioma cells in a Wistar rat model, showing tumor elimination and no side effects [17].

Case Report

The present case is a 7 year and 3 months old right-handed male patient, with no significant family or an allergic background. Starts at the age of 2 years and 3 months with progressive headache and vomiting, after a neuroimaging study, neurologists diagnosed hydrocephalus as a consequence of the presence of a tumor in the posterior fossa (Figure 1a), surgical resection was performed removing 90% of the lesion and a ventriculoperitoneal shunt was placed. The histopathological analysis indicates a Classic Ependymoma (WHO grade II). He remained hospitalized for three months, presenting ventriculitis as a complication and therefore, requiring multiple antibiotic treatment schemes. On discharge presented neurological cognitive and motor sequelae, and focal epileptic seizures treated with 30 mg/kg/day of levetiracetam every 12 hours. After receiving 45 Gy of radiotherapy on an outpatient basis and neurological rehabilitation, partial recovery of motor and cognitive skills is observed.


Figure 1. T1 weighted MRI of encephalon with gadolinium; (a) first lesion detected at 2 years and 3 months; (b) first tumor recurrence at 6 years and 2 months; (c) 18-Fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) confirming tumor recurrence at 6 years and 5 months.

When reaching the age of 6 years and 2 months, the mother of the child detected the onset of progressive deviation to the right of labial commissure and difficulty in swallowing of solids associated with alteration in gait. A neurological examination noted right peripheral facial paralysis, deviation of the soft palate to the left, alteration in solids swallowing, left hemibody with dysmetria and dysdiadochokinesia, and posterior opulsion of the march to the left. Tumor recurrence was diagnosed with a lesion in the stem and left cerebellum (Figure 1b). A resection surgery was performed again removing 85% of the tumor, leading to important neurological sequelae, requiring mechanical ventilation and tracheostomy and gastrostomy, remaining hospitalized for 2 months.

Three months after the last surgical procedure, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) showed tumoral growth that was later confirmed by 18-Fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) (Figure 2c). The patient required a new surgical procedure, resecting 80% of the tumoral mass. At this point, the patient presented important neurological sequelae. Histopathological diagnoses indicate a Recurrent Classical Ependymoma (WHO grade II). A 20 Gy of radiotherapy was applied as palliative treatment. Clinically he was alert, active, have adequate interaction with the environment, obeyed simple orders and presented alterations in working memory and attention with moderate intellectual disability, the persistence of left peripheral facial paralysis, alteration in swallowing and left hemispheric cerebellar syndrome with tracheostomy without oxygen and was fed by gastrostomy (he had a Lansky scale of 70). Four months later, the patient presented again tumor recurrence in the brain observed in MRI (Figure 2a). After a joint informative session with the parents, it was decided to use NPt as compassionate treatment, in accordance with the national and international ethical guidelines and the previous agreement to the informed consent from the parents.


Figure 2. (a, b, c, e) Magnetic resonance imaging in different axial sections of the brain in T1 without gadolinium are observed in the different columns. In column (d) 18F-fluoro-ethyl-L tyrosine positron emission tomography. From left to right (a) 48 hours prior to placement and post placement (b) 24 hours, (c) 1 month, (d) 3 months and (e) 4 months.

Results and Discussion

Electronic microscopy studies. Electronic microscopy studies were carried out to investigate the morphologic porous nanostructure of the NPt-Ca nanoparticles. SEM images (Figure 3a and 3b) show conglomerate formation with individual diameters of 0.2 to 1.0 μm. The TEM study (Figure 3c and 3d) confirmed particle size to be less
than 10 nm in diameter. As expected, TiO2 exhibited a crystalline structure. A profound analysis throughout the nanobiocatalyst did
not allow us to identify any point related to platinum nanoparticles. The absence of Pt nanoparticles is caused by the high dispersion and the low concentration of the metal. Nonetheless, when the sample was frozen the small nanoparticles previously observed (1-2 nm) agglomerated into 50 nm-particles, as the platinum in the non- reduced sample was monodisperse. An EDX analysis carried out during the SEM study showed the composition of NPt material (Figure 4). As can be observed, the material is mainly composed
of Ti and O (due to the TiO2 matrix), Pt and C. The large amount detected of carbon is due to the presence of acetylacetonate ligands that are forming mono or bidentate ligands with the oxygen atoms of octahedral titania. One the other hand, the different positions observed for Pt and Ti peaks indicate that titania supports platinum with different oxidation states.


Figure 3. (a, b) SEM and (c, d) TEM images of the NPt nanoparticles. SEM images with a cote of 1 μm (a) and 500 nm (b) show agglomerates with diameters from 0.2 to 1.0 μm. TEM images with a cote of 20 nm (c) and 10 nm (d) confirm particle size to be less than 10 nm in diameter.


Figure 4. EDS spectrum of the NPt nanoparticles. The appearance of Ti, O, and Pt peaks indicates the presence of the platinum supported in titania. Characteristic peaks of titanium and platinum distributed in different positions of the spectrum indicates platinum stabilized in titania with different oxidation states.

XPS spectra of the NPt nanoparticles are shown in the reference [18]. Due to the main interest in the titania matrix and the supported platinum, special attention was given to these peaks. The Ti 2p spectrum displays a spin-orbit split of 5.79 eV between the Ti 2p3/2 (459.67 eV) and the Ti 2p1/2 (465.46 eV) peaks related with Ti(IV) species [18]. The O 1s signal was centered in 532.2 eV with a slight shift from the reported for conventional TiO2 commonly around 530 eV [19]. This signal is formed by two bands located at 531.02 and 532.51 eV, indicating two different oxygen species. The first was identified with the Ti-O bond in titania [17] and the last one with oxygen in the carbonyl group of acetylacetonate ligand [20]. In the platinum XPS spectra we show the 4f7/2 and 4f5/2 signals at 74.13 and 77.26 eV, correspondingly. The spin-orbit split observed indicates a probable combination of Pt(II) and Pt(IV) species [17].

In vitro study

The obtained nanoparticles were tested in vitro directly with cancer cells (SH-DY5Y cells). A suspension of nanoparticles was incubated directly with the cells and a TEM study was carried out to observe the behavior of the nanoparticles in situ (Figure 5). The internalization mechanism of the nanoparticles is endocytosis (Figure 5a-5c), specifically pinocytosis, a biological process used by the cell to uptake liquids and macromolecules from the extracellular matrix through vesicles [21].


Figure 5. TEM micrographs of SH-DY5Y cells treated with NPt. Nanoparticles surrounding the malignant cell (a) enter the membrane trough vesicle formation (b) and are endocytosed into the cytosol (c), distributed on the luminal face of the vesicle (d). Vesicles travel through the cytosol (e,f) and disintegrate liberating the nanoparticles (g,h,i) which attack mitochondria and the nucleus (j,k,l). Yellow lines indicate the position of the nanoparticles outside the cell. M-mitochondrion. VNP-vesicle with nanoparticles

Our main hypothesis is based on the fact that the functionalization agents in the NPt resemble those found in cellular biology [22-25]. The endocytosis process is believed to be carried out due to a specific ligand-receptor interaction between the functionalization elements in the surface of the nanoparticles (possibly phosphate) and an unidentified receptor exclusively found in the cancer cells. This theory is supported by the specificity observed in previous works [26,27], in which the nanoparticles entered in the malignant cells while healthy cells were only surrounded without exhibiting endocytosis. The identification and characterization of such receptor remains in process. Another hypothesis considers the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect observed in the tumor environment, in which liposomes, nanoparticles, and macro-molecular drugs tend to accumulate in tumor tissue much more than they do in normal tissues [28-31]. This phenomenon could induce endocytosis by accumulation. In both theories, nanoparticles exhibit high selectively, entering only cancer cells by means of vesicle uptake.

Nanoparticles surrounding the malignant cell (Figure 5a) start entering the membrane trough vesicle formation (Figure 5b) and are endocytosed into the cytosol (Figure 5c). The vesicle formed exhibits the NPt distributed on its luminal face (Figure 5d), which supports the hypothesis of a ligand-receptor binding. In the cytosol, vesicles travel through the intracellular matrix (Figure 5e and 5f) and disintegrate liberating the nanoparticles in the intracellular matrix (Figure 5g-5i), where they pursue two objectives: the mitochondrial crest and the nuclear membrane (Figure 5j-5l). This behavior can be explained in terms of the acidity of the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) present in both the nucleus and the mitochondria, which makes these organelles highly reactive to the nanoparticles. The main targets of the NPt are the phosphodiester bonds and the nitrogen bases, which present available electron pairs that allow them to be adsorbed by the nanobiocatalyst’s surface [15]. The nanoparticles then carry out a catalytic reaction breaking the C-C and C-N bonds in the molecules involved, hence modifying the structure of the DNA. These transformations initiate a signaling pathway that ends up in the death of the cell (apoptosis) [32]. In Figure 5k and 5l a mitochondrion is observed to be filled with nanoparticles, carrying out the catalytic reactions mentioned above. The process is synthesized in Figure 6.


Figure 6. Mechanism of endocytosis and catalysis followed by the nanobiocatalyst (NPt) in the malignant cell. A possible ligand-receptor interaction in the plasmatic membrane triggers endocytosis and the NPt enter de cell in vesicles, travel through the intracellular matrix and arrive to the mitochondria and the nucleus, where they carry out catalyst reactions that modify the structure of the DNA causing apoptosis.

