As the fundamental theory of quantum information science, recently I proposed the linguistic interpretation of quantum mechanics, which was characterized as the linguistic turn of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. This turn from physics to language does not only extend quantum theory to classical theory but also yield the quantum mechanical world view. Although the wave function collapse (or more generally, the post-measurement state) is prohibited in the linguistic interpretation, in this paper I show that the phenomenon like wave function collapse can be realized. That is, the projection postulate is completely clarified in the Linguistic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics in a combined molecular docking-based and pharmacophore-based target prediction Projection Postulate Approach strategy-derived peptide mimic promising pharmacophores.
Linguistic Interpretation; Quantum Mechanics; Projection Postulate Approach; molecular docking-based; pharmacophore-based; prediction strategy; probabilistic fusion method; ranking; anti-HIV-I P24-derived; peptide mimic; promising pharmacophores;