Monthly Archives: May 2020

The Myth of the Corona Monster

Short Communication

The death toll, collapse of national health systems, and inability to arrest the worldwide spread of the Corona virus may seem in the eyes of the general public a fight against a sophisticated blood thirsty monster. Not only that the current devastating situation may justify such perception, scientific ignorance and fear-borne superstitions amplify the anxiety and lead to imagination of the virus as an unstoppable beast. On top of this, the terminology used in the media pictures the virus as a live creature with ambitious killing intensions.However, this perception is far from being true. First, we should not forget that this virus is a piece of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and not a live creature (creature definition: at least one cell surrounded by a biological membrane). Thus, rather than scaring the public, it could be wise to discuss in simple words the chemical nature of the virus as well as its possible origin and why does it pose a worldwide concern. Second, the redundant declarations and optimistic promises by non-professionals cannot assuage or calm down a scared public. People require logical explanations with at least putative solutions that leave some hope. Third, an international council supported by national committees of medical as well as communication experts is required to lift some pressure and better explain why may we anticipate dissipation of the virus. Such explanations can capitalize on the description of strategies and means to combat future viral as well as microbial threats, and also illustrate how previous horrible pandemics finally dissipated.

No doubt, globalization of economy and transportation along with explosion of human population enhance disease spread. We have learnt nowadays that borders closure and police and army regulations not necessarily stop this spread. Hence, in the absence of appropriate vaccine and efficient curing drug, the strategy that held sway thus far was isolation of people, cities, and entire districts. Despite this seemingly successful strategy in China and South Korea, the increasing death toll in Europe and the US implies that the world is not ready and probably unable to overcome this frightening situation. Considering a horrifying possibility of a worse future biological threats, it is critical to develop preventive and curing means, directed by the World Health Organization and supported by national brain-storming committees. Such efforts should consider development of multi-potent vaccines (e.g. monoclonal antibodies directed against viral families and based on common sequences or structural entities. The putative feasibility of such idea is currently reflected on efforts to protect infected patients by administration of purified serum derived from cured patients that survived the viral attack. The success of this initiative may be limited if the Corona virus interaction with human cells differs from that of other members of this viral family (SARS and MERS). Another putative possibility might rely on the viral need for an enzyme (polymerase) enabling multiplication of its RNA genome. Arrest of polymerase activity might stop viral propagation, but it may concomitantly affect the host. Therefore, we should seek for a way to eliminate viral propagation with minimum effect on the host. Here we may capitalize on the vast difference in RNA polymerase activity for viral multiplication compared to the lower activity rates required by the host. This difference may be exploited to arrest viral propagation in an approach similar to the so called ‘pulse-chase’ experiments in biochemistry. In these experiments a radioactive isotope (usually 14C or 32P) is used for a short duration to label freshly synthesized macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids), and then is washed out, enabling follow up of the fate of the labeled molecules. A similar approach may be adapted to arrest polymerase activity by an inhibitor administered for short time intervals, each entailed by drug washout or dilution. Favipiravir (T-705; 6-fluoro-3-hydroxy-2-pyrazinecarboxamide) is an example of an antiviral drug that selectively inhibits the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of influenza and some related viruses. It might be beneficial to examine whether such a drug or other existing drug derivatives would also affect the Corona polymerase.

None the less, it should be emphasized that such medical approach does not mean that infected individuals and populations should not be isolated to eliminate virus spread, as is practiced presently worldwide.The dangers to humanity imposed by biological threats put a big question-mark on the advantages of globalization. Have we approached the stage where over-populated world along with globalization endanger our existence? Sadly, as long as international conflicts lead to violence and the world is busy in developing new mass-destructive warfare, including biological weapons, humanity is exposed and under threat. Surprisingly, despite the fear, only little has been done to prevent and withstand such global disasters. Allegorically, human populations and international relationship are reminiscent of a bacterial culture growing in a flask. As long as the cells have sufficient resources to thrive, their growth is exponential. However, when density cannot be tolerated and the life supporting resources decline, many cells die and other would survive by feeding on degradation products of the dead (plateau in the growth curve). Then in the absence of sufficient resources the culture begins to collapse (decline of the growth curve) and most cells die. Would humanity extinct one day in a similar fashion?.Another questionable point is how and where was the Corona virus created. Since it is not a live creature, its progenitor belonged most likely to the SARS or MERS viral families, as indicated by the 72.8 similarity of their nucleic acid sequences. Since DNA and RNA are always prone to some rate of mutations that are either detrimental or corrected by various internal mechanisms, the question is whether such natural rate of mutations may explain the creation of Covid-19. Since the Covid-19 RNA sequence differs approximately 27% from other members of the SARS family, the natural rate of mutations can hardly explain its formation unless it happened under strong selective pressure and recombination events allowing substitution of entire RNA sequences. Since the virus is just a chain of nucleic acids, it is hard to consider a feedback mechanism responsible for such genetic capability. This raises a strong suspicion that the Corona virus has not been created by random genetic events. If true, the most rational conclusion would be that the strong selective pressure and recombination events that led to the formation of Covid-19 were directed by human hands, and insufficient control measures allowed the escape of the viral product out of its experimental niche. Not only that such a conclusion is terrible, the continuation of arms race and development of mass destructive biological weapons may seem to an extraterrestrial visitor the most foolish direction taken by mankind.

What is the most effective mouthwash in patients infected with covid-19 to minimize possible transmission by saliva? Update.

DOI: 10.31038/JDMR.2020315


Objectives: To study if some antiseptic agent rinse can reduce the viral load of COVID-19 in the infected patients to minimize its virulence in respiratory tract, and therefore the contagious.

Materials and Methods:To analyze of scientific articles published in the last months, about the use and effectivity of some mouthwash against COVID-19 and write an update.

Results: Rinses, as an adjunctive measure for containing the COVID-19 transmission, are important to keep in mind, but there are very few articles on COVID-19 that cover mouthwashes.

Conclusions: A concentration of 1% – 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solution or 1% – 0.2% povidone-iodine seem to be an effective mouthwash to reduce the viral load in oral cavity of COVID-19.

Clinical Relevance: Due to COVID-19 pandemic, we are suffering, and growing information about this virus, questions about which antiseptic rinse to use to decrease the viral load is essential.


COVID-19; dentistry, chlorhexidine, povidone iodine, antimicrobial mouth rinse, antimicrobial mouthwash.


The zoonotic virus named 2019-nCoV or COVID-19, belongs to the Coronaviridae family, it is probably outbreakstarted with Chinese horseshoe bats (Rhinolophussinicus) [1], and although pangolism was initially thought of the most likely intermediate host [2], the publication on 20th February 2020 of the genetic analysis on the BioRxiv Server has showed that the conclusion was rushed.

