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Pattern of Presentation of Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus Among Sudanese Patients

DOI: 10.31038/EDMJ.2024824


The objectives of this study is to know the pattern of presentation of newly diagnosed diabetic patients among Sudanese, and how late they present, after developing micro and macro vascular complications. Among 620 diabetic patients attending a medical clinic for ten month duration, 44 patient were newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus patients. 54.5% were male and 45.5% female, with the mean age of 49.6 year, hemoglobin A1c% (Hb A1c) ranging from 7.1 to 15.9 mean of (11.02%). Most of them have positive family history of diabetes 75%, other risk factors include obesity 47.7, and hypertension31.8%. 7 patients out of 44 patients (15%). presented with micro and macro vascular complications which was not related to the level of HbA1c at presentation. These results make the need for screening for diabetes mellitus in those with risk factors is important for early diagnosis to prevent or delay the development of these complications.

Main Objective

To study the pattern of presentation of newly diagnosed diabetic patients among Sudanese population.

Specific Objective

  1. To study the risk factors for diabetes
  2. To know how late is the presentation, after the development of the acute and chronic diabetic complication.
  3. To study the relation between the complication at presentation and the risk


Type2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), Hemoglobin A1c (Hb A1c), Hypertension (HTN)


Diabetes mellitus is a growing health problem, leading to morbidity and mortality. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing and the prevalence and number of adults affected, have risen faster in lower income than in high-income countries. Sudan is one of the lower income country, with poor income and resources. Diabetes Mellitus is common in Sudan, with some studies showing the prevalence is 19% of the adult population. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is sometimes diagnosed when chronic complications have already developed and one third of all people with type 2 diabetes mellitus may be undiagnosed until late. this make the screening for diabetes mellitus for those at high risk of developing diabetes is crucial [1]. Early diagnosis and control of blood sugar will delay if not prevent the development of micro and macro vascular complications.


This is a retrospective study for the patients attending a medical clinic in the period from April 2022 to February 2023 (about 10 months duration), from 620 diabetic patients attending the clinic, 44 patients were newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus. 24 male patients (54.5%) and 20 female (45.5%) out of them 7 patients (15%) presented with micro and macro vascular complication.

The risk factor for most of them was the family history of diabetes 75.0%, followed by obesity 47.7%, hypertension 31.8%, and a single case with past history of gestational diabetes.

The study showed that males have significantly more obese than females (62.5% compared to 30.0%) p value <.032.

The mean age at presentation was 49.6 year. Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) at presentation was varying from 7.1 to 15.9 mean of (11.02%) (Table 1).

Table 1: Mean age


Std. Deviation










7 out of 44 patients (15%) have obvious diabetic complication at presentation including peripheral neuropathy 4.6%, diabetic septic foot, chronic kidney injury, ischemic heart disease, diabetic ketoacidosis and diabetic retinopathy 2.3% for each (Table 2).

Table 2: Diabetic complication



Valid Percent


























1 2.3






There was no relation between the presentation with diabetic complication and A1c% at presentation (Table 3).

Table 3: Relation between the presentation with diabetic complication and A1c% at presentation




Std. Deviation



1 .


7.800 1




1 .


10.500 1




37 1.9916


8.150 2




1 .


11.018 44



This study describes the pattern of newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus in Sudan, and the risk factors and how late they present, after the appearance of micro and vascular complication. Similar to other studies in Africa, the age of presentation of newly diagnosed diabetes in our study was in younger age group (the mean is 49.6 year), in contrast to with that from higher income countries where diabetes incidence peak is between 60 and 70 years [2] The risk factor for developing diabetes in our study was mainly the non- modifiable risk factor, the familial predisposition, and family history of DM similar to that in Saudi Arabia, in addition to the other modifiable risk factors like obesity, hypertension and sedentary lifestyle [3]. The risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus in Sudan is high, according to the study done in North of Sudan, using Finnish score as a risk assessment for predicting type 2 diabetes mellitus, more than half of the population of the study group were at risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, and if not discovered early are prone of developing diabetic complications [4]. The development of complications was not related to the level of HbA1c at presentation, diabetic complications may be related to the chronicity of the disease, rather than the blood sugar at the time of diagnosis Peripheral neuropathy was the most common diabetic complication at presentation, 28.5% of cases with micro and macro vascular complication at initial presentation similar to study done in Pakistan [5]. Peripheral neuropathy patients present with symptoms of numbness and paraethesia, with impaired sensation [6]. Patients with diabetic nephropathy present with proteinuria, renal impairment or chronic kidney injury. Diabetic retinopathy patients present with symptoms of blurring of vision, headache, pain in the eyes and impairment of vision. Final examination will show background diabetic retinopathy, new vascularization and intra retinal hemorrhage leading to loss of vision and blindness [6].

Notice: Formal visual examination wasn’t done in all patients.


We recommend screening for those who are at risk of developing diabetes mellitus, specifically those with family history of DM and other modifiable risk factors like obesity or sedentary lifestyle, so we can avoid the late presentation after developing micro and macro vascular complications.


  1. Clinical Practice Guidelines and Standards of Care of Diabetes Mellitus in Sudan 2020.
  2. Roy William Mayega et (2018) Clinical presentation of newly diagnosed diabetes patients in a rural district hospital in Eastern Uganda. Afr Health Sci. 18(3): 707-719 [crossref]
  3. Saudi Diabetes Clinical Practice Guidelines (SDCPG) 2021.
  4. Sufian et al. (2024) benefit of Finnish Score as a Risk Assessment Tool for predicting type 2 DM among Sudanese population in North Sudan, Sudan Journal of Medical Science.
  5. Nalia Naeem et al. (2014) Frequency of peripheral neuropathy in newly diagnosed patients of diabetes mellitus 2 on clinical and electrophysiological Pakistan Journal of Neurological Science vol 9 issue 4.
  6. A P Nambuya et The presentation of newly diagnosed diabetic patients in Uganda, Q J Med. [crossref]

Sex Differences in Anti-Obesity Drugs: Is it Time to be More Proactive in Engaging Men?

DOI: 10.31038/JCRM.2024721


The paper “Sex-differences in response to treatment with liraglutide 3.0 mg” provides a critical analysis of how responses to obesity treatments can vary by sex, with a particular focus on the efficacy of liraglutide 3.0 mg in patients with obesity (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2), but without type 2 diabetes (T2D) [1].

The emphasis on sex-specific responses in obesity places this study within a trend of increasing recognition, among clinicians and researchers, of the critical role of sex and gender at all levels of medical research [2]. Despite this growing awareness, sexual biology is often relegated to a specialized discipline rather than being integrated as a fundamental aspect [3], underscoring the need for integration of this analysis.

The authors provide a clear picture of the increasing rates of obesity in recent decades, and of the apparent sex differences in obesity prevalence, attitudes and behaviors [4].

While it is generally accepted that the prevalence of obesity appears to be slightly higher in women than in men, it is increasing in both sexes worldwide [5]. Interestingly, the authors report that recently in Italy, obesity appears to be higher in men than in women [6,7].

This discrepancy may explain why the authors chose to emphasize that, despite the overall higher prevalence of obesity in men, women are more likely to be included in obesity clinical trials, and to seek and to be prescribed anti-obesity pharmacotherapy [8].

In addition, although previous studies have suggested a sexually dimorphic response to GLP-1RAs, with greater weight loss in women than in men, as the authors note, most of these studies were conducted in people with T2D and, in any case, sex-specific analysis remains underexplored [2].

Overall, the study highlights the importance of better understanding sex-specific responses to obesity treatments, such as liraglutide, the first GLP-1 receptor agonist approved for weight management in Italy, in a real-world setting.


The authors conducted a single-center, real-world, retrospective study at the Santa Maria Goretti Hospital in Italy, focusing on a specific cohort of patients with obesity, but without T2D. The study design includes criteria that help minimize confounding variables such as previous anti-obesity treatments or significant metabolic comorbidities or treatments, ensuring a more homogeneous sample. By including only patients who reached and maintained the maximum dose of liraglutide (3.0 mg) for at least 6 months, the study strengthens the validity of its findings regarding the effects of liraglutide on weight loss and improvements in metabolic parameters.

The results show significant sex differences in response to liraglutide. Men experienced significantly greater reductions in weight and BMI at both 3 (-10.7 vs -7.1 kg, -3.6 vs -2.6 kg/m2), and 6 months (-17.9 vs -11.9 kg, -6.0 vs -4.4 kg/m2) compared with women. In addition, the authors decided to include in the analysis the assessment of percentage weight loss (%WL) and the achievement of weight loss of >5% (WL>5%) and >10% (WL>10%), which are considered meaningful for clinicians, public health, and for anti-obesity drug targets [9,10]. A higher percentage of men achieved significant WL >5% (93.7% vs. 58.0%) and %WL (-9.2% vs. -6.5%) at 3 months than women, and this trend was maintained at 6 months, with WL >10% (87.5% vs. 29.0%) and %WL (-15.2% vs. -10.5%).

The inclusion of metabolic parameters adds depth to the study and has shown that men also experienced significantly greater improvements in total (-14.0 mg/dL vs. 9.5 mg/dL) and LDL cholesterol (-19.0 mg/dL vs. 6.8 mg/dL) and the fibrosis-4 index FIB-4 (-0.25 vs. -0.003) as an indicator of liver function than women. However, no significant sex-differences were observed in glucose metabolism or renal function [1].


One of the key considerations in this study is the higher representation of women (65.9%) compared to men (34.0%) in the sample. This is consistent with other analyses in the literature suggesting that women are more likely than men to be enrolled in clinical trials of anti-obesity drugs [11], and may confirm that in the real world, women may also be more proactive in seeking weight management treatments in a clinical setting, possibly due to different attitudes and awareness of body weight than men [12].

In terms of results, while some previous studies have suggested superior weight loss in women with GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs), this study found the opposite, confirming the complexity of sex-specific pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.

The authors discuss possible explanations for these conflicting results, emphasizing that the majority of results have been obtained in people with T2D using other classes of GLP1-Ras [13-15]. Consistent with this, it has been suggested that the different molecules may have different pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics [13], and it is also known that diabetes is a known factor that can influence pharmacotherapy weight loss or changes in metabolic parameters in people with increased adiposity [16].

In addition, the authors noted that most studies reported different baseline body weights, and BMIs between the sex groups, describing a non-homogeneous sample. Despite in some studies researchers have hypothesized that the greater weight loss in women may be related to their greater exposure to the drug due to their lower body weight [13,15,17], while others have observed an association between women’s greater weight loss and their higher baseline BMI [15,18], these hypotheses remain contradictory.

Overall, the absence of baseline differences in weight, BMI, and comparison of percent body weight loss may have helped to attenuate any differences in the authors’ results, in addition to the absence of T2D and other metabolic treatments in a real-world setting, may potentially explain the different results from those reported in the literature.

Given the mean age of the cohort (50.8 years), the authors have also suggested that the contribution to the observed differences may be due to differences in body composition and hormonal changes experienced by women during the menopausal transition [19,20], which could also influence the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drugs [21]. Indeed, in a study conducted only in patients with obesity treated with liraglutide 3.0 mg, greater weight loss was observed in women than in men, but the mean age was 43.6 years [22], which may have influenced the results.

In line with the latter, it can be added that recent evidence suggests that central estrogen receptor (ER)α signaling is necessary for the effects of GLP-1 on food reward behavior [23,24], and that in ovariectomized animal models, lower estradiol (E2) levels were associated with hyperfagia and weight gain [25].

To date, weight loss interventions are not tailored to women’s menopausal status, nor to sex differences, and studies based on sex in response to liraglutide in people with obesity only remain very limited. This context allows to highlight the significance of these findings for clinical practice implications as a major strength of this paper. Given the recent increase in the prevalence of obesity in men and their underrepresentation in weight management programs, the findings of greater efficacy of liraglutide in men are particularly significant, and underscore the need for clinicians to be more proactive in engaging men in obesity treatment programs. In addition, given the higher cardiovascular risk in men, the notable improvements in total and LDL cholesterol and liver fibrosis in men raise important questions about the cardiometabolic benefits of liraglutide.


This paper makes a significant contribution to the field of obesity treatment by highlighting the importance of considering sex differences in clinical settings where, similar to lifestyle intervention trials, most pharmacological trials do not analyze weight loss separately for men and women due to the higher representation of women in pharmacological weight loss trials [11].

The potential for sex-specific tailoring of obesity treatments is in line with the need to develop more personalized treatment in the medical field, including dose adjustment where appropriate [24], with significant public health benefits.

Strengths of the study include its real-world setting, comprehensive data collection, and focus on a homogeneous cohort. However, the authors acknowledge several limitations, including the small sample size, retrospective design, and lack of data on changes in body composition, dietary habits, and physical activity levels.

Despite these limitations, the study provides valuable insights into the sex-specific effects of liraglutide and calls for further research into sex-specific responses to anti-obesity drugs to better understand the mechanisms behind these differences. In doing so, it paves the way for more effective, personalized obesity treatments that take into account the unique physiological and hormonal factors that influence treatment outcomes in men and women, and may increase men’s engagement in obesity treatment programs.


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Addressing Global Inequities in Poxvirus Vaccination: Strategies for a More Equitable Future

DOI: 10.31038/IJVB.2024812


There has been persistent vaccine inequity between high-income and low-income nations, resulting in the prevalence of infectious disease epidemics in Sub-Saharan African countries. While the global surge in poxvirus cases peaked in 2022, western and central African countries have struggled with this virus since the 1970s [1]. These nations face numerous barriers to accessing adequate vaccination. Wealthy nations acquire vaccines at higher rates due to their ability to bear the high costs, forcing poorer nations to rely on donations and low-cost subsidies. This situation is further complicated by inadequate healthcare infrastructure and socioeconomic, cultural, and geographical obstacles. To address these challenges, comprehensive, inclusive, and integrated approaches are essential, incorporating preventive measures, surveillance systems, low-cost vaccines, vaccine subsidies, the expansion of vaccine manufacturers, and vaccine education through multi-sectoral collaborations in both the public and private sectors.


Poxvirus vaccination, Monkeypox, Disease surveillance, Vaccine awareness, Vaccine inequity

Preventive Measures and Community Involvement

Similar to other infectious diseases, preventive measures for the poxvirus include maintaining diligent sanitation, such as thoroughly washing hands with clean water and regularly cleaning and disinfecting spaces. However, these measures face significant obstacles in Africa due to limited access to clean water and inadequate water and sewage treatment facilities [2]. Resources need to be mobilized to develop water treatment plants, sanitation infrastructure, and waste management systems. Implementing preventive measures requires community involvement, with local village leaders playing a crucial role in educating residents about prevention and early treatment. To enhance prevention efforts, recruited local trainees can be mobilized.

Surveillance Systems

Since Mpox has both animal and human reservoirs, it is theoretically difficult to control and eradicate, necessitating the maintenance of active surveillance systems [3]. However, effective surveillance is challenging in most African countries due to a lack of diagnostic capacity to detect monkeypox [4]. Logistical barriers further contribute to the underreporting of cases, but this can be partially overcome by mobile phone apps, which allow for quick information delivery from remote areas to central health information systems. Effective surveillance relies on strengthening diagnostic capacity, providing affordable diagnostic tests, and ensuring adequate staff training.

Collaboration of Health Agencies

The 2022 Mpox outbreak led the WHO to create the Mpox Strategic Preparedness, Readiness, and Response Plan (SPRP) [5]. Collaboration between WHO staff and national and provincial health agencies is crucial for addressing global disparities in poxvirus vaccination. The WHO can adopt a proactive approach to assist countries in implementing the SPRP, increasing monkeypox vaccine production, donations, and subsidies, and enhancing disease surveillance systems and vaccine awareness campaigns.