In vivo analysis. Nanoparticles were applied in the pediatric patient with ependymoma following the correspondent ethic statutes of the HIMFG, which has approved the application of this therapy as a compassionate treatment for resilient patients in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, Identifier: NCT03250520. Ependymomas show histological similarities with the lining cells surrounding the ventricles, with the posterior fossa being the most common location (60-70%) [33,34]. Its historical classification has been controversial since the differences between classical and anaplastic ependymoma does not represent any benefit from a clinical point of view, nor in the decision-making process [35-37]. The most important prognostic factor to consider a cure is the percentage of surgical resection, 41 ± 7% of the patients with partial resection can live without the disease for 3 years in, compared to 73 ± 4% of those having a total resection [38,39]. There are no randomized studies that demonstrate the benefits of radiotherapy, considering that its response is only partial, observing recurrence in 50% of all the cases [39,40].

Our patient presented a recurrent classical ependymoma that did not respond to surgical treatment. There are isolated reports that indicate that after the tumor recurrence, it is possible to improve patient’s survival with a new radiotherapy cycle, however, in this case no benefit was observed [39,41]. This tumor is resistant to chemotherapy and no adjuvant therapy has brought any benefit to the patient [40,42]. Recurrence in most cases is local and with a high mortality, with a 5 years survival from 0 to 25% [34,41]. A new resection surgery was performed with the removal of 90% of the tumor. After resection, 3 g of NPt were placed in the surgical bed before closure. Patient without postoperative complications remains under hospital supervision for 10 days without observing local or systemic adverse effects, clinical and radiological outpatient follow-up on a weekly basis for one month. Follow-up by external consultation continues without complications (Figure 2a). 18F-fluoro-ethyl-L- tyrosine positron emission tomography (18F-FET) was performed 3 months after the placement of NPt in which radiopharmaceutical uptake was not observed (Figure 2b).

After NPt administration in glioblastoma experimental models, tumor reduction has been confirmed [17,43,44]. This compound is internalized into cancer cells by endocytosis and produces cell death through apoptotic mechanisms mediated by caspase-3 [45]. So far no adverse effects associated with the use of this nanomaterial have been documented; the cellular mechanism by which it is selectively detected by cancer cells without causing injury to the healthy cells is still under investigation, as the present case demonstrates. The FET-PET study has shown 94% of sensitivity and 88% specificity for CNS tumors detection, and it is considered superior to FDG- PET for cancer recurrences detection [46,47]. It is essential that the nanoparticle moves directly to the tumor and forms a halo that can be observed by magnetic resonance image as a white circle with a lot of light (Figure 2d). In order to know the role of the nanoparticles in front of the tumor, magnetic resonances were taken every week. It was observed that the nanoparticles were found inside the tumor between the malignant cells at the same time that they closed the ring until the cancerous part was completely saved. We turned to the cat that was marked with that is completely selective to brain tumors what was found was the total disappearance of the tumor. There were scattered nanoparticles on the right side. Floating in the cerebrospinal fluid, these disappear from the organism little by little via the kidneys.

After 6 months of monthly follow-up post-NPt administration no signs or symptoms of tumor recurrence are observed. MRI does not show signs of adverse effects caused by nanobiocatalyst or tumor growth; hematological, pancreatic, renal, and hepatic levels are normal, without alteration. The absence of the radiopharmaceutical and the clinical improvement observed in the patient in terms of facial paralysis and cerebellar syndrome make us consider it a successful case of cancer elimination, as well as a proof of the antineoplastic efficiency of the platinum stabilized in functionalized titania. A new FET-PET analysis is pending in order to confirm cancer absence. Further studies are yet to be carried out to identify the exact mechanism of action of the nanoparticles, specifically regarding the selective endocytosis process.


In this article we synthesized and characterized a nanostructure compound based on titania and platinum that exhibit antineoplastic properties. The nanoparticles were studied in a cell model to observe their behavior in the intracellular matrix. This analysis showed that the NPt entered the cell through endocytosis and, afterward, attack both the mitochondria and the nucleus, where the nanoparticles catalyze the breaking of the C-C and C-N bonding present in the DNA chain. Our hypothesis is that the functionalization agents present in the nanobiocatalyst develop a ligand-receptor interaction with the receptors in the plasmatic membrane surface of only malignant cells, hence activating the endocytosis. Further studies must be carried out to identify such receptors. This case of tumor elimination through nanobiocatalyst administration demonstrates the importance of continuing research studies in catalytic nanomedicine. We continue with the clinical, radiological, and laboratory follow-up of our patient. Remaining vigilant of recurrence data and the presence of undocumented side effects.

Author Contributions

All authors have given approval to the final version of the manuscript.

Funding Information

The Ministry of Health of Mexico City and the Autonomous Metropolitan University supported this research under the registry number 101/100/014/13.


We would like to thank CINVESTAV-Zacatenco, the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESO), the Autonomous Metropolitan University – Xochimilco and the CONACYT for their support in this project.


NPt: Platinum Stabilized in Functionalized Titania; CNS: Central Nervous System; HIMFG: Hospital Infantil de México “Federico Gómez”; SEM: Scanning Electron Microscopy; TEM: Transmission Electron Microscopy; EDX: Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy; XPS: X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy; MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging; 18F-FET: 18F-Fluoro-Ethyl-L-Tyrosine Positron Emission Tomography


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Thoughts of an Immunobiologist about Covid-19

DOI: 10.31038/IDT.2020115


Attention is drawn to the existence of two very different facets of the immune processes operating consequent upon infection; Innate, a primitive mechanism which is quick acting and which plays a major part in inflammatory processes, and Adaptive, a mechanism that is slower to deliver elements specifically adapted from its recognition of the foreign invader. The cytokine storms that can be a harmful outcome of the response to infection derive initially from components of the innate immune system which, in addition to responding to foreignness, are activated by dead and/or dying cells of the infected host. It is suggested that although attack on the invading virus, by, say vaccination, seems the logical way to reduce the consequences of infection, it could be that exploration of the immunopathological effects of invasion could also help to specify means to reduce their impact. In particular it is suggested that prebiotics, orally ingested materials that can have beneficial effects on the gut microbiota, may be able, beneficially, to modify potentially harmful patterns of inflammation. In addition attention is drawn to the possibly exacerbating role of CRP an acutephase protein for which antagonists have been devised which could also help to reduce immunopathology.

The (London, UK) Times on05/04/2020 contained, on pp10-11, a double page spread by Tom Whipple, their Science Editor since 2011, on ‘How Britain can beat Covid-19’. The useful table offered considers four approaches, Anti-viral drugs, Contact tracing, Herd Immunity and Vaccine(sic). Whilst not in any way wishing to dispute the utility of the facets of the approach presented, as an Immunobiologist for sixty years or so, I wonder whether we are missing a trick or two. It is widely recognized that all living things have interface mechanisms which regulate the interactions between themselves and the multiply complex aspects of the environment which impinge on their well- being. As human beings our thinking about these mechanisms is going to be tainted by what could be termed anthropocentrism and this can mislead us about the extent to which our thinking is germane to the totality of living organisms; i.e. is our thinking based on what pertains to Nature as whole? Perhaps most importantly we should try to make sure that our approaches to disease take cognizance of how living organisms in the wild state take care of themselves and how this is different from our own approach which is based on the advantages and constraints deriving largely from contemporary medical practice which can bear little relationship to recognition of the time taken for the evolution of the mechanisms which it deals with.

As humans we recognize five basic senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. Each of these has its own associated technology relating to the mechanisms involved and the various ways that they can go wrong and the defects corrected, as far as possible, within the existing framework of medical knowledge. All the senses involve complex patterns of neuronal stimulation and interpretation enabling us, often with training, to respond, as best we can, to such adverse environmental factors as, for example, excessive light, excessive noise, noxious gases, foul tastes and dangerously hot heat. We know either instinctively, or by learning, using aspects of our five senses, to avoid potential harm and what can either be pleasant or useful. Deployment of the five senses is similar in most vertebrates. In addition to the five basic senses, concerned directly with responses to environmental changes, there are internal more arcane senses which are also interface regulatory devices, operating either to protect us from danger or beneficially to enhance our life experiences. Some of these inner senses relate to such interactions as are involved with our responses to Covid-19 which we cannot see, smell, hear, taste or sense by touch. The inner senses are complex and include what are usually called the immune responses. The immune responses are widely believed, in a variety of ways, to be protective and to involve a non-cognitive learning element, referred to by many professional immunologists as immunologic memory. As far as protection is concerned this seems sensible in what can be seen as a hostile world that, following the thinking of Charles Darwin, Tennyson wrote of as ‘Nature, red in tooth and claw’. The whole concept of ‘immune’ implies ‘not affected by’. Wikipedia gives the meaning of ‘immune’ as ‘resistant to a particular infection or toxin owing to the presence of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells’. This definition could be thought largely to ignore one of the basic defense mechanisms of the body the innate immune response.

In fact the human body, and that of most other multi cellular animals, has a complex array of protective devices including the skin, which is a major albeit passive barrier to entry of potentially harmful agencies, the secretions of mucous membranes which can have antiseptic properties, the stomach acid which very effectively reduces the microbial content of our food and the gut microbiota (of which more later) that acts as a complex balanced ecosystem which is capable of resisting invasion by what could be called niche occupation, i.e. there is no room at the Inn. Underlying these various barriers to invasion which can be regarded as part of the immune apparatus are two complex reactive systems, the innate and the adaptive immune responses. The former involves a whole series of mechanisms the activation of which is particularly important in considering how humans react to invasion by Covid-19 and how we should use our knowledge of the mechanisms concerned to restrict as far possible the dangers such an invasion can lead to. The adaptive response is a slower process leading classically to the production of antibodies which are capable of binding specifically to the antigens which led to their production. The antibodies are seen as a specifically adaptive response to the antigenic stimulus and particularly important in relation to dealing with resistance to further invasions by the same organism.