An epidemic of coronavirus disease started in 2019, in Wuhan (China), and during a short period of time it is causing an outbreak of pneumonia known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS- CoV-2) [3, 4].

From 31th December 2019 to 18th April 2020, 2197593 cases of COVID-19 have been reported (in accordance with the applied case definitions and testing strategies in the affected countries), including 153090 deaths (191726 infected, and 20043 deaths in Spain), and it has been recognized in 207 countries and territories around the world [5, 6], and the worst is that the number of confirmed cases and deaths continues increasing until today [3].

The predominant expression of ACE2 in the lower respiratory tract is believed to have determined the natural history of SARS as a lower respiratory tract infection. All patients were initially diagnosed by RT-PCR from oro- or nasopharyngeal swab specimens [7].

Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal samples were collected throughout the clinical course in all infected patients, with no statistically significant differences found in either viral loads or detection rates between the two samples. The earliest swabs were taken on first day of symptoms, with symptoms often being very mild or prodromal. All swabs from all patients taken between days 1 to 5 tested positive. The average virus RNA load was 6.76×105 copies per whole swab until day 5 (maximum, 7.11X108 copies/swab). Swab samples taken after day 5 had an average viral load of 3.44×105 copies per swab and a detection rate of 39.93%. The last positive-testing swab sample was taken on day 28 post-onset. Average viral load in sputuTypical COVID-19 signs and symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath [11]; potential atypical symptoms assessed included sore throat, chills, increased confusion, rhinorrhea or nasal congestion, myalgia, dizziness, malaise, headache, nausea, vomitiing and diarrhea [12-14].m was 7.00 x 106 copies per mL (maximum, 2.35×109 copies per mL) [8].

Apart from respiratory pathology, around one-fourth to one-third of the hospitalized patients in Wuhan (China), developed serious complications, such as arrhythmia and shock, and were therefore transferred to the intensive care unit (ICU) [9, 10].

Typical COVID-19 signs and symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath [11]; potential atypical symptoms assessed included sore throat, chills, increased confusion, rhinorrhea or nasal congestion, myalgia, dizziness, malaise, headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea [12-14].

People of all ages are vulnerable to this new infectious disease, however elderly people and the existence of underlying comorbidities as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, immunosuppression or hospitalization in the ICU [15], have a worse prognosis [10, 16]. According to the average age, in the early stage of the outbreak in Wuhan, it was 59 years [17], very similar to the data provided in Spain that, in 16th March 2020, with 710 analyzed cases, the median age was 51 years [18, 19], although the deaths were in 67.2% in elderly more 80 years old, in according Italian dates [20].

Crisis management in emergent public health event is a global problem and a difficult thesis for researchers worldwide, highlighted by World Health Organization for its vital importance to public sanitation and health, life quality and survival [21, 22].

In many infectious diseases, from bacterial or viral origin, affect the respiratory tract, and therefore with the presence of pathogens in saliva, mouthwashes have been used to reduce the viral load. The chlorhexidine (CHX) is an broad spectrum antiseptic the most used daily in a dental clinic. However, there are many others on the market but, which is the best to out down the viral load? These rinses, are effective of the new viruses as COVID-19? The aim of this article is to analyze the published bibliography to know which mouthwash is effective to reduce the viral load of COVID-19 in the infected patients to minimize its virulence and therefore transmission person-person.

Material and Methods

This is not a systematic review but an update about the use of rinses to reduce de viral load in oral cavity of COVID-19, and try to analyze which is the most effective to avoid the transmission patient-dentist or vice versa.

I looked for the publications in the last months that deal with coronavirus.

Results and Discussion

Mode of transmission is based, initially animal-to human and nowadays in sustained human-to-human spread [1]. The COVID-19 was recently identified in saliva of infected patients, and the 2019-nCoV sequence could be also detected in the self-collected saliva of most infected patients even not in nasopharyngeal aspirate, and serial saliva specimens monitoring showed declines of salivary viral load after hospitalization [23].

This coronavirus can remain suspended in aerosols and retain infectivity for long periods with the possibility for to be inhaled or transmitted via direct contact with conjunctival, nasal, or oral mucosa of oral healthcare personnel (OHCP) or cross-contamination between patients. Although, some authors explain that spread of SARS-CoV-2 through aerosols or vertical transmission (from mothers to their newborns) has to be confirmed yet [24].

There are three different pathways for COVID-19 to present in saliva: firstly, in the lower and upper respiratory tract that enters the oral cavity together with the liquid droplets frequently exchanged by these organs; secondly, in the blood can access the mouth via crevicular fluid, an oral cavity-specific exudate that contains local proteins derived from extracellular matrix and serum-derived proteins [25, 26]. Finally, another way for coronavirus happens in the oral cavity is by major- and minor-salivary gland infection, with subsequent release of particles in saliva via salivary ducts, suggesting that salivary gland cells could be an important source of COVID-19 in saliva [26, 27]. In other words, the saliva droplets to be considered as a fundamental concept is the transmission of the virus [28].

It is now believed that its interpersonal transmission occurs mainly via respiratory droplets (cough, sneeze, droplets from Plügge) and contact transmission through nasal or ocular mucosa (The Chinese Preventive Medicine Association 2020), many times generated during dental clinical procedures is expected [26]. In addition, there may be risk of fecal-oral transmission, as researchers have identified SARS-CoV-2 in the stool of patients from China and the United States Protocol of prevention.

Dental procedure generated aerosol is a potential source of cross-contamination in the dental office. In addition, to containing common oral bacteria it may include pathogenic bacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Legionella pneumophilia, and viruses such as HIV, hepatitis B or C virus, herpes simplex virus, influenza virus [29], and especially the virus that currently causing a global pandemic, COVID-19.

A recent study indicates that copper and paper can allow the virus to survive from 4 to over 24 hours. On the other hand, the infectious charge can be drastically reduced only after at least 48 hours for steel and 72 hours for plastic [30]. For this reason, it’s more urgent to implement strict and efficient infection control protocols for dental practices and hospitals in countries/regions that are (potentially) affected with COVID-19, strict and effective infection control protocols are urgently required [3, 29].

Researchers calculated the mean incubation to be 6.4 days (ranges 2.1 to 11.1 days). It was estimated for travellers from Wuhan with confirmed 2019-nCoV infection in the early outbreak phase, using their reported travel histories and symptom onset dates. This is essential to epidemiological case definitions, and is required to determine the appropriate duration of quarantine [31]. Protection measures are needed to fight against COVID-19.