Jynneos, Imvanex, and Imvamune vaccines can prevent Mpox, but the rollout of vaccination campaigns exposed significant global disparities in vaccine procurement and distribution. High-income countries or those with high vaccine production capacities were prioritized. In 2022, nearly 80% of the world’s Mpox vaccine supply was held by the U.S., while African nations faced considerable challenges in accessing vaccines [6]. The global shortage of Mpox vaccines, coupled with high prices, excluded low-income countries. Despite the U.S. allocating $1 billion for Mpox vaccines, only half of the affected countries received access [7].

To contain Mpox outbreaks in endemic African countries, subsidies for a low-cost vaccine are essential. A targeted vaccination approach, focusing on exposed and high-risk populations, requires fewer donated doses and is more cost-effective for donors. Despite facing high mortality rates from infectious diseases, Africa’s vaccine manufacturing capacity is limited. In response, the African Union and GAVI, The Vaccine Alliance, are expanding this capacity by increasing the number of manufacturers from 10 to 17 and diversifying vaccine portfolios [8]. American Tonix Pharmaceuticals, in collaboration with the Kenya Medical Research Institute, is also working on potential local vaccine production [9].

Vaccine Education

The distribution of the limited vaccines in African nations was impeded by an intricate tapestry woven from factors including unaffordable costs, lack of proximity to vaccination sites, inadequate medical services, and deeply entrenched socioeconomic and cultural barriers such as mistrust of vaccines, misinformation, and cultural opposition [10,11]. At the community level, vaccine advocates and opinion leaders should collaborate to disseminate vaccination knowledge to ensure that vulnerable populations understand the importance of vaccination and have easy access to it. Authorities should establish a monitoring system to engage with targeted communities, delivering timely and accurate information on poxvirus transmission, preventive measures, and treatment. Additionally, they should enhance access to vaccination sites through the use of mobile apps.


African nations are likely to experience more severe impacts from modern epidemics. Recognizing this sobering reality is essential for creating global cooperative pandemic-control organizations. Their collective efforts should focus on expanding vaccine procurement, production, and allocation in African nations. Drawing lessons from the global inequities in vaccination during the Covid-19 pandemic, high-income countries should support these nations, which face persistent infectious diseases and fragile healthcare infrastructures, by helping to expand preventive measures, vaccine donations, and subsidies [12]. As worldwide epidemics may occur routinely, healthcare decision-makers should continue to promote risk-mitigating behaviors, maintain open and transparent risk communication with the public, and foster community compliance. Future pandemic control efforts will depend heavily on global coordinated actions, cooperation, and communication, rather than competition and concealment, to develop affordable, widely distributed, broad-based, and long-lasting vaccines.


  1. Son BWK, Wambalaba OW, Wambalaba WF (2024) A Multi-pronged Approach to Addressing Global Poxviruses Vaccine Inequity: A Case of Monkeypox. In: Rezaei N (eds) Poxviruses. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1451. Springer, Cham. [crossref]
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  3. Golden J, Hooper J (2011) The strategic use of novel smallpox vaccines in the post-eradication world. Expert review of vaccines 10(7): 1021-1035 [crossref]
  4. Boodman C, Heymann D, Peeling R (2022) Inadequate diagnostic capacity for monkeypox—sleeping through the alarm again. The Lancet 23(2): 140-141 [crossref]
  5. WHO (2022) Monkeypox Strategic Preparedness, Readiness, and Response Plan (SPRP)
  6. Molteni M, Branswell H, Joseph A, Mast J (2022) 10 key questions about monkeypox the world needs to answer. Statnews. August 30, 2022.
  7. Zarocostas J (2022) Monkeypox PHEIC decision hoped to spur the world to act. The Lancet 400(10349): P347 [crossref]
  8. GAVI (2022) Expanding sustainable vaccine manufacturing in Africa: Priorities for Support. Gavi Vaccine Alliance.
  9. Tonix (2022) Tonix Pharmaceuticals Presents Development Update on Potential Smallpox and Monkeypox Vaccine TNX-801 in an Oral Presentation at the World Vaccine and Immunotherapy Congress.
  10. Lancet Editorial Board (2022) Monkeypox: a global wake-up call [Editorial]. The Lancet 400: 337 [crossref]
  11. Son B, South-Winter C (2018) Human Behavior Impacts on Health Care. Journal of International & Interdisciplinary Business Research 5(8): 138-146.
  12. Son, B.W.K (2023) A Multipronged Approach to Combat COVID-19: Lessons from Previous Pandemics for the Future. In: Rezaei N (eds) Integrated Science of Global Epidemics. Integrated Science, vol 14. Springer, Cham.

Progress towards Elimination of Viral Hepatitis B and C

DOI: 10.31038/IDT.2024514


Worldwide the major causes of viral hepatitis are 5 viruses: the RNA hepatitis A virus (HAV), the  NA hepatitis B virus (HBV), the RNA hepatitis C virus (HCV), the RNA hepatitis delta viroid (HDV) and the RNA hepatitis E virus (HEV). Their epidemiology, life cycle, diagnosis, clinical course and associated diseases have been studied in great detail. Furthermore, effective treatment strategies and preventive measures have been developed and entered clinical practice.

lmportantly, with recent political commitments, policy updates and universal availability of highly effective preventive and therapeutic strategies against viral hepatitis B and C, respectively, low- and middle-income countries are scaling up their viral hepatitis prevention and therapy programs. ln this context, Egypt was leading the way for a public health approach to eliminate viral hepatitis C in October 2023.

While better tools and data than ever are now available to prevent, diagnose and treat viral hepatitis, including chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C and the recent political commitment of low- and middle-income countries with a high burden of viral hepatitis, such as China, lndia and Pakistan, the latest data from WHO show that hepatitis B and C are still a major public health challenge and far from the WHO goal of their elimination by 2030.


Chronic viral hepatitis B and C, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, morbidity, mortality


Worldwide, the causes of viral hepatitis are 5 hepatotropic viruses: the RNA hepatitis A virus (HAV), the DNA hepatitis B virus (HBV) [Figures 1 and 2], the RNA hepatitis C virus (HCV) [Figures 1 and 3], the RNA hepatitis delta viroid (HDV) [Figure 1] and the RNA hepatitis E virus (HEV). They infect the liver and can present with a broad spectrum of clinical signs and symptoms, ranging from an asymptomatic carrier state to acute/ fulminant hepatitis or chronic hepatitis with the potential to progress to liver cirrhosis and its sequelae, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) [1]. Thus, viral hepatitis can be associated with significant morbidity and mortality and represents a global health care problem. ln the following, the history and epidemiology of viral hepatitis B [2-7] and hepatitis C [8-10], the world-wide burden of these diseases and the goals for their global elimination will be addressed.


Figure 1: Hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis delta viroid (HDV), hepatitis C virus (HCV)


Figure 2: Worldwide prevalence of HBV infection in 2005 [13]


Figure 3: Worldwide prevalence of HCV infection in 2005 [14]

Combined, hepatitis B and C cause daily 3,500 deaths with increasing mortality and 6,000 new infections [1]. Worldwide, an estimated 254 million people are infected with hepatitis B and 50 million with hepatitis C. ln numerous countries, many people remain undiagnosed and even when diagnosed, the number of people receiving treatment is incredibly low. Although therapeutic agents are available at affordable prices, many countries do not take full advantage of this situation. Similarly, many infants do not receive the hepatitis B birth dose vaccination, despite the low cost of this intervention. Unfortunately, funding for viral hepatitis remains limited given the fact that viral hepatitis is about eight times more prevalent than HIV infection but receives less than one tenth of funding [1].

The COVID-19 pandemy severely affected strategies aimed at the elimination of viral hepatitis B and C

The COVID-19 pandemy urged many countries worldwide to adjust their health care priorities. ln particular, the COVID-19 pandemy affected 10 out of 38 WHO focus countries for the viral hepatitis response (China, lndia, lndonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Philippines and the Russian Federation). Among these 10 countries which account for about 80% of the global disease burden of viral hepatitis B and C, nearly two thirds were very much restricted in their viral hepatitis programs [1]. Together with a universal access to diagnosis, treatment and prevention by the special effort of the African Region, it is the goal to regain the momentum for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Key findings of the WHO Global Hepatitis Report 2024. Overall, 304 million people were living with hepatitis B and C in 2022: an estimated 254 million (84%) with hepatitis B and an estimated 50 million (16%) with hepatitis C. Half the burden of chronic hepatitis is among people between 30 and 54 years old. Approx. 58% of all patients had a history of medical injections or other medical procedures, of newborns and children at risk for mother-to-child transmission of hepatitis B, of indigenous populations and mobile and migrant populations from countries with higher prevalence rates as well of key populations, such as people who inject drugs, people in prison or other closed settings, and men who have sex with men.

According to recent data from 187 countries [1] the estimated number of deaths from viral hepatitis increased from 1.1 million in 2019 to 1.3 million in 2022. 83% were caused by hepatitis B and 17% by hepatitis C. The estimated number of individuals newly infected by viral hepatitis declined from 2.5 million in 2019 to 2.2 million in 2022. Of these, 1.2 million (55%) were infected by hepatitis B and 1.0 million (45%) by hepatitis C. This reduction is due to hepatitis B and C prevention through immunization against hepatitis B and safe injection practices and the initial impact of novel curative antivirals against hepatitis C. Both HBV vaccination and cure of hepatitis C by widely available directly active antiviral agents (DAAs) are central for a sustainable viral response. Taken together, deaths from viral hepatitis B and C, unfortunately, increased from 2019 to 2022 while infections decreased.

Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hepatitis B and C is still too low to achieve their elimination by 2030. By the end of 2022, 13% of people have been diagnosed with hepatitis B and only about an estimated 3% (7 million) have received long-term antiviral therapy, e.g., adefovir, entecavir, lamivudine, telbivudine, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and tenofovir alafenamide [1-7].

Between 2015 and 2022, globally 36% of individuals with hepatitis C infection were diagnosed and 20% received curative treatment, e.g., genotype-specific or pangenotypic drugs or drug combinations (DAAs), After decades of interferon-based therapeutic strategies, the availability of DAAs has revolutionized the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis C of any genotype with HCV elimination rates approaching 95-100% after treatment for 8-12 weeks [8-10]. The DAAs include protease inhibitors (e.g., telaprevir, boceprevir, asunaprevir, simeprevir, faldaprevir), non-nucleoside polymerase inhibitors (e.g., deleobuvir, filibuvir, setrobuvir, tegobuvir), NS5A inhibitors (e.g., daclatasvir, ledispavir) and NS5B polymerase inhibitors (e.g., sofosbuvir, mericitabine).

Vaccination against HBV infection, a cost-saving strategy in countries with high and intermediate endemicity, was applied to an estimated 45% of newborns within 24 hours after birth. Coverage varies between 18% in the African region and 80% in the Western Pacific Region [1].

To date, the global response to viral hepatitis B and C is off-track towards the global elimination of viral hepatitis and far below the global targets for eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030 [1-11]. Major public health activities are expected to reduce the incidence of chronic viral hepatitis by 95%, mortality by 65% and the cost by 15%. The benefits of achieving these global targets will save 2.85 million lives, avert 9.5 million new infections and 21 million cases of cancer. Looking to 2050, this will save nearly 23 million lives and prevent nearly 53 million new viral hepatitis infections and 15 million cases of cancer [1].

Summary and Perspectives

Overall, the worldwide prevalence of hepatitis B and C decreased from 2019 to 2022 while the deaths from these infections increased. ln 2022 about 1.3 million people died from chronic viral hepatitis, similar to the number of deaths from tuberculosis. lmportantly, the COVID-19 pandemy severely affected hepatitis services. The 2024 WHO report [1] presents information on access to health products from 38 WHO focus countries for viral hepatitis response. These countries account for about 80% of the global disease burden of hepatitis B and C. These 38 countries include 10 that account for nearly two thirds of the global burden: China, lndia, lndonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Viet Nam, Philippines and the Russian Federation. Universal access to prevention, diagnosis and treatment in these countries by 2026 together with a special effort in the African region should enable the global response to gain momentum for the elimination of HBV and HCV infections and their associated morbidities and mortalities by 2030.

The recent WHO report on the global health sector strategies for the period 2022-2030 [11] focuses on their implementation to achieve progress and to fill gaps in the worldwide elimination of HBV and HCV lnfection [12].

Conflict of interests

The author declares no conflict of interest.

Financial disclosure

The author has no financing to disclose.


The excellent contribution of Mr. Alain Conard to the content and formatting of the manuscript is gratefully acknowledged.


  1. Global hepatitis report 2024: action for access in low- and middle-income World Health Organization, Geneva 2024.
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Pan Cancer Analysis Indicates TREM2 as a Target for Cancer Treatment

DOI: 10.31038/CST.2024924


TREM2 is a receptor that interacts with a diverse range of ligands, many of which are characteristic indicators of tissue injury. TREM2 activity is limited to a few specific areas in physiological, but in pathological conditions, the TREM2 pathway becomes crucial for detecting tissue damage and preventing its spread. The TREM2 receptor is a crucial signaling hub in myeloid cells that is activated in response to tissue damage. It plays a key role in immune reprogramming. Studies have demonstrated that TREM2 is involved in regulating immunosuppressive, phagocytosis, survival, and healing functions in myeloid cells associated with neurodegenerative and metabolic pathologies. Although the significance of TREM2 in various diseases is well recognized, there is a lack of study on the relationship between TREM2 and human malignancies. Hence, our understanding of the connection between TREM2 and cancer is currently limited. In this study, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of TREM2 in several datasets including Protein Alta, Blood Alta, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), and single cell RNA Alta. We investigate the expression of TREM2, analyze its clinical aspects, and perform survival analysis on a variety of cancer patients. This study provides valuable insights into the potential of targeting TREM2 for cancer treatment in the future.


TREM2; Pan cancer; Immune Evasion; Lipid Metabolism; Prognosis


Recently, the scientific community has focused on the significant functions of myeloid cells in several diseases. Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-2 (TREM2) has been identified as a crucial immunological signaling hub that is activated in these diseases [1- 6]. Scientists and biotechnology businesses are working towards activating TREM2 to induce microglia to engulf and eliminate amyloid-beta (Ab) plaques. The effectiveness of these strategies, currently being evaluated as a therapy for neurodegenerative disease [7,8], may also extend to autoimmune diseases and obesity-related comorbidities [6,9]. For instance, in conditions like atherosclerosis, where TREM2+ macrophages encircle aortic plaques, reactivating these macrophages can promote the engulfment of plaques and regulate inflammation [10]. TREM2 functions by suppressing NF- kappa-B signaling upon exposure to lipopolysaccharide. It enhances phagocytosis [11], reduces the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and nitric oxide [12], prevents apoptosis, and increases the expression of IL10 and TGFB [13]. During periods of oxidative stress, it enhances the activation of anti-apoptotic NF-kappa-B signaling and ERK signaling [14]. The fundamental concept behind these tactics is to amplify TREM2 signaling through the use of agonistic drugs in order to augment the reparative functions of macrophages and microglia.

In addition to being expressed on immunosuppressive myeloid cells [15-18], there have been reports indicating that tumor cells also express TREM2 [19,20]. TREM2 expression on tumor cells may contribute to the formation of an immunosuppressive and pro-growth niche, working in coordination with myeloid cells for immune inhibition. As a result, T cell infiltration is excluded [21] and the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors is downregulated [21]. Tumor cells also affect, influence, and educate myeloid cells, which in turn favor tumor growth. This interaction creates a cooperative and immunosuppressive environment. The expression and activities of TREM2 on microglia cells have been well elucidated [8,17,22]. Zhang et al. demonstrated that the levels of TREM2 mRNA and protein expression were markedly elevated in gastric cancer samples compared to normal gastric tissues [20,23]. However, they did not attribute the expression of TREM2 to any specific cell type. TREM2 has been proposed as a potential target in glioma and hepatocellular carcinoma. Studies have demonstrated that increased expression of TREM2 is linked to progression and advanced stage of tumors in these types of cancer [24,25].

