DOI: 10.31038/PSYJ.2024652
A almost laughable to ponder upon where it all started and nearly grim and shameful when we realise as humans that we are reckless, careless, and foolish (Santosh Kalwar).
Looking back upon Covid’s entry into our lives, in the following narative we remove the wrapping of fraudulent news, to reveal how the spectre of a pandemic was used to coerce society into submission. To thank for all this we note the co-ordinated forces of a greedy pharmaceutical industry, shadowy governmental control plus an over-trusting population compliant in their own ruination. Not to mention the related pandemics of bankruptcies, depressions and suicides subsequently fermented. Ongoing are the results of ineffective vaccinations [1] causing more hospitalisations than the original virus (dones 2022); growing cases of autoimmunity [2]; nor is this yet over for the consequences are with us still [3,4]. Many vaccine effects are being covered-up by the term long-covid, where the guilty blame the disease rather than the longer term effects of vaccination. If this weren’t enough, and especially pertinent to modern times, are long-lasting effects steming from destruction of human rights and desecration of the human soul. As psychotherapists we see it in our clients plus those upon the streets. At the last, through complience, we all played a part in this all too real-life horror story. Many who previously believed in a more humane, just, compassionate and democratic society, now realise they were hood-winked into allowing all that’s best in us be destroyed. It’s not entirely our fault we fell for the prevailing chronicle, were we not primed to believe that politicians and medical experts, for all their personal flaws were trying to do the best they can? But to enhance compliance, governments used mass psychology and orchestrated fear [5], plus censored news [6] to keep us malleable. These ploys worked excellently and on far too many are working still. But now, finally, we perceive a wind of change blowing in the air (Mandavilli New York Times 202@. Indeed, the public’s belief in vaccination, since Covid, remains still at an all time low [7].
From the jig-saw of information arrayed below, drawn from multiple research studies, social and statistical surveys, news leaks and the accounts of ex-insiders at tbe time, we invite you to build your own picture, very different from the one officially broadcast by government, news media and big pharma – all guilty agencies who had a vested interest to supress the truth. Personally, although we would love to believe otherwise, reading between the lines it appears likely a group of powerful people regard the ordinary members of the public as surplus to their requirements. We, the public, don’t see through all this because evil makes us feel bad, sad, desturbed and deeply uncomfortable; so we resist accepting the world could work this way, for denial of unpleasant reality is part of our everyday coping mechanism. Nevertheless, uncomfortable facts must be faced if we are to awake fully to what’s before us. With Covid, even if we accept pharmaceutical bribes, commercial corruption and medical incompetence, there has to be another over-arching agenda for conspiracy of this proportion to thrive? How could blunders of such magnitude have been tolerated, condoned and succesful without large scale subterfuge sanctioned by our appointed guardians and rulers? There are few nurturing parents in our story, but many controlling and power-hungry ones. Are we then ‘Lost Children’? Regards the criminal reasons behind the Covid pandemic, the following are most widely circulated in public fokelore:
- Culling of the world population via vaccination;
- Experimental Implementation of mass control;
- Pathing the way for an economic power-driven global financial re-set.
Sadly, there is some confirmation these were designed to work hand-in-hand.
Everyhing ofcourse remains unproven to the uninformed public eye, but disturbing enough data nevertheless keeps pumping out via litigation within law courts, whistle blowers jumping ship and courageous individuals like J. F. Kennedy Jr [8] for us to consider some pretty shocking accusations, which we survey under the following headings:
Suspicions of a Plan-demic…
Bribes and inflated figures of pandemic deaths…
Formally denied side-effects of vaccinations now emerging…. The ineffectiveness of vaccination…
Culpability of Big Pharma…
Draconian intentions of governments and WHO… Press and News Supression…
Over-estimation of vaccine take-up…
Under the above we share factual reportage prior to a brief synopsis, and at the close share a summary of our findings and personal impressions.
We hope the information herein will bring you upto speed and initiate you into the ranks of the ‘informed public’.
Looking back at our earlier reflective studies listing lethal side-effects and the ineffectiveness of vaccines, bribery in high places and corruption plus propoganderisation of the news [9,10] are all too sadly proving true. After reading this article you will have to hand sufficient data to make up your own mind.
What a story to tell the world how Coronavirus has become impotent and Triendless to reward ultra rich with more rights (Qamar RaTiq).
Suspicions ofa PlanQemic
“Each wave of terrorizing creates its effects more easily — añer a breathing spell — than the one that preceded it because people are still disturbed by their previous experience. Morality becomes lower and lower, and the psychological effects of each new propaganda campaign become strongep it reaches a public already soñened up” (doost Meerloo).
The Research and Evidential base:
In 2017 and 2018 every nation on earth started buying and selling millions upon millions of virus test kits labelled ‘Covid19 Test Kits’, you can still see this on the website of the World Integrated Trade Solution! How could so much be prepared and so many nations be in ‘the know’ so early on? What is more, only five months before the coronavirus outbreak WHO instructed all the nations to immediately prepare for an imminent World influenza pandemic. Similar foresight caused the Australian government to publish a manual for a coronavirus pandemic, a few months before it even surfaced.
- If the above weren’t enough to raise suspicions, why do American Government records show that the S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019, to Labyrinth Global Health Inc, for ‘COVlD-Research’, interestingly in the Ukraine, one month before the alledged emergence of novel coronavirus and 3 months before Covid was officially dubbed Covid-19 or even known to exist? Further more, in relation to this spectre of bacterial warfare, Peter Daszak appears as a bridge, in that he was previously involved with weaponising drugs and subsequently employed by the US government as a Covid Health Advisor. And his health advice? In a minuted public meeting: he advised “We must create public h)/pe to get the public to accept an international virus vaccine”[11]. What are we to make of this? In relation to the link of germ warfare to Covid, although Corona virus was declared a dead issue and supposeably written off by WHO in 2007, why did the US government continue to spend millions of dollars upon it? Could it be Corona was still seen as a highly malleable bio-weapon so its research went underground in military laboratories? More disturbingly, it appears we all eventually became the enemy it was directed towards!
- The person who technically owns the World Health Organization through his financing of it, is Bill Gates, the number 1 vaccine dealer in the world, who predicted: ‘There is no doubt in an)/one’s mind that we will experience a surprise outbreak of an infectious disease during the first term of the Trump administration’ (Kennedy 2021). Such foresight! He even went on public record threatening “We’ve Not Seen the Worst of Covid”. Clearly a continuing pandemic mind-set was in certain people’s interests. It is common knowledge that The World Health Organization had an official plan primed for 10 years of ongoing infectious diseases in waiting, from 2020 to 2030, which they entitled ‘A Decade of Pandemics’ – all ready and willing to go when Covid arrived! 2030 is also the year when ‘Agenda 2030’, a formally recognised United Nations, WHO and Bill Gates initiative geared to a worldwide centralization of eco-political power is envisaged as coming into Again, it appears someone knows something we don’t and is merrily planning a take-over!