This emerging pandemic and its severe outbreak in the Italian population have induced the Italian Government first and then the European Union and in many countries of the world, to promote drastic impact measures to “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 infection and in turn avoid health systems (in particular, intensive care units) being overwhelmed, resulting in fewer deaths [32]. The limitation of people circulating outside their home, social distance the stoppage of almost all working activities and the request to the population to use protective masks and gloves have the main goal of minimizing the likelihood that people who are not infected come into contact with others who are already infected and probably still asymptomatic [33]

Healthcare workers and other patients in the hospital are in close contact with patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19, and for this reason they are at higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

As always happens, healthcare professionals have been immediately involved in the national emergency, overworking, often day and night: unfortunately, small numbers of them have also become infected, and some have tragically died [28].

In the early stage of the epidemic, in an analysis of 138 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, 41% were presumed to have been infected in hospital, including 29% health care workers and 12% patients hospitalized for other reasons [10].

As of 14th February 2020, a total of 1.716 health care workers in China were infected with SARS-CoV-2, consisting of 3.8% affected patients [10]. Actually, (4th April, 2020), in Spain the healthcare workers infected are about 6.500 [34].

According to these statements Spagnolo et al. [28], wrote in an article that, on 15 March 2020, the New York Times published an article entitled “The Workers Who Face the Greatest Coronavirus Risk”, where an impressive schematic figure described that dentists are the workers most exposed to the risk of being affected by COVID-19, much more than nurses and general physicians. For this reason, the dentists are often the first line of diagnosis, as they work in close contact with patients.

There should be action protocols, based on both existing guidelines and published research on the principles and practices to achieve control of dental infections, mainly addressing the characteristics of nosocomial infection, and SARS, in dental care settings, and providing recommendations on patient evaluation and infection control protocols in dentistry [3].

According to all these arguments, Meng at al. [29] published an article with relevant guidelines and research, recommending management protocols for dental practitioners and students in (potentially) affected areas, introducing the essential knowledge about COVID-19 and nosocomial infection in dental settings. For this reason, [29] established a protocol, since January 24, according to which they should only be attended at the School and Hospital of Stomatology, patients with emergent dental treatment need, under the premise of adequate protection measures. Procedures that are likely to induce coughing should be avoided (if possible) or performed cautiously [35].

Aerosol-generating procedures, such as the use of a 3-way syringe, should be minimized as much as possible. Moreover, rubber dams [36], and the use of saliva ejectors with a low volume or high volume can reduce the production of droplets and aerosols, or spatter in dental procedures of emergency  [28, 37].

If an intraoral X-ray for a correct diagnosis is needed, a panoramic radiography or cone beam (CBCT), are appropriate alternatives during the outbreak of COVID-19, because the radiographic plate can stimulate saliva secretion and coughing [36].

Efficient infection control can prevent the virus from further spreading, which makes the epidemic situation under control. The most important protective measures according toChinese experts consensus are: hand-cleaning- and medical-glove-related hand protection, mask- and goggles-related face protection, UV-related protection, eye protection, nasal and oral mucosa protection, outer ear and hair protection [37].

For this reason, and knowing that the risk of cross infection may be high among patients and oral healthcare practitioners in oral healthcare settings [3, 29], population must keep in mind the requirement of a close contact between healthcare workers and infected patients to collect nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal samples, the possibility of a saliva self-collection can strongly reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission [26].

Dental practice should be postponed at least 1 month for convalescing patients with SARS or infected with COVID-19. [29, 38].

Since the viral load contained in the human saliva is very high, rinses with antiseptic mouthwashes can only reduce the infectious amount but are not able to eliminate the virus in the saliva [29, 39]. Active virus replication in the upper respiratory tract puts the prospects of COVID-19 containment in perspective [7].

In this sense, a few important concepts would be useful to briefly report and discuss here or raise future research.

To reduce viral load, Samaranayake et al. [38] and the General Council of Dentists of Spain [40], based on the study of [39], recommended that the patient should must rinse during 1 minute, with a mouthwash of 1% hydrogen peroxide solution 1% o de 0.2% povidone-iodine (PVP-I) before urgent treatment [40], because for over 60 years, PVP-I formulations have been shown to limit the impact and spread of infectious diseases with potent antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal effects [41].

The solution 3% hydrogen peroxide was used by author such as Nobahar et al. [42] in the prevention of VAP, obtaining good results in reducing the bacterial load and recommend its use in routine care for the prevention of this type of pneumonia. Nevertheless, [43] that applied 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solution with a suction brush after applying 0.12% CHX oral solution using swab, in patients hospitalized in ICU, they did not get statistically significant differences comparing with the group control.

According to PVP-1, other authors, such as Meng et al. [29], advised that a preoperative concentration at 1% through gargle/mouthwash reduced the viral load in the dental aerosol and in the oral cavity and oropharynx, and consequently, it is an effective way to reduce the risk of experiencing contamination in the dental office. In addition, we must include others hygiene measures needed to reduce the severity of future SARS outbreaks [44].

Marui et al. [45], analyzed the effect of some rinse such as Cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) 0.05% only or combinated (0.075% CPC, 0.28% zinc lactate, and 0.05% sodium fluoride), essential oils (like tea tree oil), CHX 0.12% or 0.2% and herbal mouthrinse, through the microbiological count of total number of colony-forming units (CFU). This number of CFU had a significant reduction (p<0.05) with a mean of 78.9% with CHX, 61.3% with essential oils and 61.2% with CPC. In this study, the use of a herbal mouthrinse did not result in a significant reduction in the number of CFU compared with the control product [45], however [46] obtained significant antibacterial effects against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae, and for this reason it is an alternative to other rinses.

On the other hand, Koeman et al. [47] obtained satisfactory results when combining CHX with colistin (polypeptide antibiotic effective against resistant bacteria), but both cases used only in the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). Oral CHX has also not been seen as decreasing the bacterial load of COVID-19, as the Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (the 5th edition) released by the National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China concludes that the most used rinses are those of CHX, may not be effective to kill 2019-nCoV.

Bioscience Laboratories (Bozeman, Montana 2016-2019) made a study to compare the virucidal effect of several oral rinses as iodine or CHX, obtaining efficacy to completely inactivate oral pathogens, taking 15 seconds and 30 seconds to inactivate coronavirus, where others products were ineffective [48]. Nevertheless, other studies describe to CLX as a poor and not effective antiviral agent against Coronavirus (Viruses, November 2012, 4, 3044-3068) [49], just as [50], said in their study: the virus is resistant to CHX, and therefore its use is not useful.

[3] described the first typical family case of COVID-19 treated using the Chinese traditional patent medicine Shuanghuanglian oral liquid (SHL), because of poor response to the western medicine. If SHL used extracts of three Chinese herbs, namely, honeysuckle, forsythia, and Scutellariabaicalensis, to treat cold, sore throat, and cough with fever.