In this research article, we hypothesized that the expression of TREM2 on tumor cells holds significant implications for tumor treatment and prognosis. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of TREM2 expression across many types of malignancies and normal tissues, with a focus on pan cancer. Our data shows that TREM2 has significant upregulation in various cancer types, particularly in metastatic tumors. Moreover, elevated levels of TREM2 are indicative of unfavorable prognosis outcomes in patients’ overall survival of many tumor types.


TREM2 has Differential Expression Among Tissue Types and Cell Lines

Firstly, we made an all-tissue types expression analysis of TREM2 (Figure 1A). The Consensus Normalized expression (NX) levels were derived by integrating data from three transcriptomics datasets (HPA, GTEx, and FANTOM5) using an internal normalization workflow. These data include in total 55 tissue types and 6 blood cell types. The color-coding system is established according to tissue groups, which are composed of tissues that share similar functional characteristics. The color-coding system is established according to tissue groups, which are composed of tissues that share similar functional characteristics. We found that adipose tissue has the highest degree of TREM2 positivity, followed by brain, and lung, which is in accordance with the knowledge that TREM2 functions for lipid metabolism and M2 type macrophage functions.

Secondly, we wanted to know whether TREM2 are also expressed by blood cell types. The transcript expression levels obtained from the internal normalization pipeline for 18 blood cell types and total peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) are referred to as Normalized expression (NX). The color-coding system is determined by the lineage of blood cell types, which includes B-cells, T-cells, NK- cells, monocytes, granulocytes, dendritic cells, and total PBMC. An overview of the single cell RNA (NX) data encompassing all sorts of single cells. The process of color-coding involves categorizing cells into groups depending on their functional properties. Cell type analysis shows that Hoffbauer cells have the highest expression of TREM2, followed by Kupffer cells, blood and immune cells, monocytes (Figure 1B). The RNA expression summary provides a consensus of RNA data based on normalized expression (NX) data from three distinct sources: internally generated Human Protein Atlas (HPA) RNA-seq data, RNA-seq data from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project, and CAGE data from the FANTOM5 project.

In order to have a more detailed information of TREM2 expression among different cell types, we made a heatmap to show TREM2 expression in different cell types including B cells, macrophages, neutrophils, T cells and NK cells. Cell type markers were represented by the logarithm of transcripts per million (log(pTPM)) and their corresponding z-scores. The heatmap in this section displays the expression of the currently selected gene (at the top) and well-established markers for different single cell type clusters in this tissue. The left panel displays the cell type with which each marker is connected. The process of color-coding involves grouping cell types based on their shared functional properties (Figure 1C).

The concept of a Z-score involves transforming a variable so that its standard deviation becomes 1 and its mean becomes 0. Therefore, comparing all the genes is simplified due to their shared center and spread (Figure 1).

fig 1

Figure 1: TREM2 has differential expression among tissue types and cell lines. A Pan-tissue type expression analysis of TREM2, different tissue types have a differential expression of TREM2, with adipose has the highest TREM2 expression, followed by brain, and lung. We integrate data from three transcriptomics datasets (HPA, GTEx, and FANTOM5) using an internal normalization workflow. These data include in total 55 tissue types. B TREM2 are also expressed by blood cell types. We showed the transcript expression levels obtained from the internal normalization pipeline for 18 blood cell types. Hoffbauer cells have the highest expression of TREM2, followed by Kupffer cells, blood and immune cells, monocytes. C Heatmap analysis to show TREM2 expression in different cell types including B cells, macrophages, neutrophils, T cells and NK cells.

TREM2 are Highly Expressed by a Variety of Tumors

There are some studies which indicates that TREM2 are expressed by tumor cells. In order to have a more comprehensive idea of TREM2 expression on a variety of tumor types, we made a pan-cancer analysis of TREM2 expression among tumors and normal counterparts. We find that TREM2 are much highly expressed by tumors than the normal counterparts (Figure 2A). The pan-cancer analysis page presents the spectrum of gene expression for TREM2 gene across all tissues, utilizing RNA Seq data obtained from both normal and cancerous tissues. Mechanically, TREM2 promote tumor growth by upregulating PI3K-mTOR. We thus made a correlation between TREM2 and MTOR (Figure 2B). Compared with normal tissues, tumor cells have higher TREM2 and MTOR, supporting the idea that TREM2 facilitate tumor growth by upregulating MTOR and anabolic process.

Metastatic tumors differ from the original tumor site in many ways, usually the metastatic tumor cells are more aggressive and had high capacity for invasion and migration [26,27]. However, whether TREM2 plays a role in tumor metastasis is not clear. We made a comparison of TREM2 gene RNA expression level among normal, tumor and metastatic tumors (Figure 2C-2K). For all tumor types, the metastatic tumor has the highest level of TREM2, compared with the original tumor site, while the normal tissue has the lowest TREM2 RNA level. The Normal, Tumor, and Metastatic analysis offers comprehensive analysis of TREM2 in a specific tissue type utilizing gene chip-based data. Figure 2C-2K are esophageal squamous cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, colon cancer, kidney renal cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic ductal cancer (Figure 2).

fig 2

Figure 2: TREM2 are highly expressed by a variety of tumors. A Pan-cancer analysis of TREM2 expression among tumors and normal counterparts. The pan-cancer analysis page presents the spectrum of gene expression for TREM2 gene across all tissues, utilizing RNA Seq data obtained from both normal and cancerous tissues. In most tumors, TREM2 is higher than normal tissues. B Correlation analysis between TREM2 and MTOR shows a positive correlation between the two genes, supporting the idea that TREM2 facilitate tumor growth by upregulating MTOR and anabolic process. C-K TREM2 expression in normal, tumor, and metastatic parts. From C-K they are esophageal squamous cancer, skin cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, colon cancer, kidney renal cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic ductal cancer.

TREM2 has Different Staining Intensity Among Tumors

Although tumor cells usually have higher TREM2 expression level than the normal tissues, there are still some differential TREM2 staining intensity on tumor samples, and we classified them into negative, moderate, and strong. A selection of four standard cancer tissue samples that are representative of the overall staining pattern summarizes antibody staining in 20 distinct malignancies.

We get the TREM2 protein expression data from the Human Protein Atlas, from the immunohistochemical staining results of 4 types of tumors, we can see that tumors exhibit a differential staining intensity of TREM2 (Figure 3A-3D). Moderate cytoplasmic positivity was observed in malignant cells. Numerous cases of breast and colorectal cancer were significantly stained with TREM2 antibody. Several cases exhibited additional membranous positivity.

The percentage of patients (maximum 12 patients) with high and median protein expression levels is indicated by color-coded bars for each cancer. The cancer varieties are color-coded based on the type of normal organ from which they originate (Figure 3).

fig 3

Figure 3: TREM2 has different staining intensity among tumors. All IHC data are from the Human Protein Atlas. A Immunohistochemical staining of TREM2 protein in breast tumor, from left, middle, right they are negative, moderate, and strong TREM2 staining. B Immunohistochemical staining of TREM2 protein in lung squamous carcinoma, from left, middle, right they are negative, moderate, and strong TREM2 staining. C Immunohistochemical staining of TREM2 protein in prostate cancer, from left, middle, right they are negative, moderate, and strong TREM2 staining. D Immunohistochemical staining of TREM2 protein in hepatocellular carcinoma, from left, middle, right they are negative, moderate, and strong TREM2 staining.

High TREM2 Indicates Short Overall Survival in Many Cancer Types

The Survival Scatter plot displays the clinical outcome (i.e., whether the individual is deceased or alive) for all people in the patient cohort, using the same data as the related Kaplan-Meier plots. The x-axis displays the expression levels (FPKM) of the studied gene in the tumor tissue during the initial diagnosis. The y-axis represents the duration of time that has passed since the diagnosis, measured in years. Patients were categorized into two categories, namely “low” (below the cut-off point) or “high” (above the cut-off point), based on their degree of expression (Figure 4A-4H). Figure 4A-4H are breast cancer, esophageal squamous cancer, head and neck cancer, kidney renal cancer, lung adenocarcinoma, pancreatic ductal cancer, stomach adenocarcinoma, testicular germ cell tumor. This survival analysis indicated that high TREM2 expression of tumor cells could predict poor prognosis and short overall survival of patients for many cancer types. The x-axis represents the time of surviving in years, whereas the y-axis represents the likelihood of survival. They present a summary of the link between mRNA expression level and patient survival using Kaplan-Meier plots.

Both axes are accompanied with kernel density curves that illustrate the density of the data along the axes. The density map on the right displays the distribution of data density for the years of survival of deceased patients with both high and low expression levels. The data is divided based on the cutoff indicated by the vertical dashed line in the Survival Scatter plot (Figure 4).

fig 4

Figure 4: High TREM2 indicates short overall survival in a variety of tumor types. Kaplan-Meier plots analysis of TREM2 expression and patients’ overall survival. Patients were categorized into two categories, namely “low” (below the cut-off point) or “high” (above the cut-off point), based on their degree of expression. From A-D are breast cancer, esophageal squamous cancer, head and neck cancer, kidney renal cancer. From E-H are lung adenocarcinoma, pancreatic ductal cancer, stomach adenocarcinoma, testicular germ cell tumor.


TREM2 gene is responsible for encoding an innate immune receptor that belongs to the immunoglobulin family [28]. In humans, this gene is located on chromosome 6, while in mice, it is positioned on chromosome 17 [28]. TREM2 is present on macrophages, dendritic cells, osteoclasts, and microglia [29,30]. The ligands that bind to TREM2 include ApoE, phosphatidylserine, sphingomyelin, Aβ, dead neurons, and damaged myelin [2,31]. TREM2 associates with the adaptor protein TyroBP or DAP12 to create a signaling complex. The process of ligand binding to TREM2 initiates phagocytosis and chemotaxis, while also exerting a negative regulatory effect on TLR- induced inflammatory responses [32,33]. Microglia create a network that covers the central nervous system (CNS) and perform functions such as sensing, maintaining the environment, and protecting against harmful internal and external stimuli. This helps prevent long-lasting inflammation in the brain, which can lead to damage and degeneration of nerve cells [22,34]. The extracellular domain of TREM2 can be secreted as a soluble protein known as sTREM2 (soluble TREM2). The levels of sTREM2 rise with age and under pathological situations.

Microglia lacking the TREM2 protein exhibit heightened autophagy in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease [35]. The absence of TREM2 inhibited mTOR activation and triggered compensatory AMPK and ULK1 activation, as well as autophagy, in BMDMs when faced with metabolic stress [36]. The integration of metabolic and RNA-seq data analysis uncovered abnormalities in metabolites and enzymes associated with glycolysis, TCA cycle, and pentose phosphate pathway in TREM2–/– BMDMs.

In contrast to AD, cancer presents a contrasting difficulty. TREM2’s pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects have a negative impact, facilitating tumor development and evasion of the immune system [18]. The approach in cancer treatment involves inhibiting the signaling of TREM2 or removing TREM2+ myeloid cells from the tumor microenvironment. This enables the reactivation of the T cell driven immune response against the tumor. Utilizing anti-TREM2 antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) or monoclonal antibodies that function as TREM2 antagonists to reverse the immune-suppressive milieu of myeloid cells is a prominent and promising approach in cancer immunotherapy. Shi- Ting Li discovered that the expression of TREM2 was considerably higher in glioma tissues compared to non-tumorous brain tissues. Moreover, the expression of TREM2 exhibited a strong correlation with the pathological grade and overall survival of glioma patients [17].

CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes play a crucial role in regulating tumor growth by eliminating cancer cells that display major histocompatibility complex class I molecules. Nevertheless, there is a communication of immune suppression occurring between cancer cells and other cell types present in the tumor microenvironment (TME), including cancer-associated fibroblasts, regulatory T cells, and M2-polarized macrophages. This communication leads to the inhibition of the immune response carried out by CD8+ T cells. Analysis of human tumor samples from various primary carcinomas, such as skin, liver, lung, breast, bladder, colon, stomach, pancreas, and kidney, has revealed the presence of TREM2+ macrophages in 75% of the samples. This suggests that TREM2 expression may play a role in the development of an immunosuppressive phenotype. TREM2 promotes phagocytosis and decreases the release of pro- inflammatory cytokines by macrophages, hence playing a role in regulating the immune response during infection. Existing evidence indicates that the expression of TREM2 on cells of the monocyte- macrophage lineage may have an immunoregulatory function in cancer by promoting an immunosuppressive environment [21].

TREM2 is expressed by many cell types present in the tumor microenvironment (TME). TREM2 may possess tumor cell intrinsic capabilities, in addition to its role in stromal cells and fibroblasts, that can either suppress or promote tumor growth, depending on the specific kind of cancer. Hence, it is crucial for us to gain a deeper comprehension of the processes by which TREM2 influences tumor suppression or oncogenic behavior in various cancer types.

The inhibition of TREM2 in the U87 and U373 glioma cell lines led to a substantial decrease in cell proliferation, migration, and invasion. The absence of TREM2 in glioma resulted in a notable upregulation of cleaved caspase 3 and Bax, accompanied by a downregulation of Bcl2, MMP2, MMP9, CXCL10, and CXCR3.

Our work unveils a universal expression of TREM2 by many tissues and cell types, by tumor cells and especially metastatic tumors. Furthermore, high expression of TREM2 is often indicative of short overall survival for many cancer types. Tumors with high TREM2 usually have high MTOR activity and hence promote tumor growth in this way. By gaining more knowledge about the signaling pathway, the genes that are affected by it, and the regulators of TREM2 expression, we may discover new targets and different approaches by targeting TREM2.

Availability of Data and Materials

The data generated in the current study can be obtained from the corresponding author at

Authors’ Contributions

Ruimin Wang and Rui Wang were responsible for the conception and design. Yuan Fang and Jingqiu Zhang conducted the data analysis and interpretation. Ruimin Wang composed the manuscript, which was subsequently revised by Jingqiu Zhang. The final manuscript was approved by all authors who read and reviewed it.



Grant Support

Rui Wang is sponsored by the China Scholarship Council (202206920039). The research received financial support from the Natural Science Foundation of Suqian Science and Technology Bureau (K201903, Z2018076, Z2018213, and Z2022065). Jiangsu Association for Science and Technology (JSTJ-2022-004).

Patient Consent for Publication

Not applicable

Competing Interests

The authors indicated no potential conflicts of interest.


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Application of Meal Replacement in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

DOI: 10.31038/EDMJ.2024823


Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is the foundation of standardized diabetes management. According to guidelines, healthcare providers should customize diet plans to align with patients’ personal and cultural values, preferences, and treatment goals to ensure optimal adherence and benefits. Nevertheless, due to the limited medical resources, many patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) could not access to the guidance of MNT. Meal replacement (MR) provides a practical solution for portion control and caloric restriction. It is a commercial pre-packaged selection of foods, which typically consists of a combination of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins with added vitamins and minerals, in the form of milkshakes, nutrition bars, or soup. MR is commonly utilized to replace one or two main meals (partial meal replacement, PMR), or all meals (total meal replacement, TMR) per day. It has been demonstrated to improve dietary quality, weight management, and glycemic control of patients with T2DM [1-4].

