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DOI: 10.31038/IJNM.2023413


Human entrance into a natural world evolves through an end facing next to something neither perceptible nor elucidated, as for all animate and inanimate surroundings. Sex difference ensures the individual’s continuation in a natural, audible, visible world. Love brings humans together, and a common interest or concern unifies them. More people join in matrimony, others remain allied without the official marriage document, or different amalgamated groups prefer physical and mental relations. Love remains a passionate attraction and a desire for someone, which can start a romantic relationship. A child develops in a climate offered by his biological parents, surrogate mother, or adoptive parents, with or without being relatives. No one can replace biological parents. Usually, their substitutes offer excessive affection, but sometimes it may be disapprovingly and adversely working. Biological parents recognize themselves as a part of their child’s thinking, action, and construction and readily accept and correct possible child’s genetic errors or mistakes. Still, the feelings of adoptive parents in such circumstances generate various effects that dissatisfy over a prolonged period. The child grows up; scientific, cultural, and social development depends on genetics, environmental characteristics, social networking, financial power, and ventures.

Human love is changeable over time; initial attraction and passion then convey affection for the child or nephew, making some parents feel differently. Many people experience loneliness sooner or later, even in their family, since diverse circumstances and various disorders modify the individual judgment. The deceptive ambiance and the impression of illusory feelings produce suffering in the heart and affect mental health. Pondering thoughts’ power to improve life quality and expectancy is necessary. In the digital era, no one can be alone. Other attractions can act concurrently through a bright existence. IT advancement put forward ideas of allure for choice. There is a variety of programs available online with the opportunity to watch on-demand-communications for fervour, relaxation, or instruction; instant connection with selected people, discussions, lectures of interest, movies, celeb paintings, games, and chosen musical programs according to personal preferences make an individual absorbed by other facts and the time to come back to the gloom-generating blue devils decreases. Another competitor for relaxing and improving well-being is walking. Nature expresses perfect creation; its soundness and colour harmony charm the individual. He takes great pleasure in watching the water flow, sun, and moon’s rays going over; the flowers’ scent and impressive trees surrounding produce enchantment. Physical exercise is a convenient tool for improving a person’s life quality and maintaining health, but it must be adjusted to the personal medical history and demographic data. We are assessing our beliefs and must accept the uncertain existence and its game that firms up the lifecycle as an unending night-day in seasons. All come in greatness and pass on. Reflecting more on the divine creation and selecting the procedures for peaceful moments in troubled times adds value to a better inner life. Contemplation on the beauty around, forgiveness, and kind-heartedness open the door through an individual sunny universe making shadows quietly end up.

Article Type

Short Commentary

Publication history

Received: February 28, 2023
Accepted: March 06, 2023
Published: March 10, 2023


Bistriceanu S (2023) Solitude Approach in the Digital Era. Integr J Nurs Med Volume 4(1): 1–1. DOI: 10.31038/IJNM.2023413

Corresponding author

Sofica Bistriceanu
Academic Medical Unit-CMI