Innate immunity is possessed by all triploblasts but only vertebrates have the capacity to enact adaptive immune responses. A recent article [1] gives a summary of the differences between innate and adaptive immunity. In outline, innate immunity operates immediately an appropriate stimulus is located. The cells operating the system, particularly macrophages, have significant capacity not only to recognize foreign entities but also, and very importantly in the present context of the background to viral infection, damaged and/or dead cells of the responding organism. The target elements will usually be taken into the phagocytes where, in time, and with exercise of digestive enzymes they will be destroyed. Simplified portions of the phagocytically ingested material can be re-presented on the surfaces of the ‘eating’ cells for the attention of other reactive cells within the lymphoid system often initiating activity of the adaptive immune system. The phagocytes also, when they have been ‘fed’, emit a wide variety of secretions called cytokines. These agencies, of which their numbers are legion, can have powerful physiological effects which are important in considering what can be adverse consequences of invasion by Covid-19.

The assumption that all immune responses are primarily defensive has been questioned [2-4]. The so-called Adaptive element, it is contended, far from being a device that always rids us of potentially dangerous pathogens by developing processes of rejection, has as a prime purpose active interaction with invading organisms, a virus, say, by reducing the viral burden to what can be a stable and potentially permanent accommodation which may well, in the long term, as far as the species concerned, be beneficial to invader and invaded alike. The benefits to the invaded are that resistance to further infection by the same organism is secured in addition to the acquisition of more potentially useful genes and their products. The benefit to the invader is that its survival is achieved which, had the host died, might not have been so likely. As the main author of the papers concerned wrote, ‘the adaptive immune response, in many if not all instances can be, as its name suggests, thought of in natural circumstances as a ‘Welcome mat rather than a Rejection slip’. Sadly during the process of accommodation, without medical intervention and often with it, some infected individuals may die. Later, the instance of myxomatosis infection of rabbits in Australia will be used to exemplify an extreme case of such mortality and how in some natural circumstances accommodation of host and invader can be achieved despite the existence of what is usually thought of as a mechanism always hostile to invaders.

The innate immune responses are not thought to be specific in that second contact with a specific stimulus elicits a better response than the first contact. The innate responses, in contrast to the adaptive immune response, are not recognized to have the specific memory that offers the possibility of making specific neutralizing antibody responses sometimes for many years. The innate immune response in evolutionary terms is one of the basic protective mechanisms with the added advantage that it also operates when for whatever reason dead or damaged cells can be mopped up, a kind of internal debridement process. The adaptive immune response characteristically operates by a system of antigen reactive T- and B-lymphocytes which are to be found throughout the body. As shown by the classical studies of the late Sir James Gowans, these cells have the capacity to escape from the main, high pressure, vascular system and recirculate via a low pressure lymphoid network that eventually feeds back into the main blood stream. The intricacies of the two systems involved in lymphocyte existence and behaviour were recounted in two texts [5,6] which could be read with advantage by many contemporary immunologists.

Activation of both adaptive and innate immunity, particularly the latter, can have consequences for the general physiological status of the body in which the reaction takes place. These consequences often result in what is called inflammation a complex process that in extreme cases can lead to death. Two examples should suffice to indicate what can happen and why. Non-indigenous Zebu cattle in East Africa can suffer from East Coast Fever which is caused by Theileriaparva, a protozoan organism. Theileria has as its vector a species of cattle tick. When bitten by infected ticks T. parva can be transferred to cattle in tick saliva. In the infected host the protozoans can bind to and enter many types of nucleated (white) cells in the host blood. In the infected cells the parasite divides and can be liberated from the host cells into the blood stream where further infection of host cells occurs. Infected host cells which are activated and changed morphologically produce and liberate cytokines which are capable, inter alia, of drastically increasing capillary permeability. Within 14 or so days the infected animals may die in a most distressing way due in large part to loss of body fluids. This example of a lethal cytokine storm due to an infection is dramatic and it can affect almost all the organs of the body of the infected animal and, as will be argued, is comparable in some ways to what happens when influenza- like ‘new’ viruses such as Covid-19 kill humans. It should be noted, in the context of East Coast Fever, that some species of indigenous ungulates carry the parasite, ostensibly asymptomatically, in contrast to the non-indigenous cattle for which infection can be 100% lethal. In wild animals the host organism has somehow come to terms with the parasite and it is likely that these terms are determined by the manner of maintained activation of the total immunological apparatus.

As has been seen in the massive publicity associated with Covid-19, deaths from the influenza pandemic in1918 have also been attributed to cytokine storms. In the latest issue of Private Eye their medical correspondent, under the pseudonym MD, writes, in a version I hope he will forgive me for abbreviating:-‘Severe Covid-19 isn’t an ordinary viral pneumonia. It’s more of a dirty bomb, causing havoc in the immune and vascular systems. The overwhelming immune reactions can lead to a cytokine storm – death can be very quick. The havoc caused by the cytokine storm is due to the response of the body of the infected host rather than the virus itself which is not capable of cytokine production. Most individuals infected with the virus have minor symptoms perhaps also deriving from activation of elements of the immune systems but not with such drastic effects. The virus was probably the same with or without the cytokine storm and yet in two individuals that differ hugely in their response to infection we really cannot be sure what the different responses are due to. Clearly, we know some of the risk factors including age, weakened capacity to make immune responses, diabetes and a variety of other debilitating illnesses but what goes wrong to precipitate in some individuals such harmful responses as are occurring albeit more rarely than in younger and previously healthy individuals. Should we always be trying to kill the virus or should we be trying to intervene in the immunopathological processes which are a property of the host responding to the virus? This is not a new idea in that the elements of the inflammatory process have in recent years been the subjects of many investigations and it has been discovered that there are very many cytokines with a bewildering array of properties that can impinge in ways that are only just being discovered on the physiological well-being of individuals. The complexity of the system and the reductionism practiced by most research immunologists has perhaps helped to bring about the lack of incisive interventions in relation to cytokine storms. The Scientific Editor of the Times makes no mention of attempts to calm consequences of the immune response to the virus which can have, albeit relatively rarely, such disastrous consequences. Reduction of immunopathology is not yet part of the main stream thinking of many immunologists who are resolutely sticking to the adaptive elements of the immune systems with its specific antibodies, its specifically cytotoxic cells (usually displayed in vitro) and its apparent long term memory.

A long time ago Ian Clark, an Australian veterinarian, ‘undertook research in innate immunity and disease pathogenesis at the MRC Clinical Research Centre at Harrow. It was during this period he began to develop the then novel view that infectious disease is caused not directly by the invading pathogen, but by the host’s innate immunity to it. The host-derived mediators of this response, such as TNF (tumor necrosis factor) and IL-1, when produced excessively, were argued to generate disease through disrupting the normal homeostatic physiological processes. (from Clark’s web site) On returning to Australia Clark continued to develop this idea that production of cytokines, particularly TNF, is central to pathogenesis of non-infectious as well as infectious diseases’. Over several decades he and his colleagues carried out experiments the results of which show clearly that his early views in relation to the harmful role that could be played by innate immunity in infectious disease could be supported by strong evidence. Certain kinds of activation of the immune apparatus especially those which lead to production of TNF, one of the initiating elements in what may turn out to be a veritable cascade of cytokines that can lead to what is referred to as immunopathological damage. Such damage which is not due proximally to activity by the agents of infection but to massive stimulation of the elements particularly of the innate immune system. It could be thought of as an unintended side-effect. Clark showed in his work that TNF can play a vital role in triggering a harmful cytokine storm and that, if the capacity to produce TNF was variously suppressed, infected animals which would otherwise succumb to disease survived. He also showed that, if normal animals were injected with TNF, it was possible to mimic the manifestation of some of the symptoms infection in which it was supposed that immunopathological processes were active. Clark’s work is seminal in beginning to understand how to reduce immunopathological damage.

Immunopathology attracts relatively little attention on the presently relevant web sites but the argument will be made here that its better recognition in conjunction with re-evaluation of the primary role of the adaptive immune response could add to our armamentarium of ways effectively to treat such dangerous epidemics as those caused by Covid-19. It is crucial to our understanding of how to treat Covid-19 infections to note that they are only rarely lethal but that, in serious cases when death seems likely, only symptomatic palliation presently seems possible. Why do some people die but the majority of infected individuals can suffer a relatively mild set of symptoms rather more serious than a common cold but not apparently much more dangerous?

The American Public Health Association has published for many years a manual entitled ‘Control of Communicable Diseases’. This useful book, summarizes, for Public Health practitioners, what is known about all the infections that affect human beings and what can be done about them. It is a remarkable document from which much information can be gleaned about the generalities of infectious disease in Homo sapiens. The following points are germane to the present arguments.

1. There are millions of species of microorganisms, Viral, Archaean and Bacterial of which only two hundred are regularly harmful to humans; the vast numbers of remaining organisms are ostensibly of as little significance to us as we are to them. The idea that the micro-organismal hordes are lurking to attack us is not supported by the facts of what is to be found in the big wide world of living organisms.

2. Very many of the organisms recognized as infectious are known to exist asymptomatically in human hosts. For example in relation to de novo contact with Mycobacterium tuberculosis it is authoritatively stated [7] ‘Approximately 90-95 % of those initially infected enter a latent phase from which there is a lifelong risk of reactivation’. This in relation to what is commonly accepted to be causing globally the biggest annual human lethality from an infection. What do we know about the ‘immunological status of the 90-95% of infected humans who normally develop no symptoms? Relatively little, perhaps on grounds that if it is not apparently broken we do not need to know how to repair it. What do we know is the immune status of those infected with Covid-19 virus but with minor symptoms or none at all? Is contagion possible from infected individuals with few or no symptoms? Does the virus live on after the signs of acute infection have disappeared?