Some guidelines recommend diabetic patients to use MR [5,6], but the optimal prescription of MR for patients with T2DM and its applicable objects remain uncertain. A prior meta-analysis explored the role of MR in the management of T2DM, which showed that MR led to significant reductions in body weight, BMI, HbA1c and fasting glucose compared with traditional weight loss diets [4]. However, due to the limited RCT clinical evidence available at that time, the certainty and precision of the effect estimates were restricted. As the evidence has been growing, a more comprehensive analysis of the efficacy and safety of MR, especially investigating the treatment effect of different MR administration manners in patients with different clinical backgrounds, is necessary for more detailed clinical recommendations. Therefore, we conducted a meta-analysis and systematic review with subgroup analyses to provide novel information that helps to guide MR applications in different clinical settings [7].

Overall Effects of MR on Patients with Type 2 Diabetes

A total of 17 randomized controlled trials involving 2112 participants were ultimately included in the study. Compared with conventional diabetic diets (CDs), MR significantly reduced HbA1c (MD -0.46%, P<0.001), fasting blood glucose (FBG, -0.62mmol/L, P<0.001), body weight (-2.43kg, P<0.001) and BMI (-0.65kg/m2, P<0.001), as well as improved other cardiometabolic risk factors. The MR-based dietary pattern further improved the glycemic control and adipose indicators in T2D patients. Our primary findings are similar to previous study and demonstrate the benefits of MR in the management of T2DM. Moreover, due to the increased number of included trials and a larger sample size, we were able to evaluate the impact of various patient characteristics and MR interventions on outcomes through subgroup analysis.

Tailoring MR Strategies for Diabetes Management

There were significant discrepancies in MR prescription and clinical characteristics of the included patients among studies investigating the efficacy of MR in patients with T2DM. For instance, MR was administered for varying duration, prescribed as TMR or PMR, and utilized with or without caloric restriction and exercise. Additionally, these studies included both those involving insulin users and those excluding them, with the minimum BMI criteria ranging from 18.5 kg/m2 to 30 kg/m2. The huge variability in clinical trials is not conducive to the precise utilization of MR. In order to identify who are more suitable for MR interventions, and determine the appropriate MR prescriptions for diverse clinical situations, we performed subgroup analyses in the systematic review and meta-analysis.


Several studies using TMR had similar interventions methods. The intervention consisted of total meal replacement (800-853 kcal/day MR for about 12 weeks), stepped food reintroduction (2-8 weeks), and structured support for long-term weight loss maintenance. The safety and efficacy of this intervention mode have been validated. Our subgroup analyses revealed that TMR led to greater improvement in HbA1c (-0.72% vs. -0.32%, P=0.01), FBG (-1.45 vs. -0.56mmol/L, P=0.02), body weight (-6.57 vs. -1.58kg, P<0.001), and BMI (-2.78 vs. -0.37kg/m2, P<0.001) than PMR. Therefore, for the purpose of improving both glycemic control and weight management, TMR under the guidance of professional doctors and nutritionist may be a preferred option for patients with T2DM.

MR with or Without Caloric Restriction

Several studies using MR additionally implemented caloric restriction, with restriction levels including 800-850 kcal/d, 500 kcal or a 25% energy deficit, and 20 kcal/kg·d. In our subgroup analyses, MR with caloric restriction showed more reductions in body weight (-3.20 vs. -0.75kg, P<0.001) and BMI (-0.84 vs. -0.24 kg/m2, P=0.003) compared with those without caloric restriction. MR with caloric restriction had a more favorable impact on weight management, highlighting the important role of caloric restriction in the management of T2DM, as emphasized in the guideline [8]. Meal replacement is a viable method to achieve portion control and caloric restriction.

MR and Anti-diabetes Treatment


Compared to non-insulin users, patients on insulin are likely to have diabetes of increased severity and may have compromised pancreatic function [9]. Thus, many lifestyle intervention studies excluded patients treated with insulin. Brown et al. conducted a trial involving 90 participants with T2DM who were receiving insulin therapy and had a median duration of diabetes of 13.0 (9.0-20.0) years. They found that these participants achieved greater weight loss, glycemic control and quality of life through TMR intervention. In our subgroup analyses, MR showed comparable benefits in studies that included patients using insulin and those that didn’t (HbA1c -0.42% [-0.67, -0.16] vs. -0.54% [-0.83, -0.25], P=0.53; FBG -0.63 mmol/L [-1.48, 0.21] vs. -0.67 mmol/L [-1.05, -0.30], P=0.93; weight loss -4.23 kg [-7.08, -1.39] vs. -2.52 kg [-3.59, -1.44], P=0.27; BMI -2.36 kg/m2 [-4.49, -0.23] v s. -0.63 kg/m2 [-0.90, -0.36], P=0.11). Our study increases the evidence showing that MR usage is advantageous for both patients treated with or without insulin.

Some studies have reported the impact of MR on insulin treatment. Brown et al. and Kempf et al. have suggested the advantages of MR in terms of insulin discontinuation and reduction of insulin dosage. After one year of intervention, the changes in insulin dose were -47.3 ± 36.4U/day and -16.6 ± 33.6U/day in the MR intervention group in the two studies, compared to -33.3 ± 52.9 U/day and -1.4 ± 25.2 U/day in the control group, respectively [10,11]. But Shirai et al. did not observe significant difference in insulin discontinuation or reduction of insulin dose after a 24-week PMR intervention [12].

Oral Anti-diabetic Drugs

Besides, MR interventions have been reported to significantly reduce the use of oral anti-diabetes drugs [13-15], among which sulfonylureas were reported most frequently [10,12,16]. When using intensive MR intervention, such as TMR, it is advisable to presciently reduce the dose of anti-diabetes drugs, avoiding the occurrence of hypoglycemic events.

Overall, individuals on anti-diabetic drugs can safely use meal replacements, potentially reducing therapy intensity. However, high-quality trials are needed due to variability in previous studies.

MR and the Remission of T2DM

Recent studies indicated that MR, as part of lifestyle intervention, also holds significant potential in reversing T2DM. The DiRECT used TMR (825-853 kcal/day formula diet for 3-5 months), stepped food reintroduction and structured support for long-term weight loss maintenance. Diabetes remission rates was 46% at 1 year [14] and over 30% at 2 years [17]. The DIADEM-I trial adopted a dietary strategy similar to DiRECT, achieving 61% remission at 1 year [15]. These findings are clinically important as they demonstrated that MR, as part of intensive lifestyle intervention, is feasible in inducing T2DM remission in community settings.


MR holds a significant position in the medical nutrition therapy for patients with T2DM. The challenge of its application lies in tailoring MR interventions to suit individual characteristics. Current data suggests that appropriate calorie restriction and TMR may yield greater benefits, while both patients treated with or without insulin could similarly benefit from MR usage. Nonetheless, MR and structured support may be challenging for some patients, and long-term adherence to MR and lifestyle changes may be difficult to maintain. The current studies have laid the groundwork for personalized MR strategies, but more clinical studies are needed to ultimately refine the precise and effective MR utilization in the management of T2DM.


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Prevalence and Associated Factors of Neonatal Hypoglycemia among Neonates Admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Northwest Amhara Region Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia, 2022

DOI: 10.31038/EDMJ.2024822


Introduction: Neonatal hypoglycemia is a metabolic problem characterized by decreased in blood glucose. It is the leading cause of neonatal mortality and is associated with multiple factors associated with neonatal hypoglycemia. However, there are limited studies on the prevalence and factors associated with neonatal hypoglycemia in the study area.

Objective: This study aimed to assess the prevalence and associated factors of neonatal hypoglycemia among neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care units in Northwest Amhara Region Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia, in 2022.

Method: An institutional-based cross-sectional study was carried out among 497 neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care units in Northwest Amhara Region Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals from October 3, 2022 to November 3, 2022. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select study participants. Data were collected through maternal interviews using structured questionnaires and neonatal chart reviews using checklists. Finally, the data were entered into Epi-Data version and analyzed using STATA version 14.0. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the variables. Both bi-variable and multi-variable logistic regression models were used for the analysis. AOR and 95% CI were used to measure association and strength, with statistical significance assessed at a p-value <0.05

Results: The prevalence of neonatal hypoglycemia in the study area was 27.2% with 95%CI (23.4-31.4%). In this study variables such as maternal age 20-35 years [(AOR: 0.35, (95%CI: 0.167-0.73)], preterm birth [(AOR=2.60, 95%CI: 1.07-6.36)], low birth weight [(AOR: 3.07, 95%CI: 1.26-7.46)] and hypothermia [(AOR: 2.58, 95%CI: 1.27-5.23)], were factors associated with neonatal hypoglycemia.

Conclusions and recommendations: The prevalence of neonatal hypoglycemia in the neonatal intensive care unit of the northwest Amara region is relatively high. Preterm, low birth weight and hypothermia were significant factors for neonatal hypoglycemia. It is better for neonatal care providers in neonatal intensive care units to prioritize premature newborns or those with low birth weight and to follow the warm chain protocol.


Hypoglycemia, NICU, Prevalence


The term “hypoglycemia” refers to a low blood glucose level [1]. Neonatal hypoglycemia is defined as a blood glucose level of less than 40 mg/dL (2.2 mmol/L) [2]. It can be transient or persistent, and most cases of neonatal hypoglycemia are transient and respond simply to treatment, with a good prognosis [3]. The numerical explanation of neonatal hypoglycemia remains controversial [4]. Neonatal hypoglycemia is the most common metabolic problem observed in neonatal intensive care units [5].

In developing countries, the overall prevalence of neonatal hypoglycemia is 5%-15% of all babies [6]. In Sub-Saharan Africa, neonatal hypoglycemia affects (11%-30.5%) in all newborns [7-9]. Neonatal mortality is highest in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) with mortality rates (NMR) of 24, and 27 deaths per 1,000 live births respectively, and hypoglycemia is a contributing factor [10,11]. Studies have found that neonates with hypoglycemia had higher mortality than neonates with normoglycemic [12-14].

Ethiopia ranks among the top countries with the highest number of neonatal deaths and has made little progress in lowering the neonatal mortality rate (NMR), According to the 2019 Ethiopian Demographic Health Survey (EDHS), NMR in Ethiopia was 33 /1000 live births [15]. Neonatal hypoglycemia is the most significant contributor to neonatal mortality [16]

Severe, prolonged hypoglycemia in the neonatal period can have devastating outcomes, including apnea, irritability, lethargy, seizures, long-term neurodevelopmental disabilities, cerebral palsy, and death. Neonates with persistent hypoglycemia have significantly higher rates of morbidity and mortality and 25 to 50% have developmental disabilities [17,18].

Direct costs attributable to the acute management of neonatal hypoglycemia can be large, particularly if the infant is admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit [19]. Both healthcare-related costs and the impact on quality of life due to, the long-term outcomes of neonatal hypoglycemia accrue over the lifetime of neonates [20]. Neonates who experienced neonatal hypoglycemia had a combined discounted hospital and post-discharge cost greater than neonates without hypoglycemia [21]

Various studies have shown that certain variables are associated with neonatal hypoglycemia, including premature infants; small for gestational age (SGA); large for gestational age (LGA); post-maturity; twins; infants of diabetic mothers; infants born to mothers who receive high-glucose infusion before delivery, delayed initiation of feeding, perinatal asphyxia, sex of the baby, meconium aspiration syndrome, and respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) [7,9,22,23].

There are limited studies in Ethiopia on the prevalence and factors associated with neonatal hypoglycemia among newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit in the Northwest Amhara Region Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals. Although the Ethiopian national guidelines recommend early initiation of breastfeeding and prevention of hypothermia at birth to prevent hypoglycemia due to maternal, neonatal, and institutional problems, delays in feeding initiation and hypothermia are major problems observed among neonates admitted to NICUs [24]. Therefore this study aimed to determine the prevalence of neonatal hypoglycemia and identify the factors associated with neonatal hypoglycemia among newborns admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit in the Northwest Amhara Region Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals.

Methods and Materials

Study Design, Period, and Setting

An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted from October 3, 2022, to November 3; 2022. This study was conducted in the Northwest Amhara region’s comprehensive specialized hospital, in Northwest Ethiopia. The Amhara region is the second-largest and most populous Region in Ethiopia with a total population of a 31 million [25]. In the Northwest Amhara region, there are five comprehensive specialized hospitals (CSH). These were the University of Gondar CSH, Felege Hiwot CSH, Tibebe Ghion CSH, Debre Tabor CSH, and Debre Markos CSH. The UoGCSH is located in the town of Gondar. Although neonatal hospitalization varies, this hospital has an average annual admission of 4560 and an average monthly admission of 380 neonates. Felege Hiwot and Tibebe Ghion CSH were found in Bahir Dar. These hospitals have an average annual neonatal admission of 1836 and 1920 neonates, and an average monthly admission of 153 and 160, respectively. Debre Tabor CSH, which is found in Debre Tabor town, has an average annual neonatal admission of 1560, and an average monthly admission of 130. Debre Marko’s CSH was found in the town of Debre Marko’s. This hospital has 1692 annual neonatal admissions; an average monthly admission of 141. These hospitals have NICUs with a mix of health professionals (neonatal and comprehensive nurses, general practitioners, pediatricians, and other staff). The major services in the NICU include general neonatal care services, blood and exchange transfusions, phototherapy, and ventilation support such as continuous positive air pressure.

Population Selection and Participation

The source population consisted of all neonates and their mothers who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of the Northwest Amhara Region Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals. All neonates with their mothers who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care units during the study period comprised the study population. All neonates with their mothers who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit during the time of data collection were included in the study. Neonates whose mothers were critically ill, abandoned neonates and neonates with incomplete charts during the data collection period were excluded from the study.

Sample Size Determination and Sampling Procedures

For the first objective, the sample size was calculated by using a single population proportion formula taking the prevalence of neonatal hypoglycemia at 25% in St. Paul Hospital [9]

for 1

P=proportion hypoglycemia=25%

d = margin of error 4%

Z α/2= the corresponding Z score of 95% CI=1.96

n = Sample size.

By adding a 10% non-response rate, a total of 497 participants were included in the study.

For the second objective, the sample size was calculated using the double proportion formula by considering significant factor variables (Table 1).

Table 1: Sample size calculation by factors for the second objective. Data were collected through a review of the neonate’s medical chart it is not experiments on humans and/or the use of human tissue samples.

Neonatal Hypoglycemia


P1 P2 Power OR

Sample size



22.89% 80% 6.537(26) 55

Low birth weight

24.3% 9.75% 80% 2.979(26)


Finally, the largest sample size which is obtained by the first objective (497) was taken.

Sampling Technique and Procedure

In the Northwest Amhara region, there were five comprehensive specialized hospitals: UoGCSH 380/month, FHCSH 153/month, TGCSH 160/month, DTCSH 130/month, and DMCSH has 141/month. In total, 964 neonates and their mothers were admitted to the hospital from October 3, 2022, to November 3, 2022. Based on the final calculated sample size proportional allocation was performed for each hospital. Systematic random sampling was used in this study. The k interval was determined (964/497; K = 2). After determining the Kth interval, the first neonates with mothers were selected randomly, and then based on the bed number of the neonates every other two neonates with mothers were selected using a systematic sampling technique.

Study Variables and Their Measurements

The outcome variable was the prevalence of neonatal hypoglycemia among neonates admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit. The independent variables were as follows: 1. socio-demographic factors (maternal age, residency, marital status, educational status and maternal occupation); 2. Obstetric factors (ANC follow-up, parity, mode of delivery, duration of labor, place of delivery, number of current pregnancies) 3. Maternal factors (DM, pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia, maternal HIV/AIDS, maternal drugs) 4. Neonatal factors (sex, gestational age, age at admission, birth weight, weight for gestational age, time of initiation of feeding, perinatal asphyxia (PNA), temperature, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), sepsis, meconium aspiration syndrome)

Neonatal Hypoglycemia

A baseline or first blood glucose measurement value of less than 40 mg/dl in neonates [27].


A baseline axillary body temperature below 36.5°C [28].

Perinatal Asphyxia

Apgar score of less than 7 in the 5th minute.