The most reviewed articles about COVID-19 do not considered the use of mouth rinses as a measure to reduce viral load and therefore the risk of transmission by Pügge drops from patient to dentist, or vice versa [51, 52].


A concentration of 1% – 1.5% hydrogen peroxide solution or 1% – 0.2% povidone-iodine seems to be an effective mouthwash to reduce the viral load in oral cavity.

To provide legal help, guidance and protocols to the oral medical industry in dealing with public health emergencies is essential. On this way, if traditional Chinese medicine and the use of some herbal rinses have been successful, research should be conducted along these lines. Perhaps we will face other viruses like hartavirus in the near future, and we must be prepared.


Health professionals for their continuous fight to stop this pandemic and researchers who are still looking for the vaccine against COVID-19.

Thanks to Chang Chen for translate Chinese texts, and I would like to say thank you, personally, Dra. PíaLópezJornet for encouraging me to continue working and reading scientific literature, even if we are confined in Spain at these moments.


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Genetics of Hidradenitis Suppurativa

DOI: 10.31038/JMG.2020324


HidradenitisSuppurativa(HS), also named acne inversa, which is a common chronic inflammatory skin disorder characterized clinically by painful lumps, abscesses and scarring. Thirty-five unique mutations in patients with HS have been identified in three of the genes that encode members of the γ-secretase complex: nicastrin (NCSTN), presenilin 1 (PSEN1), and presenilin enhancer 2 (PSENEN) as well as in POGLUT1, an Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) O-glucosyltransferase that is involved in Notch signaling. This review summarizes research updates on genetics of HS.


Hidradenitis suppurativa, γ-secretase, nicastrin, presenilin


Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS), also named acne inversa, is a common chronic inflammatory skin disorder characterized clinically by painful lumps, abscesses and scarring (OMIM # 142690). The prevalence of HS in the population is 0.10%, or 98 per 100,000 persons in the United States (US) [1,2] and three times more common in female patients (73.8% women) than male patients (26.2% men), 3-fold greater in African Americans and 2-fold greater in biracial populations than in the overall population [1]. Antibiotics, anti-inflammation regiments, acne washes and medicines, and surgical procedure are the premirary current treatment options [3]. Major surgery demonstrated improvements in the HS patients’ overall work and daily activity impairment [4]. However, the disease progression often causes scars leading immobility, markedly affecting quality of life in severe patients who have poor responses to treatments [5].

The etiology of HS is associated with multi-factoralsincuding genetics and others. HS increased an independent risk of all-cause mortality [6]. Obesity, smoking, family history and environmental factors such as diet, are known to be associated with the HS disease pathogenesis. Obesity is linked to skin barrier function, sebaceous glands and sebum production, sweat gland, lymphatics, and collagen structure and function, wound healing, microcirculation and macrocirculation [7]. Obesity and smoking increase the HS incidence [8] [9]. HS patients classified as Hurley III HS were 28% more likely to be smokers and obese [10] and four times more likely to be obese compared to the general population by meta-analysis of case-control studies in Asia, Europe, and the US [11]. One-third (31%) of the HS patients who eliminated smoking or made dietary alterations including a reduction in gluten, dairy, refined sugars, tomatos, or alcohol showed improvement in HS clinical symptoms [12]. Patients with HS were at higher risk for long-term opioid use compared with controls [13].

HS lesion counts are increased with low serum zinc and vitamin D levels. Supplementation of zinc, vitamin D, vitamin B12, or exclusion of dairy or brewer’s yeast reduced lesion resolution. Bariatric surgery often causes weight loss which may lead to HS improvement but oftenresults in more severe malnutrition thatworsens or even leads to new HS onset post bariatric surgery [11]. The complement (C) system wasfound to be significantly down-regulated in the HS skin and blood transcriptomes and the HS blood proteome [81]. Porphyromonas species, which are able cleave inactive C5 into C5a, have been identified in the HS microbiome.  C5a levels in serum and tissue correlate with disease activity and degree of neutrophilic infiltrates in HS, suggesting that complement inhibition is a promising and potential therapeutic target for HS [82]. HS lesions showed 83% bacterial culture anaerobes compred to 53% of control samples, and milleri group streptococci and actinomycetes in 33% and 26% of cases, respectively [83]. Microarray analysis demonstrated that HS lesional skin samples had significantly decreased expression of enzymes involved in generating ceramide and sphingomyelin, increased expression of enzymes that catabolize ceramide to sphingosine, and increased expression of enzymes involved in converting ceramide to galactosylceramide and gangliosides, which suggests that sphingolipid metabolismi saltered in HS lesional skin comparedwith normal skin [86]. In HS patients, the serum and HS skin lension levels of chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40) were significantly elevated, suggesting that YKL-40 maybe one of the biomarkers of HS [87].

HS patients demonstrate a significantly higher heart rate in the HS groups than in the population [14]. HS often co-existed with psoriasis. Compared to patients with psoriasis alone, HS patients with psoriasis were significantly younger and had a higher prevalence of obesity and smoking [15].

Macrophages in HS infiltrates release a variety of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interlukins and tumornecrosis factor α (TNFα), exacerbating the inflammation. Obesity and smoking contribute to macrophage dysfunction [9]. Elevated expression of TNFα has been identified in skin lesions, such as skin tunnels, of HS patients alongwith a clustering of interleukins (IL‐8, IL‐16, IL‐1α and IL‐1β) [68] [69]. Gene-sets related to Notchsignalling and Interferonpathwaysweredifferentiallyactivated in HS lesionalcompared to non-lesional skin [80].

Adalimumab is a TNFα inhibitor which has been used in both USA and Europe for treating HS patients. Adalimumab reduced flare, showed a higher efficacy on nodules-abscesses than on draining tunnels and increased the number of patients achieving a Hidradenitis Suppurativa Clinical Response [91]. By a Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) analysis one single Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) block in the BCL2 gene was significantly associated with adalimumab response (lead Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism [SNP] rs 59532114). Meanwhile, a correlation of the most strongly associated SNP minor allele with increased BCL2 gene and protein expression in hair follicle tissues was observed with bioinformatic analysis and functional genomics experiments [66]. HLA alleles may affect the treatment response in HS patients treated with adalimumab. Threre were three protective HLA alleles (HLA-DQB1*05, HLA-DRB1*01, and HLA-DRB1*07) less prevalent and two risk HLA alleles (HLA-DRB1*03 and HLA-DRB1*011) more abundant in HS patients developing anti-drug antibodies to adalimumab than these not [67].