3. Some pathogenic viruses can successfully be ‘vaccinated’ against using living but variously attenuated, viruses. The way that Henderson, working with WHO, led the campaign to eradicate small pox as a disease by prophylactic vaccination using live cow pox virus exemplifies what can be done. It should however be noted that the principle involved had been discovered by Jenner two hundred years previously and that Henderson, working in the WHO, with a massive global campaign found:-‘Vaccination brought some control, but the key strategy was “surveillance-containment”. These techniques entailed rapid reporting of cases from all health units and prompt vaccination of household members and close contacts of confirmed cases’.

It took ten years successfully to eradicate small-pox by creating the circumstances in which the virus could no longer at the time find a susceptible host. Whether a few decades later the lack of susceptible hosts would still pertain is an interesting question which, let us hope, will never be answered. In the present context the necessity of surveillance containment should be noted as a likely requirement for a fully successful vaccination campaign against Covid-19.The contemporary injunction from the head of WHO to test, test, and test is compatible with this notion.

In relation to Covid-19 it seems that

1. It is common that infectious organisms, called infectious because of the damage they can cause, often do not cause much if any damage. Those infected with Covid-19 who remain without symptoms or with minor illnesses, that is a large majority, exemplify the genre. However it should be noted that for a highly contagious virus, which can kill 1% of those who catch it, there are serious public health problems in dealing quickly with 1% of a very large number of infected individuals in a relatively short time. As the antagonists of Covid-19 point out this could be enough to overwhelm Health Services if they were not adequately prepared.

2. Vaccination is a possible means to avoid the damage caused by Covid-19 but it could take a longish time to enact a successful campaign This is not to say that the strenuous efforts to produce a vaccine for Covid-19 should not continue but there should be a note of caution in the time it might take in addition to the requirement for global surveillance and containment.

3. Some anti-viral vaccination campaigns, successful over long periods of time (yellow fever virus for example), have used live viruses. Immunization against influenza symptom causing viruses have not so far involved live viruses but fragments with what are thought or known to be the important elements of viral protein reaction to which can lead to protective antibody production. The issue of whether immunological memory supposedly in due to the adaptive immune system, is active here is important but it is possible that the enormous genetic potential of the gut microbiota, with at least 100 times as many genes as on the human genome, could provide a huge array of antigens from which there could be a trickle of the specific antigenic material cross reactive with non-living viral antigens used to resistance to infection. Such material could help to maintain a low level of active immunity once an initial vaccination with a non-living agent has occurred. Is it possible that the human microbiome could be changed a little to ensure the relevant specific trickle could be created without persistence of a living element in the vaccine? Alternatively if a living virus is used as the active agent in a new vaccine are we trying to arrive at accommodation or outright rejection? If the latter, as shown for a number of infections there is, after a short time, no residual resistance to re-infection. Immunological memory is perhaps a variable feast.

The almost total lethality of rabbits in Australia deliberately exposed to Myxomatosis virus in the 1950s, indicates what can happen. Some twenty five years later it could be supposed that the remaining quite numerous rabbits were resistant to, immune, to the virus and this is certainly a possibility but it emerged that the virus had anyway, in the intervening period, now got reduced pathogenicity; whereas previously it had killed the overwhelming proportion of infected rabbits it now killed only a quarter of newly infected animals.

Contemporary humans, encouraged by advertisements from the manufacturers of antiseptics, are often totally xenophobic in relation to microbiological organisms but this view may change. It is recognized that humans, along with other multicellular animals that have an alimentary canal, have associated microbiomes of micro-organisms in and on their bodies. As far as humans are concerned the number of cells of micro-organisms carried by the human body is of the same order as the number of human cells (tens of trillions). Whether we like it or not we are, like most if not all multi cellular organisms, extraordinarily complex collections of many species of organism. There can be little doubt that our association with the microbiome represents symbiosis; living together for mutual benefit. Two recent texts [8,9], written for the general public, detail this state of affairs. The more daunting thing is how to reconcile these clear facts with the, seemingly xenophobic, concept of immunity. It should also be noted, in the present context, that it is likely that the microbiome has a major role to play in the maintenance of normal health. ISAPP, the International Scientific Association for Pro- and Pre-biotics has put an authoritative document online [10]. giving the details of this state of affairs.

It is not presently known how the microbiome affects body physiology but it seems likely that it does so in part by affecting the brain impinging on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, HPA, which in turn can have an impact on the endocrine functions in the body. A recent book entitled The Psychobiotic Revolution, Mood, food and the New Science of the Gut-Brain Connection [11] gives a flavour of how this line of thought is being developed. How the gut flora affects the brain is not known with certainty. It has been suggested, and there is supportive evidence for this idea, that cytokines deriving from the innate immune apparatus, perhaps from the Kupffer cells of the liver stimulated by the continuous flow of material from the gut microbiota into the liver via the hepatic portal vein, are important. The stimulated liver sends the cytokine messages via the vagus nerves to the brain [12]. In recent work kindly undertaken by Prof Gareth Leng who, though not deeming the results adequate for general publication, has no objection to it being written about, established that, in rats within a short time of oral ingestion of a prebiotic, there were clear indications of neuronal activation [13] in the paraventricular nucleus, a component of the hypothalamus. Prebiotics, cannot by definition be absorbed from the gut into the body proper but, again by definition, they have a beneficial effect on the gut microbiota. This useful finding could indicate part of the route along which the brain can be affected by gut activity.

Significant reduction of inflammation, induced in the colon of rats by trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid, was obtained by oral feeding with a prebiotic incorporated in the chow fed to the animals [14]. In addition, in the treated animals four clinical biochemical markers of inflammation, TNF, Il-1, IL-6 and myeloperoxidase activity ( this latter a marker of neutrophil activity) were significantly reduced. This demonstration shows that prebiotics can have a significant prophylactic influence on inflammation. The experimental system adopted, pioneered by Morris et al [15], is widely used to explore ways of treating colonic inflammation. In the recent study discovered changes in the gut flora, concomitant with the use of the prebiotic, are an interesting correlate. It was also shown that the prebiotic use was, in terms of reduction of inflammation, better than sulfasalazine or infliximab, both standard treatments in man for reduction of colonic inflammation. We are only just beginning to come to know enough about inflammation to look towards having available more evidence-based control by methods other than administration of so-called anti-inflammatory agents such as steroids. These can certainly be effective but they can have undesirable side effects and anyway are not given on the basis of a firm understanding of inflammatory processes. It is significant that there are cytokines which are known to be anti-inflammatory and others pro- inflammatory. For example, the Kupffer cells in the liver and macrophages in general, the significant elements in the array of cells involved in creating innate immune reactions [16], are sometimes liberators of pro-inflammatory cytokines and sometimes liberators of anti-inflammatory cytokines. Whether these two different cells are ontogenetically distinct or whether according to the prevailing circumstances will produce one or other of the kinds of cytokine seems not to be known. It can be queried why do we need both forms of activity?

Reference to the process of wound healing could give a simple indication of the separate positive roles of pro- and anti- inflammatory influences. Consider a small wound inflicted by, say, a knife on the back of a human hand. There is an elaborate mechanism for stopping the blood flow. Once this has been achieved some of the cells liberated from the blood stream become active in tidying up the wound in a manner that could be termed pro-inflammatory. Visually for a short time the wound could look inflamed but all being well within a few days the healing process starts to occur and it likely during this time that anti-inflammatory influences are active to help promote cell movement and the cell division of the local epithelia required to bring about a full repair. The two elements of in flammationin this way are complementary in leading to what superficially seems to be an uneventful wound healing. The balance between pro- and anti- inflammatory influences will normally work sequentially in such a way as to help to maintain body integrity but if the balance is disturbed potentially harmful pathological changes can be an outcome. For the moment we are not sure how generally to maintain the requisite order of change from pro-to anti- inflammatory processes or to redress imbalance but it seems possible the microbiome could be influential in this respect.

The acute phase response is a highly conserved, cytokine mediated, non-specific response to almost all forms of tissue injury, infection and inflammation. A key component is the sensitive, rapid and dramatic increase in the circulating concentration of the so-called acute phase proteins. The classical human acute phase protein is C-reactive protein (CRP), the plasma concentration of which closely corresponds with the presence, extent and activity of most diseases and their response to treatment [17]. Indeed, the universal, routine measurement of CRP concentration is one of the most widely used clinical chemistry assays.CRP values are also importantly prognostic in many conditions, including Covid-19, consistent with CRP not merely reflecting disease activity but also acting as a pathogenic factor, as first demonstrated by Pepys [18]. CRP binds specifically to dead and damaged cells in vivo and then activates the powerfully pro-inflammatory complement system, thereby exacerbating pre-existing tissue damage. The original small molecule CRP inhibitor designed by Pepys [19] reduces the morbidity and mortality of severe influenza A virus infection in a mouse model [20] (4) and his subsequent more potent inhibitor is now in full scale development for clinical testing in Covid-19 and other indications.

