A phenomenological Hamiltonian giving the equation of motion of a non relativistic charges that accelerates and radiates is quantized. To derive the decay time the physical parameters entering the calculations are obtained from the theory of the hydrogen atom; the agreement of the predicted value with the experiments is striking although the mathematics is very simple. The theory is applied to the harmonic Quantum oscillator of a Radiating Harmonically Multidimensional Scaling of a SMAR1-derived engineered P44 cyclotidomimic agonisitic novel chemo-hyperstructure as a dual targeted mechanistic pharmacoligand for the Stochastic Resonance and Synergetic activation of the NF-κB pathways and p53 tumor suppressor pathways.
Quantum Theory; Radiating Harmonically; Stochastic Resonance; Synergetics― Quantum Information Theory; Multidimensional Scaling; SMAR1-derived ;P44 peptide; tumor suppressor; p53.novel; chemo-hyperstructure; novel drug discovery; dual targeted; op53 and NF-κB pathways; p53 tumor suppressor pathway; engineered P44; cyclotidomimic; agonisitic; mechanistic pharmacoligand, Radiation Damping, Quantum Radiation, Phenomenological Hamiltonian