Mind Genomics Studies in Psychology & Experience (ISSN: 2771-9308)

Mind Genomics Studies in Psychology & Experience (ISSN: 2771-9308)

The journal focuses on the understanding by experimentation of the world of every day experience, using Mind Genomics and allied disciplines.

MGSPE is supported by an international editorial board consisting of a distinguished team and aims at rapid publication of high quality results while maintaining rigorous peer-review process.

MGSPE will feature original research, review papers, clinical studies, editorials, expert opinion and perspective papers, commentaries, and book reviews.

You are welcome to submit your work to submissions@researchopenworld.com

Open Access Policy: This journal is an open access journal which provides immediate, worldwide, boundary free access to the full content of every distributed article without charging readers or their institutions for access. Readers are given authorization to read, circulate, copy, print, download, search, or link to the full texts of all articles in MGSPE.

Editorial Board

Editor In Chief

Howard Moskowitz
WICE, World Institute of Competitive Excellence
New York, USA

Published Articles

Verbal Judo and Prospective Crime – How AI + Mind Genomics Can Synthesize Mind Sets for Training

Sharon Wingert, Tonya Anderson, Howard R. Moskowitz, Stephen D. Rappaport, Taylor Mulvey, et al.

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2024434

What Israel Will Have Done to Help Gaza in the Next 30 Days – Strategic Envisioning Using AI with Mind Genomics Thinking to Look at the Future as if it were Describing the Past

Howard Moskowitz, Stephen Rappaport, Sharon Wingert, Daniel Moskowitz and Martin Braun

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2024433

Creating a Viable Gaza the ‘Day After’: How Mind Genomics and AI Can Suggest and Inspire

Howard R. Moskowitz, Stephen D. Rappaport, Rubin Cooper, Martin Braun, Daniel Moskowitz and David Moskowitz

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2024432

Experiments in Mind Genomics + Artificial Intelligence: Helping “College Towns” Deal with the Natural Rebelliousness of the Students

Tonya Anderson, Sharon Wingert, Howard R. Moskowitz, Stephen D. Rappaport, Taylor Mulvey and Martin Mulvey

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2024431

Gaza as a Middle East Singapore – Enhanced Visioning of Opportunities Suggested by AI (Socrates as a Service)

Howard Moskowitz, Stephen Rappaport, Sharon Wingert, Daniel Moskowitz and Martin Braun

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2024423

Dealing with 21st Century Accusations of Genocide Levelled Against Israel: The Contribution of AIenhanced Mind Genomics to Debunk a Myth

Howard Moskowitz, Stephen Rappaport, Yehoshua Deitel, Daniel Moskowitz, David Moskowitz and Taylor Mulvey

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2024413

Accelerated the Mechanics of Science and Insight through Mind Genomics and AI: Policy for the Citrus Industry

Howard Moskowitz, Stephen Rappaport, Taylor Mulvey and Jehoshua Deitel

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2024412

Mind-Set Based Signage: Applying Mind Genomics to the Shopping Experience

Howard Moskowitz

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2024411

AI Simulations of What a Doctor Might Want to Hear from a Patient: Mind Genomics, Synthetic Respondents, and New Vistas for Personalizing Medicine

Howard Moskowitz, Tim Morford, Stephen Rappaport, Angelica DiLorenzo and Sunaina Saharan

Review Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2023315

Combining AI, Mind Genomics, and Young Medical Minds to Address Communication: Diabetes Patients and Their Desire for Herbal Remedies

Sunaina Saharan, Stacey-Ann Peart, Stephen Rappaport and Howard Moskowitz

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2023314

Empowering Young Students to Become Researchers: Thinking of Today’s Gasoline Prices

Cledwin Mendoza, Ciara Mendoza, Stephen Rappaport, Yehoshua Deitel and Howard Moskowitz

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2023312

Steps towards an Integrated Database of the Citizen’s Mind Using Mind Genomics

Howard Moskowitz, Arthur Kover, Eric Grunfeld, Hollis Belger, Laura Estefania Rodriguez and Joshua Deitel

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2022214

Negotiating to Buy an Economy Car, KIA: A Mind Genomics Cartography of Sales Messages and Dealer Concessions

Howard Moskowitz, Stephen Rappaport, Eric Grunfeld, Konstantin V. Savicevic and Laura Rodriguez

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2022213

Talking Across Divisions Inside a Community, and Across Lines of Hatred: The Contribution of Mind Genomics

Howard Moskowitz and Martin Braun

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2022212

Messages for Giving to Education Causes: A Mind Genomics Cartography of Responses to Different Recipients

Howard Moskowitz and Hollis Belger

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2022211

Choosing a Banquet Hall: A Mind Genomics Cartography of the Ordinary

Howard Moskowitz, Ariola Harizi, Pnina Deitel, Martin Braun and Attila Gere

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2021112

Creating Micro Mind-Sets for Healthful Pasta: A Mind Genomics Cartography

Howard Moskowitz, Attila Gere, Kantha Shelke, Ariola Harizi, Batool Batalvi

Research Article – Mind Genom Stud Psychol Exp

DOI: 10.31038/MGSPE.2021111

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