Contemporary medical practice has enabled increase in the average expectation of human life in what we call the Western World from about 40 years of age in the middle of the nineteenth century to its present 80 or so level. We have also learned how to repair or replace at least some defective body organs and thus prolonging the lives of those who in years gone by would have died much earlier. Human expectation now is that when life can be preserved it should be. In so-called wild populations of animals such artificial preservation cannot occur and life span is determined by whatever living circumstances constitute the environment. Prolonging human life span has advantages and is now an expectation but perhaps it should be recognized more widely that there are demographic down sides in terms of building up more elderly humans the medical requirements of whom are more onerous and expensive than those who created the remarkable NHS anticipated.

An old immunobiologist, suggests

1. We should recognize more clearly that Homo sapiens, as is true for most other living organisms, is not just a single species but an extremely complex collection of organisms with most of which for most of the time we live in harmony. We have within us what is known as a balanced ecosystem of microorganisms that we are largely unaware of. Improving our recognition of what is a clear fact could help in time to maintain human health. We should learn how better to look after our inner microbial garden. Learning more accurately to manage our microbiomes could help to restore the balance between pro- and anti- inflammatory influences disturbance of which leads to the often painful diseases with immunopathological component from which humans and their domestic, farm and companion, animals can suffer.

2. Infectious disease can be seen as, naturally, an evocation of a slow evolutionary process to accommodate more organisms some of which, in time, will be moved from the status of parasites or commensalsto slaves contributing freely to our welfare. Such a vision is not comfortable for those dying as consequence of contact with an apparently new organism encountered for the first time. By way of consolation, it should be better known that nearly all the nucleated cells in the human body contain mitochondria. These self-replicating organelles, containing their own DNA, many millions of years ago were free living bacteria. Aggregation of such organisms, followed by genetic simplification involving loss of genes made redundant during division of labour, left the current mitochondria which essentially manage energy supply in human cells. In plants the chloroplasts which are capable of collecting the energy from sunlight and using it to manufacture energy containing molecules the break- down of which we rely on in big scheme of things to make things happen are, like mitochondria, of archaean/bacterial origin. We are totally dependent on the activities of genetic material derived from other species of organism.

3. Prebiotics could play a role at least prophylactically and possibly therapeutically in helping to reduce the morbidity of Covid-19 infections by beneficially affecting the gut microbiota which in turn is capable of influencing the pattern of immunopathological changes that can lead to a dangerous cytokine storm.

4. Antagonists of CRP could be used to help to inhibit the cytokine storm which is associated with the lethality of Covid-19 infection.

5. The Science Editor of the Times did a good job helping us to follow the dictates of our political masters who in turn claim; somewhat uneasily it has to be written, to be led by scientists. The scientists concerned not surprisingly adopt the establishment views of what is important but it can seem to other scientists that the views being used to determine action in the Covid-19 pandemic are lacking in imagination particularly in not trying to diminish the immunopathological response of a few of those infected and being able to predict which ones are most likely to suffer.


I am grateful to my colleagues Dr Attila Erdos and Dr Deirdre McIntosh for their careful reading of and comments on the manuscript I would also like to thank Dr Chris Owens a good friend for his intelligent interest and helpful suggestions. To Prof Bruce Reid, an erstwhile colleague and good friend, I am most grateful for the time he took over the manuscript and his incisive and useful comments. The support of my wife, Agneta, for her unswerving backing at all times was invaluable. Professor Sir Mark Pepys kindly drew my attention to the significant role that CRP could be playing in Covid-19 infections and his creation of a likely solution to one of the problems thereby created.


  1. Sagar Aryal (2018) Difference between Innate and Adaptive Immunity. Microbiology
  2. Davies AJS, Hall JG, Targett GAT, Murray M (1980) The biological significance of the immune response with special reference to parasites and cancer. J.Parasitol 66: 705-721. [Crossref]
  3. Davies AJS (2008) Immunological Tolerance and the Autoimmune Response. Autoimmunity Reviews 7: 538-544.
  4. Davies AJS (2012) Immigration control in the vertebrate body with special reference to chimerism. Chimerism 3: 1-8. [Crossref]
  5. Principles of Bacteriology and Immunity (1964) Topley and Wilson, Fifth Ed, Edward Arnold.
  6. Lymphatics, Lymph and the Lymphomyeloid Complex (1970) Academic Press.
  7. APHA Control of Communicable Diseases Manual 17th Edition, 2000: 521.
  8. The Diet Myth, The Real Science behind what we Eat. Tim Spector (2016) Wiedenfeld and Nicholson.
  9. I contain Multitudes (2016) The microbes within us and a grander viewof life. Ed Yong, Vintage.
  10. (2017)Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology. 14: 491-502.
  11. The Psychobiotic Revolution, Mood, Food, and the new Science of the Gut Brain Connection (2017) SC Anderson, JF Cryan, Ted Dinan (eds.). National Geographic, Washington.
  12. Natasha Corbitt, Shoko Kimura,y KumikoIsse, Susan Specht, Lisa Chedwick, et al. (2013) Gut Bacteria Drive Kupffer Cell Expansion via MAMP-Mediated ICAM-1 Induction on Sinusoidal Endothelium and Influence Preservation-Reperfusion Injury after Orthotopic Liver Transplantation, The American Journal of Pathology 182:180-191. [Crossref]
  13. Prof Gareth Leng, Personal Communication.
  14. AVIDIN Kft, Szeged. Hungary,Contract Research ,Polyrem Study, 2019.
  15. Morris GP, Beck PL, Herridge MS, Depew WT, Szewczuk MR, et al. (1989) Hapten-induced model of chronic inflammation and ulceration in the rat colon. Gastroenterology 96: 795-803. [Crossref]
  16. , M1 and M2 Macrophages
  17. Pepys MB, Hirschfield GM (2003) C-reactive protein: a critical update. J Clin Invest111:1805-1812. [Crossref]
  18. Griselli M, Herbert J, Hutchinson WL, Taylor KM, Sohail M, et al. (1999) C-reactive protein and complement are important mediators of tissue damage in acute myocardial infarction. J Exp Med 190:1733-1739. [Crossref]
  19. Pepys MB, Hirschfield GM, Tennent GA, Gallimore JR, Kahan MC, et al. (2006) Targeting C-reactive protein for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Nature 440:1217-1221. [Crossref]
  20. Gao R, Wang L, Bai T, Zhang Y, Bo H, et al. (2017) C-reactive protein mediating immunopathological lesions: a potential treatment option for severe influenza A diseases. EBioMedicine 22:133-42. [Crossref]

Discharge Dilemma: COVID 19 Positive Patients from Hospital

DOI: 10.31038/JCRM.2020333


COVID 19 pandemic started as cluster of unexplained Pneumonia in Wuhan, China. More than 5 million cases have been reported so far. The disease process is variable, poorly understood and is evolving. It is highly infectious and main mode of transmission is person to person. Therefore, stringent public health measures have been in place such as social distancing, personal and hand hygiene, lockdown strategies etc to minimise the transmission. In hospital medicine, safe discharge and arranging a follow up of COVID positive patient poses a challenge and currently there are no clear guidelines available due to uncertainty of infectivity in patients (both immune competent and immune compromised). Safe discharging is very essential to restrict further cluster and outbreak of COVID19 in community.

Why is Safe Discharging Important? Infectivity and Transmission

WHO mission to China report mentioned that SARS-CoV-2 virus can be detected 1-2 days prior to onset of symptoms in nasal-oropharyngeal samples, can persist for 7-12 days in moderate cases and up to 2 weeks in severe cases [1]. Viral RNA is also detectable in faeces 4-5 weeks after symptom onset in approximately 30% of cases; however its clinical significance is not known [1]. In Singapore, prolonged viral shedding from upper airway aspirates was reported and in some cases up to at least 24 days after the onset of symptoms [2].Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from asymptomatic individuals (or individuals within the incubation period) has also been well documented [3].

Zouet all reported that viral load is similar in both symptomatic and asymptomatic groups. Patients with no or modest symptoms had detectable viral RNA for at least 5 days indicating risk of transmission from asymptomatic patients [4].

The biologic basis for this is supported by a study of a SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in a long-term care facility, in which infectious virus was cultured from reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-positive upper respiratory tract specimens in pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic patients as early as six days prior to the development of typical symptoms [5]. There is no data or study to determine the longest documented transmission from an asymptomatic person. Viral RNA can persist over long periods of time in bodily fluids. This does not necessarily mean that the person is still infectious. Isolation of viruses in virus culture is needed to show infectivity. Based on the data obtained it is uncertain to determine when exactly the patient will be non-infective and if precautions are not placed can lead to further outbreaks in community, which can lead to further burden on health care facilities.

Clinical Problem

Suspected and positive COVID-19 patients attending hospitals are Isolated as per clear pathways and all necessary precautions are taken with appropriate PPE. Some patients have mild respiratory compromise with normal radiographs, some have bilateral infiltrates and some are intubated and ventilated in ICU/HDU. Some patients were admitted for other medical conditions in hospital and were screened for concerns (exposure to COVID patients or clinical concerns) and were positive.

The varied presentation, spectrum and uncertainty about the illness pose a clinical challenge to arrange a safe discharge and follow up. Some of the challenges faced by our COVID teamat time of discharge of COVID patient when medically fit, stable or do not need any intervention in hospital are:

• When do you discharge COVID positive patients?

• Where do you discharge the patients? e.gin clinical situations where an elderly patient living on their own or with little support who lost mobility due to recent bilateral pneumonia/significant illness or patient who are clinically very well but have a family member at home who is immunocompromised?

• When do the patients become clear of infection?

• Is the onset of symptom history from patient reliable or the reference point should be when they were positive?

• Do COVID positive patients need any follow up?

• When do you re-image them if they had infiltrates?

• Do they need any formal respiratory follow up and is there a need of lung function testing?

