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DOI: 10.31038/JCRM.2021433


Context: To improve the life styles from the Cuban community context of family health is a reality linked with the medical sciences.

Objective: To characterize in adolescents from families consumers of alcohol in a community of health. This process embraced the period of September 2018 to June 2019. The qualitative methodology was used, with a descriptive and traverse study. The universe the 45 adolescents in families of studies, selected in an intentional way.

Methods: Observation, interview and revision of clinic history and the techniques were: test of family operation.

Results: It was evidence that toxic styles of life exist. The male sex was the more affected for 56% by alcoholic relatives. The most frequent causing lifestyles of family dysfunction were the daily ingestion of alcoholic drinks.

Conclusions: The families present difficulty in the family relations. The addiction to the alcohol is related with the tolerance and consumed by day that it generates in the life style from the family operation.


Alcoholism, Adolescent, Addiction, Family relations, Styles of life, Health


The family is the most important social group in any society, it is the place where the formation of the personality begins and where the affections are committed with the interactions among their members. The economic, biological, educational and satisfaction functions of affective and spiritual needs that the family group plays are of marked importance because, through them, values, beliefs, knowledge, criteria and judgments that determine the health of individuals and the collective are developed and its members; a disease such as alcoholism in one of its members affects the dynamics of this family group. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines alcoholism as a disease characterized by the excessive and frequent ingestion of alcoholic beverages whose consumption can cause the phenomena of tolerance and dependence that cause biological, psychological and social damage in the individual [1,2].

Alcoholism is a chronic disease that damages the organism, family and social functioning and can be a cause of violence, antisocial behavior, family disagreements, accidents and even homicides. The best places to avoid the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages are the family and the community, because there the individual must learn healthy lifestyles, among which the excessive consumption of alcohol does not enter. The addiction continues being a dysfunction caused by a substance able to produce dependence, the alcohol. In the medical sciences the health is defined as the state of beneath bio psychosocial and spiritual and not the absence of illnesses. The addiction continues to be a dysfunction caused by a substance able to produce dependence, the alcohol. In the medical sciences the health is defined as the state of bio psychosocial and spiritual and not the absence of illnesses. Adolescence is a stage of life between childhood and adulthood that is intimately related to both since many characteristics of the previous stages are present with other new ones evidenced until then. In adolescents, alcohol consumption is often associated with fun, self-determination, leisure and modernity and constitutes an element that gives status to their group of members, which makes it more difficult to eliminate them despite negative consequences derived from excessive consumption. For teenagers, among whom the most popular drug is alcohol, this is undoubtedly a dangerous drug with consequences that can endanger life; hence it is called drug porter and model [3-5].

Cuba, do not escape this problem. Research studies have been conducted where a significant number of adolescents are at risk of becoming alcoholics at some point in their adult lives; hence it was decided to conduct a study aimed at knowing if the functioning of the families of adolescents’ risk of alcoholism influences his behavior before this toxic. In such a sense thinks about the following scientific problem: How characteristic it presents the adolescents from families’ consumers of alcohol in a community of health? The general objective that thinks about is to characterize in adolescents from families consumers of alcohol in a community of health.


The families was carried out a descriptive study, traverse with adolescents from a context of community family health of the municipality Santa Clara, Cuba in the understood period of September 2018 to June 2019, with the objective to characterize in adolescents from families consumers of alcohol in a community of health. It was study object a universe constituted by 45 adolescents and families of studies, selected in an intentional way. Methods of the theoretical level: Analytic synthetic: It facilitated the interpretation of the texts and to establish the corresponding generalizations. Inductive-deductive: facilitated to go of the peculiar to the general thing in each one of the analyses carried out in the theoretical study. Generalization: It allowed the establishment of the regularities that showed in the carried out study.

Empiric Level

Revision of Family Records

It constitutes a legal document, doctor and official zed of great personal and acquisitive value, to be registered the entire relative one prior to the clinical history of the family, gathering and obtaining more reliable and richer information for the investigation.

Clinic History

It is applied with the objective of measuring the indicators that influence teen alcohol consumption.

Test of Family Operation

It is applied with the objective of measuring the level and incidence of some determinant of the health in the context of the family, talkative relationships and life styles.

Inclusion Approaches

I. Adolescents with families’ consumers of alcohol.

II. That they resided in the area of chosen health.

Exclusion Approaches

III. Families that emigrate of their residence place during the study.

Exit Approaches

IV. Adolescents and families that abandon the investigation voluntarily.

Statistical Analysis

The information was stored in a file of data in SPSS version 12.0 and it is presented in statistical chart; for the description it was calculated with the method statistic of Fisher.