Birth weight of 4000 grams and above.

Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Diagnosed based on the presence of one or more of the following signs: an abnormal respiratory rate, expiratory grunting, nasal flaring, chest wall recessions, and thoracoabdominal asynchrony with or without cyanosis [29], and Physician diagnosis.

Pregnancy-induced Hypertension

Blood pressure greater than 140/90 mm Hg occurring after the 20th week of pregnancy or during the first 24 hours postpartum without evidence of proteinuria.


New-onset hypertension with proteinuria with or without edema.


It is the development of convulsions coma or both in the clinical setting of preeclampsia.

Small for Gestational Age

It is related to birth weight and gestational age if the birth weight is less than the 10th percentile [28]

Large for Gestational Age

It is related to birth weight and gestational age if the birth weight is greater than the 90th percentile [28]

Incomplete Chart

Charts with one of the following factors are missed (gestational age, birth weight, neonatal age, parity, place of delivery, body temperature, maternal age and type of pregnancy, and random blood glucose level.

Data Collection Tool and Procedure

The data were collected using interviewer-administered and chart review through structured, pretested questionnaires that were adapted from a questionnaire developed from previous studies [9,20,23,28,31,42]. The questionnaire contains four sections: The first section contains five questions regarding the socio-demographic characteristics of the mothers. The second section contains six questions regarding the obstetric characteristics of the mothers; the third section contains six questions regarding maternal-related characteristics, and the fourth section contains eleven questions related to neonatal-related characteristics. The data were collected by five BSc nurses who worked in a neonatal intensive care unit and supervised by four MSc nurse professionals. Primary data was collected through structured questionnaires by using interviews, and secondary data were collected through a review of the neonate’s medical chart by using checklists to take the baseline neonatal characteristics such as blood glucose, body temperature, and birth weight.

Data Quality Assurance

To ensure the quality of the data, a pretest was given among 5% (25) neonates with their mothers at Dessie CSH. The training was given to all data collectors and supervisors on the purpose of the study, how to get informed consent, and the technique of selecting the study participants from the neonatal intensive care unit. The data was further assured through careful planning and translation of the questionnaire; the English version was translated into the local language, Amharic. To maintain the validity of the tool, its content was reviewed by senior pediatric and child health specialist nurses and instructors. Then the questions were checked for clarity, completeness, consistency, sensitivity, and ambiguity. The completeness of the collected data was checked onsite daily during data collection and received prompt feedback from the supervisor and the principal investigator. All completed data collection forms were examined for completeness and consistency during data management, storage, cleaning, and analysis.

Data Processing and Analysis

Data were checked, coded, and entered into Epi-Data version and exported to STATA version 14 for analysis. Descriptive statistics were carried out using the mean, frequency, percentage, proportion, tables, and figures to present the findings. The outcome variable was dichotomized and coded as 0 and 1, representing those who are not hypoglycemia and hypoglycemia, respectively. Pearson rank chi-square assumption fulfillment was checked for categorical variables. An adjusted odd ratio (AOR) with a 95% CI was used to assess the relationship between factors associated with the occurrence of the outcome variable. A logistic regression model was used, and bi-variable and multi-variable logistic regression was done to determine the association between each independent variable and the outcome variable. Variables having p-value <0.25 in variables logistic regression analysis were taken into multivariable logistic regression analysis. In multivariable analyses, variables whose p-value was ≤, 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Multicollinearity was checked by using variance inflation factors (VIF = 1.04–4.17, mean VIF=1.59) and model goodness of fit test was checked by Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit tests (p = 0.55)


Socio-demographic Characteristics of the Mothers

In this study, a total of 497 study participants were enrolled, with a response rate of 96.18% The mean (±SD) age of mothers was 28.33 (±4.8) years, and the majority of 398 (83.25%), were between the ages of 20 and 35, with 273 (57.11%) living in urban. Of the mother’s educational status 124 (25.94%) completed secondary school and 142 (29.71%) were college and above; the majority of participants 455 (95.19%) were married (Table 2).

Table 2: Socio-demographic characteristics of study participants in Northwest Amhara region comprehensive specialized hospitals, 2022(n=478).


Categories frequency(n)

Percent (%)

Maternal age <20 years



20-35 years






Marital status Married









Residency Urban






Educational status unable to read and write



primary school



Secondary school



College and above



Occupation Government Employee



Private employee






Daily labor



House Wife



Maternal Clinical Related Factors

Among a total of 478 participants, 47 (9.83%) were diabetics Miletus, of which 42 (89.36) gestational diabetics Miletus; 69 (14.44%) were pregnancy-induced hypertension, of which 46 (66.67) eclampsia; 46 (9.62%) were given medications during pregnancy, and 16 (3.35%) were given medications during labor (Table 3).

Table 3: Maternal Clinical related factors of study participants in Northwest Amhara region comprehensive specialized hospitals, 2022(n=478).


 Categories Frequency (n)

Percent (%)

Maternal diabetic Mellitus Yes






Type of diabetic mellitus Pre gestational






Pregnancy-induced hypertension Yes






Type Pregnancy-induced hypertension Preeclampsia






Medication use during Pregnancy (Except iron-folic acid) Yes






Type of medication use during pregnancy Amoxicillin



Magnesium sulfate









Medication is given during labor and delivery Yes






Type of Medication given during labor and delivery Oxytocin
















Obstetric Related Factors

Out of 478 maternal interviews and reviewed charts neonates admitted in NICU regarding Obstetric factors-More than half, 248(51.88%) of mothers were multipara. 425 (88.91%) had ANC follow-up, and 454 (94.98%) had a duration of labor less than 24 hours. Around two-thirds, 306 (64.02%) of mothers gave birth via spontaneous vaginal delivery (Table 4).

Table 4: Obstetric factors of study participants in Northwest Amhara region comprehensive specialized hospitals, 2022(n=478).


Category Frequency(n)

Percent (%)

Parity Primipara



multi para



ANC follows up on the current pregnancy Yes






Number of ANC follow-up 1 time






3 times



4 and above



Duration of labor <24 hours



>24 hours



Place of delivery Hospital



Health center






Modes of delivery Spontaneous vaginal delivery



Assisted vaginal delivery



Cesarean section



Number of current pregnancies?







Neonatal Related Factors

Among admitted neonates more than half of 263 (55.02%) were male. Around 207 (43.31%) were preterm and 213 (44.56%) of them had low birth weight. Around two-thirds (65.6%) of the neonates had hypothermia. in respect of to Weight for Gestational age 439 (91.84%) was appropriate for gestational age. 223 (46.65%) of neonates were started feeding within one hour. Around one-third, 149 (31.17%) of the neonates had respiratory distress syndrome, and 60 (12.55%) of the neonates were meconium aspiration syndrome (Table 5).

Table 5: Neonatal-related factors of study participants in Northwest Amhara region comprehensive specialized hospitals, 2022(n=478).




Percent (%)







Age at admission <24 hours



≥24 hours



Gestational age Preterm









Birth weight

Low birth weight



Normal birth weight






Weight for Gestational age Small for gestational age



Appropriate for gestational age



Large for gestational age



Axillary body temperature at admission










Initiation of feeding Within one hour



After one hour



Respiratory distress syndrome Yes









Meconium aspiration syndrome Yes






Sepsis Yes












Neonatal hypoglycemia Yes






Prevalence of Neonatal Hypoglycemia

The study revealed that the prevalence of baseline neonatal hypoglycemia was found to be 27.2% with 95%CI (23.4-31.4%) (Figure 1).

fig 1

Figure 1: Prevalence of neonatal hypoglycemia among neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care units in Northwest Amhara Region Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia, 2022.

Factors Associated with Neonatal Hypoglycemia

Bivariable analysis was carried out on all of which variables having p-value <0.25: maternal age, maternal diabetes miletus, pregnancy-induced hypertension, medication use during pregnancy and labor, parity, place of delivery, duration of labor and mode of delivery, age at admission, feeding initiation time, gestational age, birth weight, axillary body temperature, RDS, PNA, and sepsis. Then multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to adjust possible confounders. In multivariable logistic regression analysis factors that were significantly associated which showed p-value < 0.05 neonatal hypoglycemia were After controlling confounders in the final model, maternal age between 20 and 35 years, preterm, low birth weight, and hypothermia.

Maternal age group 20- 35 years old were 65% less likely to be hypoglycemic (COR; 95%CI 0.35, 0.17-0.73) as compared to the maternal age above 35 years old of the mothers.

Preterm neonates were 2.6 times more likely to be hypoglycemic as compared to term neonates (AOR = 2.60, 95% CI: 1.07, 6.36).

Low-birth-weight neonates were 3.07 times more likely to be hypoglycemic than neonates delivered with normal birth weight (AOR = 3.07, 95%, CI: 1.26–7.46).

The neonates who had hypothermia were 2.58 times more likely to develop neonatal hypoglycemia as compared to those who had normal body temperature (AOR = 2.58, 95% CI: 1.27–5.23) (Table 6).

Table 6: Bi-variable and multivariable logistic regression of neonatal hypoglycemia among neonates admitted to neonatal intensive care units in Northwest Amhara Region Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia, 2022.


Categories  Neonatal Hypoglycemia COR with 95% CI AOR with 95% CI


Maternal age <20 years

8 (47.06%)

9(52.94%) (52.2.94%) 1.44(0.49-4.25) 1.13(0.29-4.37)

20-35 years

98 (24.62%) 300 (75.38%) 0.53(0.30- 0.93)



24 (38.10%)

39(61.90%) 1 1

Maternal diabeticmellits


18(38.30%) 29(61.70%) 1.77(0.95- 3.31)




319(74.01%) 1


Pregnancy-induced hypertension Yes


41(59.42%) 2.06(1.21-3.49)

1.07(0.47- 2.45)



307(75.06%) 1


Medication use during pregnancy pregnancy Yes


24(52.17%) 2.75(1.49-5.10)




32(475.00%) 1


Medication use during labor Yes


9(56.25%) 2.14(0.78-5.88)




339(73.38%) 1


Parity Primipara


160(69.57%) 1.37(0.92-2.05)




188(75.81%) 1


Duration of labor <24 hours


334(73.57%) 1


>24 hours


14(58.33%) 1.99(0.86-4.60)


Place of delivery Hospital


204(69.39%) 1


Health center


128(78.05%) 0.64(0.41-0.99)

0.68 (0.39-1.19)



16(80.00%) 0.57(1.18-1.74)


Mod of delivery SVD


236(77.12%) 1




38(73.08%) 1.24(0.64-2.4)




74(61.67%) 2.09(1.33-3.3)


Age at admission <24 hours


244(69.52%) 1.98(1.19 -3.28)


>24 hours


104(81.89%) 1


Gestational age Term


229(87.74%) 1




111(53.62%) 6.18(3.91-9.80)




8(80.00%) 1.79(0.36-8.79)


Birth weight Normal birth weight


223(87.80%) 1


Low birth weight


115(53.99%) 6.13(3.86-9.73)




10(90.91%) 0.72(0.09-5.81)

0.83 (0.09-747)

Body temperature Hypothermia


176(61.32%) 5.84(3.26-10.47)

2.58(1.27- 5.23)**



33(89.19%) 1.12(0.845-0 .35)




139(90.26%) 1


Initiation of feeding Within 1 hour


190(85.20%) 1


After 1 hour


158(61.96%) 3.53(2.26-5.53)


Respiratory distress syndrome Yes


87(58.39%) 2.74(1.79-4.17)




261(79.33%) 1


Sepsis Yes


226(77.93%) 0.52(0.34-0.78)

0.91 (0.55 -1.53)



122(64.89%) 1




32(65.31%) 1.49(0.79-2.78)




316(73.66%) 1



This study revealed that the prevalence of neonatal hypoglycemia was 27.2% with 95%CI (23.4-31.4%). The findings are consistent with those previously conducted in Ethiopia St. Paul Hospital (25%) [9] and Nigeria (30.5%) [30]. The possible reasons in Ethiopia St. Paul Hospital may have used a similar study design and similarity in the neonatal intensive care unit setting and the possible reasons in Nigeria may be due to similar sources of the population were used.

On the other hand, the findings of this study are lower than the study conducted in Iraq (39.1%) [31] and New Zealand (51%) [23]. This may be because these two studies were used among neonates identified as high-risk groups. In Iraq, the study was conducted among low birth weight and preterm neonates and excluded healthy term newborns, whereas in New Zealand source of the population only infants of diabetic mothers.

On the contrary, the result of this study is higher than the study conducted in Eastern Ethiopia (21.2%) [32], Uganda (2.2%) [33] and (7.5%) [34], Côte d’Ivoire (15.9) [35], Nigeria (11%) [22], India (15.38%) [36], Israel (23.2) [37], Iraq (16.25%) [38], and China (16.9%) [39] The possible explanation for Uganda may be due to the difference in the study area and the number of study participants. It was conducted in the community which is different from institutional-based because less likely to gate healthy individuals compared to the community-based study area and the large number of study participants involved in the study. In Nigeria, the possible reasons may be that the study conducted included a smaller sample size, and neonates less than 24 hours of age were included in the study [22]. The study conducted in Iraq and India excludes infants born to diabetic mothers, neonates born to hypertensive mothers, and newborns with severe congenital malformations [36,38]. Another possible justification is that the study conducted in China used a lower cut-off point (30.6 mg/dL) to diagnose neonatal hypoglycemia compared to the current study [39].

Neonates delivered from mothers who had a maternal age of 20- 35 years old were 65% less likely to develop neonatal hypoglycemia as compared to the maternal age above 35 years old of the mothers. This finding is supported by Saint Paul‘s Hospital in Ethiopia [9] and India [40]. The possible justification is that mothers who are 20–35 years old are more likely to have higher levels of maternal human capital, which includes maturity, experience, self-esteem, and mental health, than older mothers (> 35 years old) [41]. The ideal childbearing age is between 20 and 35 years old. This is the time when having the highest number of good quality eggs available and pregnancy-related risks are lowest compared to maternal ages older than 35 years [42]. Advanced maternal age at birth (35 years and older) is associated with gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, low birth weight, low Apgar scores, and neonatal hypoglycemia [43]

The study revealed that preterm neonates were 2.6 times more likely to be hypoglycemic as compared to term neonates. This finding is supported by a study conducted in Eastern Ethiopia [32], Nigeria [7], New Zealand [23], Iran [38], Indonesia [26], and Macedonia [44]. The possible reason may be that preterm newborns have higher metabolic demands. In preterm infants, the enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis are expressed at low levels; thus, their ability to produce endogenous glucose is poor, contributing to their risk of severe or prolonged low glucose concentrations [45]. Preterm neonates are uniquely predisposed to developing hypoglycemia and its associated complications due to their limited glycogen and fat stores, their inability to generate new glucose using gluconeogenesis pathways, and their decreased ability to breastfeed effectively [46]

In this study, low birth weight neonates were 3.07 times more likely to be hypoglycemic as compared to normal birth weight neonates. This is in keeping with other studies in the study: Khartoum  [47], Nigeria [7], New Zealand [23], Indonesia [26], and Japan [48], Since neonates with low birth weight are at risk for hypoglycemia because they are born with decreased glycogen stores, decreased adipose tissue and experience increased metabolic demands because of their relatively large brain size [49].

According to the current study, hypothermic neonates were 3.58 times more likely to be hypoglycemic as compared to neonates with normal body temperature. This finding is supported by the studies conducted in Eastern Ethiopia [32], Uganda [34], Nigeria [22], Israel [50], Iran [38], China [39] and India [40]. The possible justification is that newborn hypothermia develops, the baby gets cold, and it uses up more glycogen to keep warm. Then the baby must utilize his glucose stores to keep warm, and then the blood sugar drops and they become hypothermic and hypoglycemic, and the glucose requirement increases in neonates who have hypothermia, which will increase the utilization of glucose [51].