Genes Linked to HS

Genetics is assciated with the pathogenesis of HS. One third of HS patients have a family history with an autosomal dominant inherentance trait [16] which pattern suggests a single gene disorder. Thirty-five unique mutations in patients with familial or sporadic HS have been found in genes encoding three of the four genes comprising the γ-secretase complex: nicastrin (NCSTN), presenilin 1 (PSEN1), presenilin enhancer 2 (PSENEN)  [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] and in POGLUT1, an Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) O-glucosyltransferase involving in Notch signaling [33] with a diversity of mutation types in Caucasian, Chinese, Japanese, Indian or African ethnic origin (Table 1) [34][35]. NCSTN possesses majority (74%, 26/35) of the mutations (6 missenses, 8 nonsenses, 6 frameshifts, and 6 in splice sites resulted in frameshift or in-frame deletions). A single frameshift PSEN1-P242LfsX11 mutation was detected in PSEN1[21]. Six mutations were found in PSENEN (18%, 6/34) (3 frameshifts, 1 nonsense, 1 splicing, 1 missense). Two mutations were in POGLU1 (1 nonsense, 1 splicing).  NCSTN-R117X and Q568X were identified in more than one ethnic population and multiple families; the rest HS-linked mutations are private to each HS family or subject. NCSTN-c.1799delTG is a two-base deletion that leads to a nonsense change L600X, while 2 splicing site mutations in NCSTN, c.582+1delG p. F145fs_X54 and c.1551+1G>A p.A486_T517del result in frame-shifts while the other 4 splicing mutations cause in-frame deletions (Table 1) [34]. HS-associated mutation types in NCSTN, PSEN1, PSENEN andPOGLU1 are missense 20% (7/35), nonsense 29% (10/35), frameshift 29% (10/35) and splicing site changes 22% (8/35).

Table 1.Mutation spectrum of NCSTN, PSEN1, PSENEN and POGLUT1 in HS patients


Mutation category

Nucleotide Change

Amino Acid Change


Ethnic origin





c. 223G>A





































c. 349C>T
























c. 1300C>T






c. 1695T>G























































Splice Site


p. F145fs_X54





c.996+7 G>A






c.1101+1 G>A






c.1101+10 A>G






c.1352+1 G>A
























21 29










































HS patients who carry a mutation in NCSTN, PSEN1, PSENEN or POGLUT1 display severe or typical symptoms of HS lesions [36][17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32][33]s. HS patients who carrying a PSENEN or POFUT1 mutation also have co-ocurrent Dowling–DegosDisease (DDD) syndrome), an abnormally dark skin coloring condition (hyperpigmentation) [32] [37] [38] [30] [33] while mutations in NCSTN and PSEN1 occur in patients with HS only. There were 2.8 -fold patients with complex HS demenstating increase in pathogenic variants of an innate immunity regulator pyrin (also known as marenostrin, MEFV) compared to the healthy controls in the general Turkish population [39].

Structures of HS-Linked Genetic Mutations

The putative functions of the HS-linked mutations were analyzed by in silico analysis of using a variety of programs. By SWISS-MODEL, most of the HS-linked nonsense, frameshift, and splice site mutations resulted in marked 3D structural changes, and a C-terminal end frameshift mutation NCSTN-E584DfsX44 led to a striking 3D structural change while another nearby downstream frameshift mutation NCSTN-p.590AfsX3 (6 amino acids apart) caused only a minor 3D change [34]. This finding suggests that this NCSTN-E584DfsX44 mutation is likely located at a critical site for NCSTN conformation [34]. By PolyPhen-2, SNP & Go and Proven prediction, among 6 NCSTN missense mutations, NCSTN-P211R and Q216P were most deleterious; PolyPhen-2 predicts that V75I is probably damaging and D185N, A315V and A410V are predicted to have benign or neutral effects. 62% (16/26) of NCSTN mutations are nonsense or frameshift mutations that causes a truncation of the protein product. Structurally, NCSTN contains a large extra cellular domain and a single TM [40], that is located at amino acid position 670-692. 39% (10/26)  of NCSTN mutations (6 missense mutations and 4 splicing site mutations) retain the TM region, while 61% (16/26) of other NCSTN nonsense, frameshift mutations and c.582+1delG [17] and c.1352+1 G>A (experimental confirmed) [27] lose the TM domain to become cytosolic proteins that cannot enter the cell to initial signaling (Table 1). Among 4 splicing site mutations that do not affect TM regions, 3 potentially affect two key NCSTN substrate recruitment sites Gry333 and Tyr337. The p. L282_G332del occurs next to a residue of the NCSTN substrate recruitment site G333; and E333_Q367del and E333_Q367del completely abolish the 2 NCSTN substrate recruitment sites Gry333 and Tyr337 [40], which suggest that these NCSTN mutations affect important substrate recruitment structures. 50% (3/6) of the NCSTN splicing site mutations affect substrate recruitment [34].

Post Translation of HS-Linked Genetic Mutations

NCSTN mutatioNS Y565X occurs on a tyrosine phosphorylation site and R434X occurs on a glycosylation site. NCSTN-R434X disrupts the protein immediately before Asn435, one of the two NCSTN prominent glycans Asn55 and Asn435 [40]. 21% (5 of 24) of the NCSTN mutations, NCTSN-P211R, L600X, C230PfsX31, P590AfsX3 and F145fs_X54 occur at cysteine residues participating in disulfide bonds [41] [42]. Six potential NCSTN ubiquitination sites are predicted:  K78, T127, K386, K403, K591 and K597. Six residues in NCSTN undergo sumolyation: G146, S341, K386, P423, T459, and D476. NCSTN-P590AfsX3 occurs immediately before the predicted ubiquitination site K591 and abolishes two ubiquitination sites – K591 and K597. F145fs_X54 abolishes sumolyation site G146. Both NCSTN- E333_Q367del and E333_Q367del abolish sumolyation site S341. NCSTN-T70fsX18 and R117X abolish all the ubiquitination and sumolyation sites and C159X and S166X abolish four of the six ubiquitination sites and five of the six sumolyation sites [34]. The C-terminal end frameshift mutation NCSTN-E584DfsX44 resulted in a striking 3D structural change suggesting that this mutation is likely located at a critical site for NCSTN conformation [34]. Ubiquitiation and sumoylation are involved in post-translational modification. A large number of NCSTN mutations affect predicted ubiquitiation and sumoylation sites, suggesting that post-translational modification might contribute to HS pathogenesis.