- To iron out any further doubts consider again Dr David Martin’s testimony to the Corona Investigative Committee [12], in which he states: ”The National Institute of Health’s grant Al23946-08, issued to Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (officially classified as affiliated with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NlAlD by at least 2003), shows they began work on synthetically altering the Coronaviridae (the coronavirus family for the express purpose of general research, pathogenic enhancement, detection, manipulation, and potential therapeutic interventions targeting Covid, as early as May 21, 2000, at which time Dr. Baric and UNC sought to patent critical sections of the coronavirus family for their commercial benefit”(Ibid). In one of several papers derived from work sponsored by this grant, Dr. Baric published what he reported to be the full length cDNA of SARS CoV in which clearly stated that SAR CoV was based on a composite of DNA segments: “Using a panel of contiguous cDNAs that span the entire genome, we have assembled a full-length cDNA of the SARS-CoVUrbani strain, and have rescued molecularl)/ cloned SARS viruses (infectious clone SARS-CoV) that contained the expected marker mutations inserted into the component clones”(Ibid). In line with this, on April 19, 2002, the Spring before the first SARS outbreak in Asia, Christopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, and Ralph Baric also filed an application for U.S. (Patent 7,279,372) for a method of producing recombinant coronavirus. In the first public record of these claims they sought to patent a means of producing: “an infectious, replication defective, coronavirus”. In short, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services was involved in the funding of amplifying the infectious nature of coronavirus between 1999 and 2002, way before SARS was detected in humans. Following evidence of the Patents Office how can we ever doubt that Coronavirus came from a lab? With great difficulty we respectfully suggest. Many portants of the Covid have reached the public since 2000, which caused some to suggest we were being softened up for the kill! In 2003 the TV series Dead Zone aired an episode entitled ‘The Plague’, showing a coronavirus pandemic. Everything we have experienced was shown: Chinese origin of the virus, masks, lockdowns, quarantines, test swabs! Even the cure was mentioned: chloroquine! In like vein, a musician in 2013 composed a song about a coronavirus pandemic, that would occur in 2020! He said he could predict this because he had been investigating so called ‘conspiracy theories’. Supporting the notion that some people knew before-hand about the pandemic, in 2006 a movie was also released called V for Vendetta, which depicts a coronavirus pandemic that results in worldwide tyranny. The theme repeated throughout the movie is ‘This is for your safety”! So clairvoyance or something else more sinister? One has to ask were we being subject to subconscious psychic preparation and subliminal preparation? Even the UN got into the act of prophesying the pandemic when in 2012 it published a comic book titled ‘INFECTED’, which tells the story of a global pandemic that starts in a market in China, leads up to worldwide medical tyranny which is praised as the best solution. You can download this comic from the UN website cited in the bibliography of this article {U/V 2012). Taken together, all these tend to suggest, as in mass psychology, we were possibly being primed and softened-up (an old KBG ploy) to expect a pandemic?
- Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, is an international trial lawyer who has successfully sued large fraudulent corporations like Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank, has a worldwide network of lawyers who have listened to over a hundred experts from every field of science. Reiner claims to have collected undeniable evidence that the Covid pandemic was in fact a planned criminal operation. According to him, a second Nuremberg trial may be needed to prosecute all who are complicit in this unprecedented crime against humanity. Besides enrolling international lawyers and a judge, Dr. Fuellmich has organized a Grand Jury proceeding, where experts from the WHO, UN, CDC, Pfizer, Military, Secret Services are all presenting evidence that Covid was a criminal planed operation [13]. Either Dr Fuellmich has gone mad and his many witnesses likewise, or mass conspiracy is well nigh proven! Note that a criminal court in Peru has already ruled that this pandemic is a criminal operation run by Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, George Soros and other billionaires! But don’t worry, it may only be another conspiracy theory for us to dismiss!
- The notion of a plandemic is further credited by the testimony of Marion Koopmans, a WHO virologist from the Netherlands working at the Wuhan bio-lab, who confirmed on Dutch television that the World Health Organization had been working on the Covid agenda for many years, while at the same time developing a Pandemic Treaty, which gives them complete totalitarian control over all the nations in the world, so that whenever they declare a pandemic, something they can do whenever they want based on any test they choose – governments had to obey! Luckily WHO’s megalomaniac macinations of a Pandemic Treaty was derailed by a consortium of 3rd World nations and Russia, who refused to sign their consent, though it had been already signed by governments in Europe and the USA.
- As widely predicted, another “pandemic”, namely Monkeypox (dones 2022), stands currently waiting in the wings poised to take Covids This infection mimics many of the symptoms of COVID jab- induced shingles — so much so, the Department of Health in Queensland, Australia, used the same photo to illustrate both infections (the photos have since been removed from the website). Please note: “Unless there has been some genetic alteration, either through evolution or intentional genetic manipulation, fmonkeypozj is not a significant biothreat, and has never been considered a high threat pathogen in the past. So, stop the Tear mongering, misinformation and disinTormation”Dr. Robert Malone (Fearless Speech). Monkeypox is a virus endemic in Africa which emerges sporadically after transmission into humans from animal hosts; is typically spread by close human contact and is readily controlled by classical public health measures. It does not have a high mortality rate. So please please remove from your mind the necessity of standing in line for your Monkey-pox vaccination. Ask also what happened to Omicron, Delta and Alpha? Did they just go out of fashion as fear mongering moved on?
Authors Comments: The conspiratorial nature of Covid was picked up early [14,15] and its man-made origins confirmed in records from The Patents Office January 2000 to June 2008, firstly addressing investigation of canine coronavirus gene uses on Jan 28th 2000) by Pfizer Inc (https.fff patents.justia.comfpatentf6372224);in the subsequent isolation of Corona virus from humans on April 12th 2004, also by Pfizer (https.fffpatents.justia.comfpatentf7220852);plus in the ongoing investigation into antiviral agents for the treatment, control and prevention of infections by coronaviruses on Apr 28th 2004 by Sequoia Pharmaceuticals Inc (https.fffpatents.justia.comfpatentf7151 163); finally, and most incriminating of all, by the investigation of amino acid sequences directed against envelope proteins of a virus and polypeptides for the treatment of viral diseases upon Jun Sth 2009 by Ablynx N.V (https.fff patents.justia.comfpatentf919378). It all becomes very difficult to believe that Coronavirus came from any other than a lab or that it was ever a new or novel strain. Sceptics amongst you please click any one of the above patent references to see for yourself. WHO, appear to have very powerful political ambitions on a world wide scale, not forgetting a principle funder in vaccine multimillionaire Bill Gates. Personal and comercial interests, we suggest, may have corrupted WHO’s stated purpose. We all tend to forget how large commercial enterprises have more wealth than many countries and wield much more power than most nation states, enabling their wealthy owners to force ‘their version of reality’ on us. Add to all this Patent Office records extending back to 2000, military involvement, leakage from public meetings and overlap of warnings from whistle-blowers, plus preparation of the public mind-set by pandemic films and dramas, and the notion of a Plan-demic, to our minds, is much more than merely circumstantial What is more, WHO in trying to push through Monkeypox as an International Emergency, even though US Government data agrees it is impossible to distinguish between Monkeypox, chickenpox and shingles, all appear highly invested in repeating their earlier Covid success! More tellingly, as the Covid-1 9 vaccination increases the risk of singles by a shocking 4925Oó (The Ezpose 2022Ç, they would appear to have set the conditions for a further pandemic? Unsurprisingly the main clusters of Monkeypox (vaccine induced shingles) are emerging in areas where Pfizer vaccinations predominated! Intriguingly, when I clicked on Dr. Reiner Fuellmich’s website and sites relating to his legal legal actions against Covid, most were rapidly blocked or otherwise made impossible to access! A host of attacks on the validity of his inquiry also litter the net. This is common practice I find when ‘the authorities’ and Google do not want discomforting facts to energe!