Limitations of the Study

This study does not include other risk factors like Polycythemia, rhesus hemolytic disease, and neonatal jaundice because the study design is a cross-sectional study design.

This study does not see the fluctuation of blood glucose after the management of neonates having low blood glucose.


The prevalence of neonatal hypoglycemia in the study area was relatively high. Furthermore, it was found that maternal age between twenty and thirty-five, preterm birth, low birth weight, and hypothermia were significantly associated with neonatal hypoglycemia.


For Hospitals and Health Care Providers

Every neonatal intensive care unit should have its own thermostat and humidity control so that neonatal intensive care unit personnel can adjust the thermostat as needed for any neonates. Neonatal intensive care units’ temperature and humidity should be documented four times per day. The postnatal and neonatal intensive care units should be suitably arranged for the delivery unit so that mothers can’t be in difficulty of skin-to-skin contact during intra-facility transportation. The practice of warm chain should also be supervised regularly.

Neonatal care providers have to adhere to the routine practice of warm chain by giving the most prioritized attention to newborns with health problems, preterm and low birth weight newborns Mothers should also be oriented about thermal care during their antenatal care while they are in labor, delivery, and postnatal unit. The mothers also apply kangaroo mother care especially for preterm and low birth weight newborns.

Health education about neonatal hypoglycemia and its risk factors and preventive measures should be given to all families starting from ANC follow-up.

It is better to regularly screen out pregnant mothers for maternal obstetric factors like pregnancy-induced hypertension and chronic illness so that they will be alarmed as this can put them at risk of delivery being preterm and low birth weight which may lead to poor neonatal adaptation and many associated co-morbidity that leads to neonatal hypoglycemia. Healthcare providers who work in the labor and delivery ward and neonatal intensive care unit routinely check the neonates’ blood sugar levels.

Amhara Health Bureau

Integrate the need for training for health professionals on general prevention of hypoglycemia and develop standard protocols for all facilities to aware all the health professionals attending delivery and working in NICUs. To strengthen the service of the neonatal intensive care unit, medical equipment and medical team including a neonatologist, pediatrician, medical doctor, and neonatal nurse have to fulfill.


Further studies have to be carried out to address the other factors associated with neonatal hypoglycemia and also to determine the outcomes of this hypoglycemia neonate using a follow up study.


Consent for Publication

Not applicable.

Author Contributions

AGA developed the research idea, designed the study, and was involved in proposal writing, training and supervision of the data collectors, analysis and interpretation of the results, and preparation of the manuscript. EGM and AWA participated in the critical revision of the proposal, study design, analysis and interpretation of the results, and writing of the manuscript. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article; further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate

Ethical clearance was obtained from the ethical review committee of the School of Nursing on behalf of the institutional review board of the University of Gondar. An official letter was written to the Northwest Amhara region’s Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals for permission and support from the Ethical Review Committee of the School of Nursing with ref. no. SN/032/2015 on 03/10/2022 (G.C.) and with SN/032/2015.A written permission letter was obtained from Amhara Public Health Institute for each hospital (ref. no. አሕጤኢ/ዋ/ዳ/03/1611). Finally, permission was obtained from the NICU head of each hospital to access the mother’s and neonates’ medical charts. As this is a prospective study, consent must come from the mothers. The confidentiality of the information was strictly maintained by omitting any personal identifier (name and medical record number) during the data collection.


First, the authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to the University of Gondar, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, and School of Nursing for providing me with this opportunity and financial support. Next, we would also like to acknowledge the Amhara Public Health Institute for permitting me to conduct the study at each hospital, and we would also like to thank the Northwest Amhara Region Comprehensive Specialized Hospital NICU Coordinators and healthcare providers for giving me general information related to the study area and study population. Finally, we would also like to extend our special thanks to the data collectors, supervisors, and study participants for their great contributions to the success of this study.

Funding Statement

Financial support was received from University of Gondar. The funding institution had no role in the preparation of the manuscript or in the decision to publish.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s Note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors, and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


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Effects of a Serotonin Receptor Peptide on Behavioral Pattern Separation in Sham- vs. Mild Traumatic Brain Injured Rats

DOI: 10.31038/EDMJ.2024821


Aims: Behavioral pattern separation is a hippocampal-dependent component of episodic memory and a sensitive marker of early cognitive decline. Here we tested whether mild traumatic injury causes loss of pattern separation in the rat and for its prevention by a novel neuroprotective peptide fragment of the human serotonin 2A receptor (SN..8).

Methods: Lateral fluid percussion was used to induce mild traumatic brain injury in male Sprague- Dawley rats. Rats were trained to distinguish between a stable vs unstable swim platform separated by increasing distances (4.5 vs 3.0 vs 1.5 feet) in a modification to the classic Morris water maze. Peptide SN..8 vs scrambled version of same amino acids (2 mg/kg) was administered via intraperitoneal route (1-, 3- and 5-days) after lateral fluid percussion or sham injury. Rats received three weeks of training and two weeks of testing before injury and were tested again at 2 and 5-weeks after injury.

Results: There was a gradient of decreasing incorrect responses to the choice between (stable vs unstable platform) as the platform separation distance was increased from 1.5 to 3.0 to 4.5 feet consistent with behavioral pattern separation. Systemic administration of SN..8 peptide (vs scrambled) peptide was associated with statistically significant lower rate of incorrect responses (at both 4.5 feet and 3.0 feet platform separation) in traumatic brain- injured rats (but not in sham-injured rats) tested at 2-weeks post-injury. Five weeks after injury, the rats had largely recovered and exhibited a much lower overall rate of incorrect responses across both drug and injury subgroups.

Conclusions: Introduction of an unstable platform (choice phase of the Morris water maze) at varying distances from the stable platform resulted in behavior having the hallmark of pattern separation. Our data are the first to suggest that systemic administration of (2 mg/kg) SN..8 peptide immediately after mild traumatic brain injury (lateral fluid percussion) appeared to protect against loss of behavioral pattern separation in the rat.


Accelerated cognitive decline frequently complicates traumatic brain injury (TBI) [1]. Pattern separation- the ability to encode similar spatial representations as distinct objects [2] is a hippocampal- dependent component of working memory [2]. Loss of pattern separation is an early marker of cognitive decline in humans [3]. The serotonin 2A receptor (5HT2A) is expressed on neurons, and neural progenitor cells in the dentate gyrus and hippocampus [4]. Agonists of the 5HT2A receptor in this brain region were reported to impair recall of spatial memory [5]. We designed a peptide identical to a sub-region of the human 5HT2AR (SN..8) involved in long-lasting receptor activation [6,7]. Systemic administration of SN..8, in a genetic strain of rats (Zucker) harboring neurotoxic 5-HT2A receptor activating IgG plasma autoantibodies [8] enhanced acquisition and recall of spatial memory in sham, but not in traumatic brain-injured lean Zucker rats [9]. Here we tested a different strain of rat, adult male Sprague-Dawley, for neuroprotection by SN..8 when administered immediately after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in a pattern separation task which is hippocampal dependent and a highly sensitive marker of early cognitive decline.



The linear synthetic peptide, corresponding to a fragment of the serotonin 2a receptor, SCLLADDN (SN..8) and a scrambled version LASNDCLD (LD.8) were both synthesized at Lifetein, Inc. (Hillsborough, NJ). Each peptide was provided as the hydrochloride salt and had purity > 95%. The lyophilized peptides were stored (in the presence of dessicant) at −40 degrees C prior to use. Before each experiment, peptide was reconstituted fresh in sterile saline at the indicated concentration.


All procedures were conducted in accordance with the NIH Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the Veterans Affairs Medical Center (East Orange, New Jersey). Male SD rats n =38 (8-weeks-old) were obtained from Charles River Laboratories (Kingston, NY) and were individually housed with modest enrichment (wooden block). Rats were provided ad libitum access to food and water and maintained in a 12 h light/dark cycle with lights on at 0700. Training and testing were performed during the light phase of the light/ dark cycle. They underwent pattern separation pre-training training for 12 days over three weeks and testing for 6 days over two weeks. At approximately 17 weeks of age, rats underwent surgery (craniectomy) and injury (lateral fluid percussion) (See Timeline, Figure 1).

fig 1

Figure 1: Timeline of experimental procedures


Peptide (SN..8 or LD.8) was dissolved in sterile saline (2 mg/kg) and administered via intraperitoneal (IP) route 1-, 3- and 5-days after mild TBI vs sham injury.


Craniectomy and delivery of a pressure wave (lateral fluid percussion) procedures were carried out as previously reported [10]. The procedures are briefly summarized here. Day 1: Craniectomy-A 4 mm diameter craniectomy was performed under anesthesia with isoflurane, 3mm posterior and 3.5mm lateral to the bregma was made unilaterally in either the left or right parietal bone (figure). During the craniectomy, the skull was removed but the dura mater remains intact. A luer-lock connector was glued to the skull surrounding the craniectomy. A plastic cylinder about 2 mL was placed surrounding the craniectomy to protect the luer-lock connector. Dental cement was placed inside the plastic cylinder. A small Kim wipe was inserted inside the luer-lock to keep the dura moist and clean of debris. Lateral Fluid Percussion Injury– Twenty-four hours after the surgery, rats were anesthetized with isoflurane at 5 liters/min for (1min 30sec). The Kim wipe was removed from the luer-lock and filled with sterile saline. The luer-lock was then connected to the fluid percussion device and once rats reacted to a strong toe pinch, the fluid percussion injury was delivered to the exposed dura matter dorsal to the parietal lobe, via a voice-coil piston device. The pressure sensors located at the end of the pistol records PSI waves. Acute signs (Table 1) were recorded at the time of injury, including: startle, apnea (time in seconds from the time of injury to the time the rat returns to regular breathing) and righting reflex (RR= time in seconds from the time of injury until the time the rat fully supports its weight on all four paws). Sham animals underwent all procedures except they did not receive the fluid percussion injury.

Table 1: Acute signs of injury in rats randomized to either SN..8 or scrambled LD..8 peptide injections and mild TBI vs sham injury

tab 1

Behavioral Tests

Pattern Separation

A sixty-three- inch diameter metal pool with a stable and unstable platform visible above water line was used to complete the pattern separation task. The stable platform fully supports the weight of the rat and enables them to completely climb out of the water. The unstable platform appears identical to the stable platform; however, it does not support the rats’ weight and will not allow the rat to the climb out of the water.


All animals underwent 3 weeks of training consisting of 4 consecutive training days per week of followed by 3 days of rest, e.g. week 1, training days 1-4; week 2 training days 5-8, week 3, training days 9-12 (Figure 1). This was followed by six days of baseline testing.

Training Day 1: Animal learns that to ‘escape’ from the pool, must be from stable platform. The maximum time for each trial is 60 seconds (60s); the rat must remain on the stable platform for 30 seconds (30s) to complete the trial. If after the 60s they can’t find the stable platform, they are guided to it and must stay on it for 30s before being removed. During trial 1, they are placed on the stable platform in the middle of the pool. In trial 2, they are placed in the middle between the platform and the edge of the pool approximately 12 inches from the platform. In trial 3, they are placed on the edge of the pool approximately 32 inches.

Training Day 2: Animal are run through a classic water maze protocol where the platform stays in the same location during all three trials. Stable platform is placed in quadrant 1 of the pool and rats undergo 3 trials with 1 hour time in between trials. The starting location of the rat changes in between trials. During trial 1, the starting location of the animals was between quadrant 1 and 2. In trial 2, the starting location was between quadrant 2 and 3. In trial 3, the starting location was between quadrant 3 and 4 (Figure 2).

fig 2

Figure 2: Training in the pattern separation task

Training Days 3-4: animal learns to search for stable platform within trials. Here, the location of the stable platform and the start position of the animal’s changes between trials. Within each trial, all animals are put in the water twice (sample phase and choice phase). During all three trials, the starting location of the animals to the platform is 4.5ft. During trial 1 the starting location of the animals was between quadrant 1 and 4. In the sample and choice phase, the stable platform is in quadrant 2. In trial 2, the starting location to the platform was between quadrant 3 and 4 and the location of the stable platform remained in quadrant 1 for both sample and choice phase. Trial 3 starting location to the platform was between quadrant 2 and 3 and the location of the stable platform remained at quadrant 4 for both the sample and choice phase.

Training Days 5-6: Introduction of unstable platform. Animal learns to search for stable platform within a trial and ignore unstable platform. The stable platform and the start point of the animals stayed the same between trials. During trial 1, animals run through easy pattern separation where the sample phase only consists of the stable platform and during the choice phase, we introduced the unstable platform. The unstable platform is placed in the water during the choice phase. For trial 2 and 3, the stable and the unstable platform are in the water at the same, at different location. The starting location of the animals during all three trials remain the same. Animal are run through “easy pattern separation” with the distance from the starting location to the platform to be 4.5ft.

Training Days 7-12: animal learns to search for stable platform within a trial and ignore unstable platform. Run animal through easy pattern separation task (at 4.5 ft from start location). Start location of animals, location of stable and unstable platform changes during each trial. After 12 days it was determined that approximately 25% of rats were correctly choosing the stable vs unstable platform, and in order to avoid ‘overtraining’ no further baseline training trials were performed.

Test Trials

Testing consists of sample phase and choice phase which begin 3 days after training and span 6 days over a two-week time period (three days per week). Results in the choice phase are indicative of pattern separation. The start location (pool quadrant) and the relative location of the unstable and stable platforms changes between individual testing trials (3 trials per day) and on each new testing day. Between the sample and choice phases, the rats are removed from the platform and given a 30- second break. There is an additional one- hour break between each successive trial.

Scoring/Data Collection

During testing, an incorrect response is when the rats touch and attempt to climb the unstable platform. The number of times each rat attempt to go to the unstable trial within each trial is recorded and percent incorrect is calculated as [incorrect responses/total responses].


Student’s t-test was used for single comparisons. A P-value <0.05 was considered significant and values are expressed as means ± SEM. There was no correction for multiple comparisons.


Acute Signs of Mild TBI (Lateral Fluid Percussion)

Mean apnea time and mean righting reflex time were significantly longer in rats subjected to mTBI vs sham-injury (Table 1). There was no statistically significant difference in mean apnea time or mean righting reflex time following lateral fluid percussion in rat subgroups randomized to treatment with SN..8 vs scrambled peptide injections on days 1, 3 and 5 after injury. The mean peak pressure (PSI, pounds per square inch) applied during the fluid percussion wave did not differ significantly between rats treated with SN..8 vs scrambled peptide following mTBI (Table 1).