• If the patients develop any new symptoms after discharge and are presumed to be non-infective as per current guidelines and re-present to the hospital, should they be isolated and retested because that can potentially expose other admitted patients?

• If the repeat swab or re-presentation to hospital is negative, is one negative swab enough to admit them in a general ward?

• What about immunocompromised, and patients with persistently positive swabs? Is their infectivity similar to the immunocompetent patients?

Current Clinical Guidelines for De-isolation of COVID-19 Cases

COVID-19 patients discharge planning is done by taking into account the existing capacity of healthcare, laboratory and diagnostic resources and the epidemiological situation at the time of discharge in that particular area. Some of the current clinical guidelines for de-isolation are:

1) Ministero della salute, Consiglio Superiore di Sanità, Italy (28 February 2020) -A COVID-19 patient can be considered cured after the resolution of symptoms and 2 negative tests for SARS-CoV-2 at 24-hour intervals. For patients who clinically recover earlier than 7 days after onset, an interval of 7 days between the first and the final test is advised.

2) CDC USA (Interim guidance) – Negative rT-PCR results from at least 2 consecutive sets of nasopharyngeal and throat swabs collected ≥ 24 hours apart from a patient with COVID-19 (a total of four negative specimens) and resolution of fever, without use of antipyretic medication, improvement in illness signs and symptoms.

3) CHINA CDC– Patients meeting the following criteria can be discharged: Afebrile for >3 days, Improved respiratory symptoms, pulmonary imaging shows obvious absorption of inflammation, and nucleic acid tests negative for respiratory tract pathogen twice consecutively (sampling interval ≥ 24 hours).

After discharge, patients are recommended to continue 14 days of isolation management and health monitoring, wear a mask, live in a single room with good ventilation, reduce close contact with family members, eat separately, keep hands clean and avoid outdoor activities. It is recommended that discharged patients should have follow-up visits after 2 and 4 weeks.

4) European Centre of Disease Prevention and Control Guidelines:

• Clinical criteria (e.g. no fever for > 3 days, improved respiratory symptoms, pulmonary imaging showing obvious absorption of inflammation, no hospital care needed for other pathology, clinician assessment)

• Laboratory evidence of SARS-CoV-2 clearance in respiratory samples; 2 to 4 negative RT-PCR tests for respiratory tract samples (nasopharynx and throat swabs with sampling interval ≥ 24 hours). Testing at a minimum of 7 days after the first positive RT-PCR test is recommended for patients that clinically improve earlier.

• Serology: appearance of specific IgG when an appropriate serological test is available.


Our suggestion is to classify patients who are deemed suitable for discharge from hospital, into mild, moderate and severe category based on certain clinical and radiological features. Our suggestion is to discharge patients to home or convalescent facility depending on patient’s physical, functional and home situation.

Mild Cases

Patients with no radiographic abnormalities and patient who did not require supplemental oxygen or had exercise induced desaturation to be classified as mild cases prior to discharge.

Moderate Cases

Patients with infiltrates or abnormalities on imaging requiring supplemental oxygen, who do not have significant co-morbid condition and good functional baseline, who did not require assisted ventilation can be classed as Moderate Cases prior to discharge.

Severe Cases

Patients, who had severe illness requiring NIV/High Flow Nasal Cannula/Mechanical Ventilation or had significant co-morbid conditions, or have had decline in functional capacity due to severe illness, would be classified as Severe Cases of COVID infection.

A discharge for mild cases may be considered to home if patient can isolate himself at home (e.g. single room with good ventilation, face-mask wear, reduced close contact with family members, separate meals, good hand sanitation, no outdoor activities) with follow up phone calls by specially designated health care provider due to the risk of worsening of the clinical symptoms, keeping in view the delayed onset of cytokine storm.

Moderate cases may be discharged home if they can self isolate and they are provided with Pulse oximeters and thermometers for home monitoring for further 7 days. They should be linked in with specially designated clinical nurse specialist for twice daily monitoring of symptoms and recording parameters. If patients are technology savvy and able to update symptoms and parameters on App either on Smartphone or computer, an App can be designed for maintain data of such patients and monitored centrally.

In severe cases that have experienced functional decline in terms of mobility, cognition and activities of daily living should be discharged to step-down facility with rehabilitation and multidisciplinary facility (physiotherapy, occupational therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation and geriatrician input). If the patient is not able to self-isolate due to reasons such as living in accommodation with multiple people, hostel or with immunocompromised and elderly population discharge to step down/convalescent facility speciallydesignated for similar cases should be considered to minimise cluster of infections.

COVID positive patients who had infiltrates/pneumonia or opacification on chest radiograph should have a follow up imaging to look for resolution. The timing of repeat imaging is uncertain due to the phenomenon of viral shedding and unclear infectivity of the disease. Our suggestion would be to repeat radiography 8 weeks after the onset of symptoms as viral shedding has not been observed after 6 weeks.

Current evidence suggesting viral shedding in bodily fluids for 6 weeks makes de-isolation decision difficult. At present, de-isolation guidance are unclear with a lot of institutional variability. The timeframe for de-isolation can only be provided after robust clinical trials exploring the infectivity of viral shedding in the bodily fluids to avoid clustering and re-infection. Antibody testing seems to be of benefit in cases that are immunocompromised or were COVID positive for prolonged duration. Patients who were immunocompromised or remained COVID positive on re-swabbing should be isolated on the side of precaution if they re-present to the hospital with a different medical problem.

A COVID team consisting of member of representative of medical team, infection control, microbiologist, occupational therapist and public health should have a daily meeting to determine appropriate discharge to reduce burden on health care an prevent community outbreaks.


  1. World Health Organization (2020) Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). Geneva: WHO.
  2. Young BE, Ong SWX, Kalimuddin S, Low JG, Tan SY, et al. (2020) Epidemiologic features and clinical course of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Singapore. JAMA.
  3. Rothe C, Schunk M, Sothmann P, Bretzel G, Froeschl G, et al.(2020) Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany.N Engl J Med 382: 970.
  4. Zou L, Ruan F, Huang M, Liang L, Huang H, et al. (2020) SARS-CoV-2 Viral load in upper respiratory specimens of infected patients. New England Journal of Medicine 382: 1177-1179. [crossref]
  5. Arons MM, Hatfield KM, Reddy SC, Kimball A, James A, et al.(2020) Presymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Transmission in a Skilled Nursing Facility:N Engl J Med.

A Promising Alternative to Temporal Artery Biopsy for GCA

DOI: 10.31038/JCRM.2020332

Case Report

A 57 year old gentleman was referred by GP to our Acute Medical Assessment Unit with right sided headache. He described 3 days history of right fronto-parietal headache with ‘’heaviness’’ and associated blurring of vision and dizziness. The headache was paroxysmal ‘coming in waves’’ and did not respond to first line analgesics. He is an ex-smoker, living on his own with no past medical history of note.

On examination, he had right sided temporal tenderness without any other findings. CNS exam was unremarkable. There was no evidence of proximal muscle weakness.

His laboratory investigations including inflammatory markers were within normal limits. A working diagnosis of Temporal Arteritis was made and he was commenced on High dose oral Steroids with bone protection and PPI. Temporal artery biopsy was performed which did not show any evidence of vasculitis. Ultrasound of Temporal Artery was organised which showed hyperechoic thickening of Right temporal artery, highly suggestive of Temporal Arteritis, thus confirming the clinical suspicion (Figure 1). He was discharged on tapering dose of steroids, PPI and bone protection and was reviewed periodically in clinic. He is clinically asymptomatic on treatment.


Figure 1. (a) Loss of temporal artery visibility on compression of artery. (b) Temporal artery wall maintained despite compression (‘compression sign’).


Giant Cell Arteritis is the most common systemic vasculitis and the vascular involvement can be widespread [1]. It is common in older white males after age of 50 years with peak incidence after the age of 70 [2].

The presentation can be acute or subacute with symptoms of low grade fever, headache, jaw claudication, visual problem and constitutional symptoms. Temporal arteritis can lead to transient or permanent visual loss. There is an association between temporal arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica [3].

Temporal Arteritis poses a diagnostic challenge and traditionally the diagnostic criteria used, incorporates clinical presentation, inflammatory markers and temporal artery biopsy. Temporal Artery biopsy is used to acquire the evidence of vasculitis, however it can be normal due to the presence of skip lesions [4]. The segmental nature of arteritis leads to high false negative results of biopsy and hence the sensitivity of biopsy has never been calculated. The negative biopsy results can be as high as 30-40% [5].

Colour Doppler Ultrasonography has emerged as an alternative to Temporal Artery biopsy. The two signs explained in the literature are the presence of ‘’halo’’ sign (representing mural oedema) and the presence of ‘compression sign’ (representing persistent halo after compressing artery with ultrasound probe) [6]. Albert et al. (2007) in a retrospective analysis postulated that ultrasonography has superseded temporal artery biopsy and should be reserved for situations where the imaging is inconsistent with the clinical picture [7].

High dose glucocorticoids remain the mainstay of therapy and should be commenced as soon as the diagnosis is suspected [8]. Steroid sparing agents such as Tocilizumab and Methotrexate can be used in patients who develop complications and intolerance to steroids [9]. Bone and gastric protection along with antiplatelets and Rheumatology follow up is advisable.


Temporal Arteritis is a debilitating form of vasculitis if left untreated. It remains a diagnostic challenge especially due to the nature of vascular involvement. Temporal biopsy can be falsely negative; colour doppler ultrasonography is emerging as a new diagnostic tool in suitable patients. The ultrasonography is non-invasive and is readily available.