“Menticide (brainwashing) is an old crime against the human mind and spirit but systematized anew. It is an organized system of psychological intervention andjudicial perversion through which a fruling class can imprint their own opportunistic thoughts upon the minds of those they plan to use and destroy” (doost Meerloo).
Bribes and Inflated Figures
“We’ve seen repeated cases of corruption, and that is the second pandemic in many ways” (dohnathan Cushing Transparany International Global Health Team)..
The Research and Evidential base:
- Dr Scott Jensen, Senator of Minnesota, put on public record via Fox News, that “Hospitals receive as much as 13,900 dollars for every patient they register as Covid-19. For every death resulting from Covid-19, that amount is tripled to. 30,900 USD”[16]. On a far lesser scale some Romanian GPs offered a hundred pounds to poor peasant folk in the provinces to take the vaccine! If that much was offered to patients how much were GP’s themselves getting? We personally have already uncovered, locally in Romania, monetary incentives for re-classification of those otherwise dead, to Covid deaths.
One of the informants for our earlier articles was an Orthodox Priest who was asked to confirm a Covid death for a road traffic accident victim. He refused and went public on TV! Also consider, death from any cause within 28 days of a positive test for SARS-CoV-2 was recorded in several countries as a “Covid death”. With case-rates and Covid deaths highest among the Triple Vaccinated many governments are now asking where did the ‘Science’ of the pandemic go wrong? The hype and the statistical facts don’t add up!
There are literally scores of viruses, even common cold viruses, which infect the human airway in elderly and infirm people to give rise to severe illness. But these appear to have been intentionally or accidently re-coded as Covid-19 – how else can we account for the disappearance of the common cold and seasonal influenzer during our Covid years? Least we forget about prior conditions contributing to Covid deaths, of 29,135 Covid deaths registered in Romania until April 2021 (Statistica, 2021), only 227 were admitted by the Minister of Health to have died of Covid alone, without severe aggravating prior conditions! Thus proving a massive exaggeration of figures to the tune of 28,908 excess deaths! A similar over estimation of deaths was similarly reported in the UK and USA. Please ask yourself why was it so important to lie to us by official bodies?
Authors Comments. Obviously, there was a concerted effort from many quarters to inflate and escalate Covid figures to glorify the pandemics potency. Bribes were also paid to this end and health policies modified. Why was it important for us to be deceived? We mentioned in an earlier article that if you once test positive in the UK, you can end up being registered ‘Covid positive for life’, to later be attributed ‘a Covid death’ statistically. In this way viral deaths soar frighteningly and swell existing figures. Not surprisingly, in this fear inducing context, no figures for recovery from Covid were ever circulated thus magnifying its potential as an imagined death sentence in public eyes. As we have evidence of the UK weaponising fear [17], we shouldn’t be too surprised by this petty dramatisation. More peturbingly, is money the main reason for all this? Or is there something more sinister afoot? De- populatuon perhaps? So does Covid and its vaccination shade into this? The argument politicians like Kissenger [18] and philosophers such as Yuval Noah Harari [19] espouse, is “we need to depopulate the planet out of necessity or we won’t survive as a species”. It’s an old cover story. Evil always believes itself to be doing good. Over-population and the burden of an aging populance have been live issues for many decades. The older we get the more pressure we put on state pensions, health services and public spending. Should a man of my age of 76 in light of such logic then be let live?
°The masses have never thirsted añer truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deity error, it error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim”(Gustav Le Bon)
Formally Denied Side-effects of Vaccinations Now Emerging
“Maybe it is not COVID-19, but the government should come out and explain what’s causing these deaths. We don’t have the freedom or the Tacts to say iT it is COVID-19” (AdoIT Mkono).
The Research and Evidential base:
- Official UK Government data shows a 73Oó increase in the number of Young Adults and Teens suffering Heart Attack, Myocarditis and Stroke since the Covid-19 Vaccine roll-out. Another study found Covid-19 Vaccination increased risk of suffering a Stroke by 11,361Oó [20]. Is this just the tip of the iceberg? When they discovered there was a spate of heart attacks in children post vaccination, ‘Pfiser added an extra anti heart-attack ingredient (The Ezpose 2021), as if to acknowledge their culpability around vascular side-effects, ‘Sudden Death Syndrome’ appears to be a catch all diagnosis, invented by medics to cover vaccine induced heart attacks, such as the worrying number of Professional Athletes (890) who suffered cardiac arrests and deaths (579) post vaccination, and FIFA’s increase in Football Deaths to the tune of 300Oó over the past year (The Ezpose 2022e). So much evidence yet authorites are still loath to link it formally to But its not just strokes, why are so many post vaccination also going blind? And how come Covid-19 vaccination increases the risk of suffering miscarriage by 1517Oó? And the poison cherry upon the vaccination cake, a recent study found Covid-19 Vaccination increases risk of Death by whatever cause by at least 4,800Oó{//tid}/ Just let that sink in! Do you remember queing for your booster shot? Lucky you – not!
Data recently published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics indicates that it only took 4 to 5 months after a Covid-19 vaccination for so much damage to be done to our immune system that some suffered death (The Ezpose 2022c), many are still suffering now (Dutcher et al 2024; & Lam et all 2024). In light of this, whilst we were all distracted by the Russia-Ukraine war, the UK Gov. confirmed that the Triple Vaccinated seem to be more rapidly developing Acquired Immuno-deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) than others, a finding also confirmed by a follow-up Canadian study. The damage has sadly been done, and we, the guinea-pigs,p are still bearing the consequences.
- A New Modelling Study, no doubt funded by Big Pharma, goes against all others to conclude ‘Unvaccinated are a danger to the Vaccinated’; but Real-World Data and a growing number of authenticated studies prove COVID Vaccines increase risk of Covid infection by around a whopping 400Oó! There was an obvous war of disinformation going on out there. Andreas Schíifbeck, a director of a large German medical insurer, reported his company’s data indicated serious adverse effects were running at approximately 1 0 times the official rate reported by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), the official German vaccine regulator. Mr Schíifbeck got summarily fired for his troubles, despite only calling for further anaIysis. Two months on, an extensive study at the Charité Universitãtsmedizin Berlin (a large medical research university owned by the Federal State of Berlin in Germany), came up with data from long-term observational research sustaining his concerns. They reported: “The number of serious complications a€er vaccinations against Sars-CoV-2 is 40 times higher than previously recorded by the Paul Ehrlich Institute” (HART 2022). They further observed that suspected cases are not officially reported, and so the numbers of serious vaccination reactions at the Paul Ehrlich Institute remain significantly lower than in the Charité study (Ibid). As under-reporting is standard, it is estimated that only 1 0Oó of serious reactions and between 2 and 4Oó of non-serious reactions were ever If only government advisors and others had read the British Medical Journal’s warning and hesitated longer before adopting experimental and untested vaccinations [21]. Sadly, the BMJ’s caution fell on deaf ears.