HS-Linkled Mutational Effect

HS associated mutations in NCSTN are predicted to cause a loss of function as a result of frameshift and premature translation termination and a loss of  the TM domain, to affect NCSTN substrate recruitment sites, to cause a loss or creation of new ligand binging sites, and to alter post-translational modifications and disulfide bonds [41] [42], all of which support the notion that the NCSTN mutations result in significantly reduced levels of NCT and reduced γ-secretase-mediated processing of Notch and signaling in the skin [43].  Silencing of the keratinocyte NCSTN by CRISPR-Cas9 in both the keratinocyte cell line HEK001 and an embryonic kidney cell line HEK293 showed a significantly increased expression of genes related to the type I interferon response pathway [44]. NCSTNWild Type (WT) were upregulated in myeloid cells including monocytes, macrophages and non-lymphoid dendritic cells [35]. NCSTN knockdown in HaCaT cells impaired γ-secretase activity and proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes. Expression levels of several γ-secretase substrates involved in the Notch pathway were significantly attenuated in NCSTN-silencing HaCaT cells and the lesion from a HS patient. Phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) as well as AKT and its activated form pAKT were markedly elevated in NCSTN-silencing HaCaT cells [23]. NCSTN mutations led to decreased miR-30a-3p levels, which negatively regulated RAB31 expression. Moreover, enhanced RAB31 levels accelerated degradation of activated EGFR, leading to abnormal differentiation in keratinocytes. Familial HS patients and mouse knocked out for Ncstn showed impaired EGFR signaling and epidermal differentiation [45].

However, testing four NCSTN-missense mutations, V75I, D185N, P211R, and Q216P for their effects on mediating Notch processing and signaling demonstrated a vague role of HS-linked NCSTN mutations in HS pathogenesis. The NCSTN-V75I, D185N, and P211R mutants can function in Notch signaling in vivo; in contrast mutant Q216P failed to rescue Notch processing and nuclear signaling [46]. Mouse models where components of the ¡-secretase with resultant Notch dysregulation have been knocked out have resulted in the development of dermal cysts and histological features of follicular occlusion [21][47] although these models rapidly developed multiple squamous cell carcinomas,which is not consistent with the typical progression of HS [47]. These findings suggest that although NCSTN-V75I, D185N, and P211R and some other NCSTN mutations have a significant role in the pathogenesis of the disease, this role is through a mechanism(s) other than impaired Notch signaling.

A single frameshiftPSEN1-P242LfsX11 mutation is predicted to truncate the PS1 protein after the 5th TM domain at the cytosolic region of the N terminal, which would markedly alter the 3D structure of PS1. PSENEN contains three TMs, at amino acid positions 18-38, 60-80 and 85-101. The PSENEN N-terminus is cytoplasmic, followed by two short helices that dip into the membrane [40]. All the PSENEN mutations occur within TM regions: frameshift mutations F23LfsX46 and F23VfsX98 delete all 3 TM regions, while P94SfsX51 disrupts TM region 3. Nonsense Y56-101Pdel and c.167-2A>G splicing site mutations lead to similar disruptions of TM regions 2 & 3. The missense mutation PSENEN-L65R laysin the TM 2 region and is predicted to be deleterious. POGLUT1 is located in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. Both POGLUT1-R272* and C.430-1G>A, K246* lead to an early termination of protein synthesis. POGLUT1-R272* is located in the C-terminal domain and results in a truncated form of POGLUT1 with partial loss of the C-terminal domain. The splicing site c.430‐1G>A mutation was identified in exon 4 of the POFUT1 gene in patients with HS and DDD syndrome, which potentially generates aberrant splicing with loss of functionality [33]. POGLUT1 is predicted to possess 17 ligand binding sites of interactions with chain A. Hydrogen bonds include A.Y117, A.S152, A.R158, A.R158, A.D196, A.V197, A.V197, A.L199, A.V214, A.A215, A.A215, A.S217, A.F218, A.R219, A.R219 and salt bridges: A.R158 and A.R219. Both POGLUT1- c.430‐1G>A (K246*) or R272* completely abolish ligand binding function and show significant alteration of global quality estimate by Qualitative Model Energy Analysis (QMEAN) values:  POGLUT1-WT:-71; POGLUT1- c.430‐1G>A (K246*): 0.90; and R272* 0.45, indicating a greater deviation in mutant forms from the POGLUT1-WT [34].

A higher and prolonged TNFα expression and differential gene expression of four cytokine or chemokines than that of PS1-WT in response to LPS stimulation was observed in overexpression of the HS-associated PSEN1 mutation PSEN1-P242LfsX11 in PMA-differentiated macrophages [34]. Of  the overexpressing PSEN1-WT and PSEN1-P242LfsX11 induced under-expressed genes [34],  LIF and CSF2 are essential for the proliferation and differentiation of hematopoietic progenitor cells into granulocytes and macrophages [48] [49], IL12 is critical for the activation and maintenance of immune responses [50], and BMP2 regulates stem cell activation in the process of hair follicle regeneration in the dermis [51]. Theincreased expression of proinflammatoryTNFα and the decreased expression of LIF, IL12B, CSF2, BMP2 and other genes associated with the overexpression of PSEN1-P242LfsX11 may promote inflammatory processes, impair the activation/maintenance of immune cells and reduce hair follicle regeneration [34]. HS patients with a PSEN1 mutation may benefit greatly from TNFα inhibiting agents such as infliximab, adalimumab, rituximab, and ustekinumab, in particular after anti-inflammatory regimens fail to control the disease process.

PSEN1 has pleiotropic nature [52]. PSEN1 is linked to early-onset familial Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) (OMIM # 104300), a neurodegenerative disorder and the most common form of dementia in the elderly [53]. A single frameshiftPSEN1-P242LfsX11 mutation was detected in familial HS patients [21]. More than 185 missense or inframe deletion mutations and promoter variants in PSEN1 have previously been found in patients with familial AD (http://www. and sporadic Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) [54], and 685 genes have been associated with AD ( The familial HS patients with PSEN1-P242LfsX11 mutation did not show the symptoms of AD [21]. Significant differential expression of ErbB4, SCNB1, and Tie1 was observed in HS lesional skin, and of EphB2, EPHB4, KCNE1, LRP6, MUSK, SDC3, Sortilin1 were observed in blood specific to AD [55]. AD-associated PSEN1 mutations alters the -secretases cleavage of β-APP to increase Aβ 42/40 ratio resulting in Aβ plague formation and related AD pathology [21]. Overexpression or silencing of presenilin caused cardiac dysfunction in Drosophila [56]. Overexpression of PSEN1-P242LfsX11 in zebrafish embryos enhanced Notch signaling but did not affect γ-secretase cleavage of APP [57], which suggests that the involvement of the PSEN1 mutation in HS pathogenesis also has a mechanism that is independent of γ-secretase activity. Different from the effectiveness of administration of TNFα inhibitor Adalimumab in the treatment of HS patients, administration of the TNFα modulator etanercept in AD patients demonstrated no apparent effect on cognitive functioning, though TNFα has been implicated in the pathogenesis of AD [58] [59]. In AD patients, only one side of each TM helix in PS1 is affected, the hot spot of Leu219, Glu222, Leu226, Ser230, Met233, and Phe237 are placed on the same side of TM5 [40] while the HS-linked PSEN1-P242LfsX11 is on the other side of TM5 in PS1. This distribution or structure of AD-linked PSEN1 mutation is significantly different from HS-linked PSEN mutations which may indicate functional importance.