  1. Gonzalez-Gay MA, Vazquez-Rodriguez TR, Lopez-Diaz MJ, et al. (2009) Epidemiology of giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica. Arthritis Rheum61:1454. [crossref]
  2. Crowson CS, Matteson EL, Myasoedova E, Michet CJ, Ernste FC, et al. (2009) The lifetime risk of adult-onset rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Arthritis Rheum63:633. [crossref]
  3. Jones JG (1991) Clinical features of giant cell arteritis.Baillieres Clin Rheumatol 5:413. [crossref]
  4. Duhaut P, Pinède L, Bornet H, Demolombe-Ragué S, Dumontet C, et al. (1999) Biopsy proven and biopsy negative temporal arteritis: differences in clinical spectrum at the onset of the disease. Groupe de Recherchesurl’Artérite à Cellules Géantes. Ann Rheum Dis 58:335. [crossref]
  5. Ashton-Key MR, Gallagher PJ (1992) False-negative temporal artery biopsy. Am J Surg Pathol16:634. [crossref]
  6. Schmidt WA, Kraft HE, Vorpahl K,Völker L, Gromnica-Ihle EJ(1997) Color duplex ultrasonography in the diagnosis of temporal arteritis. N Engl J Med337:1336. [crossref]
  7. Alberts MS, Mosen DM (2007) Diagnosing temporal arteritis: duplex vs. biopsy. QJM100:785. [crossref]
  8. Proven A, Gabriel SE, Orces C, et al. (2003) Glucocorticoid therapy in giant cell arteritis: duration and adverse outcomes. Arthritis Rheum49:  CXS703.
  9. Stone JH, Tuckwell K, Dimonaco S(2017) Trial of tocilizumab in giant-cell arteritis. N Engl J Med377:317. [crossref]

Controlled Clinical Trial on Effect of ‘Carica Papaya’ Leaf Extract on Patients with Dengue Fever

DOI: 10.31038/JCRM.2020331


Background: Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection, which in recent decades has become a major international public health concern. Dengue is found in tropical and sub-tropical regions around the world, predominantly in urban and semi-urban areas with high morbidity and mortality rates. Up to now there is no safe and effective vaccine or therapeutic agent available for Dengue fever. Carica papaya leaf extract is the only therapeutic agent used for its platelet rising properties. In this study we are looking at other therapeutic benefits.

Aim: To compare the clinical, haematological and biochemical profiles of dengue patients treated with and without oral Carica papaya leaf extracts.

Design & Setting: Open label randomized controlled clinical trial in a Teaching Hospital in Sri Lanka.

Method: 161 Dengue suspected patients. Treatment group was given to drink leaf extract daily until discharged. Control group was not given the extract. Both groups were managed according to national dengue guidelines.

Results: 161 patients were randomized (77 treatment group and 84 control group). After exclusions, 43 patients who consumed leaf extract and 76 controls were taken for analysis.

Mean duration of fever in hospital was 1.13 days less in treatment group 1.67 ± 1.36 vs. 2.8 ± 1.79 (p <0.001). Mean duration of the illness was 0.5 days less in treatment group 6.51 ± 1.05 vs. 6.96 ± 1.32 (p <0.05).

Mean duration of hospital stay was 0.78 day less in treatment group 3.69 ± 1.08 vs. 4.47 ± 1.40 (p <0.001).

Leading to dengue haemorrhagic fever was significantly reduced (p value < 0.05) in treatment group (Proportion Normality test, p value 0.000).

Conclusion: Papaya leaf extracts has significantly reduced the duration of fever, illness, hospital stay and the incidence of conversion to dengue hemorrhagic fever.


Carica papaya, Dengue, Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Pleural effusion, Duration of illness, Platelet count



Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection, which in recent decades has become a major international public health concern. Approximately half of the world now lives under the threat of Dengue, which is responsible for approximately 390 million infections and 20,000 deaths globally each year. Decades of attempt to eradicate dengue have not being successful at any part of the world. Up to now there is no safe and effective vaccine or therapeutic agent available [1]. Carica papaya leaf extract (CPLE) is the only therapeutic agent that has been used for its platelet rising properties [2,3].

Carica papaya (Family Caricaceae) originated in Central America. The papaya is an extraordinarily useful plant. In the tropics of the world, ripe papaya fruit is consumed as a breakfast fruit. Its juice is a popular beverage. The leaves and young stems are steamed and served as a vegetable. In some Asian countries, young leaves of papaya are steamed and eaten like spinach. Yet in other countries papaya leaves are brewed as tea and taken as a preventative measure against Malaria [4,5]. Monkeys and peacocks consumes papaya leaf at will when they enter a papaya plantation. All this points to the fact that it’s not toxic for human consumption.

Salutary Effects of CPLE in Dengue Fever (DF) patients was published in 2008 edition of the Journal of Sri Lanka Family Physicians [6]. This is most likely to be the first ever scientific biomedical study conducted to discover the salutary effects of CPLE in patients suffering from DF, reported in the world literature.

Following this study many research have been done including Randomized Controlled clinical Trials (RCT) and toxicology studies [7-24]. All have shown beneficial effects with no major adverse effects. In this study we have also looked at other therapeutic benefits, which have not been looked at before like its effects on the duration of fever, illness and most importantly prevention of conversion of DF to Dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF).

The first contact in DF is Primary Care physicians. If an effective therapeutic agent could be given at this first consultation, it can lead to reduction in morbidity and mortality. CPLE is a potential therapeutic agent, which need further research [3,8].


The main objective of this study is to compare the clinical (Duration of Hospital stay, Duration of fever, Plural Effusion/ percentage of conversion to DHF), Haematological (White cell  count (WBC), Packed cell volume (PCV) Platelet count (PLT) and Biochemical parameters (Alanine transaminase (SGPT), Aspartate transaminase (SGOT) ) of dengue patients treated with and without oral CPLE.


Trial Design

Open labelled Randomized Controlled clinical Trial.

Patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were randomly allocated to the treatment and control groups.


Patients admitted to University medical unit full filling the following inclusion criteria war eligible for the study.

Inclusion criteria were acute onset of fever, 18 to 60 years of age, with a platelet count<150,000 per and white cell count<5000 per or with a positive dengue NS1 antigen test who wear in the febrile phase of illness and not developed DHF.

All subjects in both groups were confirmed as dengue by IgM positive after 7 days of fever. Subjects who were IgM negative after 7 days were excluded.

Exclusion criteria were patients who are in critical phase with DHF, history of allergy to papaya, pregnant mothers, patients who have already taken papaya juice extracts before admitting to hospital, patients with previously diagnosed abnormal clotting profile as per past history and medical records, patients suffering from any other illnesses which will influence the course of dengue fever, patients suffering from any other illnesses or on drugs which will influence the bone marrow function or haemopoitic system, dengue patients who have been treated with blood products.

Eligible subjects were randomly allocated to treatment and control groups Subjects were recruited until the required numbers of participants were achieved.

Study Setting

Study was conducted at University medical unit at Colombo South Teaching Hospital, Kalubowila, Sri Lanka. It is a tertiary care hospital in an urban setting where patients can present themselves to OPD on their own or referred by a family doctor or by other medical institutions.

Written Informed consent was obtained from all the patients included in the study. Patients who gave consent to take part in the study were randomized equally to treatment group and control group.


The Treatment group was given oral CPLE, 20ml 12 hourly daily till the patient was fit to be discharged. Both groups was managed according to national guidelines in dengue [25,26].

CPLE was prepared by obtaining mature papaya leafs from previously identified and tested red lady variety papaya plantation. 100g of leaves was cut into small pieces and grinded in a grinding machine till you get a uniform pulp. This pulp was put to a juice extract to obtain the pure extract. To 50 ml of this extract, 50ml of cool boiled water was added and mixed well.

Initial preparation and subsequent preparations were assessed and standardized using high performance liquid chromatography. 20 ml of this preparation was packed in sterile glass bottles and stored in refrigerator at 4°C before giving it to the patient.

Primary Outcome

Immediately after admission and daily till discharge, a 10 ml sample of blood was withdrawn by venepuncture in both groups for the determination of WBC, PLT, PCV, SGPT and SGOT.

Both groups were examined daily by the ward registrar and the senior house officer and fever, haematological and biochemical parameters were entered in the data collecting forms. In ward ultrasound scans were done  to  detect  pleural  effusion  by  the  ward registrar who had been trained in this procedure before the commencement of the study. Pleural effusion was taken as an indicator for plasma leakage and DHF [25].

Patients in both groups were discharged according to the same criteria as given in the national guidelines of dengue fever management [26]. The discharge criteria were absence of fever with improvement of all other clinical and biochemical parameters including the absence of leakage and rise in the PLT. The dissection to discharge was made by chief consultant in charge of the unit who did not know whether the patient was in the treatment group or the control group.

Sample Size

Platelet counts were considered for sample size calculation [27].

Approximate standard deviation = (Highest typical value-Lowest typical value)/4

= (400,000-150,00028)/4

= 62,500

= Minimum difference to be detected for a significant difference/ standard deviation = 50,000/62,500

= 0.8

N = 41 for each group with 95% power


The patients who gave consent to take part in the study was randomly allocated to treatment group and control group by the medical registrars attached to the ward by  a  concealed  method. This randomization was done by asking the patient to pick up a tag concealed in an envelope (labelled as treatment or control) from a box, which was not transparent.

Statistical Methods

Collected data were analyzed using the Shapiro-Wilk test to assess the normality of the data and it showed that p values of all the variables are less than 0.05 and the data are not normal. Mann Whitney U test (Non parametric test) had been used to assess the significance.