- Damage to our immunity by vaccination just won’t go away, a CDC (Centre for Disease Control & Provention) study found Covid-1 9 Vaccination increases risk of suffering Autoimmune Disease Myocarditis by 13,200Oó; another demonstrated that children’s risk of death due to lowered immunity increases by 51 00Oó following Covid-1 9 Vaccination compared to Unvaccinated Children (Office of National Statistics data). Add to this a more recent peer-reviewed study by Scandinavian researchers who looked at 1 million people in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, that concluded almost two years ago, that the mRNA-based CVD ’gene vaccines’ caused myocarditis and pericarditis, and we can’t say we weren’t fore-warned. Heart and vascular conditions, plus autoimmunity, shout out in all statistical returns
- but where is investigative journalism on all this? Nowhere! The National Health Service has also confirmed, in response to a freedom of information request, that ambulance call-outs relating to immediate care required for heart conditions doubled in the whole of 2021 and are still on the rise in 2024. But the most concerning figures, published by The Office for National Statistics, reveal that between January 2021 and March 2022 a total of 69,466 people died within 28 days of Covid-1 9 vaccination, and 1 09,408 people died within 60 days of vaccination in England [22]. Where were the news services? Why were we not informed of the facts? Doctors were also reporting, somewhat paniced, that a sudden upsurge in ’Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ had emerged amongst vacvinated adults under the age of 40. Consequently, GP’s are still urging all under 40’s to go for a heart check-up. Covid-1 9 Vaccination is also being blamed for the UK Office for National Statistics data showing vaccinated adults aged 18 to 39 having a 92Oó higher mortality rate (per 1 00,000) than unvaccinated adults. Public Health Scotland data similarly reveals there has been a 67Oó increase compared to the historical average in 15 to 44-year-oIds suffering cardiac arrest, myocarditis, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases since this age group was offered Covid-1 9 injections. One can understand full well why the pharmaceutical companies negotiated a no sue no liability clause in their supply of public vaccinations with side effects running rampant even today! Again, we have to accept the fact that untested vaccinations and profits came before responsibility for maimed lives!
- Talking to grave diggers in our local cemeteries, we were personally informed, that since Covid the death rate amongst the young and old has tripled!
Authors Comments: Panic appears to be growing in many governments as the Fully Vaccinated have a higher Covid Hospitalisation-Rate than the Unvaccinated. Growing figures also testify to the inefficiency of masks, lockdowns, vaccinations, Covid passports, thus opening the door for litigation! The more so as AIDS; as viral authorities predicted is still showing-up as a fact of full vaccination. Is it not time we stopped calling the pandemic of heart attacks in the young ‘Sudden Death Syndrome’ and give them their real name, ‘Death by Covid Vaccination’? This is after all the true cause, as most governments well know. But why should governments support the truth when it means political suicide? Understandably, medical doctors who supported vaccination and advised their community accordingly, are also reluctant to share statistics which make clear that Vaccinated Young Adults have a 92Oó higher mortality rate (per 1 00,000) than Unvaccinated Young Adults. Combine all this with ambulance call-outs for heart illness having doubled since the beginning of the Covid-1 9 Vaccination Campaign, and orthodox medicine, it would appear, has hung itself by its own petard! But the wall is crumbling, for even a World Health Organization study [23] concludes risk of suffering Serious Injury due to COVID Vaccination is 339Oó higher than the risk was of being hospitalised with COVID-1 9! It is interesting timing for WHO to now expose the inefficiency of vaccines, the very things they pushed – are they changing sides in order to survive the incoming tide turning against them? When WHO and the BMJ agree on a point, it can’t be ignored. Will Big Pharma do the same and fess up we wonder? Insurance companies, who have no reason to lie, in reports from 201 9 (the last normal year before the pandemic) to 2020 (the year of the Covid-1 9 virus) report an increase in Group Death Benefits of only 9 percent; but group death benefits in 2021 when vaccine was introduced, increased 164 percent. Indeed the precise numbers for Group Death Benefits taken from Lincoln National’s annual statements for these years are 201 9: 8500,888,808; 2020: 8547,940,260; 2021: 81,445,350,949 [24]. Please read these figures again. When commerce is God, all else, morals and Christain virtues it seems become expendable. There is also another area we need consider, assisted deaths. It is now being suggested in several quarters, somewhat cynically, that we gave up two years of our life because Midazolam was used prematurely to end the lives of thousands of over 70’s in care homes (Telegraph 2021), though relatives were told their next of kin had died of Covid-1 9. Legalised murder no less! Looking at the bigger picture, we were conned by health and government alike into believing Covid was so very very lethal! So the alternative motive? Euthanasia or an experiment in mass population control? Such notions as these we deemed unbelievable prior to Covid, but many now believe they are are worth considering – so low is civic trust! Lastly, regarding the prospect of vaccine induced AIDS, this was prophesied by an official German Government study in January 2022 [25], it came right on cue explaining many of the associated peaks of illness earlier described and is with us still. The amazing thing is, some people thrive following triple vaccination, so research is acutely needed to identify catalysts that counter the effects of vaccination; but here’s the catch, grants for remedial research can’t be allocated until vaccine damage is openly accepted – and there remain forces at work hell bent on preventing this!
“Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot – it confuses those who think straight. The Big Lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal… than logic and reason. While the fpeople are still searching for a reasonable counter-argument to the Tirst lie, the totalitarians can assault fthemj with another” (doost Meerloo).
The Ineffectiveness of Vaccination
“Success belongs to those who accept mistakes as stepping stones” (Hermann d Steinherr)
The Research and Evidential base:
- At the height of the Covid pandemic a report noted 89Oó New Covid Cases were mostly within the fully vaxxed, another that the fully Vaccinated accounted for a shocking 73Oó of all Covid-19 Deaths across New Zealand since the its beginning in March Indeed, triple/double Vaccinated accounted for 81Oó of the record breaking numbers of Covid Deaths in New Zealand as late as March/April 2022. Simply, in terms of Covid and its variations, we are currently in the midst of a pandemic of the vaccinated! There is also another factor worth considering: “Those who had received a second dose over siz months ago had higher monthly ASMRs {Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) for deaths involving COVID-19 than those who had received a second dose less than siz months ago, indicating possible waning protection from vaccination over time” (Office for National Statistics 2022). With the risks of side effects and waning effectiveness, vaccinations appear to exacerbate the problem rather than resolve it! But if immunity is being compromised by vaccination is it any surprise more vaccinated folk are getting infected?
- Pfizer research data of 80,000 pages, ordered recently to be delivered to the law courts by a High Court Judge, whom they had approached for the opposite, namely 50 years legal restriction from public access under the Data Protection Act, proves beyond doubt they knew that vaccinations harmed pregnant women and that the vaccine was only 12Oó Though they claimed it to be 95Oó successful! So what can we trust about them? It would appear nothing! As I write this the Federal aurhorities are still investigating executives of Pfizer to possibly charge them with multiple counts of fraud relating to Covid vaccine. Truth will eventually out, but far too late for too many.