POGLUT1 is an Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) O-glucosyltransferase that adds glucose moieties to serine residues in EGF-like repeats, such as NOTCH intracellular domain [60]. Mutations in POGLUT1, including W4X, R218X, R279PfsX3 and R279W, have been previously described in unrelated caucasian patients with Dowling-Degos disease (DDD) [32] [37] [38]. Mutations in POGLUT1 caused an approximately 50% weaker POGLU1 expression in patient lesional skin compared to controls, by immunohistologic staining for POGLUT1 [38]. In addition, a missense mutation in POGLUT1 was identified with patients with muscular dystrophy. Muscles from patients demonstrated decreased Notch signaling, dramatic reduction in satellite cell pool and a muscle-specific α-dystroglycanhypoglycosylation not present in patients’ fibroblasts, suggesting a Notch-dependent pathomechanism for this novel form of muscular dystrophy [60]. Mutations in PSENEN are also identified in DDD patients [30]. Evidence has suggested the association between decreased Notch activity and POFUT1 mutations [61]. The finding of POGLUT1 mutations in patients with HS-DDD syndrome indicates aberrant Notch signaling is involved in both HS and DDD pathogenesis. Notably, mutations in POGLUT1 and NCSTN are linked to dysregulation of Notch signaling which might also contribute to small vessel disease, as well as to vascular cognitive impairment [62].

Epigenetics of HS-Linked Genes

Significant epigenetic modifications were observed in HS skin lensions [63]. mRNA of all the studied genes were significantly under-expressed in lesional HS skin compared to healthy skin by RT-PCR analyses of The Expression of Translocation (TET) and Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH) family genes in the lensional skins of HS patients, suggesting that epigenetic changes occur in HS tissue and that aberrant expression of the DNA hydroxymethylation regulators may play a role in the pathogenesis of HS [63]. HS was associated with a 1.69-fold increased odds of diabetes; however, the absolute risk difference was small and is probably not clinically relevant [64]. A significant overexpression of miRNA-155-5p, miRNA-223-5p, miRNA-31-5p, miRNA-21-5p, and miRNA-146a-5p was observed in lesional HS skin compared to healthy controls, suggesting that these miRNAs may be potential disease biomarkers and therapeutic targets for HS [65].


This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [R01AG014713 and R01MH060009 to R.E.T; R03AR063271 and R15EB019704 to A.L.]; National Science Foundation [NSF1455613 to A.L] and the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund [to R.E.T].


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Cyber Hybrid Warfare: Asymmetric threat

DOI: 10.31038/NAMS.2020315


Cyber hybrid warfare has been known since antiquity, it is not a new terminology nor a new practice. It can have an effect even more than a regular conventional war. The implementation of the cyber hybrid war aims to misinform, guide and manipulate citizens, disorganize the target state, create panic, overthrow governments, manipulate sensitive situations, intimidate groups, individuals and even shortened groups of the population, and finally to form an opinion according to the enemy’s beliefs. Creating online events designed to stimulate citizens to align with the strategy of governments or the strategy of the enemy government is a form of cyber hybrid warfare. The cyber hybrid warfare falls under the category of asymmetric threats as it is not possible to determine how, and the duration of the cyber invasion.The success or not of a cyber hybrid war depends on the organization, the electronic equipment, and the groups of actions they decide according to the means at their disposal to create the necessary digital entities. Finally, the cyber hybrid warfare is often used to show online military equipment aimed at downplaying its moral opponent.


The cyber hybrid warfare also includes DeepFake, a practice mentioned in Christos Beretas previous research. The cyber hybrid war aims to disrupt and hurt the adversarial state in an organized and targeted manner, mainly regarding the organizational structure of the target state and its functioning.Digital media are used to intimidate citizens, target specific groups of people, disseminate false news between political and military leadership in order to spread hatred and resentment on both sides, to divide the people, and finally the fall of the government, followed by the anger and indignation of the people. The cyber hybrid warfare is not only and exclusively applied during a period of natural war, it is a kind of war that can be waged for years and of course in times of peace. It is difficult for citizens in a cyber hybrid war to understand the truth and lies.A well-organized cyber hybrid war is difficult for people to recognize as the facts presented are so convincing that it is impossible to recognize them as false. The ways to avoid and protect against such a war are numerous and require knowledge, experience, alertness, high morale, courage and professionalism to deal with such a cyber threat from its birth.Sovereign states around the world are using the cyber hybrid warfare to blackmail, trap, mislead, both foreign governments and citizens, achieving remote results without the use of physical violence and natural disasters. The cyber hybrid war has come to stay, and it is an emerging form of war – the pressure of the strong against the weak or better of the organized states against the disorganized. As mentioned above, a great DeepFake video is capable of stirring up enormous panic and hatred in a society. It is an asymmetric threat that is increasing day by day.


The cyber hybrid war is an asymmetric threat that is defined when an entity uses electronic means to disturb the peace or spread panic in the target state and launch hostilities or uproot social groups residing in it. A fake video, for example, that will be sent to targeted social groups is capable of sparking riots in the crowd with demonstrations and violence. By reading this one can easily understand the reader that the cyber hybrid war is the result of an entity preceding its onset.This entity is the digital asymmetric threat which if not handled properly then evolves into a cyber hybrid war. The cyber hybrid war is not tantamount to an isolated practice, that is, it is not a common attack on the adversarial state; rather, it consists of organized methods that are often impossible to identify, such an attack may include social media, online press, videos and hostilities from different events, etc.The difference between a cyber hybrid war and conventional warfare is that except there are no killings and conflicts, there is a constant low-level influx of information affecting the target state. That is, it does not follow the logic that an event has occurred, a number of people have risen and then the digital invasion process has ended, on the contrary, the digital presence is continuous and stable at the same level as possible.