Behavioral Pattern Separation (BPS)


In baseline pre-injury testing, rats made fewer errors (14.2 vs 26.7 vs 35.8%) in behavioral pattern separation (Figure 3) at greater distance(s) between the (stable and unstable) platforms i.e. 4.5 vs 3.0 vs 1.5 feet. The observed gradient of increasing error rate as the spatial representations become less dissimilar is consistent with pattern separation. The difference in baseline error rate at platform separation distance of 4.5 vs 1.5 feet was statistically significant (N=39; P< 0.01). Because of the much higher baseline error rate at 1.5 foot platform separation distance, post-injury data was only analyzed and reported for the 3.0 and 4.5 foot platform separation distances.

fig 3

Figure 3: Baseline pattern separation declines by decreasing distance between platforms


Rats treated with SN..8 vs scrambled peptide displayed significantly lower error rates (two weeks post-injury): (6.7 vs 25.9 %; N=19, P< 0.01) at both 4.5 feet and (20.0 vs 42.7% (N=19; P= 0.039); at 3.0 feet platform separation (Figure 4). There was no significant difference in BPS performance between SN..8 vs scrambled peptide- treated sham-injured rats two weeks’ post-injury (Figure 5). Across all drug and injury subgroups, the composite error rate was significantly lower at five- vs. two- weeks’ post-injury (7.75 +/- 4.4 vs 17.09 +/9%; P = 0.009) (Figure 6). This may be consistent (in part) with spontaneous recovery from injury after 5 weeks and increased experience with the task. In summary, systemic SN..8 (2 mg/kg) administered in three successive alternate daily doses (starting 1 day after mTBI) appeared to have a neuroprotective effect on early loss of behavioral pattern separation in adult male SD rats.

fig 4

Figure 4: Treatment with SN..8 vs scrambled peptide after mTBI is associated with significantly improved behavioral pattern separation at A) 4.5 feet and B) 3.0 feet platform distances.

fig 5

Figure 5: Treatment with SN..8 vs scrambled peptide sham injury is associated with no significant differences in behavioral pattern separation at A) 4.5 feet and B) 3.0 feet platform distance.

fig 6

Figure 6: Substantial improvement in pattern separation performance 5 weeks post-injury


Behavioral pattern separation is thought to be a component of working memory which has an underlying neural circuitry that largely resides in the dentate gyrus and hippocampus [11]. Transient impairment in behavioral pattern separation reported here is consistent with a prior report that spatial memory was impaired (early 1-7 days) but recovered spontaneously 21 days following mild TBI (lateral fluid percussion) in Sprague-Dawley rats [10]. The mean peak pressure, apnea period, and righting reflex times experienced (by SD rats) in the present study were slightly lower than reported in the prior study [10], but apnea and righting reflex times are consistent with mild traumatic brain injury. Our findings suggest that introducing an unstable platform during the choice phase of the classic Morris water maze test is a useful method to model behavioral pattern separation in rats.

The mechanism of transient impairment of pattern separation following mTBI (lateral fluid percussion) in the SD rat is unknown. Cortical expression of both 5HT2A and a related catecholamine receptor, the alpha 1 adrenergic receptor was reported to increase (in rodents) following different forms of TBI [12, 13]. Much less is known about possible catecholamine receptor changes in the hippocampus following TBI. The hippocampus receives a dense projection of serotonergic fibers from the dorsal raphe [14]. The 5HT2AR was reported to mediate in part changes in synaptic input to hippocampal granule cells [15] which could result in impaired development of newly-born neurons derived from dentate gyrus neural progenitor cells. Reduced dentate gyrus neurogenesis is one of the mechanisms thought to underly impaired pattern separation [11]. Dentate gyrus neurogenesis plays an important role not only in pattern separation but also mood regulation, and in a prior study we found that human depression patients harbored plasma 5-HT2AR activating IgG autoantibodies [16] which impaired the survival and differentiation of rat DG neural progenitor cells [17,18] in vitro.

SN..8 is a small peptide having an amino acid sequence identical to that of a subregion of the second extracellular loop of the human 5HT2AR involved in mediating long-lasting receptor activation [6]. Although the SN..8 mechanism of action is not completely understood, it prevented neurotoxicity (in vitro) mediated by Ig isolated from plasma of patients with neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson’ disease, dementia [18] and major depressive disorder [6]. Immunoglobulin G from a subset of patients with TBI displayed increased binding to the human 5HT2A receptor second extracellular loop peptide [6] (which includes SN..8). Baseline presence of 5HT2AR peptide binding in plasma human TBI IgG predicted accelerated (two-year) prospective decline in cognitive function in thirty-five older adult TBI patients [19].

Our underlying hypothesis is that long-lasting 5HT2AR agonist Ig may mediate in part cognitive decline following TBI. It is not clear to what extent Ig may have been a contributory factor in Sprague-Dawley rat since in our preliminary experiments (not shown here) the titer and potency of SD plasma Ig was significantly lower than what we had previously reported in the Zucker rat [8]. Still SN..8 may serve either as a ‘decoy receptor’ to prevent neurotoxicity from 5-HT2AR- targeting agonist Ig and/or stabilize an inactive conformation of the 5HT2AR. It is not known whether dysregulated serotonergic input to the hippocampus (following mTBI) might alter synaptic input to developing neurons in the dentate gyrus [15,20] which could result in reduced neurogenesis [20,21] which is a hallmark of reduced pattern separation [11].

In a prior study, systemic (IP) administration of SN..8 (vs. scrambled peptide) strengthened both recall and acquisition of spatial learning after sham injury (but not after mild traumatic brain injury) in Zucker lean rats. Genetic strain differences between Sprague- Dawley and Zucker rats might account in part for a neuroprotective effect (following mTBI) by SN..8 in SD but not in Zucker rats. It is also possible that pattern separation is a more sensitive method for detecting the earliest cognitive impairment changes following mTBI. More study using pattern separation in different genetic strains of rat can help clarify the differences.


Supported in part by a grant from the New Jersey Commission on Brain Injury Research NJCBIR PIL022 to MBZ; and a grant from the Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Research and Development, Technology Transfer Program (Wash, DC) to MBZ.


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Brain Health Best Practice Score: How Do Organizations Measure Up?

DOI: 10.31038/AWHC.2024723


Businesses and institutions rely on brain power to make important decisions, to solve critical challenges, and to think creatively and analytically. Employees also report that their work plays a major role in their brain health. However, most employees are reporting that work negatively impacts their brain, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) New Approaches to Economic Challenges initiative estimates that impaired brain health is costing the global economy as much as $8.5 trillion a year in lost productivity. This calls attention to the need for organizations to promote a healthy brain culture in their workforce, involving the implementation of programs and policies and creating an environment that supports brain health and function [1-4].

The HERO Health and Well-being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer© (HERO Scorecard) is a free online survey that was designed as an educational and benchmarking tool to help employers identify and assess their use of practices that support more effective health and well-being initiatives. Version 5 of the HERO Scorecard was updated in 2021 to include recent emerging best practices in health and well-being initiatives in each of the six domains that the Scorecard measures (i.e., strategic planning, organizational and cultural support, programs, program integration, participation strategies, and measurement and evaluation). In late 2023, HERO convened a group of workforce brain health experts for an exhaustive review of the Scorecard to identify the workforce health and well-being practices that related to brain health. After extensive discussion, the final proposed practices were assigned tentative scores (out of a possible 100 points). Six independent subject matter experts then reviewed the proposed items and scores. Their feedback was combined and informed further revisions to the items included and final point allocations. A list of all practices included in the Brain Health Best Practice Score can be found in the HERO Scorecard user’s guide. In brief, the score is an indication of an organization’s adoption of practices related to policies, leadership support, programs, lifestyle behaviors, and the built environment. Table 1 provides a breakdown of the number of practices and points by section for the Brain Health Best Practice Score [5].

Table 1: Brain Health Best Practice Score Questions, Practices, and Points by Section

Scorecard section

Number of questions Number of practices


Strategic planning


21 25.25

Organizational & Cultural Support

8 45




34 18.50

Program Integration

4 11


Participation Strategies


9 7.25

Measurement & Evaluation

1 7






Among the 388 organizations that completed the HERO Scorecard Version 5 through March 31, 2024, Brain Health Best Practice Scores were retroactively calculated. Organizations were categorized in many ways to examine variations in Brain Health Best Scores by size, industry type, percent of employees working remotely, geographic location, percent of workforce that is female, and age of employees.

  • Organizations were categorized by size into small (<500; n=118), midsize (500 to <5,000; n=161), and large (5,000+; n=104)
  • Industry type differences were assessed between financial (n=37), hospitals/healthcare clinics (n=36), technical/ professional services (n=68), government (n=52), education (n=58), manufacturing (n=34), and other (n=55), as well as for organizations that identified as high tech (n=90)
  • The percentage of employees working remotely was categorized as fully in-person (n=38), <25% remote (n=150), 25 to <50% remote (n=54), 50% to <75% remote (n=39), and 75% or more remote (n=70).
  • Geographic location was categorized as organizations with headquarters in Western (n=135), Midwestern (n=86), Northeastern (n=83), and Southern (n=81) regions.
  • Percent of workforce that is female was categorized as ≤40% of employees are female (n=141), 41 to 59% of employees are female (n=101), and ≥60% of employees are female (n=136).
  • Age of workforce was categorized as above the median age (>43 years; n=162) of responding organizations average age of employees and equal to and below the median age (≤43 years; n=211).

The mean Brain Health Best Practice Score for all respondents was 46.2 points. When comparing the Brain Health Best Practice Score by organization size (Table 2), large organizations received higher scores (mean = 58.8 points) than small organizations (mean = 33.2 points) or midsize organizations (mean = 46.9 points).

Table 2: A comparison of Brain Health Best Practice Score by Organization Size


Brain Health Score (X ± SD)

Small (<500 employees)


33.2 ± 18.4

Midsize (500 to <5,000 employees)


46.9 ± 19.3

Large (>5,000 employees)


58.8 ± 18.7

Large variations in Brain Health Best Practice Scores were observed among different industry types, with mean scores ranging from 40.8 for governmental organizations to 60.5 for financial service companies (Table 3).

Table 3: A comparison of Brain Health Best Practice Score by Industry


Brain Health Score (X ± SD)



47.3 ± 22.5

Financial services


60.5 ± 20.6



40.8 ± 16.3

Hospitals/Healthcare clinics


48.1 ± 22.6



41.2 ± 20.0

Other services


41.5 ± 19.9

Tech/professional services


47.0 ± 20.3

Identified as High Tech


50.7 ± 21.0

Not identified as High Tech


44.6 ± 20.9

Brain Health Best Practice Scores differed among organizations with varying proportions of remote workforce. Overall, the organizations that reported being fully in-person scored the lowest of all groups with a score of 37.0. By contrast, organizations that reported 25-49% of their employees regularly work remotely reported the highest average score of 54.7. Table 4 displays the Brain Health Best Practice Score for all remote workforce categories.

Table 4: A Comparison of Brain Health Best Practice Score by Percent of Workforce that Regularly Working Remote.


Brain Health Score (X ± SD)

Fully in-person


37.0 ± 21.2

<25% remote


46.5 ± 20.6

25% to <50% remote


54.7 ± 21.5

50% to <75% remote


47.4 ± 20.2

75% + remote


42.9 ± 19.9

The comparison by U.S. geographic regions revealed minimal differences in the Brain Health Best Practice Score by region (Northeastern 47.2 ± 22.4, Midwest 46.1 ± 22.2, Southern 44.4 ± 21.0, West 47.0 ± 20.0). Similarly, there were minimal differences in the Brain Health Best Practice Score by the percent of female in the workforce. Organizations with ≤40% of employees that are female scored the lowest (43.3 ± 21.6), whereas organizations with similar percentages of male and female employees and those with ≥60% female employees scored slightly higher (41-59% female = 48.5 ± 19.3, ≥60% female = 47.4 ± 22.7). Finally, the average Brain Health Best Practice Score was found to be comparable between organizations that report an average employee age above 43 years (45.9 ± 22.1) and those with an average employee age ≤ 43 years (46.9 ± 21.0).

Overall, these findings highlight numerous opportunities for improvement in the implementation, promotion, and evaluation of workforce health and well-being initiatives to address brain health. Insights from neuroscience highlight the connection between physical health, mental health, and brain health.Organizations need to understand these connections in order to develop successful workforce health and well-being initiatives that positively impact the brain health of their workforce, ultimately leading to more healthy, happy, and productive employees. The HERO Scorecard’s Brain Health Best Practice Score can act as an educational tool to help organizations better understand how practices related to physical health, mental health, social connection, etc. are associated with brain health. Further, it can help inform an organization’s strategic plan by identifying areas of opportunity in which new programs, policies, and interventions can be implemented with the goal of improving workforce brain health. Organizations are encouraged to take the HERO Scorecard annually to measure progress and identify new areas of opportunity and focus [5,6].


  1. The Business Collaborative for Brain Health (2024) Available from https:// org/about
  2. Imboden M (2024) Maintaining Brain Health: An Imperative for Successful Aging and Business Performance 38(4)
  3. Robinson B (2023) Work Damages Your Brain Health, But 4 Strategies Can Improve It, Study Finds. Available from: bryanrobinson/2023/03/02/work-damages-your-brain-health-but-4-strategies-can- improve-it-study-finds/
  4. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)(2020) OECD Health Statistics. Available from: migration-health/data/oecd-health-statistics_health-data-en
  5. HERO Scorecard. HERO (2024) Available from: scorecard/
  6. Kelly O Brien, MPA (2024) Unlocking Workplace Brain Health to Fuel Prosperity and Healthy Longevity 38(4).

The Cultural Elements in the Experience of Caregiving for Family Members with Alzheimer’s Disease

DOI: 10.31038/PSYJ.2024641


With the increasing life expectancy, the world is facing population aging and related diseases. In this context, Alzheimer’s disease is one of the main neurodegenerative diseases that occur during the aging process. It compels family members of affected individuals to dedicate themselves to their care. Consequently, those who provide care are called family caregivers. They are engaged in a demanding caregiving relationship. The experience of caregiving is influenced by the cultural background of the caregivers.

This article aims to understand the cultural factors at play in the lived experience of caregiving among family caregivers. To achieve this, a clinical method, primarily case study, was employed, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews with caregivers in facilities dedicated to elderly care. Thematic content analysis revealed that Alzheimer’s disease is not universally perceived by all caregivers as a rupture. Some view their role as legitimate and rewarding (feeling useful, responsible, and competent). Cultural factors such as intergenerational solidarity and the desire not to contradict ancestors dominate their representation of the caregiving relationship.

Therefore, these cultural factors play an undeniable role in the caregiving relationship with close relatives who are experiencing illness. Taking these factors into account could be beneficial for the assistance provided to family caregivers.


Alzheimer’s disease, Family caregiver, Lived experience, Caregiving relationship


According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022 [1], the proportion of people aged 60 and over in the global population will nearly double from 12% to 22% between 2015 and 2050. This rapid aging of the population necessitates significant efforts by all countries to prepare their social and health systems for this demographic shift. By 2050, the median age of the global population is expected to increase by 10 years, reaching 36 years.

As the world’s population ages, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia continues to rise. Alzheimer’s is a degenerative disease that causes brain lesions and is not a normal part of aging. Globally, approximately 46.8 million individuals are affected by dementia, with 58% residing in low-income countries. The frequency of new dementia cases is estimated at one every 3.2 seconds, totaling 9.9 million new cases annually. The WHO report from 2023 [2] projected a new dementia case every 4 seconds, equivalent to 10 million cases per year.

The impact of Alzheimer’s disease extends beyond individual patients, affecting families, caregivers, and communities. Understanding the cultural factors involved in caregiving for Alzheimer’s patients is crucial for providing effective support and improving the quality of life for both patients and their families.

In Africa, as in most southern countries, population aging poses numerous challenges, including the care of elderly individuals with reduced autonomy (Golaz, 2013). The current proportion of elderly individuals stands at 5.5% and is expected to more than triple by 2050 (Sajoux, Golaz, & Lefèvre, 2015), leading to increased demands for social protection and healthcare. Research indicates that elderly individuals in Africa face a significant burden of morbidity and disability, often due to chronic conditions that are frequently overlooked or untreated [3].

Within the context of large extended families in Africa, it becomes the duty of children to provide daily support and care for their parents, preserving the dignity and integrity of their ailing and dependent parents. African family dynamics consistently demonstrate this sense of duty toward parents, whether in North, West, South, or Central Africa.

In this context, caregiving for parents takes on an exclusive dimension, reversing traditional parent-child roles. In the eyes of children, parents are recognized for having provided unwavering attention, protection, and care, even during times of empowerment and strong family bonds.

Many informal caregivers actively engage in caring for sick individuals. In this study, we will use the term “caregiver” to define someone who primarily assists a dependent person within their immediate environment with daily activities [4]. Natural caregivers, family caregivers, or close caregivers encompass anyone who provides care or support.