- A comparison of official Government reports from so many countries are confirming that Covid-19 vaccines are not only ineffective, but causing as earlier cited, large scale Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (The Ezpose 2022c). If this weren’t enough official figures from the United Kingdom’s PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report UK (Gov 2021) suggest ‘fully vaccinated’ people are losing on average of about 5Oó percent of their immune systems function per week! It is further reported that doubly injected “People aged 40-69 have already lost 40% of their immune system capability and are losing it progressively 3% to 6.4% per week” (Ibid). Current figures remain unavailable! Still governments continues to push vaccination! We pray the above figures and predictions are wrong, or that our bodies will be able to manufacture counter-measures to stop this deterioration, for everything points to fully vaccinated people suffering degrees of an ‘acquired immunodeficiency syndrome’ (AIDS) at a galloping rate.
Authors Comments: We wish to appologise to our readers that some of our quotes cannot be fully referenced, especially in this section, as they were taken off the website before we had time to formally record them! When we returned to many sites challenging vaccination, we also found these had also mysteriously disappeared, and in their place we found a plethora of pro-vaccination messages rubbishing earlier claims. Having said this, enough sites remain to support that the fully Vaccinated are nearly 3 times more likely to die of Covid-1 9 than the Unvaccinated. How do you feel about having been coned into considering, if not indeed having a proven useless Covid injection with life threatening side-effects? Not forgetting ever more follow up boosters where you are asked to willingly accept an even greater risk to your health? We personally know of too many local cases where vaccination has heralded cerebral changes, cardio-vascular problems and autoimmune reactions, for us to doubt the above statistics. Small blood vessels in the eye, brain and heart seem especially to suffer. As we speak ever more variants are being conjured up and we”re being offered further vaccinations for vaccination induced diseases! A brilliant commercial plan for Big Pharma yet again! It is no small wonder that statistics are causing government concern, with the fully vaccinated, on the international scene still having a higher Covid hospitalisation rate than the unvaccinated, and the triple vaccinated now up to 5 times more likely to be infected with Covid-1 9 than the unvaccinated. But this is small wonder when vaccine effectiveness has fallen as low as minus 391 Oó! A recent scientific study confirmed COVID vaccines were causing severe Autoimmune-Hepatitis days after WHO issued a ‘Global Alert’ about new Severe Hepatitis strain among Children! Was WHO offering a cover story for vaccine side effect? And why when we Google for ‘Covid vaccination side effects’ do we get sore arms and headaches but nothing about serious side effects?
Governments, through mis-information fostered by Big Pharma have damaged those they were appointed to protect, yet so many of us still turn a blind eye? An extensive wide ranging study by several universites, plus the editor of the BMJ, report via the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), have reported that Covid vaccines are more likely to put you in hospital than keep you out [26]. We rest our case.
“Totalitarianism is man’s escape from the fearful realities of Iife into the virtual womb of the leaders. The individual’s actions are directed from this womb — from the inner sanctum man need no longer assume responsibility for his own Iite. The order and logic of the prenatal world reign. There is peace and silence, the peace of utter submission” (doost Meerloo,).
Culpability oF Big Pharma…
“Medicine being a compendium of the successive and contradictory mistakes of medical practitioners, when we summon the wisest of them to our aid, the chances are that we may be relying on a scientific truth the error of which will be recognized in a few years time” (Marcel Proust).
The Research and Evidential base:
- Pfizer, from their earliest vaccine trial-runs kept ‘adverse reaction reports’ which testify they were already aware of 1,223 deaths and 42,000 complaints describing 158,893 side-effects! Obviously this is less a case of neglegence than For they knowingly released a dangerous drug upon the population. Keean Bexte, an independent journalist formerly employed by Rebel News, pointed out how 1,223 people died within the first 28 days after being inoculated with the BioNTech Pfizer vaccine during trials — and it was still approved for use (https.fft.cofBPzXvjUTsa)!. There are also reports that the vaccine killed all animals during an earlier trial. Many are justifiably angry the vaccine was allowed onto the open market despite all proven risks. Pfizer, yet again are demonstrating they put money before lives! Just 90 days after the release of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine they knew and reported mounting deaths and side-effects under a heading of “general disorders” (note how death is subsumed here under general disorders); the most frequently reported disfunctions were nervous system ones – over 25,957. Still Pfizer went full-steam ahead without further investigation. This information comes as consequence, as earlier noted, of 1,000s of classified research documents from Pfizer being released by court order.
- “The immuno-compromised SHOULD NOT Be Given Covid Injections”, so said the AstraZeneca CEO, this again tends to confirm that Big Pharma was alerted to the autoimmune side effects of its vaccines from the earliest trials! Even the key inventor of mRNA vaccine, Dr Robert Mason, is on record as challenging the lack of transparency regarding vaccine side-effects. He is pro-vaccination but considers the with- holding of side-effects He is especially concerrned re the true number of cardio-vascular complications, which he claims are 20 per cent higher than reported. As Public Health Officials, are forced to make policy on a best-guess way forward rather than factual basis, so damage continues to rise.
- Kennedy’s book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’, reveals how Fauci launched his career during the early AIDS It is claimed Fauci partnered with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off- patent treatments for AIDS and orchestrated a series of fraudulent studies, before pressurising US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he had good reason to know was worthless against AIDS, but made him money! Shades of his role in Covid times?
Kennedy further alleges Fauci repeatedly violated federal laws to allow his Pharma partners to use impoverished and dark-skinned children as lab rats in deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies. Strangely, Kennedy’s account has not been legally contested by Fauci and hence he’s not been sued! Why?
- Pfizer is on public record since 2000 as paying over $4,660,896,333 (four thousand six hundred and sixty billion, eight hundred and ninety six thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars) in 71 criminal fines due to corrupt practices, inclusive of false claims; flaws in drug and medical safety; unapporoved off-label promotion of medical products; missing research and healthcare records; improper government contracting and competition; plus environmental Pfizer has been found repeatedly guilty of Negligence, Fraud and Bribery over the past two decades and fined accordingly, but was aeemingly too established and powerful to be brought down! Why should we ever trust their plea for more preventative vaccines? Especially in light of a Bio-distribution Study of Pfizer Covid-19 Injections, which suggested use of mRNA Vaccines should be suspended immediately! How could a company like this be let continue to practice? I guess we must never under-estimate the power of bribes and the willingness of officials to accept them.
- Ivermectin emmerged early in the pandemic as effective in Covid, yet big pharma, abetted by government and WHO reatedly quashed any and every alternative treatment. For example, we mentioned in earlier articles that India went against the instructions of WHO and mandated the prophylactic usage of Ivermectin, effectively eradicating COVID-1 9 in areas where it was used. The Indian Bar Association of Mumbai, subsequently brought criminal charges against WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for recommending against the use of Ivermectin. Similar repressive scenarios have been reported internationally and further court cases are pending.