Advanced stages of a cyber hybrid war include practices such as misinformation aimed at the financial loss of the target state, intra-country turmoil from pro-country groups that launched the cyber hybrid war to compel its citizens to withdraw. for the purpose of financial loss or even the overthrow of the government.In a cyber hybrid war, the invaders’ practical ways of attacking are not one-sided but two-sided, which means that in one field they can decrease and increase in another, for example a false bent can be seen in social media news and on the contrary the volume of fake videos is growing too.A cyber hybrid war is often won when combine electronic and physical attacks in the target state, which means that in the target state it requires the penetration of disturbing elements in order to revolt and destroy the target state’s infrastructure and economy.This includes increasing crime, which will then be used in the media and social media by the adversary state as a means of corrupting the target country with the ultimate aim of reducing its reputation, spreading fear to other countries. aimed at restricting travelers, other countries’ security reviews, further financial burden, withering and global isolation.

The success or not of a  cyber hybrid war in addition to the proper organization, hardware, and staff, requires and sufficient funding for the whole venture, funding is a key success factor, with insufficient funding the result will be the opposite, as it will unprofessionalism has emerged, and it is easy for social groups to understand that this is fake news, which is equivalent to project failure and redesign.Funding can come exclusively from the state that organizes the cyber hybrid threat, it can come from friendly countries in it, as well as from organizations that are scattered around the world, usually when a cyber hybrid war is funded by organizations around the world, the communication takes place through social media or smart phone applications that offer anonymous messaging services. At this point it should be noted that there is no formal single practice or specificity in the form of steps that need to be taken to be considered a threat as a cyber hybrid threat, so there is no legal framework defining the steps that characterize that this is a threat to the target state to take legal actions, the legal framework is incomplete and that is something that countries that are waging such wars are very aware of and they are washed.

As technology evolves, asymmetric threats increase as states with sufficient funding and equipment are able to wage such wars on a large scale, which is why the cyber hybrid wars will intensify. That is why governments and security agencies around the world are trying to organize and shield themselves against the cyber hybrid war, now knowing that its impact is greater than even conventional warfare.Preparing, organizing, and preventing such attacks are the basic prerequisites for dealing with the threat. This entails writing and implementing a cyber security policy that outlines the conditions, steps to be taken, education, definitions, and how to handle such incidents.The security policy should be updated annually and adapted to the needs and the level of risk that exists per period. It must adequately specify how government agencies must act in a period of digital asymmetric threat. Allied countries need to formulate a common cyber policy so that dealing with a digital asymmetric threat is unified. It is of no use to allies and friendly countries not to implement a common strategy against digital asymmetric threats. Friendly organized countries can easily trap the enemy and destroy the plans.


The cyber hybrid war is made up of several entities that, depending on the smooth functioning of all entities, are judged to be successful or unsuccessful. It is an asymmetric threat, no one can know the length or the size of the area it will take place. It is a kind of war that with the development of technology will see significant development. An important factor in success is financial support and therefore the amount of money each state is willing to spend to design and implement a credit cyber hybrid war. A well-organized and implementable cyber hybrid warfare can cause severe damage to a conventional one. It is not necessary for a cyber hybrid war to be designed exclusively by wealthy and developed countries, such a war can be created by any state that has the knowledge, money, and organization to mount an asymmetric threat. In the cyber hybrid war, the chances of convicting states for war crimes are minimized, as in the cyber hybrid war there is no clear legal framework defining the methods of intruders.Identifying a digital threat is difficult due to the complexity of its actions; identifying and neutralizing a cyber hybrid threat requires knowledge and experience of such threats. Some countries in the world have developed methods and teams to detect and manage such threats, but the measures they take to protect them are found to be incomplete and not fully effective and the reason is the rapid development of technology that new methods and techniques are constantly being discovered.Finally, as has been said above, the best defense is the organization of friendly states to provide a single aid and formulate a unified security policy that will lead to massive isolation of cyber hybrid threats. Unified repression by friendly countries against such attacks is the best organized defense against hybrid threats.


  1. Christos Beretas(2020)DeepFake – Another One Cyber Threat.
  2. Andreas Krieg, Jean-Marc Rickli(2019) Surrogate Warfare: The Transformation of War in the Twenty-First Century.
  3. Andrew Fevery(2018) Hybrid Warfare.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): Mode of Action that Raises Questions

DOI: 10.31038/NAMS.2020314

Opinion Article

This article is a personal opinion article and nothing more.

We are all living in the last days a state of panic wherever we are in the world. This panic is justified and owe it to the well-known Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) as it is officially called. The virus causes from mild to very severe symptoms, such as acute respiratory infection, that is, ARF pneumonia(AcuteRespiratoryFailure). Symptoms of the virus start from a cough, fever with tithing slowly, tiredness, and shortness of breath.

So far there is no vaccine or antibody that kills the virus. The treatments are based on antibodies created to treat the flu and pneumonia. Experimental tests of cocktail antibiotics are also used which act on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with the patient’s physical condition, concomitant illness, and age.

The way of virus actions have triggered a number of questions that I’m sure they will be of concern to you, whether you have been involved or have not found answers Important questions remain unanswered, such questions are:

• The first patient how has been infected by the virus?

• In the country where the virus first appeared, did they allow the sale of animals that had been used as experimental animals before?

• Is allowed  to sell laboratory cloned animals?

• Is it permissible to import from outside of the country laboratory created cloned animals?

• Is there evidence that animals or seafood , have the virus spread or been infected?

• Are there any announcements or publications from government sources about the study, safety and protection against such corona-viruses in the past?

• Does virus analysis show mutations based on the corona-virus structure?

Focusing on time actions of the virus, again causes questions, ranging from 2 to 14 days with an average of 5 days. Sound like the virus have hooks and try to get into the human body. By adding amino acids, a virus that could threaten humans could easily mutate.

Sound like the virus enters the human body, and after it enters, stays there and shows signs of existence after a few days, this could be concealed in such a way to protect itselfto not detected and kill it early before infect the human body, also by this way may hide the exact date of infection, so that the place of infection is not easily detected.

Analyzing the above reminds me a bit of the way HIV works, where after about a week those infected with HIV show flu or simply cold symptoms, then the symptoms subside and the carrier stays asymptomatic for years, spreading ignorant the virus.

Considering all of the above, to behave the way COVID-19 might behave, this virus may be made in the laboratory, as a biological weapon that was either accidentally escaped, or applied as a test under real conditions, or for some purpose, by whom; unknown.People who believe it is a biological weapon could think of two scenarios, the first being a real-life test, and the second being that the virus escaped from a laboratory by accident in an experimental animal or a worker.

Whatever the reality is, I hope very soon all of this will be over and everything will return to normal in our lives.


  1. PhD Candidate in Cyber Security (Innovative Knowledge Institute) Paris, France.
  2. Member of Alpha Beta Kappa Honor Society, Alpha of Ohio, USA.