Trial Registration

Sri Lanka Clinical Trial Registry. SLCTR/2013/005.


Hundred and sixty one (n=161) patients entered the study and randomized into two groups (77 patients in the treatment group and 84 patients in the control group). Thirty-four patients were excluded from the treatment group (Sample rejected at the onset n=13, Bitter induce vomiting=02, Data Incomplete n=01 Dengue IgM negative n=18). Eight patients were excluded from the control group (IgM negative N=8) (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Flow Chart of Study design.

After exclusion, treatment group was 43 patients and the control 76 patients. 43 patients who consumed CPLE and 76 controls were taken for analysis.

The number of Controls (n=76) were higher than the Treatment group (n=43) was mainly due to sample rejection at the onset of the study and Dengue IgM negative 18 in the Treatment group and only 8 in the Control group.

The sample rejection in the treatment group at the onset was due to some opinions given to them by their relatives due to the fear of mixing herbal drugs with western medicine. This decision was taken by these subjects after signing the consent form by going through the information sheet but clearly before starting to consume CPLE.

The data collection was conducted from June 2014 to February 2015. Recruitment was stopped after achieving the required simple size in both groups.

Age and Sex Distribution

Both groups had almost equal age and sex distribution with a male predominance (Table 1).

Table 1: Mean age & Sex distribution among treatment and control groups.

Mean Age

Standard deviation






36 (83.7%)




61 (80.3%)









15 (19.7%)


Treatment n=43



43 (100%)

Control n=76



76 (100%)

Condition of the Patients at the Time of Entry

All the patients were in the febrile phase at the time of entry into the study. Means of number of days of fever on admission, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, WBC, PLT and PCV counts were compared between treatment and control groups. Both groups had similar baseline values at entry to the study with no significant variation between both groups (P>0.05) (Table 2).

Table 2: Comparison of Clinical & Haematological parameters between Treatment and Control groups at the time of entry.


Treatment n=43

Control n=76

P value


Standard deviation


Standard deviation

Mean of No. of days of fever on admission






Mean systolic blood pressure(mmHg)






Mean diastolic blood pressure(mmHg)






Mean white blood cell count(109/liter)






Mean platelet count(109/liter)






Mean packed cell volume(%)






The reason for these parameters to be same in both groups was due to the fact that both treatment and control groups were entered into the study early in the illness before onset of complications.

Clinical Parameters

Clinical parameters (total days of illness, duration of fever in the hospital, duration of hospital stay and incidence of pleural effusion) were considered in the analysis and Mann Whitney U test (Non parametric test) has been used to assess the significance (Table 3).

Table 3: Comparison of Clinical & Haematological parameters between Treatment and Control groups during the study.


Treatment n=43

Control n=76

 P value


Standard deviation


Standard deviation

Mean of total days of illness/Onset of fever to discharge






Mean duration of fever in the hospital






Mean duration of hospital stay






Mean SGPT on 6th day of illness (%)






Mean SGOT on 6th day of illness (109/liter)






Mean white blood cells on 6th day of illness (109/liter)






Mean platelet count on 6th day of illness (109/liter)






Mean packed cell volume on 6th day of illness (%)






Total duration of illness was taken as from onset of fever to discharge .The mean duration of illness is significant between treatment and control group (p <0.05). Mean total days of the illness in treatment group 6.51 ± 0.05 and in the control group 6.96 ± 0.32. It shows that mean total duration of the illness is reduced by 7.3% (0.5 days) in the treatment group (Table 3).

Mean duration of fever in the hospital was 1.67 ± 1.36 and 2.80
± 1.79 in the treatment group and control group respectively and mean duration of hospital stay was 3.69 ± 1.80 and 4.47 ± 1.40 in the treatment and control groups respectively and are highly significant between treatment and control group (p  <0.001).  It  also  shows  that duration of hospital stay is reduced by 21.3% (0.78days) and duration of fever is reduced by 57.1% (1.13 days) in the treatment group (Table 3).

Clinically Evident Complications/Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever

Both groups were screened for pleural effusions throughout the study by ultrasound scanning. Presence of pleural effusion indicates that the patient is in dengue haemorrhagic fever [26].

Only two (02) patients led to pleural effusion in treatment group and twelve (12) patients led to pleural effusion in control group (Proportion Normality test, p value 0.000). Hence development of pleural effusion/leading to dengue haemorrhagic fever is significantly lowers (p value < 0.05) in treatment group when compared to control group (Table 4).

Table 4: Evidence of pleural effusion among treatment and control groups.



Pleural effusion

2 (4.7%)

12 (15.8%)

No pleural effusion


64 (84.2%)


43 (100%)

76 (100%)

All these patients developed pleural effusion after allocating to the study and all the 161 patients were free of pleural effusion at the entry to the study.

Haematological Parameters

Mean values of WBC, PLT  and PCV were more favorable in  the treatment group when compared to control group as shown graphically (Figures 2-4).


Figure 2. Comparison of mean white blood cells between treatment and control groups.


Figure 3. Comparison of mean platelets between treatment and control groups.


Figure 4. Comparison of mean packed cell volume/Hematocrit between treatment and control groups.

Highest difference was seen on the 6th day of illness that is after 2 to 3 days of CPLE treatment. These differences in improvement were not statistically significant (Table 3).

Biochemical Parameters

There was no significant difference in the Mean SGOT and SGPT levels (U/L) on the 6th day of illness between treatment and control groups. 195.90 vs. 187.74 and 147.08 vs. 135.05 in the treatment & control groups respectively (Table 3). The mean values are high in both groups.



This study have shown that CPLE is effective in improving clinical parameters of Dengue (Fever, Duration of illness, Hospital stay) and most importantly reduction in the incident of DHF in the Treatment Group. These clinical improvements were statistically significant (Table 3). Haematological Parameters (WBC, PLT, PCV) showed improvement in parallel to the clinical improvement though these differences were not statistically significant but they are clinically significant (Figures 2-4).

Haematological improvements were seen in the treatment group from the 5th day of the illness CPLE had taken about 24 to 48 hours to exert its action on homological parameters.

We did not observe solitary increase in the PLT without the improvement of other clinical parameters (Figures 2-4).

Strength & Limitation

Most other studies  have  looked  only  at  PLT  rising  property of CPLE. This is the only study which have looked at other clinical parameters. Most clinicians were in the opinion that CPLE only had an effect on the PLT but this research have shown that it has other actions capable of improving clinical outcomes like fever duration of illnesses and reducing the incidence of complications like DHF.

The main limitation of the study was blinding and placebo control was not possible. Blinding was not possible; as we had to give freshly prepared pure CPLE to make sure that its constituents remain stable. It is not possible to make a placebo for CPLE and that is why we conducted the research as an open labelled study.

The study was also not large enough to show any differences in clinical complications like shock, haemorrhage etc. It would have been ideal if we could have looked at the effect of CPLE from day one of the illnesses at primary care level to complete clinical and biomedical recovery in hospital. Patients entered to this study on 2nd, 3rd and 4th days of the illness and was discharged early before full biochemical improvement, to be managed by general practitioners in their home environment. Therefore we could only observe the effect of CPLE on a limited time period of the illness.

Comparison with Existing Clinical Research

Hettige S. in 2008 studied 12 consecutive Dengue patients treated with CPLE and showed that there was rapid increase in WBC, PLT and all patients recovered without hospital admission [6]. Following this study many clinical trials including RCT had shown similar results [7-24].

Otsuki N. and others in 2010 studied anti-tumor activity and immune-modulatory effects of CPLE [11]. This in-vitro study had shown that CPLE can enhance the Th1 type immunity. Research have shown that shift of DF to DHF is the result of the shift in the immune response of Th1 type immunity to Th2 type immunity [12]. According to the above research CPLE prevents the immune shift by reducing the incidence of DHF.

Norahmed N.A. and others have shown  immuno-modulatory  role of CPLE in Dengue virus infected rats [17-20]. Our study has demonstrated this effect clinically by reducing the incidence of DHF in the treatment group.

Recommendation and Generalizability

Studies have repeatedly shown potential benefit of CPLE in DF. In many Asian countries it’s now being used as tablets and capsules for its PLT rising properties [21-24,28].

The most important property of therapeutic agent in dengue would be to prevent leakage of fluid and conversion  of  DF to DHF. This study has shown that CPLE may have above mentioned therapeutic properties in addition to the improvement of other clinical parameters.

Therefore we recommend a placebo controlled similar study with a larger sample size and observe the therapeutic effects from day one of the illness to full biochemical and haematological normalization (e.g. Till the PLT reach 250-300 x 109/liter).


CPLE: Carica papaya leaf extract

DF: Dengue Fever

RCT: Randomized Controlled clinical Trials

DHF: Dengue haemorrhagic fever

WBC: White cell count

PCV: Packed cell volume

PLT: Platelet count

SGPT: Alanine transaminase

SGOT: Aspartate transaminase


Ethics Approval

Ethical approval had been obtained from Ethical approval committee of Faculty of Medical sciences University of Sri Jayewardenepura and also registered in the  Sri  Lanka  Clinical  Trial Registry SLCTR/2013/005 and World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform.

Special approval also had been taken from the Sub Committee on Clinical Trials of Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka as this study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital in Sri Lanka.

Consent to Participate & Publication

Written consent had been obtained from all participants before they were entered to the research.

Data Sharing Statement

All the data collected are analysed and presented in this document.

The datasets used & analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

We are willing to share the data that we have collected and presented in this article for interested parties in Dryad repository if required.

Competing Interests

None declared by the authors.




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