Authors Comments : Big Pharma got itself quite a business plan! Working first with WHO to dilute the definition of ‘pandemic’; spending billions cosying-up medico-political support via free lunches and cash incentives; pouring money into viral research and when a suitable candidate came along declaring it with WHO’S blessing a ’pandemic’. They even committed the worst virological sin of all – vaccinating at the height of a pandemic forcing the virus to mutate to survive! Even first year student nurses know this is dangerous and eeckless! How did they bring in previously prepared vaccinations? By coercing goverments into signing-off their culpability for side-effects, thus allowing them to offer lame experimental vaccinations over-and-above existing legal safeguards and law. And when these untested vaccines produced varients such as Alpha, Amicron, Delta, and Monkeypox they sought to vaccinate againt these also! Grand plan don’t you think? Commercially sound, ethically barren. We must also note the concerted effort to suppress the following alternative treatments: HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE – Used by tens of thousands of physicians worldwide, FDA approved for over 65 years, hydroxychloroquine is considered a safe and virtually 100Oó effective medicine for Covid-1 9. BUDESONIDE – Discovered as a 100Oó effective cure for Covid-1 9 by Dr. Richard Bartlett, who saw over 500 covid patients recover after treating them with this asthma medicine. As his randomised control study proved. IVERMECTIN – Dr Pierre Kory treated numerous corona patients to discover that Ivermectin is a true miracle drug for Covid1 9. A more recent study by ten medical experts reviewed the evidence and concluded that Ivermectin both prevents and cures Covid-1 9. CHLORINE DIOXIDE – Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker was reported as bringing down the covid daily death rate in Bolívia from 1 00 deaths a day to almost zero, with this substance he has researched for over 13 years. Even now alternative treatments to vaccination are being rubbished upon the net. So why were alternative treatments not investigated more? Rather than quashed so quickly – follow the money line and ask who has most to gain? It all boils down, yet again, to money before human lives! And when ‘ mass formation’ cum collective hysteria was cited to explain the populations sheep-like behaviour, Gates and big pharma likewise rubbished the work of all scholars associated with mass hysteria from Gustave le Bon to Mattias Desmet. Bill Gates even put out media message to say it was a made up term with no value! From Nazies to Covid and back again! Lies from the powerful masquerade as shining truths.
The world is in the grips of mass formation—a dangerous, collective type of hypnosis—as we bear witness to loneliness, free-floating anxiety, and fear giving way to censorship, loss of privacy, and surrendered freedoms (Mattias Desmet).
Draconian Intentions of Governments and WHO
“The worrying issue is that all levels of government — not only Federal — are abusing the emergency decree to continue with direct awards without any restrictions” (Eduardo Bohârquez director of Transparency International).
The Research and Evidential Base
- Research undermining the effectiveness of face masks suddenly became political when Covid arrived! Whar are we to believe? The facts or political message? The accepted research findings in total confirm the efficacy of face masks is lacking, while adverse physiological, psychological and health effects of masks are clearly Note Dennis Rancourt’s exhaustive review of all existing scientific literature on face masks which concluded that masks offer no protection against viruses [27]! Quote: ”No RCT study with verified outcome shows a benefit for HCW or community members in households to wearing a mask or respirator. There is no such stud)/. There are no exceptions. Likewise, no stud)/ exists that shows a benefit from a broad policy to wear masks in public”(Ibid). Two final points, firstly during the Spanish Flu in 1918-1919 most people died of bacterial pneumonia caused by extensive wearing of masks. Secondly, as any bright school-boy will tell you, at the molecular level viruses are too small to be deterred by paper face masks – they fly right through the molecular structure of paper masks! Like trying to repel mosquitos with chicken wire! Yet governments went ahead enforcing masks and lockdowns though both were proven to be scientifically indefensible! Forcing the population into masks would therefore seem more an issue of control than one of preserving health!
- As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Anthony Fauci, dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for chosen scientific research, allowing him to dictate the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the globe. Fauci uses his financial clout to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals and thousands of influential doctors and scientists – whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward in an authoritarian manner. As an influential force within WHO Fauci has played a major role in the mess we are in now. J. F. Kennedy (Jr) has gone on public record stating that in early 2000, Fauci shook hands with Bill Gates in the library of Gates’ $147 million mansion, cementing a partnership that would aim to control an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine enterprise with unlimited growth potential. Through funding leverage and carefully cultivated personal relationships with heads of state and leading media and social media institutions, the Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance exercises dominion over much global health policy. But not for much longer as this truth is now out in Kennedy’s best selling book.
- An investigative 229 page report, early on in the Covid game, came out in 2020 by a consortium of Reserve French Army Officers which drew links between The Gates Foundation and WHO, 5G, governmentally controlled vaccination and It identified that Covid-19 pandemic as troublingly being ‘foreseen’ by representatives of the military, industrial complexes, governments, pharmaceutical giants and shadowy “philanthropic” organisations. As for the reasons for Covid: ”The management of the ‘health crisis’seems to be a pretext for a totalitarian global take-over, inclusive of an intention to impose a global cryptocurrency, a vaccine with nano-chips and a subcutaneous electronic chip”(AFRAO 2020). The report identified massive corruption at the heart of WHO; saw Covid-19 as a biological and electromagnetic war supported by a vast “smoke-and-mirrors” operation designed to sow confusion among the ranks of medical and hospital personnel; it speculated that “Covid-19” could be the preparation for a much larger-scale joint operation, combined with a smokescreen to conceal large-scale tests of the 5G weapon for criminal ends that remain to be clarified. Links were also made between: 5G installations, both terrestrial and aerial (Elon Musk’s satellites in low-Earth orbit), as all part of a “total war project”. This independent inquiry came out in 2020 and guess what, was labelled as a conspiracy theory and left unreported by the main media. It may read in part as somewhat over-stated but… could it be nearer the truth than we care to realise if ‘The Great Reset’ is set to occur this next year or two? Time will no doubt tell.
- 160,000 COVID Deaths were claimed by the UK government, yet the NHS confirms just 5,115 people have died of COVID-19 in England since beginning of Pandemic! As earlier stated, we can’t reference this because the UK Government has taken anti-Covid stats down from its statistical and health service public view websites! A similar governmental falsified over-estimation of deaths was also discovered in the US, where Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) were directed to not count anybody as vaccinated within the first 14 days, until their second dose, so those who suffered death or side effects within this period would enter the records as unvaccinated! Thus blatently falsifying statistical returns. So why was it so important to panic the country? To magnify death rates? What answer would you give? Some suggest this was a ploy of government to weaponise fear {Dodsi+’oxh 202f}/ But to what purpose? An experiment in population control? Certainly the CIA has been implicated in the production and refinement of Digital Vaccine Passports (Daily Veracity. 2022), and many other countries are exploring tracking systems for their population, so the issue remains live.
- Governments worldwide are, it appears, working in lock-step fashion to bring in Digital I.D. and a Social Credit The EU has already agreed to expand online censorship with a ‘Digital Services Act’. In similar vein, Vienna is becoming a testing ground for a Chinese-style social credit system, and Canada is moving forward with plans to implement digital coding of population, while Italy has announced the roll- out of dystopian Social Credit System where compliant citizens will be rewarded for “Good Behaviour”. All much in keeping with the digital Identity introduced by Nigeria’s federal government, which has ordered telecommunication companies to bar calls from phone numbers not yet linked to a National Identity Number. Today Nigeria tomorrow the world! But you see the patten – control and monitor the masses, irrespective of human dignity or civil rights or individual privacy?
