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DOI: 10.31038/IGOJ.2021443


Actually, COVID-19 is a risk for all human populations (men, women, children and adolescents), with medical, economic and social importance. So, we have as objectives in this manuscript to contribute to knowledge of the impact of this viral disease on the children and adolescents’ health.


Coronavirus, COVID-19, Pediatric infections, SARS Coronavirus 2, SARS-Co2


COVID-19 is a viral disease whose causative agent was identified in Wuhan-China, as a novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus2 (SARS-CoV-2) [1]. After, 15 April 2020, COVID-19 has caused more than two million confirmed cases and more than 128,000 deaths globally, including 82,295 confirmed cases and 3,342 deaths in China [2].

The Chinese government has locked Wuhan city, since 23 January 2020, and implemented a series of social distancing measures such as: strict traffic restrictions; prohibition of social gatherings, and closure of residential communities [3].

In [4] the authors have indicated:

1) That “the purpose of the review is to summarize the most relevant evidence of COVID-19 in children highlighting similarities and differences with adults.

2) As results and conclusions:

Of the 266 articles considered as relevant in that research, the authors have retrieved the following information:

“(i) Children were mainly family clusters of cases and have relatively milder clinical presentation compared with adults, and they were reported to have better outcomes with a significantly lower mortality rate; (ii) Studies determining why the manifestations of SARS-CoV.2 infection are so variable may help to gain a better understanding of the disease and to accelerate the vaccines and therapies.”

In [5] the authors have referred that: (i) “at present, SARSCoV-2 is still rampant in the world; (ii) Zhengzhou City in Henan Province serves as an example, 102 people have been confirmed to be infected with SARSCoV-2 (at 24:00 on February 5th, 2020), including three children, the youngest is 4 years old.”


  1. We think that it was here demonstrated that COVID-19 has an impact on children and adolescents.
  2. We hope that with the attention that is being given to this viral disease it is possible, in a short/medium time, to obtain
  3. More knowledge, concerning the virus, the treatment and the
  4. Vaccines, so that with this knowledge is possible a control of all viral variants circulating in the world.
  5. To combat COVID-19, it is necessary:

i)   To have persons specialized for the different types of combat;

ii)  The collaboration between countries at world level;

iii) The collaboration of the person, in general, for the execution of the rules established by health services of their countries;

iv)  The collaboration between different governmental services;

v)  The collaboration between different community services that have responsibility, in the context of public health, such as town halls, health centers and hospitals.

vi)  Staff working in crèches, have to be attentive for occurrence of signals and symptoms of COVID-19 in the children under its protection.


  1. Archived: WHO Timeline – COVID-19, 27 April 2020- World Health Organization. Novel coronavirus – China. Geneva, Switzerland: Word Health Organization httpps.// [2020-01-12]
  2. COVID-19 – Global Health, COVID-19: What you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic in 15 April.
  3. Wuham lockdown: a year of Chinas fight against the COVID pandemic – 22 January, Corona virus pandemic
  4. Perikleous E, Tsalkidis A, Bush A, Paraskakis E (2020) Coronavirus global pandemic: An overview of current findings among pediatric patients. Pediatric Pulmonology 1-16. [crossref]
  5. Li Y, Guo F, Cao Y, Li L, Guo Y (2020) Insight into COVID-2019 for pediatricians. Pediatric Pulmonology 55: E1-E4. [crossref]

Article Type

Review Article

Publication history

Received: December 16, 2021
Accepted: December 23, 2021
Published: December 27, 2021


Grácio MA (2021) COVID-19 and Its Impact on Health of Children and Adolescents: A Review. Integr Gyn Obstet J Volume 4(4): 1–2. DOI: 10.31038/IGOJ.2021443

Corresponding author

Maria A Grácio
Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
New University of Lisbon
Rua da Junqueira 100
1348-008 Lisbon