The absolute and relative frequencies were determined. For the analysis of the qualitative variables, the X² statistic was used to determine the independence between factors and for goodness of fit with a level of significance α = 0.05; there are significant differences when ρ<0.05 and not significant when ρ>0.05.


Chart 1 refers to indicators according to behavior and sex, where it was appreciated that the most common reason was the group contagion given in a typical camaraderie code of this psychological age represented by depression (97,6%), followed by the presence of frustration feeling (75,6%) and undervaluation with 70,7%.

Chart 1: Distribution of adolescents according to indicators of behavior and sex

Indicators of the behavior in adolescents






% No. % No.




91,6 29 100,0 40


Frustration feeling


75,0 22 75,9 31




66,7 21 72,4 29


low self-esteem


66,7 20 68,7 28




41,7 14 48,3 19


Group imitation

3 7,3 3


Source: Clinic history

It is important to highlight that adolescents who feel depressed have a high probability of consuming alcohol as aversive way, which was reflected in the present work, where 68,3% of the subjects admitted that they had done it for causes of low self-esteem.


Among the students surveyed, an average age of 13 years was observed, with a greater predominance for males, which coincides with other studies related to psycho-affective and social disorders in adolescents with alcoholic relatives. These results can be justified because at this stage of life adolescents feel invulnerable and assume omnipotent behaviors, almost always generators of risk; In turn, the school group in which it operates has great influence and its behavior will be highly influenced by the opinion of the same when making decisions and undertaking a task. The group constitutes a way of transmitting norms, behaviors and values that, on occasions, is more influential than the family itself. In such a sense the members of the family should contribute with appropriate attitudes to the improvement of an effective communication that allows a dynamic and systematic. The majority of adolescents presented several situations prone to consume alcoholic beverages, which justifies inadequate coping styles that adversely affect family functioning and their integral health. Family arguments and domestic violence are an impediment to the adolescent’s training and, at the same time, situations that tend to give the adolescent a risk behavior when faced with alcohol consumption. In many cases one of the members of the family was a consumer of alcohol, which is a factor that triggers stress and changes in family functioning. Similar results were found when reviewing the studies of several authors in the country that consider alcoholism, together with conflicts in the family nucleus, as a risk factor of considerable value for families to lose their structural and functional stability. Great social impact has the fact that adolescents are deformed in their behavior, caused by the family environment, it was shown that the ingestion of alcoholic beverages is an important factor causing family dysfunction [6-12].

For the majority of adolescents alcoholism is not a disease, only a low percentage of them recognize it that way, so the little perception of risk that the studied patients present is worrisome, although most of them see it as a drug, a vice, a dependency and a bad habit; It is alarming that many of the adolescents see it as a way to share with friends, as a feature of manhood and as a pleasure, all linked to the risk factors present in these families. In adolescents, alcohol consumption is often associated with self-determination, fun, leisure and modernity and constitutes an element that gives status to their group of members, which makes it more difficult to eliminate them despite the consequences negative consequences of excessive consumption and not to consider it as a scourge that harms human values. Many authors have studied the family dynamics in the home of origin of the alcoholic and point out the coincidence of several alterations when they characterize the children and adolescents who live with these patients. Many of the children who have behavioral difficulties grow up in an inadequate family environment and learn to survive, although not to thrive. Children raised in such circumstances arrive at school without possessing experience, nor the necessary aptitude for a methodical instruction and they do little in school [13,14].


Keeping in mind the individual values and the reference group to that belong, for what becomes necessary to carry out strategies educative that allow a well-being bio psychosocial and spiritual to these adolescents coming from families dysfunctional. Although these adolescents come from families dysfunctional he biggest percent they are independent, this can be associated to that the adolescence is a stage difficult of the development where the independence can be favored, the freedom in the taking of decisions or the imitation to the adults from the family operation. By way of conclusion according to like the internal and external conditions are developed starting from the interaction with the diverse subjective configurations from the family context. The families present difficulty in the family relations. The addiction to the alcohol is related with the tolerance and consumed by day that it generates in the life style.

Conflict of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest


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Article Type

Review Article

Publication history

Received: December 23, 2021
Accepted: December 29, 2021
Published: December 31, 2021


Álvarez JC, Fariña Gutiérrez SH, Casas IM (2021) Characterization in Adolescent from Families’ Consumers of Alcohol in a Community of Health. J Clin Res Med Volume 4(3): 1–3. DOI: 10.31038/JCRM.2021433

Corresponding author

Jesús Cuéllar Álvarez
Department of Mental Health
Policlinic “José Ramón León Acosta”