- As eluded to earlier, the UK Health and Security Agency has been forbidden to publish any further statistical data on Covid-1 9 cases, hospitalisations and deaths by vaccination status, because its figures embarrass government by showing the triple vaccinated population are on the verge of developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and the double vaccinated are suffering Antibody-Dependent Enhancement. In this way the truth is formally buried, for fear of challenging their own double So the UK Gov. uses hardworking taxpayer’s money to advance their agenda to control an official version of ‘the truth’. The Ministry of Truth is patently invested in mistruth in the UK!
Authors Comments. The handling of Covid 19 has been cited as preparation for ‘Agenda 2030’, a UN initiative whose shadow intentions, if not its press hand-out, have been said to support a system of total, worldwide centralization of power, influencing everything from governments to free market economy, with the goal of full centralization to allow a handful of people to micro-manage every aspect of trade and business. WHO ardently backs Agenda 2030 and seems to be working towards a like goal. Covid is seen by some as an initial experiment serving the creation of this economic empire, where a concept called the “sharing economy” is created in which people own less property and have less privacy. Sounds far fetched, but a lot of material is on the net re banking reset geared towards ensuring the security of existing power holders! Worryingly, Obama, Zuckerberg and Gates have acknowledged adopting the philosophy of Yuval Noah Harari, a Jewish philosopher who states the role of culture is to forbid (Harari 2018) He acknowledges that if governments and corporations succeed in hacking the human animal the easiest people to manipulate will be those “who believe in free will”. Harari observes: “We now have the technology to hack humanity and let everyone think and feel what we want. Tyrants always wanted to do thai but now for the first time we have the ability to do this. We will eradicate faith in God, end all free will, and make sure that humans think exactly what we want them to think”. His book,”21 Thoughts for the 21 st Century,” which supports the political lobby for population reduction was promoted extensively by Bill Gates, who wrote a foreword upon the cover. More desturbing is that Harari is being promoted massively by the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization – hence Agenda 2030 cited above. The spectre of de-population seemingly won’t go away. 5G, was cited earlier as linked to depopulation, was referred to by the president of Chile who threatened on national TV: “5G will not only read your thoughts, it will inseW thoughts and feelings. And we will make sure it reaches every home in the country.”’What a charming fellow – not! The Jury is out whether this is rhetoric or fact. The military, Big Tech and various governments have all been implemented as playing their part in 2030, now said to be in its final stages. Ten years ago we would have laughed at such notions – now we seriously consider them. Lastly we must with great sadness note that many sources, both governmental and pharmaceutical, are now suspecting that the Covid-19 vaccination may lead to mass depopulation. These suspicions, further backed up by mounting evidence from research studies and confidential Pfizer documents the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has released by court order, confirm a similar scenario.
One can but remember a Kessinger memo leaked out from the US Government in 2014 seriously considering depopulation as a viable way forward! Something unimaginable was seemingly being held in mind prior to Covid.
“Modern technology teaches man to take for granted the world he is looking at; he takes no time to retreat and reflect. Technology lures him on, dropping him into its wheels and movements. No rest no meditation, no reflection, no conversation — the senses are continually overloaded with stimuli. Man doesn’t learn to question his world anymore; the screen of fears him answers-ready-made” (doost Meerloo).
Press and News Supression…
*‘It is a Turore of disinformation and attacks — one in which credible journalists are subjected to online violence with impunity; where Tacts wither and democracies teeter”(dulie Posetti).
The Research and Evidential base:
- A volume entitled “Journalists for Hire” (Ulfkotte 2020), tells how perks are used to bribe writers and opinion makers to twist their reports. It illuminates first-hand how a tone of corruption is set from the top
- ‘play along or quit’, plus to what degree the long arm of a NATO press office enrolls media to get Europe to support foreign Press as a political tool? Just like the old communist days is it not?
- J.F. Kennedy’s book lays bare how Fauci and Gates control the media outlets, both conservative and liberal news services, as well as scientific journals, plus key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies and influential scientists and physicians so as to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19’s virulence and pathogenesis. Power to muzzle debate and censor dissent. As noted earlier, as Kennedy has not been sued for these accusations they would appear true?
- The afforementioned press whistle-blower Ulfkotte 2020), a respected journalist in his own right, reported how government inspired under-cover agents wrote articles in editorial offices that were subsequently published later under the names of well-known He also pointed out which journalists received bribes for their warped reporting, plus how prestigious “journalism prizes” were a reward system for cooperation, going so far as to name who received them. It was further evidenced, by the author, who died later under suspicious circumtances [28], that respected journalist names and outwardly respectable organisations as the Trilateral Commission and German Marshall Fund were behind-the-scene players that were regularly paid to influence German media with one-sided propaganda.
- For evidence of how the bought press turns upon the free press we need look no further than the case of Dr Rancourt, who we heard earlier dared speak against the official narrative of face Like many other scientists whose findings had a potential to rock government policy and pharmaceutical desires, Dr Rancourt was censored, had his academic reputation tarnished and his profile removed from ‘’. A host of character assasinations and de-buncking of his findings rapidly followed, flooding the internet! John Hardie’s world renknown study which proved masks increase infection [29], likewise was dug up from te past to suffer a similar debunking fate when the pandemic arrived.
The new black is obvously white! And truth is as ever decreed by those in power – are they not the ones to re-write history?
- “The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how vital it is for people to be able to speak out and share And yet medical professionals, journalists, activists and others who have informed the public or questioned the way the crisis has been handled have faced harassment and attacks” [30]. So speaks a professional body representing journalists. In the UK a pincer movement by the Treasury and Ofcom – the UK’s communications regulator, gagged our once proud news media through threats of fines and sanctions should they dare go against government guidelines. Not that the UK’s the only culprit. In its 2021 Index, Reporters Without Boarders [31] reported a ’dramatic deterioration in people’s access to information and an increase in obstacles to news coverage.” The RSF goes on to state that the COVID-1 9 pandemic has been used to prevent journalists from accessing other wide- ranging information so as to restrict critical reporting. According to RSF’s international survey, ” journalism is currently completely blocked or seriously impeded in 73 countries and constrained in 59 countries. Taken together, these figures represent 73% of the 180 countries assessed. Only 12 out of the countries ranked are deemed to have a Tree and favourable environment for journalism (one fewer than last year). Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Costa Rica, Netherlands, Jamaica, New Zealand, Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium and Ireland” [32]. Look at the glaring absence of the US and UK, France and Germany from this list! While the UK merely took down the National Statistics website relating to Covid deaths, in Iran, the authorities imposed measures to prevent news media from scrutinising the pandemic-related death toll, and “In Hungary and elsewhere, anti-Take news laws effectively criminalise legitimate journalistic reporting on the pandemic… Cases abound of how the ‘COVID-19 ezcuse’has led to the inability of journalists to do their job of reporting medically endorsed effective public health measures, or to challenge lethal disinformation” (Ibid). So we have a ‘gagged press’ not a ‘free press’, and propaganda rarther than factual reportage peppers our news (HART 2021). Investigative journalists continue to have their hands tied behind their backs! Indeed many have left employment or been dismissed because censorship has made their job untenable. In this future free speech has also been silenced. Speak truth at your peril!