Natural Caregivers: Understanding Their Role and Challenges

A natural caregiver, also known as a family caregiver or informal caregiver, refers to anyone who provides care and support to a family member, friend, or neighbor with physical or mental disabilities, chronic illness, or precarious health. These caregivers may be of any age and come from diverse backgrounds. Their profiles vary due to individual circumstances (such as age, gender, and cultural identity) and the specific needs of the person they assist (such as age and the nature of their disability).

According to the Quebec Institute of Statistics, 21.1% of the Quebec population aged 15 and older are natural caregivers. Their contributions are exceptional, but they may also require specific support and services. Many natural caregivers may not even realize they fall into this role, especially if the support they provide is occasional or if they have no direct family connection to the person they assist. However, the government adopts an inclusive definition of natural caregivers.

Definition of Natural Caregivers

A natural caregiver is defined by the Law Recognizing and Supporting Natural Caregivers as someone who provides support to one or more individuals in their close circle—regardless of age or life circumstances—who experience temporary or permanent physical, psychological, psychosocial, or other forms of disability. This support can be continuous or occasional, short-term or long-term, and is offered on a non-professional basis. It is provided freely, knowingly, and revocably with the goal of promoting the recovery of the person being cared for and maintaining or improving their quality of life at home or in other living environments. The support can take various forms, including transportation, assistance with personal care and household tasks, emotional support, and coordination of care and services. It may also have financial implications for the caregiver or impact their ability to care for their own physical and mental health or fulfill other social and family responsibilities.

Understanding the cognitive evaluation that natural caregivers make of their situation is crucial for adapting to the evolving circumstances and preventing feelings of burden. While natural caregivers share similar situations, their experiences can vary significantly. Adaptation skills and coping strategies play an essential role in managing the caregiving burden.

Indeed, natural caregivers constantly face what is known as “stressful situations,” defined as “a situation that an individual perceives as significantly impactful to their well-being and potentially exceeding their resources” [5].

Within this context, culture—understood as the collective characteristics of a specific group of people—becomes one of the factors influencing the caregiving experience among family caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. According to Abou [6], culture encompasses the ways of thinking, acting, and feeling within a community, relating to nature, humanity, and the absolute. Group culture functions as a system that ensures coherence, facilitates organization, and symbolically regulates social life. It serves as a container where both implicit and explicit beliefs and convictions of the group reside. Culture thus acts as a knowledge system that organizes individuals within a given group around symbols, explicit and implicit concepts, and functions as a collective entity.

In line with this perspective, this article aims to explore the cultural elements at play in the caregiving experience among family caregivers.

Methodology of the Study

In line with the study’s objective, we employed the clinical method, which is fundamentally qualitative and relies on case study analysis. This choice is justified by its focus on the uniqueness of each case, allowing for in-depth understanding. Specifically, we prioritized studying the functioning and lived experience of family caregivers in their caregiving situation.

The case study approach aims to capture the singularity of each case. We conducted the study within Wellbeing associations in Yaoundé, APAC in Douala (Cameroon), and the Geronto-Geriatric Center in Melen-Libreville (Gabon). Participants were selected based on the following inclusion criteria: being a parent of the affected individual, being of legal age, serving as the primary caregiver for at least 6 months, not having a history of psychiatric illness, and obtaining a negative score on the Mini Zarit test.

After obtaining their consent, we emphasized confidentiality and anonymity. Subsequently, we proceeded with data collection.

In this study, we employed the clinical method, which is fundamentally qualitative and relies on case study analysis. This choice allows us to delve deeply into the psychological functioning of participants and comprehensively explore their experiences. Specifically, we focused on understanding the functioning and lived experience of family caregivers in their caregiving situation.

To collect data, we conducted semi-structured interviews. These interviews allowed participants to express themselves freely, providing valuable insights. We transcribed the spoken data to facilitate analysis. Our approach involved thematic content analysis, identifying essential themes or units of meaning. We selected key passages to empirically ground our analysis.


Case Presentation

Case KM

KM is a 55-year-old widow, Catholic, and of Bamiléké ethnicity. She completed her education up to the first year of high school (1ère D). KM describes herself as an active woman in society, occupied by her profession as a “bayam-sellam.” This occupation involves purchasing staple food products in bulk from farms and selling them at retail prices in city markets. KM is the third of five siblings. For the past 10 months, she has been caring for her sick father. During the interview, she appeared relaxed and generously shared a wealth of information with us.

Case ED

ED is a 55-year-old woman from the Sanaga Maritime region, and she follows the Protestant faith. Despite her limited elementary education (CEPE – Certificate of Primary and Elementary Studies) obtained in Edéa, she expresses herself quite well in French. Her general knowledge surpasses her educational level, particularly regarding Alzheimer’s disease and societal matters. ED is a homemaker, married, and proud mother of five children.

Case LA

LA is a 35-year-old Cameroonian woman from the West region, specifically from the Bangangté tribe. She completed the equivalent of the third grade and works as a Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) agent. Her focus is on children and adolescents with disabilities.

Case P

P is a 30-year-old young military officer whom we met at the Geronto-Geriatric Hospital in Melen, Libreville, Gabon. He belongs to the Fang ethnic group, follows the Catholic faith, and holds a BEPC (Certificate of Basic Education). He is the second of three siblings, with the third sibling having passed away. As a single individual without children, he plays the primary caregiving role for his mother, who has been suffering from Alzheimer’s disease for several years.

In the relationship between KM and her parent, in addition to these moral values, we can see the influence of tradition that she upholds. She bases her motivation for fully playing her role as a caregiver on recognizing the bonds of kinship and a sense of moral obligation due to the care her parents provided in the past. She states, “I take care of my parent because I love them, and especially because they are my father.” Furthermore, she attributes to tradition a role akin to the superego, dictating the moral principles she follows. According to her, “If I were to abandon my parent during this illness, the ancestors and even God would be against me.” She adds, “According to tradition, a child should never abandon their parent.” For KM, caring for her parent is both a moral duty and a traditional obligation.

KM’s altruism means that she doesn’t concern herself with absent siblings in the caregiving relationship with their father. She is willing to give herself entirely for her brothers and sisters.

As for ED, her motivations in the caregiving relationship with her parent are evident in how promptly she mobilizes when her older brother expresses any concern about their mother’s health. She doesn’t hesitate to drop everything and rush to the village to assess the situation. She recounts, “When my mother fell ill, my older brother called me, saying that Mom wanted me, that she constantly mentioned my name, and that maybe she had something to tell me. So I went to the village… I asked her if I could take her with me to Douala, and she agreed. Then I sought my brother’s approval, and he gave his consent”. Beyond this dedication and constant concern, ED stands out with the certainty that she can take better care of her sick parent than anyone else: “But I want to stay by her side to make sure she gets better. I am convinced that no one can care for her like I can because I love my mother so much!”

In her altruistic spirit, ED acknowledges the sacrifices her mother made for her since childhood. This brings to mind authors such as Piaget, Wallon, Winnicott, and ethologists who emphasize the attachment bond between mother and child from early years, with lasting effects on the child’s personality. For ED, being close to her ailing mother evokes pleasant moments of affection, motivating her: “I have an opportunity to be close to her and repay what she has done for me since my childhood. I genuinely enjoy taking care of her because she’s my mother.”

According to her, it’s when parents are elderly that they become more valuable, contrary to modern notions of aging as a depleted, tired phase with nothing left to offer the younger generation: “Yes, even our village mothers become more endearing as they age because they have so much wisdom to share”.

In LA’s verbatim, we can discern her love not only for her grandmother but also for her own mother, who has always been caring toward her and her siblings. It’s as if through this assistance, she is also serving her own mother. Additionally, LA has experienced two divorces that affected her. Following the second divorce, she decides to live in the village and dedicate herself to caring for her grandmother. As the mother of her own mother, she believes her grandmother deserves her full devotion. It’s not only her duty to help but also a blessing to have a grandmother: “It’s normal; she’s my grandmother. I’m happy to take care of her, and I don’t complain even when it’s tough. It’s my duty as a granddaughter. Isn’t having a grandmother a blessing?”

In P’s case, we cannot overlook the positive influence of family harmony on lightening the burden of caring for their sick mother. Mr. P emphasizes that unlike families where discord prevails and individuals tend to shirk their responsibilities, in their family, a spirit of mutual aid ensures that no one feels “abandoned” in their caregiving duties. He highlights the importance of consultation in their relationship with their mother: “We consult on everything related to our mother’s health. Since her illness, we discuss her care more frequently”. It’s also worth noting that common sense prevails among the members of this family. While the older brother’s wife could have borne the responsibility of caring for their mother according to certain traditions, the brothers, especially our participant, come to her aid because she already has other significant family duties. This exemplifies practical wisdom within the family, contributing to lightening the burden. As our participant puts it, “The responsibility was too great to place solely on the wife, who already had a family to feed, care for, and children to educate. It was our duty as Mama T’s sons.”

He expresses gratitude for all the effort his mother put into raising them, especially their late sister. “Contrary to any hardship, I feel good because she has always been there for us, especially our late sister, whose passing deeply affected her. I’m content to take care of her”.

KM’s verbal expressions clearly reveal that cultural factors significantly influence her experience of caregiving for her father. She places great importance on the older generation, and her fear of ancestral retribution due to neglect is evident in her words: “According to tradition, a child should never abandon their sick father… If I even said he was wicked, may God forgive me…” Additionally, feelings of guilt and penance are present. KM believes that any wrongdoing toward parents is punished by God and ancestors. Out of fear of potential curses resulting from past misdeeds, she views caring for her parent as a form of penance.

Furthermore, KM emphasizes that her father deserves respect and honor in their culture: “He means everything to me. Besides, don’t you know that among the Bamiléké, parents are more cherished by children than anything else? If someone neglects their sick father, they don’t understand what they’re seeking, and they may even face curses!”.

According to KM, there is a belief that a curse awaits those who dare to neglect their sick or elderly parents. This starkly contrasts the treatment of older individuals in Western civilization versus African culture. While the former often involves retirement homes for the elderly, the latter keeps the elderly among their own, where they are cherished by their offspring. Like gathering around a fire, children find joy in surrounding their ailing father each evening, listening to stories, riddles, and advice. Even when ill, KM’s father remains a central figure around whom the children love to gather. This desire to be close to her sick father is particularly pronounced because other siblings envy KM. They believe she alone receives all the blessings from their father, while they must wait for holidays and vacations to share in them: “If any of them could leave their work to replace me, I’m sure they wouldn’t hesitate. During celebrations, the whole family gathers around Dad, and we celebrate together.”

Another testament to KM’s unwavering dedication to her father is her indignant response when asked about potential challenges in the caregiving relationship: “What problem could he cause me? I’ve been here since I understood he was ill. I’m proud to be his daughter, and I cannot neglect his illness!”.

ED’s family embodies the harmony characteristic of African families at large. This is evident in her older brother’s desire to have the sick mother sent to his home. Failing that, he sends one of his wives to assist our participant, ED, who insists on staying with the patient: “The family takes great care. My older brother even sent one of his wives to lend me a hand. He even asked me to send Mom to the village because there’s more family there. But I want to stay by her side to ensure she gets better.”

Despite knowing that tradition demands unwavering devotion from every child toward their parents, ED doesn’t need reminders. For her, it would be strange to act otherwise. Hence, she criticizes and feels indignant toward children who neglect their parents during illness: “We all know that even if tradition doesn’t explicitly require it, caring for parents is non-negotiable. If someone feels unable to do so, either they have a problem, or they’re not truly a child. I have no issues. Instead, I see it as an opportunity to be close to her and repay what she has done for me since my childhood. Taking care of her brings me genuine pleasure because she’s my mother”.

For LA, the notion of ancestral respect is sacred. She neglects her own needs in favor of those of her patient, and by extension, her own mother and other elders in the family. Even the patient’s numerous whims don’t cause her to lose her composure. She manages everything as best as she can. When necessary, she ensures she follows the patient during her wanderings to keep her in sight and avoid upsetting her. “Her biggest whims include eating everything and sometimes doing things her own way. But knowing it’s due to her illness, I endure and manage… It used to bother me a lot, but over time, I’ve grown accustomed to it. When she wants to leave, I let her and follow from a distance or send the children, as she can no longer cover long distances quickly.”

In P’s case, cultural factors influencing their experience primarily revolve around communal living. This manifests as harmony and cooperation among family members, where nobody shirks tasks but instead contributes willingly. Additionally, in this family, elders are revered, as Mr. P points out. This reverence for elders is a typical trait in African culture: “Elders are sacred beings among us”.

Discussion of Results

In Africa, old age is perceived not only as a time of rest but also as a sacred period for “reconnecting with the divine” (Tabboni, 2006, cited by Sadio-Ba Gning, 2015). Bourdieu previously noted that the entire relationship with the future is motivated by a desire to collaborate with God [7]. Consequently, old age is meant to involve contemplation and even asceticism for the elderly. Perceptions of old age, primarily shaped by implicit contracts, remind descendants of the intergenerational debt they must repay throughout their lives to their ancestors. In this context, participation in mosque or church discussions, visits to the sick, and pilgrimages to Islamic and Christian holy sites are highly valued. This assistance, which adheres to social norms, underscores the commitment children make to caregiving when their parents need assistance.

Old age represents a time of relinquishing personal plans, consolidated piety, strengthened moral authority, and the transfer of decision-making and economic power from the elderly to their descendants—the ones capable of maintaining family hierarchy and ensuring both material and moral survival.

Indeed, the care of elderly individuals in Africa follows a differentiation that favors male descendants with good socioeconomic status, often at the expense of women and younger siblings (Gning & Antoine, 2015). Descendants view old age as a “social retreat,” allowing parents to reap the fruits of their investments, sacrifices, and deprivations in peace and comfort. The elderly maintain precedence, arbitrate conflicts, and serve as guarantors of family cohesion (Golaz, 2007). Old age symbolizes a golden era, conferring respect, power, and social recognition. It becomes a means to revitalize the “social contract” of lineage.

In Africa, the need for assistance extends beyond professional care. Considering the trajectory of illness and care as developed by Corbin and Strauss [8], we recognize the significance of the family framework in dynamically rethinking the involvement of family members in providing necessary care for their loved ones. Communication, dialogue, and family solidarity play crucial roles in caregiving, whether rooted in blood ties, traditional values, or religious pillars. Each subject demonstrates that the family is the essential support system for bearing the burden of care.: Gning, S., & Antoine, P. (2015).

In Vieillir en Afrique (pp. 15-30). L’Harmattan. “Boquet and colleagues [9] drew attention to the cultural values of social groups and the social change that affects families, as the meaning attributed to assistance largely depends on it. It appears that intergenerational solidarity within the culture and the sense of gratification experienced in the caregiver-care recipient dyadic relationship are the cultural factors involved in the experience of caregiving among family caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease [10-21].


The objective of this article was to understand the cultural factors at play in the caregiving experience among family caregivers of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. To achieve this, we used a clinical method, specifically case studies. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with four caregivers from Wellbeing associations in Yaoundé, APAC in Douala (Cameroon), and the Geronto-Geriatric Center in Melen-Libreville (Gabon).”

Following a thematic content analysis, the obtained results reveal that Alzheimer’s disease is not necessarily perceived as a rupture by all caregivers. Some view their role as legitimate and rewarding (feeling useful, responsible, and competent). Cultural factors such as intergenerational solidarity and the desire not to upset ancestors dominate their representation of the relationship with their close relative. Consequently, these cultural factors play an undeniable role in providing assistance to close family members in situations of illness.

Taking these factors into account could be beneficial for the support offered to family caregivers. Beyond the daily care of individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, family caregivers also require psychological support to provide them with additional resources for coping with the situation. This, in turn, contributes to improving their quality of life.


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