Authors Comments: The UK government, while professing to be democratic, uses public money to bribe a publically funded news media – the BBC, to fear bombard the public with government approved propaganda furthering its own political agenda (HART 2021)/. They are also reported as paying experts in mass psychological manipulation to preserve their standpoint as the one and only way (Dodsworth 2021). There really is no room left for us to doubt press censorship. We personally have lost all faith in politicians and governments and consider the national news services a sick joke. Journalists themselves are likewise very concerned [33]. In terms of the impact COVID-1 9 is having on media there has been a renewed closure of civil space, especially in more authoritarian countries. In Egypt, for instance, there are new laws to suppress reporting, and leading journalists have been arrested. In Myanmar, under the cloak of COVID-1 9/fake news, independent media has been shut down (Ibid). All of which is deeply worrying. Sadly, the UK can’t report its own governmental censorship or abuses of the home press for fear of governmental and Ofcom fines and reprisals! Hypocritical or what?
“The social transformation that unfolds under totalitarianism is built upon, and sustained by, delusions. For only deluded men and women regress to the childlike status of obedient and submissive subjects and hand over complete control of their lives to politicians and bureaucrats” (doost Meerloo).
Over-estimation of Vaccine Take-up
Mis-information is a virus unto itselT (Brianna Keilar).
The Research and Evidential base:
- Contrary to what the press and TV say fewer than half of people living in parts of London, Birmingham and Leeds have had the first Covid jab, and statistics show below the 50 per cent vaccination mark in 13 other wards dotted across the country, including Interestingly, the lowest uptake for vaccinations was amongst Ph.D’s! Practiced, well read and informed researchers like ourselves no doubt.
- Even the UK Gov report admits 19.2 million people in England have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 “Vaccine” and another 12 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd Probing a little deeper on top of the 19.2 million unvaccinated, a further 2.6 million who had the 1st dose refused the 2nd dose, and a further 9.1 million who had the 2nd dose refused the 3rd dose (Fearless-speach 2022). Bringing the possible number of people who have now woken-up to the lies and propaganda spouted by the Government and mainstream media over the past two years up to 30.1 million.
- A similar case to the above is reported for the USA. In light of Mr and Mrs average Joe seeing the ineffectiveness of vaccination to prevent repeated Covid infection, plus damaging side effects on their family, neighbours and friends, is it really surprising CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) reports 74.2 million people in the USA have not had a single dose of a Covid-19 Vaccine and another 157 million have refused a 2nd or 3rd dose? Are you dear reader aware of friends or acquaintances of yours who have suffered post vaccine effects? Many are seeing through the earlier hype. Are sheep now finally changing into rams?
Authors Comments
In an earlier report we mentioned if you once test positive in the UK you can end up being registered ’Covid positive for life’, to sooner or later be attributed ’a Covid death’! Such ploys as this cause Covid deaths to soar frighteningly. One could easily be led to believe no one recovers from Covid! But almost all recover unless with serious medical pre-conditions, or if incubated or otherwise harmed by medical intervention. So much stistical subterfuge! Hopefully the recent refusal of vaccination is evidence of the masses waking up to the harm inflicted upon us? But sometimes it’s much harder to admit our mistakes than to make them – so this may take some time!
“But the order of a totalitarian world is a pathological order. By enforcing a strict conformity, and requiring a blind obedience from the citizenry, totalitarianism rids the world of the spontaneity that produces many of Iife’s joys and the creativity that drives society forward” (doost Meerloo).[34-50]
Concluding Summary
“Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew. This one is no different. It is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next. We can choose to walk through i¿ dragging the carcasses of our prejudice and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world. And ready to fight for it” (Arundhati Roy).
When you join up the dots of the information we have arrayed before you where does your reasoning take you?
For ourselves, reluctantly, we believe there is just too much data coming out to believe that Covid was a simple virus. Military path lab involvenent and patent office records, plus WHO macinations produce too much evidence of fore-knowledge and fore-preparation from such wide ranging sources, to suggest, Covid was manufactured and planned, and on a massive co-ordinated scale. Mass corruption from state governments and State suppliers of health, pharmaceuticals and WHO are all evidenced as keeping it going. Bribes of a very high calibre oiled the workings and governments silenced the press and TV. Though in the UK the public facing puppets kept it going almost seamlessly, here, in our home-base of Romania we saw through the cracks much sooner, as public facing systems were more flakey and politicians were thankfully less organised than elsewhere.
We wish there was more data that a straight forward virus was merely mis-handled and more proof that our conclusions are faulty. For there are no winners here! But such reliable sources as the British Medical Journal, Data Science Association, Health Advisory and Recovery Team, International Freedom of Expression Exchange, Social Science Research Network, UK Office for National Statistics, UK Statistics Authority and far too many university led research studies, plus records of The Patents Office back-up our findings. Deep down, we sincerely wish we were wrong, but we can’t find the verification for it. So we end up believing governments, spurred on by Covid, have ridden rough-shod over common good, human dignity and human rights, while exiziling humanitarianism, research and empirical observation to the wastelands. Consequently personal liberty has been restricted, justice and rationality suspended, and social responsibility all but forgot. The very things that make life the more enjoyable. In this light, as humanists, we feel morally compelled to write, as to sit idly by as moral cowards is not a self respecting option. Is silence during public atrocity not complience?
It took us some time to catch up with the Covid farce. Sinziana comes from a medical family and my first career was as a nurse and nurse teacher. Until Covid came along we both believed in vaccination. We were reluctant dissenters though ardent researchers, so research won us over in the end. In our earlier articles we were genuinely perplexed, now we have lost faith in government and medicine in general. At the last, the vaccinated are the ones paying the price. Prospectively, we fear they have a life vexed by possible auto-immunity and cardio-vacular problems ahead, not to mention a shortened life expectancy. This is a very hard reality to face, and we are past anger on the issue.
We know most people feed off the telly and news papers for their shot of truth, taking all other sources as suspect, so we will likely be enthroned further by writing this article as conspiracy theorists. But please, at least, survey the headlines of the references below to glean something of what propoganderised news is denying you. Feel free to shoot us down as the messangers but we beg of you – awake!
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been Tooled” (Mark Twain).
- Van Beusekom M (2024b) MSCOVID vaccine efficacy against sevem illness just under E0&, per early estimates from CIDRAP.
- The Expose (2022c) New Govemmenr data confirms it can take just 8 months for the Covid-19 Vaccinated to develop Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome.
- Ethan G, Dutcher EG, Epel ES, Mason AE, Hecht FM,et al (2024) COVID-19 Vaccine Side EHects and Long-Term Neutralizing AntibodyResponse: A Prospective cohort Annals of Internal Medicine, 177: 7. [crossref]
- Lam ICH, Zhang R, Man KKC, et al (2024). Persistence in risk and effect of COVID-19 vaccination on long-term health consequences afier SARS-CoV-2 Nat Commun 15: 1716
- Rayner G,Halligan L (2021) Life inside the fear Factoiy: how the Government keeps us on high aIeW.
- Ulfkotte U (2020) Confessions From the profession: ’Presstitutes’in service oFthe People’s World
- Van Beusekom M (2024a) Surveys reveaI Americans’persistent mistmst in COVID vaccine CIDRAP.
- Kennedy R F (2021) The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense). Skyhorse. USA.
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